Custom Hand Drawn T-Shirt Designs (FULL TUTORIAL)

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today I'm showing you guys how I turn hand-drawn t-shirt designs into vector t-shirt designs using illustrator and the app that I use most to do all my rough sketches and all my final sketches is the app called procreate and a lot of you probably already heard of it I use it on my 11 inch iPad pro and it's amazing whenever I'm doing any hand-drawn merch for a client I always start off in procreate doing my rough sketch and then I import that brough sketch into illustrator you guys are about to see how that entire process unfolds and if you guys are really loved of my work you guys can leave a like on my video that just tells me that you enjoy the video and I'm doing something right so anyway let's go and get started on this video I hope you guys enjoy it what I just did is sent my artwork from my iPad pro over to my MacBook Pro and then I just imported it into illustrator since I'm working with a vector program I can resize this artwork to any size later on and it won't lose quality which is the beauty of vector so we're good there the other thing you notice is it is faded and that's because I lowered the opacity by making this a template so if I go back to this main layer we can turn that template layer off click OK so now it's dark like it should be but if I double click on layer 1 which is where my artwork is if I double click on that layer I can go to template just basically check template and from here I can dim it as much as I want so I'm gonna dim it let's say actually 30% hit OK and that just made it a template if I wanted to I can click on layer 1 and just name that template or whatever just so we know what it is so if I toggle that on and off you can see that it is our template layer now on layer 2 we can name this design so now everything's organized and we are ready to start laying down our artwork right the first thing I want to do is actually go to my ruler so I'm going to do command R and the reason why is because I want to make a center roller just so I know exactly where the center should be and then I want to start using my pen tool to kind of go around the shape and fine-tune it things will change probably based on how I feel about the art but anyway I'm gonna go right here and just follow along so I'm just gonna make this path and again I'm using my pencil guys really simple stuff just basic stuff here again you can always change it as you go but for the most part I do when I follow the shape that I have on my rough sketch here so I think right there should be okay I want to make sure this is just a stroke so we're gonna hide the background color right and do I like that I think that will work so we're gonna go ahead and stick with that and I want to go ahead and continue this point so we're gonna select this point right here and we're just gonna continue it right just like this and I'm gonna let go and another thing is you'll see these little handles right and if you don't want those handles which I actually don't want we could just basically hold an option hover over it you're gonna see a upside-down V or an arrow and you just click once and it will get rid of that point that handle whatever you wanna call it so now I am left with this shape things are looking pretty good what we can do from here is we can duplicate it on the other side but before I do that what I want to do is actually take an ellipse and I want to copy the same cutout right here so I'm using this ellipse and then what I want to do from here is I want to select everything at once go to my Pathfinder and just delete it out if that makes sense we're just deleting it out so now we have the shape and we can use the join tool so using the joint hope we can literally just draw over the points that we want to join together and we should be good to go from there and what I want to do now is actually take this and rotate it or not rotate it sorry reflect it so I'm gonna go to my reflect hole you can also hit o in your keyboard then I want to go to the top center here and I just want to reflect it vertically by reflecting it vertically we have the same exact shape on the right side let's go and hide the rollers and I want to join the top together so I'm gonna go back to my join tool and join those together so now we're copying the same exact roundness on the top that looks really good from here we can also play with the stroke thickness and all that stuff but I'm not too concerned with it quite yet another thing that just happened at the bottom since we joined it is it created this weird point and we could just use the scissors to cut that out since we don't really need that just like that the next thing I want to do is click on the shape and just change the thickness because right now it's really thin obviously right so I want to see what it's too thick and what's too thin kind of come up with some sort of happy medium and I think eight will be kind of cool for the main thickness and then the inner stroke will be a lot thinner we might even want to finish the shape off so I'm just going to do real quick just so everything is the same what I should've did first actually is finished off the bottom part so I'm just gonna cut the top now and do the same thing I'm gonna reflect it real quick just to fix that problem that I encountered like I said I should have made sure this was all done first so I got ahead of