How to make a T shirt Design (Pro Create & Adobe CC)

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[Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys what's up this is Corey I'm the graphic designer at gold press studio but we're actually not in the studio today we're in my personal house I'm gonna show you guys how I and maybe you guys can get some tips and tricks from this but how I design a graphic for a t-shirt I know a lot of us are kind of stuck at home right now with all the stuff that's going on in our world so we just wanted to give you guys something that maybe maybe maybe you're not in the studio maybe you're just at home I want to I want to give you guys something to work on maybe something to put your hands to the way that I design is a lot of hands on designing I use a iPad pro and Apple pencil and a program called procreate pencil and paper is actually where I started I used to have a notebook and use pens and that's kind of where I began my art career I never actually took an art class I never did any of that stuff so I never really learned how to to do that digital aspect of art right from the start I wasn't using shape builder and illustrator very often and use the pen tool a little bit but not a lot where I really really being to grow in my art was where I started using my hands and I think if you're a designer out there if you're maybe looking to get into to design I highly recommend using your hands man know just design with exclusively digital mediums of of own like only using shapes and things I think you're limiting yourself and limiting your style and creativity that you have just a little background for myself I never took an art class I never thought I was creative so it wasn't till later on I got hired on at a summer they just wanted me to be the graphic designer for their and I told them I had no experience I didn't have a computer I didn't know anything about that and I wasn't creative and they were like so it's really good I jumped right into it I watched a lot of tutorials on YouTube I learned a lot I grew a lot and I actually began to find out that this is something I love doing it's really my passion over time I began to develop my own style I really got into typography and hand lettering of drawing letters and and doing really cool ligatures on on with like sweet tales and different stuff as well as pulling a lot of influence from traditional tattoo design those bold lines and outlines I you know doing stippling and Shanee it's just been something I've always been into and so I begin to pull from four different things like that and develop my own style there you go yeah that's a little bit about myself a little bit about my background first things first we got to come up with the concept in the studio I maybe if you've watched some of our bangers you've seen us pull out a random magic tricks that aren't very good but we like to do magic tricks and so actually this deck of cards right here I think it may be doing like a card design also like a lot of skulls so maybe I'll do like a skull face on one will probably actually what pride throw a squeegee in the guy's hand yeah so we for for the inspiration for this I don't really want to use like a basic thing like this like three or something maybe like maybe we do like maybe the king or something maybe that'd be a good one to use random magic tricks that aren't very good I think I want to design some new shop shirts for us something that's cool something kind of represents our style and who we are and so let's do that let's uh let's start this design let's kind of figure this out all right so what I want to do right now is jump into my iPad I'm gonna open up procreate you know we got all sorts of designs in here this is the primary thing that I design on is procreate now um I used to use pen and paper like I said but now efficiency wise using the iPad with procreate is the freakin game-changer I like to use really big file sizes so I can get the maximum resolution this one is five thousand pixels by thirty four hundred pixels you've never you procreate you got your brushes up here you got your eraser you got your layers it's similar to photoshop I like to pull a mood board so I I can have some references of of what I'm working with like I said I want to use like a king I mean I mean I got a deck of cards right here I could probably just take a picture of one of them and I really have to scour the internet to find a good one take a photo literally I'm just taking a picture of this King the reason I'm taking a picture of this the way it kind of with playing cards they have a pretty standard look to them and so I want to keep some of that integrity in it still we're gonna work around and make things unique and make them our own style all right so I got this guy I'm gonna kind of crop him down to crop things you can procreate you can actually just pull it to the edge of your artboard then it gets rid of it and then you can rescale it I'm just going to throw that up there in the corner so kind of my thought for this is I want to I want to do like Jonathan's face but as the skull and so I'm actually gonna probably top on Instagram and see if I can find a cool picture of his face and then screenshot that I think I want to deal with him with like a snap back on I like to grab as much reference material as I can I encourage you if you've not drawn by hand before get as many references as you can because it's just gonna help you visualize and figure out how things are supposed to look so I'm still in procreate I'm gonna insert some photos of these things I just screenshot so and I'm gonna just crop it down probably just