Hoya Collection, Spring 2021

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[Music] hi everybody my name is nancy leaf and you're watching my youtube channel fog and fern so today i'm bringing you a video on my hoya collection and i have a few notes um so i have i think 14 hoya one thing i didn't do is count but anyway i guess that's not totally necessary so i think you know just to start off um i love hoya i only started getting into them last year i didn't even really know what a hoya was um but even before i got into hoya i had a hoya i didn't realize what kind of a plant it was i saw it at i think it was holland nursery and i was like oh that's a really cool plant why is it a little bit more expensive than other plants around it for the same size like i was very new well i was it was unknown to me what a holier was so my first hoya is the hoya carnosa just a plain hoya and you see here i have it in a ceramic pot i often decorate my hoya or my planks and so here is a little jade um bear canadian jade i got it when i lived in alberta i um went to banff and um got this little jade bear i was soon about to move back to newfoundland and i wanted something to remind me of this beautiful gem store they have in banff uh so anyway i got this and it's on again canadianj so anyway i just like rocks too so this is my hoya carnosa just a plain carnosa i actually quite love hoya carnosa um i find that most hoya lovers are either not to set up a duality or anything but i find most hoya lovers are either really into just the foliage or they're super into getting their hoya to flower myself i am pretty plain jane i like most my plants green i only have several plants that are variated um in general and that goes for my hoya but anyway i really like the foliage on the hoya plant that's also nicknamed the wax plant and since since we're talking about the foliage i figured i mentioned that um these leaves and most hoya leaves are thick and waxy they're kind of succulent looking and that tells you a little bit about the care um that i'm going to get into but i'll just show you off my hoya kernels i got this in 2019 i believe which is crazy because yeah it's a few years old now and it has always lived in this pot um i'll tell you a little bit more about pot situations later so that's that one um i won't do them in the order that i got them because i just can't remember that but here is another one here this one is my hoya lisa hoya astralis lisa so as you see there are some new growths the new growths for the variegated plants come in pink red just these kinds of colors and as the leaf matures it will fade to the um men the the variegated color that's meant to be so creamy white usually off-white so it's really cute and yeah so the variation is quite stunning on this plant as you can see [Music] i don't know if i can help out my camera okay and so since i've talked about the hoya astralis lisa why don't i show you go back here where i've got another wall of hoya this is my hoya astralis just the plain hoya astralis it has i don't know if i can get it all in here look how wild it is all new these are too gross i actually cut off broke off a um a vine last night i'm very upset about it um what happened was i was just sizing up how the plant would look it was on a hoop because i obviously need to do something with this um and i cracked off one of the vines i was so upset so um yeah but this is um how the plant looks it's a really fast grower obviously um it gets i keep this in my southern facing window you can't really see maybe on the camera right now it's fading a little bit but it's on some of the leaves it's sun stressed so what that means is that it gets um a lot of sun strong sun which hoya really like sun stress is not a bad thing for hoya um i people have asked me that before it's just the plant is has gotten a lot of sun and it and it gets you know bronzy looking leaves um usually um ready toned leaves when it's sunstressed and i think it's quite beautiful so um yeah this guy likes water as does the lisa what i'm all plants like water of course duh but i find these are heavy drinkers but like i'll get into the watering in a few minutes you have to be very careful when you water your hoya because it's easy to over water them so but i find that this guy's a little bit more juicier than most and you know it it's gonna be more thirsty just because it's so big it's wild this one is in a ceramic pot as well you'll see there's a theme in my pots you'll notice so that's the australis and the australis lisa um this one isn't terracotta which i'll talk about in a little while so what i have next is my hoya um carnosa hindu rope this is just the jaws just a plain ver uh green um version there is also there's a couple of others that i know about probably more um that have variegated patterns so one is like has an elbow variegated pattern which elbow means it is white variegated white variegated on the outside of the rim and green on the inside then there's another hoya that is variegated but i can't remember the name of it right now but it has a different variegation pattern so it has yellowy variegation on the inside of the plant i believe or is it green and yellow on the outside i don't know sorry i don't know everything about hoya so check that out uh you might want to look up that online yourself there's a very cool um you know hindu rope plants not for everybody i quite like them um yeah so this guy's in terracotta um it needs you know very bright indirect light which i'll get into a little bit more when i get to the care if i don't stop talking about it before that this is a hoya kentiana so hoya kentiana i've had a you know you can just see like the