myself a little bit but that's okay it's easy to fix so I'm gonna do the same thing use my reflect tool now this is what I want right now I want to go back to my joint tool and we can finally join everything together once again so I'm using my little anchor points here to round right and I don't have to worry about this one because the banner is gonna be covering these points right here so we're good to go right there making the inside stroke is actually really simple so we're gonna select our frame or a border whatever you want to call it we're gonna go down the path and we're gonna go to offset path okay and then from here I want to check preview and as you can see we already have that inside shape going right but we actually want the outs I want to be inside because that's the one that we're messing with right now so I'm gonna just type in a negative sign and uncheck preview and check it again and that looks pretty good so I think I want it to go out just a little bit more or should I say go inside a little bit more that looks way better and now let's change the stroke thickness to let's say 4 and voila now you have this really cool inner border and from here we can actually cut this middle part out on the top where our eyes gonna sit we have this like nice little shape does it need to be there probably not but I thought it'd look kind of cool I know where we want to cut it out this is way too big so we need to make it a little smaller and I do think it can have a little bit more breathing room I totally clicked on their own tool oops we're deleting the parts that we don't want right and then we can also use our join tool again and join those back together the next thing I want to worry about is my banner get that in place first and then we can worry about the bottom part and now I could drag out a rectangle so I'm just hitting M on my keyboard and dragging out a rectangle and I also do want to solid fill this but we'll do that a little bit I just want to make sure I'm copying the same shape here the next thing I want to do is add a warp right so I'm gonna go up to effect which you can find all the cool effects in Illustrator and I want to go to arc and then from here we just want to kind of copy that same arc which is why I didn't do a solid fill because I want to see if I can kind of copy that same like I said arc pretty simple right it's going to move it down a little bit I think that looks pretty good it's also a little bit bigger I think in the normal design but again we can change things as we go that's the beauty of this right next thing I want to do is make sure it matches the outer stroke width so I want the points to be the same I'm just taking my eyedropper tool and I dropping the outside stroke just like this and as you can see it looks way better now and then we can solid fill this with white so it hides everything that we don't want to see so what I want to do is drag it a rectangle I'm going to add a center point here we're just gonna take our point and drag it in and we can rotate this using our transform tool look at that way hey better wait way better so it could be a little bit taller and send that behind just to get a visual of what its gonna look like and I do want to select the point so we're gonna select the bottom point in the top point we're gonna make it a little bit longer without you know changing the actual path hair this looks way better so from here we could just close this gap that's in between just like that instead of making that a stroke we can just make that a solid fill get rid of the stroke so yeah I'm just kind of making adjustments as I go right that's basically all you have to do and then sometimes you have to get really close so zoom really far in and just select certain points right so I'm gonna select this point on the outside and just drag it in so it kind of meets and we can always fix little imperfections later on but I'm not too concerned with that right now we're gonna reflect that to the right side and I'm always using this reflect tool so I'm finding a center point and I have one right there and I'm gonna reflect it vertically and it should be perfect and that looks good we just have to add our little accents and our center skull piece and we're done guys it's simple as that so the next thing I would like to do is maybe focus on the outside parts these feathers whatever you want to call them I don't even know if I like them but I feel like they kind of added something to it so let's just try it out real quick and see what happens what I want to do is show you guys how I make that real quick and then I'm gonna fast Ford the video until the end of when I'm done making those because there's so many of them it's just gonna take way too long but anyway the way I make them is I take two ellipses so I'm just gonna drag out two ellipses with a stroke so I do want them to have a stroke and we're gonna create a sin shape right so we're gonna copy the one of them over so now I have one and I'm gonna copy it over until it creates that shape in the center you see that so now we have that shape that we were going for it and then from here what I could do is select both go to my shape builder tool and just make sure I add a shape in the center we can make it a bright color if we wanted to and let's get rid of that stroke so we can see what we're doing so now we have that bright yellow color if I copy that over or cut it we could delete those shapes