to his face all right man we got some references and now I think we can start with our design so the first thing I'm going to do I'm gonna open up a new layer sometimes open up two layers just in case I actually do like a undo and but whatever you know we got let's get some new layers going and I'm gonna grab this King right off the bat I'm just gonna make him bigger I'm gonna hide these other things because I'm not messing with them just yet what I like to do is drop the opacity just I can see my lines a bit I'm gonna hop up here we got a lot of different brushes up here I think I'm gonna use this one it's called the black letter line clean I think I got it from Ian Bernard it was just a free download and I'm you can change your line wait over here what I'm gonna do is like just straight up start tracing some of this also a tip and procreate if you hold a lot draw a line hold it it'll snap if you put your finger down it'll actually snap straight and the reason I'm tracing is because playing cards they have features in them that look exactly the same all around definitely early on when you're being an artist I think it's totally acceptable to trace a little bit you know if you have to something that I want to touch base on real quick before we get too far into this design we're designing the t-shirt graphic we need to be thinking about how are we making this t-shirt graphic we're doing it via screen printing we want to think about how many colors were using because that means how many screens we're using for this design you want to design with that in mind right now I'm just doing everything in black and then I'll start coloring it in and filling it in as we go that right there he just solves a little trick I do it I mean it's just a trick and procreate if you just grab your color and if you have a solid closed-off shape and you drop your color it'll fill it in like tracing that you see me do right here I really don't consider this any kind of plagiarism because this is just your standard card all of these elements you'll see you buy a deck of playing cards they're gonna be on there and that's the goal I want this to look like a standard playing card except we're gonna throw in some of our own unique touch and features to it so now what I'm gonna do I'm gonna actually drop the opacity of my layer so I can see through it and I'm gonna jump and grab my eraser like I say we're working with negative space so I just wanna follow the feel of this stuff so I'm gonna switch over to this studio pen it's one of the brushes that comes with procreate I made a couple modifications to it essentially it just does sticks and thins like it's pressure-sensitive the other one I was using with mono line for these things we want it to be a little more pressure sensitive because it has a point to it in my initial thought of this whole design I was like oh yeah what a skull and like all that stuff it just wasn't working like trying to draw a glasses on a skull wasn't working trying to snap back wasn't really working and I was just super unhappy without it it was going so pivoted changed it up and now we're going with actually more of Jonathan's face style as the king where he's like okay yeah like that looks like Jonathan I think it's going in the right direction now and then now we're gonna kind of keep filling in these details it's just how design works for me maybe yours out there you're a perfect designer and you you know know how to nail everything first Tino has that's not the case for me I typically just draw and figure out and try new things and it's it's just part of design yeah it's just how it kind of works ended up going with more just aiming to make it like Jonathan's face got the glasses on there colored in everything it wrote out gold impress on the sashes did a little g4 golden present stead of the K for King I think it turned out really well I like the gold the gold looks dope it went with a white as for the card and my plan is to make everything that's black in this design to make it negative space our next step is to go up to this little a little wrench icon it's your actions thing and you can go and hit share and then you have all these different ways to save it and I'm gonna save it as a PSD cuz we're actually gonna jump into Photoshop that helped me separate the colors it goes a does little export thing then we're gonna air drop that to my computer now we're over here on the computer kind of hop over and go to our downloads I was gonna grab this and drop it on the desktop and open it up as a PSD file and we got all of our layers here that we had what I am gonna do is I'm gonna start separating all of these little these these colors grab my little wand select that double click and go similar and actually I think I'm just gonna delete that so now all of that black is negative space now we can actually turn off the background and you can see that the black does not exist I'm just going to go grab that gold hit similar and then command J and that'll toss that up on a new layer back over here select the white similar command J and now that is on a new layer and so now we have all of our stuff separated a lot of people use Photoshop to print out their transparencies I like to use illustrator because I like to have everything like vectorized and like extra smooth and crisp actually before we jump into illustrator I'm going to black everything out because that's how image trace works so just do a color overlay and just make it black and the same with this and let's open up Adobe Illustrator alright let's create a new document I'll do the 13 by 19 because that's what we that's our transparency size that we use to