leaves are elongated when this one gets sun stressed it's really cool it it has been sun stress you can see at the top of the plant maybe i don't know but it's a little bit bronzy um and the outside of the leaves like the trim turns like dark which is a cool contrast because the rest of the leaf is a little lighter green i really like that i've had a rough time with this plant since i've got it to be honest um it's doing really well now because i've given it sufficient light and i know how to water my hoya better now but i lost quite a lot of leaves on this so it has sprouted one two three four five six seven uh at least seven leaves which is kind of strange usually popped up in twos off the stem but um yeah so that's really good because i was losing this plant i i didn't have high hopes for this plant this one as you see is also in terra cotta next i have my hoya chapardi eye um this one is very interesting um i quite like it it has i like it uh a lot because of how unkempt it looks it's pretty wild looking right there's no rhyme or reason to this plant i think it's nicknamed the the string bean plant i can see why right my planes are a little bit dusty [Music] i'm gonna clean them up but anyway um yeah the growth has been slow on this one because like the cantiana i've had a rough time with it i did recently re repot it transfer it to a plastic pot since i've done that it's it's grown a lot better or it seems to be in better health so i'm hoping now this summer i will get more growth from it um yeah so it's really cool leaves are very succulent-y which again tells you a lot about this plant it holds a lot of water in its leaves um so that's the chef already eye i also have here this one is in my it's hanging pot because i took it from where it was hanging up upstairs in my bedroom this i don't know if you can see it see the variation it's dusty it's all heck some of the leaves there's some new ones and they're super shiny really cool i want to show you those look at that beautiful so this is a hoyapuba calyx uh royal hawaiian purple um i don't know too much about the flowers because i haven't really had enough hoya for long enough to have many flowers come out but this one apparently has beautiful purple uh flowers when they bloom um it's it gets you know a good amount of sun it where i have it in my bedroom right by the window hung right by the window and so because of that it has nice it's very splashy much like the hoya carnosa um is splashy as well and so yeah it's really cute when the when the leaves grow new on this plant they're purple which is just so beautiful look at a dark rich burgundy wine purple kind of color very beautiful i quite like this plant a lot it has a beautiful form you know it just sort of like goes to the side like that i just think its form is beautiful so glad i got that kind it's one of my top points that i have in terms of my favorite this one is a hoya carry eye vine so first thing i want to say with this plant there's a lot of things i want to say about this plan but first things first this is a an extremely slow grower mine has not grown one bit for me and i've had it since last uh mid-summer so mid-summer 2020. um it hasn't grown one peck now i do have it in a rather large terracotta pot this is a i think it's like a six inch anyway um i don't have good luck i've been trying to save this in the video but i might as well say it now i don't have good luck with hoya in terracotta i just don't i'm kind of an underwaterer by nature a little bit more conservative on my watering so having plants like hoya which are very sensitive to over watering in terra cotta is good for over waterers people who tend to overwater their plants not me um because the terra cotta will wick away the excess moisture in the soil because it's clay um so if you're an underwater er like myself your plants probably not gonna have much excess water so you know and i'm just too nervous to pour a pile of water uh into this pot i used to have the carry eye variegated um plant i killed it because i over watered it it was the same size as this plant put in the same size terra cotta and both got bright direct sun for months and uh well pretty well direct sun directs on early morning morning sun and it didn't grow it didn't grow actually as a lie it grew one leaf it fell off i couldn't keep it but anyway i over watered it because i was like maybe if it had more water it would grow and the leaves start dropping then it got a fungal issue and just kicked the bucket on me i was very upset wasn't the cheap plant i really liked it it was actually one of my husband's favorites so anyway what i'm trying to say to you is this plant i believe is very sensitive to over watering most of that being because look at the leaves they're large like this is my hand i have a small hand for sure but look at the leaves right um they're large and they're super firm super succulenty like so you you you it holds a lot of water um it's kind of hard to tell when this plant wants water i just keep a close eye and start to notice like if the plant looks a little bit wither withered looking in the in the heart shaped leaves then that's when i will start to to give it a little bit of water um i have it right now in the best one of the best seats in the house so it gets uh east uh south and west light so i'm hoping i've had it there for probably maybe a month i'm hoping now this summer it might get a bit of growth but i have heard i've done some research on this plant and i have heard that it can take like two years for this plant to grow so it's a very slow growing plant by nature i believe and i also have it in quite a large pot the reason why i put it in such a large pot