FREETOSHOP All Over Shirt design with Free Apps NO PHOTOSHOP!!!

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[Music] okay so I got kicked off a laugh earlier I'm trying to restart it's a I'll give me just the moment and I'm gonna try to cancel the other one so I saw there were still people sitting there waiting on me I didn't know it was still up internet crashed and that always fun stuff technology alright so I'm gonna go ahead go in here to my channel and hopefully I can end this other one live so y'all won't be confused including studio I don't know how it's still saying that it's live because I was off the internet and everything I said last live this one is the one we're going to yeah still saying is life we end it here so that one should be in it hopefully you all see the new live if not I know you can always come back and watch it later I just wanted to to do this one live only because I wanted you to really see what it looks like doing it in real time with no real prep work or anything like that only limitations pretty much your your internet connection as mine yesterday so I think I can refresh this and I should only see one live session right now all right well I'm gonna go ahead and get started and you all can always do a play back if you need to I'm not mad at that all right I'm gonna close it out and go ahead and get into our work so the first thing I'm gonna do is take a few photos that I have that were sent by Octavius Cummings photography and we're gonna do whatever we can do for free so I'm going to do remove background with the free version so of course it's not going to have the greatest resolution but we're working with what we're working with for free I didn't want to give you a heads up that Ken in the group said that he was able to get affinity for 1999 on bonanza and I think normally it's $50 so that was a steal of a deal all right so remove PG I'm going to drag over an image and see how well it does with removing the background and as I stated these were professional pictures done by Tobias Cummings photography he travels look them up he's a part of the group as well and we're just dragging three images because I do want to show you all how to do that whole transparent photo in the background type of deal so we're gonna choose three different photos and plus I don't think any of you got up and enough time three graduation pictures that I could do this with so I'm just working with what I got and I will be doing a really intense template I think I'm gonna do a banner a softball banner with these photos all right so we got those then we can start downloading them hopefully we don't run into any issues okay that downloaded one let's download two and three and of course you see that it's downloading a low resolution version of it but we're gonna see how these work out I'm gonna go ahead and open the containing folder so I know what those are so I did my remove BG the next thing that I'm going to do is let's do the Pixlr you don't have to login or anything you can just use this basic editor it's free and I show the group earlier how to do this with the transparency so we're going to open an image and let's go to the downloads I don't know if it'll open more than one one two three four images there let's do one at a time so I I guess I'll do a left and right picture then I do a Center picture so what I want to show you is that we can do transparency here just unlock and you see I double clicked on that lock now this is editable if I click on these three dots here I get some options and I'm gonna do a transparency of let's do about sixty okay and I also have the option to do some effects here I can bring the saturation all the way down if I want it to make this like a black and white image but we also have the option to do that with right here in a black and white feature let me undo something real quick cancel that and let's try well we have a we have two black and white etre in the program but if i go ahead and turn it black and white now i think i have the option to do more stuff later and I made these images like really small this is not how small they are but I don't like what it's doing around these edges we're gonna see what that does in the long run so let's go ahead and save that oh yeah it's because we're move BG you made them real small this program actually does allow you to remove the background if you want to take some time and do that let me show you we can bring in a full resolution image No I'm gonna bring in the full resolution image and show you is it somewhere it's so many files I've been working on lately I'll be keeping me really really busy okay so let's grab that one okay you see that this image is high-resolution but there is a way to move the background you can honestly if you have your stylus you can even just go around it and remove it that way but I'm just letting you know there other methods besides were a little fiji and they're also methods to use your magic cut out and i guess it would have been better off if i hadn´t remove that in the first place and you can exchange on exchange you can change the tolerance here to give it more or less tolerance for what it's selecting [Music] you soon out a little bit keep on removing just showing you free tools now you see what it just did it selected way too much there let me see if I can go back undo and I might need to bring the tolerance down so that it doesn't select so much there and that's exactly what the tolerance does of course they got some of that in there like I said when it comes to tools you're