now we're left with just the solid shape in the center see what I'm saying so all I did was use my shape builder tool and from here we can change it to white and we also obviously want to add that same stroke just so everything looks consistent so I'm just gonna copy it over by using the eyedropper but anyway what I want to do now is just create the center piece and I want it to be sharp right now that I have that line I can go to the uniform right here and I could just make sure it is on the sharp point just like this one right here I think that looks much better and we can extend it to the bottom we're kind of creating that center line that we see on our drawing right and then we need to make it thinner it's way too thick and a lot of this is going to be hidden right so I'm not really too concerned with the bottom part here we're gonna put this in place and start laying them all down so I'll see you guys in a second you I have all the main feathers Leafs whatever you want to call them down and what I want to do is just copy them to the left side so I'm selecting all of them holding and shift and we're going to group those together and just send them to the back make sure everything is sent to the back and we can just copy them over to the left side by using the reflect tool again so that's exactly what I'm gonna do I'm gonna find a center point and just click once and then I'm going to copy it over to that left side there's definitely some adjustments I can make but I think it's fine for now and then the next thing I want to do is just make the bottom Leafs they're a little small though I don't know I might make them a little bigger so we're just going to take the one from the top and copy it over you in order to create those sharp points that I had on my band sketch-like if I hide this final design you can see these little sharp lines those are really easy to make so I'm just gonna take my shape builder tool make sure it's on black solid fill and no stroke and we're just gonna create a half of a triangle and what I want to do now is duplicate it by reflecting it again I'm using the reflect tool copy that over that didn't work so let's select that again it's like the bottom point maybe and copy that over that works beautifully I just want to create one copy of it in case I mess up so I'm just gonna drag that over to the the left side there we're gonna drag one over like this and we're gonna make one shorter and longer right we're gonna make them have a little bit more variations I don't know it looks like spikes right but in a minute it's gonna look a little better I think our original design had more spacing between them so I just rounded them off just like this and I think this is gonna look much better so I'm gonna ungroup them actually and we're just going to mess with them a little bit more and obviously they don't have the same arc so we do need to add that arc or quick and I could just go to warp arc and just give it a slight arc you don't want to go crazy with this part because it's actually easy to mess this up these look pretty good now so now what I want to do is reflect them on the right side so I'm just gonna go to the middle reflect and then copy that over so now we have them on the right side as well so we're just gonna copy the same exact positioning and everything and see what they look like and these can be a lot thinner you do need to adjust it but again it's something that you just have to do manually there's no really easy way to do this so this middle one or this end one I actually do have to make it a little bit longer to fit so again you do have to do some adjusting but it shouldn't take very long I think this looks pretty good so I want to take my eraser tool and delete the parts I don't want to show on my banner does that make sense just like that so now if i zoom out you can see that it's in place and they might even be a little long now so I might have to actually adjust them again and once again I'm going to reflect them on the right side so that everything is even and symmetrical so if i zoom out you can see we have this really cool design going now the next thing I want to do though is add this top I real quick and in order to do that I'm gonna use my ellipses once again so I know we're kind of breezing through this but this is really difficult to explain so do the best you guys can to along I will do the best I can to explain it but there's only so much I can do so practice makes perfect guys just remember that and I'm gonna take my shape builder tool once again and we're gonna delete the top part and the bottom part now we're left with this I only which is what I wanted and I can resize the center one to fit right here and let's go and drag that into place and see what it looks like that looks super good and we can add those keys and everything and things are gonna start falling into place now that I have everything else in place what I want to do is go grab my school so I actually pulled up my original procreate drawing in a separate document and what I want to do is just hit image trace and we're gonna do a quick image trace on this this is really ugly right here I don't like the way this turned out so what I want to do is actually first off ignore the white but then I want to make some quick adjustments so I want to take the noise all the way down so we can bring back some of that original texture and then I also want to mess with the paths a little