How you can make a T-shirt design in ProCreate Today!!!

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[Music] hey welcome out what's up guys i've missed you i'm sure you've missed me today we're doing a tutorial about how you can design a t-shirt and procreate right now you have the ability to do this i'm gonna work with you we're gonna work together it's gonna be fun we're gonna have a great time and i'm stoked for this first thing you gotta have an ipad you gotta have a saucy little apple pencil they work like a dream together but specifically together and you got to have procreate we're going to hop right in boom hit that procreate app get right in there i am going to make a new document it is gonna and this is kind of my standard size that i use it's just three four five six uh by five one eight four pixels it's a it's a very large document i do that because i want the uh i want all my brushes and i want the design to just be as crisp and savory as possible so here we go i'm going to slap that bad boy boom we got a brand new spanking beautiful document this t-shirt design i was thinking i was thinking you know it's halloween season currently uh we got to do a skull you know we got to do a skull maybe a dagger i got all these daggers floating around next to me so you kind of gotta do that uh and we're gonna just piece them together and i think it's gonna be really sick i wanna do this design on a black shirt so first things first i'm gonna give us a black background gonna jump on over here just slap a little black color on there that's freaking sick uh and and so i'm gonna design it in white let me also grab white and we got we got a little pencil that should be good i went on google earlier i looked up some skull references because this is kind of the point of this video is i want you to feel like you can start designing a t-shirt today even if you're not the greatest artist ever maybe this is your first time opening procreate and starting to draw i want you to be able to jump into this and feel like yo it's you're you're capable of doing this so found some references let's go and hit a little uh wrench tool and we're going to insert a photo so i'm just going to crop this down how i crop in and procreate as i just pull it down to the edge and then turn it on and on you use a little arrow guy and scale this up to the size that i kind of want it to be and that's that seems like a good size i might even just straight squeeze it a little bit because i want it a little more narrow and i dig it i dig that skull and i'm gonna slap him right in the middle go over to its layer hit the little n and uh it gives you the ability whoa gives you the ability to uh change the opacity you mess with blend modes as well but uh yeah i'm gonna pull the opacity down and i'm going to create a new layer and i'm just going to kind of start tracing out this skull kind of creating uh my own version of this skull so i'm just going to jump in let's do it [Music] [Music] i kind of traced out the skull a little bit and i filled it all in with color and i'm actually going to go and drop the opacity of this layer now so i can still see some of the framework of that original skull i don't want the skull to look exactly like uh the the skull in the image you know i want to make it unique in my own and so that's what i'm going to kind of go do i'm actually going to jump over to the eraser tool and i'm going to start drawing with this eraser tool and start filling in little like shadow areas little highlight areas just little edges giving this thing some detail [Music] so [Music] all right let me straight turn off that bottom layer and i think i dig that that looks like a pretty cool looking skull let's start working on the dagger of the design i want this dagger to be stabbing through the center of the skull um and so like i did with the skull i'm gonna go grab uh some references and these ones uh i really just wanna look at the hilt on them and just get some inspiration from them i'm just gonna throw these off to the side um just as kind of a reference that whoa uh that i can look at and just kind of gain some inspiration from these ones i'm not gonna trace or anything uh because um i wanna show you guys a really useful and cool trick in procreate i'm gonna actually just straight turn off this skull layer for now um and i made a new layer i'm gonna go up and hit my little wrench and go to my canvas and we're going to drawing guide and edit drawing guide you're gonna see over here there's this tool called symmetry and uh we have assisted drawing turned on um it's a little color of it and this tool is so cool so useful so pretty much whatever i draw on one side it's gonna mirror that on the other side and that's gonna make it super super useful for drawing things like daggers or anything that you want to be perfectly symmetrical uh and dude you just you only have to draw half the design so it's great i may actually pull that skull back uh maybe let's just duplicate it real quick and uh drop the opacity i just want to like let's see the sizing of how i want this dagger exactly so hop back over to my assisted layer and i'm gonna just draw this blade and as you can see it's just going straight down another tip in procreate if you draw a line and then hold it it'll snap if you put your finger on the screen it'll actually snap to like 45 degrees i believe oh no uh so there we go i think that might be all right and i'm just gonna move this exactly to how i want it make sure it stays right in the middle and we're just gonna start piecing this dagger together making it look sick [Music] now this is the fun part of the dagger is you just start filling in however you want uh the the little uh hilt and or handle section you just draw little balls little shapes and then kind of keep stacking until they create a nice little handle [Music] drew out the dagger with the symmetry tool uh i think it looks not bad looks kind of cool looks like a dagger but we're gonna actually now go in and turn off drawing assist you that you just get to that menu by tapping that uh little icon we're going to bring the opacity back up of the skull and i want this dagger to just be stabbing straight through that i actually might stretch out the dagger a little bit i don't think it's going to ruin the design at all and on this skull i want the dagger to be like stabbing through the skull there we go and it's going to be like coming up from the bottom and so now i'm gonna hop over to my dagger layer and i'm just gonna erase just kind of follow along where the skull overlaps with the dagger [Music] i say we could probably merge these to get eyes together how we're going to do that just pinch them together and now they're on the same layer as a uniformed family gonna add some extra you know lines and accents to these things just to keep giving things more life the more lines you add the more life your design has um that's an ancient proverb i also want to just add a little more life to it by maybe throwing some plants in you can see with like these tattoos they got like all these little foliages hanging around them so probably just gonna start drawing some [Music] plants [Music] so [Music] all right cool we got some foliage we got a dagger we got a skull it's all looking unique original i really like how this design coming out texture texture people that's what this thing needs so lo and behold i'm going to go to my half tone texture pack i'm just going to pepper them just about the design and just make it look sick you know now this design needs is some letters i recently made a font uh that's pretty slick pretty sick it's called hot gold and i'm gonna use that on this thing so to use a font uh hit the little wrench boy hit add and then add text [Music] i like the design i think it's sick let's throw it on a mock-up though right i feel like that's the final process of this whole thing where you're going to insert a photo oh shoot i came prepared and i got two screenshots from our wholesale site [Music] dang dude look at that you got a sick mock-up you can send that thing to a client we got a dope fresh crispy savory beautiful wonderful amazing t-shirt design that you and i together designed and procreate today it happened people i hope you learned something i i'm not the best artist that's ever existed grabbing elements finding things that inspire you replicating them and making them unique to your own your own taste and flavor that's what this whole thing's about all that to be said we'll see you there [Music] baby [Music] you
Channel: Golden Press Studio
Views: 16,733
Rating: 4.8873997 out of 5
Keywords: screen printing, golden press, ryonet, shirt, t-shirt, hoodie, print, printing, screen, screen print, press, printing press, studio, golden press studio, update, studio update, video, How to, tutorial, sgreen, sgreen adhesive, Photography, Dunk tank, screen cleaning, emulsion, screen emulsion, sgreen emulsion stripper, Riley hopkins, flash dryer, riley hopkins jr., ProCreate, Graphic Design, design, iPad pro, apple pencil
Id: j6vczkYJmq0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 15 2020
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