kind of gonna get what you pay for but this is a good free solution and you're going to have to make sure that this is really clean because chances are is not chances are when you bring this into something else you're gonna have a lot of stuff still there but we're gonna fade off the bottoms anyway because I want to show you all how to do that but I am letting you know that this is not the easiest way to go you have a lasso to you can come you get the majority of the trash out of the way this is powerful it's free and it's powerful especially for the free so keep this tool in mind this is Pixlr I'm sure they have a paid version of this too I would just prefer for you to have something like if you can't do Photoshop then at least affinity and we did a tutorial on that today affinity impressed me quite a bit as far as what it can do previous tolerance back up and try to get rid of some of this garbage here and I can use the paintbrush to cut out as well this is not a bad option especially if you're on your phone or something and you just need something to work on more immediately but I for sure this is how some people have to cut out that don't have Photoshop they have to use these type of programs where you have to go in and manually cut I'm you know kind of prone to using the the pen tool and Photoshop if I have to cut something out just because I get really smooth lines but as you can see we can work with it here and it looks like we need to I don't know if we can add this back okay unless you add it back cool stuff and usually with the so you can't removed oh I guess it hints that what you removed prior out but that's that's something that might be worth it bringing down the size of this brush I was trying to get this blue out of our hair right here without doing too much work but I probably would just cut off that old strand right there if it's gonna look raggedy take it off all right so free background removal and I would definitely play with this a little bit more but the whole point here is that I do didn't want to show you that we can take this image and let's say we are going to do our little fade-out technique we don't need the whole bodies because we're going to bring them together as a collage let's do an eraser brush I'm gonna do big and maximum softness and what I'm gonna do is pretend that I need to fade off this top part up here so I might get that off and then of course I have the rest of the image now this is just showing you that as possible as we were talking about an app that would allow us to and matter of fact I think until was it that you were using this lasso tool would get all of this trash out of here real easy so in a little too far what is it oh I'm gonna keep duh I wonder what it was doing all right I wanted to be on the remove so I'm just trying to remove this trash here gonna let me I guess I have to zoom out there we go and then if I have some extra stuff in there we will definitely see when we go to download this unlock that layer and then I'm going to move this more towards the center and I can even crop it down now because I don't need all this so when I bring it into my design program I only need this yep it was your free version save it save it as a PNG and it's still a large file so we did that part this is only what my second time playing with this program and I didn't read any direction so that's probably my fault but let's bring in how to bring in a new photo that's the program clothes add an image let's bring up image number two and three I would if I can bring in more than one image at a time that's the one it's done by removing BG so we have this one in this note one image at a time so we're doing 12 let's do a new original reply who and this time let's do so the magic cut out and do a light softness see how that works hmm then the softness is whether it gives it like a little bit of a feather or if it just bluntly cuts what it thinks it doesn't need and this is based on your internet power as well so I could imagine if something goes wrong that's the only problem with designing on apps if something goes wrong I don't believe it's gonna save it unless there's a way like you have a login and it does that naturally this isn't bad I'm not you know I'm not completely managers because I could definitely see this being something that I teach the kids how to do and we're not going to even worry about what's down here like I said we're going to fade these images off but I definitely would have to decrease this tolerance in order to keep the socks and everything else down there so at this point I think I got the majority from around my image I think what I'm gonna do here is grab the brush now and just kind of clean up a little bit and I hate doing stuff like this with a mouse if you have a stylus or you're doing this on your phone that will probably be much better than trying to do this with the mouse and I'm only worried about what's closest to the image because I can take my lasso and clean up all the extraneous stuff on the outside not that he's giving it a soft little glow around it I probably could clean up much better in Photoshop but this is our free talk session the things we do for the frisky I'm telling you let me go ahead and make this size bigger and let's get some of this trash from around here so that we can get our lasso tool and clean it up even better and then from here I can do my size and my softness and I'm trying to remember about where we cut off on the last month it was doing the same thing so now you are removing part of the image with a feathered