is because the root system was huge i couldn't fit the plant in a smaller pot than this so it's going to take a lot of time for the root system i i think to fill up the pot and hoyas grow best when they're tight in their pot so we will see it's been in this pot now for almost a full year this summer it will be but i will be surprised if i keep this plant in a terracotta pot for much longer because i've just had like i said better luck with plants in plastic nursery pots as opposed to terra cotta but i'm just afraid to do anything to it because i'm afraid to kill it i mean i had to get this plant shipped to be at a province i haven't really seen the plain green vine it could be mistaken maybe it's been a gay's seed maybe once i know the the variegated one was but anyway so another thing that i want to mention about this plant is that you can buy often uh the just one little heart and it's it's like the sweet heart hoya i think it's commonly referred to when it's sold in that way be careful because people buy that and they think that they're going to get a vine you most likely won't get a vine the only way you will is if there was a node attached and a node is just this blue natural join here where leaves come out right so this is a node oftentimes like you look how long this petiole is here so oftentimes there's not a node included which means the heart is going to die because it doesn't have a node all plants need nodes to continue to grow new leaves so i have heard that people's sweetheart hoya like their little hearts in the cup has grown but you know it's going to take years maybe for it to grow and it's only by chance if the person who put it in the pot included a node so i just really want you to know that because i actually had somebody ask me that um just recently and so i i let her know right so be very aware of that i mean there's nothing wrong with like buying this plant uh just to have the little little heart i think it's really cute and it'd be really cute like you know valentine's day to give somebody um but you know just just remember just be aware of what you're buying and i hope that this you know me including this in this video helps with that for people who don't know that so i spoke a lot about the carry eye but it's important to information to know about this plant it's a tricky plant in my experience so the next hoya i have to show is my crimson princess i quite like this uh plant it's in plastic it lives in my bathroom upstairs it's growing a lovely vine which is green so i'm saying that because this when you have this happen on a variegated plant like a stem put out only green it's never going to put out variegation again so like some people want their plants being totally variegated i i get it i guess but for myself i like the contrast between the dark green and it's really nice and shiny to the variegated pieces so i'm quite i'm quite happy with this it's also growing a vine variegated so i think that's really pretty so as long as you're your variegated plant is putting out some variation your plant is going to continue to produce variegation if you ever get a hoya that has an all white leaf and if it continues to pour out all white leaves like it's it's okay but it's gonna those leaves are gonna die they don't have any chlorophyll in the leaves chlorophyll is green chlorophyll is the plant's food and all the food is made and stored uh in the leaves and it just goes through the rest of the plant to feed it so obviously an elbow all white leaf is there's no food so that's going to die and your vine that produces all of those types of full white leaves is going to also die but the way i look at it it's a variation on your variegated plant so as long as you've got some green on your plant you are going to be fine so anyway the crimson princess it's really pretty i don't know if it will pick this up on the camera it's very dreary out we're having a ton of rain right now here in newfoundland but so it makes stuff pretty dark but here it has a pink vine which is really cool really cool and it has a pink vine on the variegated portion of the plant so i don't know if that's um partial to if the pink vine is partial to the variegated pieces but anyway i think that's really cool so you'll there's a difference between of course the crimson princess and the crimson queen which i have behind me and i'll show in a second um so the crimson princess will have variegation apparently that's how it goes she wears her her crown the white uh inside right her leaf right and the green is it edges the plant the leaf so that's how she wears her crown okay and the queen wears it differently which i will show in a second because that's the plant i'm going to show next but in order to do that i have to move maybe this because uh my queen is large which i love it's my largest toyota i bought it very large i wanted a large toya and the market today it's you know most of the hoyas you buy excuse me are small they're cuttings which is totally cool um it's nice to have uh different scales of plants in your homes not everybody has ton of space for big monster plants large mature plants but i really like to have a variety of sizes in my home um and i didn't have a large hoya i have some like medium-sized hoyas i think right now like my carnosa is medium-sized my crimson is getting there my crimson princess they're getting there and i have like a few small ones so like you know it's kind of nice um maestrous is getting to be a large plant so i'm going to show you my queen my hoya crimson queen now she's in a large pot she's not this big she's in a plastic pot put in this black pot and uh yeah so you know she's not this big i'll just show you see okay