bit more and what I want to do is actually delete everything else around the skull itself so that's pretty good so let's go ahead and ungroup this and let's take the keys by themselves copy those over copy those over paste them in place and then we're gonna drag them at the bottom here copy that over paste it and then we're just going to align it now wants it to paste it and just kind of figure out the positioning of where we want it there is a little part here that needs to be deleted that's easy I just double click on it I could delete that the keys are a little too big - so I'm gonna resize those I think everything looks pretty good so far now what I want to do is add the text so I'm gonna take my ellipse and just drag on a quick ellipse around the school's head and I'm just gonna drag this out above the school's head just like this and kind of make sure it has a good arc on it so we're looking at more of an oval and then I want to go to type on a path and just type out hustle I found a font that I like I'm using the one I use in my previous video called I think it's call us and yeah I just feel like it fits the vibe of this design now the one thing I don't like is this awkwardness on top here there's things we can do to fix it but I think for now it's fine so again we're using an ellipse to create this work path right so I'm just gonna create that real quick and then I'm gonna go to type on a path again and we're gonna type out or die so hustle or die and I think that looks pretty good now I want to change the spacing in the center so it does need a little bit more breathing room so let's change the font size just a little bit let's go 47 with the font size and go to character and just change the baseline shift one more time and I do want to miss with these anchor points just to make sure it is completely centered and the font size is 47 so I want to do the same thing to the top we want to change that to 47 just like that and we can also change the kerning if you wanted to and for the sides right here to fill them up I want to experiment with some text so I'm gonna go to my vertical type tool and just type out quality and then on the right side let's duplicate that and then type out threads actually what I want to do instead of quality I'm gonna type out TR d for trade and then MRK for mark for now I think this works so okay so that's basically it what I want to do is clear everything off my artboard just so we have the design and let's hide the rough sketch and just look at what we have so far I love the way everything looks so we're gonna go and create one more artboard and this is where the design in my opinion comes together so what I want to do is copy it over just like this we're gonna add some texture to everything else but the skull what I want to do is go up to effect we're gonna go to pixelate and then me so 10th and the reason why is because I want to add some texture to it right and we want to make sure it's grainy after messing around with some of the settings and the different grain types I came up with this one I think it looks pretty good so I'm just gonna stick with it and then what I want to do now is just take my skull and just drag it in place right and I think that looks much better everything looks like it actually belongs together and then from here if we wanted to we can add color and stuff like that which I might do in a in a little bit but as is I think this is really really cool alright so I know whoa that was weird I know that I said I wasn't going to color it or I didn't say anything about color and maybe I forgot what I said to be honest with you guys but the point is I decided to color it and I think it looks awesome and what I did is I actually colored it using procreate so I took my vector artwork I exported it as a PNG and I air dropped into my iPad pro brought it back into procreate and I did all my my coloring and all that stuff under the black layer so here's what it looked like a little time lapse real quick but I think it looks awesome with color what do you guys think but other than that that's how I do everything right that's how I take my hand-drawn design and turn it into a vector t-shirt design using procreate and illustrator together it's like a perfect relationship right well yeah if you guys enjoyed the video show your appreciation by hitting the thumbs up button leave a comment in the section below and turn on notifications so you don't miss another video and if you guys want to watch my last t-shirt design video it's gonna be right here somewhere on the screen go ahead and click on that and you guys can watch it now but that's it for me keep creating keeping awesome catch you guys in the next one whoo
Channel: Charley Pangus
Views: 24,945
Rating: 4.9347639 out of 5
Keywords: How To Vectorize HAND DRAWN T-SHIRT DESIGNS Step By Step, t-shirt design on illustrator, t-shirt design illustrator tutorial, t-shirt design tutorial, vector, vector tshirt design, how to tshirt design, custom tshirt design, hand drawn tshirt, procreate tshirt design, t shirt design on ipad pro, vectorize, vectorized drawings, custom t shirts, graphic design, t shirt design, how to design a shirt, tshirt design, how to design a t-shirt, vector sketch, how to, t-shirt design
Id: PrNzvDd1GHM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 7sec (1147 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 13 2019
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