effect so that you don't have that hard edge when it comes to layering these now the rest of this I'm gonna grab this lasso and tell it to beat it because I don't have that kind of time nor energy and I'm hoping that I've got all this stuff from around here you can definitely take more of your time to do this hence the word your time I'm not used to spinning all the time on this type of stuff let's do let's crop it down here we go and okay that probably save it as PNG for resolution and this is definitely better than as far as the resolution than the remove BG as far as the free version so definitely if I were doing the pay version of remove BG I think this would have equated to like a 20 cent cut or something like that which may be worth it if you do a lot of cutouts I think what if I pay nine dollars for 40 40 cuts for 40 images that you 40 credits basically so we save that one Oh Lord we got one more let's go ahead to a new image and this one it's going to be Huerta's I pass it nope didn't want to this is the one we're missing let's go ahead and create a new and already I'm getting a little bit better with this even though this is this is my first time cutting in this program I've never cut in this program before so it is surprisingly you know the interface is surprisingly simple I can get back to the cut let me double-click on that blows that out close that out I guess it just wants me to add an image you know I'm not sure why this thing like go away what's up I was on that but now I'm trying to be on this and this is covering up the you know what let me just refresh and see if I can come back to it because ain't nobody got time for these kind of delays now I guess that was a glitch it kept leaving that on that option add a file open we want to get to cutting this thing out not so this time I'm gonna start with the lasso I said I am trying this just like you would be so if I want to start with the lasso and get rid of some stuff first I wonder how like I said we don't need all that down there I'm gonna cut up oh well you know what we need to undo that because I think I need like some of that down there so the lasso is kind of closing itself off depending on how far go off of the page so you might want to be careful of that but it definitely is helping to zero in on the image without all that mess that was bothering me a little bit in like in Photoshop when you hold down the spacebar this does pant is it isn't but does become a pen tool um let's use let's see if the magic cutout works any better now we remove instead of keeps the tolerance is 32 hmm okay that worked out better than having all of that extraneous stuff not bad well this is also in front of a chroma screen or whatever they call it chroma blue and clump chroma green so that you know you probably won't be that lucky you probably will get a picture from you know softball mom or softball dad from their phone and it's gonna have all kind of junk in the background so bless your heart you're gonna do what you can do with it I'm just coming in and seeing if I could clean that up we can zoom in I'm using the middle of the mouse wheel to zoom in just to clean that up and this is not doing bad at all guys if this weren't on the tablet and I was using a stylus I parked this will probably be like therapeutic a little bit when you're just in you know sit there and cut out images this is something I would teach my my little niece and nephew to do so they could help out as a matter of fact this is something I did start teaching them how to do when we were doing on-demand events and they wanted to help out and gave him a iPad and here cut out pictures and their first day just practicing so eventually I'll get them they can cut out pictures in real time and be some real help and who knows all right I'm gonna go ahead and increase the size now to get the rest of this garbage I'm debating what I'm gonna do about this right here the blue that's in her hair let's zoom in to see what we can do I'm interested to see if I decrease the size if it's going to kind of guess where this blue is I was wondering if it has a smart I don't think it has a smart filter on there yeah kind of is what it is um in this case you don't have to go in with that little bitty brush and do some work but um cut off too much of my face I'm just gonna go ahead and cut this off fizzes and nothing was there I'm gonna come out and see if it makes sense so I would have to get really close maybe even using the lasso and this lasso doesn't seem like it would be that hard to use if you are using a stylus so for the freeski this is not that bad but it did take some time I'm going to go ahead and fade this off now we'll do the brush can't crease size and crease softness and we'll just take off that bottom and go ahead and crop this image now I want to have one of the subjects be fully in the front and two of the subjects soon now two of the subjects are going to be in the background it just did something to my image resolution let me go back a second Oh dull what I cropped it is no longer at 3,000 pixels I was like wait a minute image size changed that's what's up let's save that download it and it looks like it's keeping the full resolution or whatever you do on this so that's pretty cool and this was a rather large image so you have an editor that will remove the background that is free that you can access from the internet you don't even have to have Apple on your phone that's neat let's see which one's we're going to turn into I'm sure to put these closer to the top of my list now we're just saving