so i have her in this why don't i take her out of this plastic or this uh metal pot so i can show her a little bit easier okay so she's quite large she's in a 10-inch pot i mean that's large for la jolla in my experience i got this beauty at gay seeds downtown uh in downtown st john's that is um so they at times bring in large hoya so when they do i check it out i see if there's one that i want and i bought two large hoya from there um you know in the past year and they are some of my favorites so this is the queen she's absolutely stunning we are carnosa crimson queen so the princess is also hoya carnosa just the uh the different uh species of the genus so subspecies so you'll see here that i do have i don't know where it is okay some down here right a fully white leaf and there's another one there two is two but if you notice on that i have her wrapped up a little bit to be honest because i she's long not ready to cut her yet you'll notice that there is green on the leaves on this stem so that's great meaning you know i've got some full white leaves but i also have like green that come right after it so this this stem is producing high variegation to the point that some of the leaves are completely white but i still have green like that's ideal that's so so lovely to me um she's getting she's getting some long vines uh with hoya you'll notice there's a couple of my hoya that have long vines like my astralis lisa this one my carnosa is actually growing long lines so this is what the plant does when it's shooting out new growth never cut these off because people find them kind of unsightly this is the plant growing about to produce new growth so and this is where the flowers also grow from so you don't want to cut these off this is these are juvenile vines and so if you look really close you'll see nodes and i don't know it won't pick it up maybe but there's tiny little leaves on these so that's what they're there for so don't cut them off and yeah so with the queen the difference between that crimson princess and the crimson queen so on those um variegated vines you will see just like the the princess i don't know if you can see it in here nope no maybe maybe the stems are pink can't see it that's okay they're pink the petioles are pink i should say and um the queen wears her crown the white on the edge of the leaf opposite to the crimson princess who wears her crown the white on the inside of the leaf so that's the difference to me if i had to choose a favorite between the princess and the queen which is difficult to do i would choose the queen i think that this is my favorite hoya that's hard to say my favorite hoya that i have that's really hard to say um but i think she is just so classic right so classic looking to me beautiful leaves i love the carnosa shape leaf um it's just stunning and not just because she's large not just because she's large i had a small queen and to me that's how i knew that i wanted a large one because it was my favorite hoya that i had and it's readily available which is also a plus getting more readily available and you know i knew it would be stunning as a large plant and that's why i wanted to buy this one large because i would love to have this plant grow grow grow grow grow and maybe one day replace my eyes i don't know because my ivy is like my pride and joy as well so anyway this is the queen now i'll just mention this because i have one here this is an air plant and i just pop it in with my hoya i don't know i just you can't really see it there now but i find they're just like little buddies you know this has some of the ways that i accessorize my plants i put small air plants in them i put little gemstones or little figurines in my plants just you know a little little idea i won't put this queen back there because it's difficult to put her back there right now so i'll just stick her over here you know put her in there a little bit okay next after this i'm going to count my hoya but so the next one i have oh is my hoya curtsy eye i love her she is so pretty look at those little tiny round leaves they are so thick they're very they actually they're really hard as well which is cool um it's another thing i should mention when your hoya is properly hydrated um the leaves are firm that's one way you can tell that your hoya is properly hydrated and getting good light and it's a happy hoya okay um but i'll speak more to that stuff when i talk about the care it's getting long so i'm hurrying um this has slight variegation in the leaves i do have it in my self-facing window so it's grown quite a bit i've got this since last year most of these toys i've had i got in 2020 which is crazy because there's a lot of plants but i went hoya crazy and i bought a lot like a lot of us here in newfoundland we're all hoya crazy come on you know you know anyway super nice this one apparently is sensitive to over watering i do have it in plastic so i stick my finger down um my best tool i have for planting is my finger and i stick my finger down and if my finger is really dry when it comes out and the soil is sort of like you know i don't feel any moisture she needs a drink okay and yeah so i never really water my way out until water runs under the bottom i don't know maybe you should but i am also like i said an underwater by to a fault sometimes maybe but i just have a hard time just dousing my plants in in water especially so you get the idea about this plant i also have a little buddy with this one another type of air plant just love it it's wild and crazy it adds like really cool texture [Music] so that's this plant then next i have i only have one more hoya after this and so this one here is my bella so i have this