print out our artwork on alright so we got our illustrator file right here we're gonna jump back over to photoshop and this is our gold layer yep that's our gold layer I'm just gonna grab it and swing over here and just drop it and illustrator there it is looking nice looking fine swing back over and we can grab our our white layer and drop that in here as well and it's not perfectly aligned but that's okay we can do a little little stuff to get it perfect it doesn't actually need to be perfect just yet because now we're gonna image trace these things I'm actually gonna make these both a lot bigger so click on this is the white layer it doesn't really matter where it's at but this is the white layer clicking on that coming down here to image trace if image trace is not in your little tool bar on the side you can actually go up to window and find it right there and then it'll open up in this trace then I have a preset that I made that's called crisp that I'm just gonna select and it's gonna do its thing and most likely he's gonna be pretty perfect but how image trace works is you got your threshold paths corners and noise and super important you want to make sure you click ignore white pretty simple to use when I when I do hand-drawn things I typically am having my paths up by 95 I pull my corners all the way down and my noise all the way down as well and that works pretty good a threshold I keep that around 96 so I'll just show you guys what happens when you change it if I pull it to super down and then nothing exists the more I pull it up the thicker it kind of makes everything but 93 is a good good little happy spot for it I like how that looks I'm gonna hit expand and now we have a vector object that we're working with these are all perfectly crispy tasty lines and yeah now let's jump on this buddy click that do the same treatment to him making them crispy and expand that bang now I just gotta line up these these two pieces of this wonderful puzzle that we've been creating there you go man and that's a good-looking designed you can change the color now make that white make the gold you know some type of gold Oh make sure that you're got your colors on there we go man that's a pretty good-looking design that's essentially ready to be printed so sometimes with image trace some of your edges get a little wonky and they're not exactly how you want them mainly it's my fault because I just didn't do a super clean job I was using a more rough brush when I was doing these letters so here's a little pro tip right here just gonna change your life if you're not familiar with with this tool if you use oh I just went I clicked on on the gold layer and I'm gonna hit the letter N and it's gonna bring up this like pencil tool I'm just using my trackpad here and I'm just clicking where the edge of that line starts and just pulling this through and that's going to clean up this line and and not make it so kind of like wobbly super super useful when using the image trace tool it's just that N on your keyboard and it literally I use this all the time it saves the day for so many designs that you know are all weird so you don't have to go in and and mess with all the anchor points you can just click it drag it and pull it through and it does a really good job like just smoothing out those lines cleaning them up making them look nice right on and that totally saved it actually else got a little done right there get rid of really cleaned up how how that looked kind of matches the rest of the feel of the design I'm gonna hit command R on my keyboard to get my rulers up and we're just gonna size this up and get it ready to print also when we're when we're printing you want everything to be just black because that's like what a printer is that that's the color of ink that is coming out of our printer use the alignment tool to make sure it's in the Center I'm gonna ungroup this from the group that I just made it's still in it in their own colored groups we're gonna go over to our layers and we can name name these I'll delete that guy and this one that's our gold layer so we'll call that gold and this is our white layer I call that white throwing this registration mark Center those guys up well damn people we've done it we've designed a graphic for a t-shirt what this video is about it's just me sharing my process of how I do it maybe you're new to graphic design maybe you're new to screen printing you've never done this stuff before my goal with this video is just to help you along your journey you know hopefully you guys learned something got some knowledge in your dome in your brain in your skull and we're gonna be doing more of these tutorial videos hopefully you like them and I guess we'll just see you there in the next one doggies will ARF on you later are nobody know that that means perfect hey everybody thanks so much for checking out this video be sure to hit that like button leave a comment below so we can interact with you guys and most importantly don't forget to subscribe and we will see you there in the next video later [Music]
Channel: Golden Press Studio
Views: 28,459
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screen printing, golden press, ryonet, shirt, t-shirt, hoodie, print, printing, screen, screen print, press, printing press, studio, golden press studio, update, studio update, video, marketing, iPad Pro, Apple, Graphic Design, How to, Pro Create, Adobe CC, Photoshop, Illustrator, T-shirt design, tutorial
Id: YtX7ewtwppM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 31sec (1171 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 03 2020
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