save download I guess it's going to my downloads folder who knows yep this going to my downloads folder okay so now I want to try to figure out which one I want to make three so we'll have her let's go ahead and change the transparency for this one transparency let's go at 60% and we could type 60 in here [Music] and let's say that and I'm just going to save it with 60% o P which is opacity close that one and then we'll open up and I wonder if I can can I drag the photo on there oh look you can't drag the photo on here that's neat let's create a new and then this one you have to double click the unlock it and let's change the transparency to 60 and let's save it and we'll save it with 16 opacity so you got your fade off you got show pasty change and then one more thing I want to show you is that you can do black and white who do you see on that trash in there but that's good because technically you need to be able to see it and check it out anyway so let's go back to our cut this one let's get a bigger brush size let's clean that up but it does like really show you when your images it's not cut out nice and I think that might just be the black and white option for this because it really does make these edges like to look nasty so I'm not even gonna save this cuz it didn't even do a good job of cleaning that up so whatever the black and white filter is here I'm not liking at all even when I bring down just the saturation I don't like it so if I do decide to do black and white I'll do it in the designer so I have my images now I'm going to start designing so let's go I'm gonna go to my designer on in a lab you could design in any app you want to but the reason why I'm doing it on this one is because the final design can be printed either on a shirt or all a paper that you can get plus I got to advertise my stuff too you know alright so let's go to all-over sublimation tea and this is actually the t-shirt this is not the one where you just upload your art and get it if the one that you upload your art and receive the rolled-up art print it is called all over but it says we print you press alright so we're going to add a design digital print let's upload an image and it's fine hopefully these are in order and I'm going to go ahead and view large icons so I can see what I'm dealing with and bring in the transparent ones first see how those look you know are asking me how to do this transparent thing and I boy searched high and low to find a free app that it would allow you to do that and I don't even know if y'all are still with me so I'm gonna check in alright I got a couple of yes try again I know I was it was offline and then I was trying to actually start it this new one and I'm still saying the other one was online and octavius we're gonna have to read we're redoing this design this is just for a demo to show them how to do the the shirts without Photoshop but I am going to take my time I cut out the images right that I feel is right anyhow and we're gonna do a whole template based on this so we're gonna do a softball thing simply but I just wanted to show people that you don't need Photoshop to design a cool shirt so that's one let's go ahead and add the other one you can tell the opacity is lighter on that one homeless upload the second image which is going to be this one and I did no pre thought of layout barely even thought about what photos I was going to use so this is very representative of what you would go through designing something like this and while that is working I'm gonna go back to my inspiration image that we're supposed to be designing from and I do see where things could have been cut out a little bit cleaner definitely but for what we're really working with and free apps I will say that I cannot I cannot be mad at all at that on had the free cutout program I probably would soften those edges up a little bit spending a little more time on it um let's see we got one more to bring in as far as photos and that will be the full color and let's say that's that one we can even bring in the full full standing image I just wanted you to all to see how you fade off the designs because we thought that was virtually impossible so I knew there had to be something out there that was free to do it we are going to do a post after this what your homework will be is your homework is to be is to design using free apps so there was a session we did earlier where Tanya pointed out we were talking about doing the sock design on on the free apps so she mentioned that there is a pattern making program I think it's for you know iPhones and androids but look for resources like that I want you to look for things that are free or you know inexpensive if you have to download you know for $1.99 but I really want you to focus on free because y'all always ask me how to use some kind of free program so I want you to show me what free programs are out there and I want you to do the research to see if it's worth doing I have a little bit of trash it's on must be on this image yep a little bit of her glove so I'm gonna take this image and bring it all the way to the bottom by clicking down here and at least I brought that underneath her face but it's transparent so you're gonna see it anyway yeah bothered me a little bit but we'll figure out once we put our design and stuff on here so we've got three images we can imagine that could be a graduation shirt that could be one person in three different poses I want you to use your imagination on this let's do I'm gonna bring up my inspiration design from somewhere of course