one in plastic but it's put in a pot a decorative pot so i'll just take it out and yeah so i really love this is another one of my top favorite hoya like by far so i just love the cuteness of the leaves they're so mini they're so they're so nice nice texture i can't wait till this gets to be a very full head i've this is two hoya plants so i bought a few slips off a lady um in town just in one of the groups that i'm in local plant swap and buy groups and then the other one came from gays which actually came from faith green houses uh who sold their plants at gays last year and i i happened to get one it did flower for me once it was really pretty it was my very first time seeing a hoya bloom so i was out of my mind anyway i like love this one i love it i just love its beautiful leaves love it they're very thick like a lot of like i said hoya leaves are i just love them she's a good grower fast and likes water quite a bit i find this one likes water you know on the same level as the australis does and the astralis lisa so i give this one a good amount of water lots of times i'll just stick it in a bright sun at the end of my table just to keep the growth going uh so that's my la jolla bella and finally i'm going to show you my last hoya which i love this one is also a larger it doesn't maybe not look like it right now i but it actually came the same size of 10 inch pot as the um hoya crimson queen but i to me it was um i didn't like how spread out the hoya was it kind of freaked me out there's a lot of soil for the shallow root system this plant has so i i took it out um i was really nervous to do that but i had it for a few days the soil was not drying out i was very scared that this plant would die from root rot so i took it out and i put it in this cement or this uh ceramic pot and it's really loving life i've had a lot of growth since then it sits in a east southwest facing window look at the bloom look at that guys you have no idea how beautiful this is um it smells heavenly it's so so beautiful just lightly fragrant so pretty almost like a jasmine kind of smell so beautiful so pretty the difference between hoya blooms um rory over two sublums and many other blooms uh on the hoya plants is that they'll just get sparse bloom so they get one here maybe they'll get another one over here one over here different than the other hoyas where they have a cluster like a bunch and they all flower and they're all on a peduncle well these just have one bloom and they're spursed all over the plant when they bloom so this is the first time this this hoya has bloomed for me and i'm out of my mind because it is literally like my second favorite hoya that i have after the crimson queen it's very hard some days this might actually be my favorite favorite and the crimson queen would be my second favorite i don't know it's really hard but i absolutely love this plant it's so different it's not everybody's cup of tea i understand that but to me it's just so different looking um and it adds a lot of different like a lot of visual interest to your plants um these leaves are a little waxy as well like they all are and they they actually i think i heard a nickname of like frog toe well if you can see this little one at the end here of the leaf there's like a little divot i don't know if you can see it anyway it's like a frog's toe so it kind of goes like this or something at the end it's it's really cool it's just so cool i am i'm in love with this plant it likes water i find it's a bit heavier in the water but again it could be because it's one of my larger plants so anyway i adore it this is another air plant that i have this one it's just like a little almost like a little bow oh i'm cute i'm cute so yeah love her and that is all of my hoya so did you see a hoya here in this list that you haven't seen before um or would like let me know do you have any of the hoya that i have let me know i would love to know and you know i wanted to ask as well what's your dream hoya like maybe you have maybe you're a prolific hoya collector we have many many many hoya um i think i have like 14. i said i was gonna count and i will but um you know maybe you're like i said a prolific hoya collector but if you are and you've got tons what's the next one you want to get i would love to know um i like to chat with people who know much more about hoya than i do they always know the next big hoya the next rare hoya because as you know you know as the as the plant mark it gets more and more saturated plants that were difficult for us to get here before are becoming more common like the hindu rope like gastralis lisa right um you never would see those here before 2020 at least in my experience and so yeah like what's your favorite hoya that you want to get um for me my most favorite hoya i want to get next is hoya linearis it is a beautiful hoya you should check it out look it up it's a lot like the vertusa in the sense that it looks grassy kind of and it has cascades down like thin little succulently leaves love it want one very difficult to find but i am sourcing one right now and i can't wait to get it i'm gonna purchase it and yeah that i would love that one and i think another one i would like would be the hindu rope but elbow varrigata i don't know i it's not everybody's cup of tea but i love that classic white variegation on the outside of the leaf and the hoya carnos is very crinkly so that that white bee is just stunning um in that form to me so yeah that's the two boys i would like to get next so i also yeah wanna talk about just quickly the care so the more sun you give these plants the better they like to you know i try to keep a lot of my hoya down here in my great room