it has disappeared on me let's do what was it keep it simple templates oh yeah we got a lot more keep it simple stuff to do too because I'm realizing this is pretty much keep it simple this is foreground background text and some X I think we are going to end up having some accent on here too but what am I looking for right now my example sure which is this one and just to remind you I'm gonna pull the example shirt up here so you can see what it was suppose to be this is the sample shirt that somebody want to see made so you have couple images watermark in the background we're gonna see if we can achieve that all right let's say what else do we need to do we definitely need a background let's just see what we already have I'm not even gonna do too much research on what we can pull in because I know we can pull any anything we'll probably end up pulling in some of those and ground hmm let's try select the Grunch even though it's not garage I think it's more of like a now this looks like not so high-resolution image so we're gonna see what happens when we blow this up and make it grayscale okay works it works also see what black and white does and charcoal that's the opposite shade makes it look like paper rough paper I think we're gonna go with the grayscale and we're gonna set this all the way to the back so go to position size send it to the back already looks like something um let's see what else can we do let's take the two images here and let's do let's see what they look like in a grayscale that means I'm probably gonna have to use a lighter image because when it gray scales it does lighten it up a little bit but I think it looks better than when that out tried to grayscale it because it was looking trache let's do a lighter background so from my background I might even be able to attend it let me see I thought maybe I could ten it and get what I wanted but I'm still seeing their original color through it so in that case I would look up let's see we need a lighter color just do grunge background and let's look up a light grunge background we'll go to images tools make sure we look for large size and I'm looking for something that has something that's free you would say that one's free but I want something more square orientation because I already know since we have the sleeves and everything and we might end up not really getting much of our garage if it doesn't have if it only has grunge around the corners is not gonna do too well for us so I want something to have something inside let's see what wallpaper access has for us hopefully it's not spammy hmm I don't know guys I've been down a little more like free stuff than I ever have before I usually will do stock images or if I need to download free files oh this is nice I like that it actually has a little tint of black in there so it adds some good contrast I think that's the one that I was supposed to begin it and I think it's going to my downloads so let's check it out so let's get rid of this one that's back here now we'll go to our layers and I can just exit out here and say okay let's add a new design so you see that the majority of time is spent prepping cutting out your pictures getting your things together almost upload an image and I don't know I think I'm gonna use this one which was not the one I was seeking but I think I don't work out really well let's say okay and make it large all right and then if I want to bring it all the way to the bottom down there I like that a lot better because it's lighter I'm seeing my images better and there are other tips and tricks you can do to like if I'm going to do the the paint splashes or the sprays anything like that I would use like white right behind the image to bring it out and then I will use the color around it to contrast so let's do that let's do now this one has like round color sprays on there if I don't have any on here let me type in the word paint and see what I come up with I think you know what it's called Color Splash so I'm gonna type in splash and see what we come up with I want some that have see how there's something that have a little bit of transparency I'm gonna go with those and let's do another one cuz we don't have to do the same one let's look for another one they have some transparency it still kind of goes that one looks like it'll work and I can bring these all the way to the bottom or I could just move it down a level until I'm happy with where it's gone and I might want this to go down one more level below the actual image here same thing with this one I'm gonna bring it down bring it down break it down and I can change the color of it so now let's take that one let's do what I said and make this one that color splash we're gonna do an effect to it and the effect is going to be charcoal charcoal what charcoal does is it makes it white like it inverts it so if I had black it makes it light and you're gonna see why this is going to make a difference in just a moment I'm gonna do the same thing here and let's do the effect of charcoal so they added my white and now I'm gonna go and add some color behind it so now I can do with my darker I wanted a little transparency behind it because I want to keep them transparent so let's add a splash now I can go with my darker splash I feel more confident with that and then I can tint my slash so let's go to effects and let's go to tint and let's color it will go with the red and because it started off black the more I go down on the amount it's going to get closer to black so here we go let's grab another one go here mmm this is all subjective you can even twist and turn these things around let's grab that one it's just based on what catches your eye what you think you're gonna do with it I can rotate this just like I would in Photoshop and I kind of want to be careful because this particular one I do want to see more of that white behind it but let's say I'm gonna leave that one think I'm gonna leave it black we'll see so this one now I'm going to bring it down I can bring it all the way to the bottom and I know there's only one thing in the back that I want it to be above so then I can bring it all the way to the bottom and then bring it up one level and that's better than keeping them putting it down and down and down same thing with this one bring it all the way to the bottom bring it up one level and I can resize I can rotate and you can even do that in the panel over here all right let's see what we want to do with the the black over here if I want to keep it I think I'm going to make it ready so I have a little red top and bottom and then I probably put a little black at the bottom so let's go to our effects let's do matter of fact what we can do we can take this red one and we can copy it copy select it and then let's paste it that way we have two Reds and I can take my black one you kind of layer it down here twist it around and because I'm running off the page you can't really tell this the same exact slash and of course I want that to go to the bottom and then up one and I can even tell it to not to resize proportionately so if I uncheck this if I give it a little time I guess are you bunch answer me click on it again that one resize proportionately well I'm trying to tell that I don't want to resize proportionately but it's doing its own thing right now so I'm gonna leave it alone I'm gonna let it be what it is but if I wanted to stretch it out lengthwise which is what I was trying to do without making it so big I could just make it bigger - there we go I just wanted some of that black to kind of come off the edge definitely wanted some red overlap and then I could bring that black all the way to the bottom Coates in my position in size down to the bottom then let's come up one that brings it in front of the read up another one that brings it in front of the background and now let's grab our red and bring it up a layer there we go that's what I liked it John liked it better underneath the black all right so what else do we need some words on here text yeah let's do all caps and we'll do well nope spell out pirate and let's make it whatever size we need and let's do white with black outline and let's find us a cool kind of font flashlight kinda looks piratey let's see what else can we work with thunderstorm I like thunderstorm is try it so I think what I'm gonna do is just say like pirate nation or something like that and of course we're gonna end up moving this image and probably move in our image over here as well we definitely don't want the bet in the face so let's say pirate and bring the outline down a little bit now that outline color could be black it could be the color back here if I want to choose a color from the image then I just click on my image and this is where it's slowing down because when it tries to use a smart color picker sometimes it has a delay and it does mess you up I don't know if it's picking the color appropriately because it's probably confused when we switch these colors up and make it red but honestly I think I like the black better anyway so we'll go with the black and I can still put a drop shadow on there with the effect I can do a shadow or a glow just do a little drop shadow on there I can do a gradient faded from one color to another so right now it's fading from white to light but if I wanted to fade it to the red color we have that option I can fade it like to a light gray which I think I like that and now I'm not really liking that font so much but let's see and let's do I'm gonna copy this copy the select it and paste it so I don't have to redo all of that did I just did and let's say this one is going to be nation and you can do a totally different font totally different color scheme in this case mmm let's do like a little skinny font that we can spaced out and doing all caps so let's type in all caps and a tion and my little cuz you don't have the option to do all the spacing and stuff but you can always add spaces get creative now this one maybe for the color let's do the color of the Texas here's white so you can't really see it but let's say we're going to go with that color and we can fade it or we can do a solid color I think if I do fade it with the gradient instead of fading it did great I might fade it to black and maybe not because I was going to add a I don't line it's not fated to play let's fade it let's choose a color and we just to choose a little bit darker in and then in this case let's add a white stroke so we'll go back to our formatting and instead of the outline being black we'll make it white do we want to increase the thickness of the outline I think that makes it stand out a little bit better and maybe we have the year so we could take the same thing let's say now we want to use so you want to copy and paste this now just copy that paste it or in this case you know what I'm gonna do I'm gonna add a teammate click the size let's say this would be a small and then the name on here might be Oh try to think what would I do last name and number that's typical so let's just do Smith and number I can't see any of their numbers on there so I'm gonna send one of them