with myself facing west facing east facing windows so that in total corner of the house that gets all of that light this one's the kernel so that's about eight feet uh 10 feet away from my east facing window and probably 16 to 18 feet away from my south and west facing window and it's growing lovely and it has a lot of variegated splash on it so you know that when the splash is really prominent you're getting a lot of sun by the way don't scrape these off like i did tried to do when i first got this plant that's how much i knew about hoi i tried to scrape it off because i thought there was something wrong with my plant but i soon found out that no that's actually part of the plant's appearance so yeah try to keep them in supe you know good light exposure uh so they can take direct sun they will get sun stressed it's okay if your leaves ever dry up and get very papery um that's a sign that you know it's either this is confusing underwater or over watered it's been my experience that hoyas look the same when they're underwatered or over watered one way you can tell if they are over watered is if you lift your plant up and it's still heavy there's a lot of water in the soil therefore your plant is over watered what i have done is i have taken my hoya out of the pot put it in a jar of water i know that sounds counterintuitive but it does work leave your plant in the water until the leaves begin to become firm again the plant is restored you can put it back into soil um and if you're putting your plants in soil i have all my plants in soil i haven't done any lecka at this point so or hydroponic plants so but it's ready to go back in the soil at that point um if it's underwater again right the leaves are going to look the same they're soft you can you can um when it comes to like a shepherd a shepherd eye you could bend the leaves like you know bend them in half kind of deal they're very malleable you know that's it again it might be underwater or over water but if you lift your pot and your pot is uber light and the soil is wicked dry it's underwater and so you can take it out put it in a jar of water do the same thing wait until depending on the state of the plant it will you know determine when the plant firms up again but put it in the water until the plant firms up again it gets hard and you can't bend the leaves as well then and they don't look papery and withery and then you put them back in the soil if you if you have them in soil they will be fine again and then i've had to do that like two or three maybe twice with some of my plants i think i had to do it twice with my shepherd eye and um my quentiana so like it's okay i it takes a lot to get used to the watering with hoya i find your house your lighting your humidity is all going to play a part in there but the best tool this guy i stick my fingers down in the soil when it's when it's not bone bone dry but it's like mostly dry it's the best i could say um so the soil is not stuck to my finger and i don't detect much moisture at all down there like super like if any that's when i will water and it's okay to let your plant get to the point where it's uh you know very dried out but don't leave it super dried out for too long because then you will get the underwatering um effect so i hope that helps with the watering situation the next thing i'd like to talk about in terms of care is um pots again i mentioned this i'll just quickly mention this now is that i i find that my hoya do better in plastic pots and glazed ceramic pots or ceramic pots in general i think all minor glaze even those terra cotta looking color ones back there they look like they're terracotta but it's they're not that's just the color of the pot like the one that the virtusa and the astralis had so but i have this one here like my carnosa like i showed you is in glazed ceramic and honestly it is probably the best pot that i've had a hoya in that you know the plant has grown the best and it doesn't even have optimal lighting conditions it's good it's a very bright direct light but like i mentioned it's a good distance away from my hottest windows and even from my eastern facing window so you know eight and ten feet away from those windows or eight and fifteen sixteen feet away from those windows growing awesome i have had it for longer sure but and roots probably have dispersed more into the pot right now and yeah so that probably has something to do with it but i've always found that this plant has grown well in this pot and i have just never moved it that's another thing to know about hoya keep them in their pots forever once you start to get your hoya starting to grow uh and it's enjoying its pot it's enjoying the care that you're giving it don't change anything if you can i am famous for moving around my plants but i'm getting better at moving in to places where i know like for hoya for example they're going to do better so very bright very bright indirect light some direct light and i know what rooms give me that lighting exposure and humidity um so yeah they do enjoy humidity but just know if you're putting them in a humid environment the soil won't dry out as fast so you know take care into determining when your plant needs to be watered as opposed to some of the plants i have right in front of my direct uh light situation southern facing western facing window those plants dry out quicker i'm watering them more and they grow faster and they're more sun stressed and so they can take that they can take a bit more water so that's you're always balancing that not just with oil but with any plant that you have in terms of water ratio to sun high sun plants dries out quicker even you know all plants would right um and then lower lighting situations and more humidity yeah they're gonna they're gonna dry out slower so always remember that um yeah and then so yeah again i'm i'm still haven't switched out all of my plants that have terra cotta i will i keep saying i will i just becoming very slow at that um you can fertilize these plants of course i use forgive me the prices on this this is miracle grow it's actual orchid orchid plant food mix and you can get this anywhere in garden stores i got this at gays i believe and um yeah so you spray it on your plants in the growing season or whenever your hoya is growing when your plants grow they need food to support their growth and continue to feed them so when you're like it's early spring right now but several of my hoya are taking off i am feeding them with this once a week i do it i don't know if this is correct or not but i find it's fine for me i water them then i fertilize them i just spray this all over their leaves and give them a healthy dose of this um and they take off so in the summer summer so i said that is doing this once a week right now actually i'm not this i would do this at this time in the year maybe once every two weeks three weeks once the summer kicks in and they're getting a lot of hot heat and they are taking off and growing growing growing you can do this every week with these so just know that now one more thing i wanted to talk about was propagation so this is the vine that i cracked off bad plant mama so [Music] i don't know if you can see i i knew i could never get this to work anyway so here's a node that's all you really need to know i put i'm water popping this one so and i as far as i've known everyone that i've ever watched propagate they probably get them in water so you just need to know this is fairly long but i'm going to start with this because you know what if it doesn't take then i can go up the next node so it gives me a few tries right because i i haven't really had much experience propagating hoya my fingers are sticky right now so you'll notice when you cut a hoya or break off a piece of hoya there's going to be a sticky waxy film come out and that's just you know the plant's juice hoyas are non-toxic so you don't have to worry about that but you you might sort of irritate your hands and so you want to wash that so i'm going to wait till roots come out of this note sometimes roots actually come out of the ends of the stem as well i have with my hoya bella roots came out of the nose but they came in at the bottom of the stems which blew my mind so i'm going to be aware of that this you know might take two or three weeks maybe even longer for the roots to form and i always want to wait for roots to be you know two inches about that before i put back in soil but i'm going to pop that one back in my my australis when it um grows enough roots to do so and so yeah how about i actually look at how many hoya i have here right now so i'll probably mess up one two three four five six seven eight do that again one two three four five six seven eight nine ten eleven twelve thirteen hmm i thought i have fourteen i might be missing one but no i actually i i have sold some as well yeah so it could be that it's got me thinking now how about i count one more time that's why i do this okay so i'm starting with the australis lisa one two three four five six seven eight eight on that table that tray nine ten eleven twelve thirteen no boy i got thirteen what fine enough to me i don't need a gigantic amount of um it's crazy but i'm actually trying to be a bit more minimal with my plants i've been selling some i know it's crazy but that's what i'm doing i'm trying to just be a little bit more minimal some of my plants are getting quite large and i don't want to be overwhelmed with plants some people they love that jungle look i actually quite like it in when i see it in other people's houses but for me i get a little bit overwhelmed with the jungle oh look in my own home so um yeah i'm trying to thin the herd call the herd so that's my hoya video i hope you all had a you know enjoyable time listening to it and if you have any questions uh please leave me a comment below if you haven't subscribed already and you want to see more content coming out please do i would so appreciate it and thank you so much to everybody who has subscribed like my videos commented my videos there's been people who share my videos like i appreciate that beyond thanks a million um really helps my channel out and so you know please continue to do so um if you don't mind i really want to see this channel grow and you know entertain people and yeah so yeah let me know again if you have what your favorite hoyas were that maybe you saw here if you learned something new if if you actually have to correct me on something please let me know i'm totally cool with that um and any of you prolific hoya collectors out there what's your what's the new hoya that you want to get um or what's your wishlist hoyas i shared mine and yeah share something with me hoya like blah blah blah anyway this video is super long and i'm gonna go my voice is tired and i might get outside today and do some planting but that's not happening right now at this moment because it is hardcore raining out there boo maybe i'll water some hoyas instead and wait for the rain to let up a little bit anyway i'm just rambling now thanks again um and i hope to see you in my next video [Music] bye you
Channel: Fog & Fern
Views: 6,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: EIdeXxnqjSo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 0sec (3180 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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