to 12 let's do white and let's change this font and we're going to pretend like this is an image for like if it's one person's image so then that way that will be their name and number let's do white for the 12 changing the flashlight as well whoops 14 listed 14 so we'll go back to change our team name edit team aims and if this was a bunch of people you wouldn't have to design this a bunch of times you just put whatever size whatever name or whatever number and it will populate all of these images so this time let's do this color it's 214 in a color or we can glow it let's do a [Music] formatting and instead of I don't know just being effect will do a glow instead of a shadow and for the glow let's try the red color see how that looks you're gonna like it and it kind of gives them resist rather than just being a color on there and I believe I can make my interior color if I'm not mistaken I thought I could make it transparent yeah I hit that make it transparent so now I can see through it a little bit not much but you can kind of see through it it's not like Photoshop but it does do a little something there all right so now that I see the elements that I want I'm trying to work with placement and how I'm gonna do these photos I don't like photos on this on the like entirely on the sleeves because it gives me a little issue I'm gonna have to move this below for right now position it sighs bring it down bring it back up and that way I'm hoping I can get to my photo better here we go and of course you know you have that collar up there so you have to be careful of that too and now this image I could bring up since I have my photo where I want it yeah let's do effect Manning I don't think I like it with the mask because it's not really showing the image through there and as long as I'm careful I should get the majority this 14 on there now keep in mind that when I change this for the team member it's going to change that as well I'm just going to change the number in the name so let's do Smith let's rotate position in size let's do a little rotation what not that way if it's a longer name it'll go down the sleeve same thing here I'm going to do a glowing effect on it too if you want to keep with the same colors you can always come up here and it tells you everything that you're using in this art so bring the strength up a little bit blur up just a little bit now the name is probably gonna some names are gonna be longer than others so you want to make sure that you accommodate for that as a matter of fact when I'm doing my team names I will always let's say I had last name Thompson Thompson which is way longer than Smith and let's say Thompson was 22 or like a bigger number 88 I think is one of the biggest numbers I don't think there is 88 but I'm just letting you know it's one of the widest numbers you can get an eight and eight so if I wanted to preview that I will go here go to my edit my team names and tell it I want to view this one instead of this one so now I can see does Thompson fit and if Thompson fits I know Smith will fit and in 88 Fitz I know our 14 was it and as long as I make sure that this is fitting on at least the smallest shirt and we're going to be doing so um I probably will play with this just a little bit more maybe take some of that black will copy and paste it and I might do like a little bit of black up here just turn it a little bit and bring it all the way to the bottom up one just to give me a little touch of black up here on this edge not much but just something to kind of balance it out and I probably will play with my images a little bit more but as you can see we got a whole design done this is pretty much ready to go I could save this design as a matter of fact I don't even have to save it I could create like a link for it which is what I'm gonna do when we put this link at the bottom of the video so I can see exactly all the layers and the elements that went into this and as a matter of fact when this is done I'll bring up our source image and show you how we pretty much reproduced it not exactly but pretty much um if I was really going to do it I need to upload I need to upload a brush for y'all that looks like just like a very soft spray paint soft round brush so this is gonna take some time say this is huge this is a huge workspace this literally translates to a 44 inch by 36 inch sheet of paper so that's how it tells the printers exactly what to print and this will go all the way up to a 3x possibly even a 4x shirt so this is a huge file huge print and hopefully it saves the day without anything crazy to us but I'm gonna check my messages cuz I got something else I'm supposed to be doing so I have an all-over shirt to do in just a little bit with my little 777 20 or 77 10 so I can copy that link and if anybody else wanted to see what that looked like I'm gonna paste it that way I have it but basically anybody could go to that link and work on the same design and change it so you have homework I want to give you this link like so pretty much cheating for you but I'm gonna see what you do different with it I want to see you play with the opacity of images maybe even your tents like so for instance that image I could you go back to photo photo go to my layers on that photo let me do is right now in greyscale if I were to do a tint I can technically attend it but it works better if you had greyscale select it first and then you try to ten you because then you would have the blacks already in there but you could change the color a little bit and then that way you would have it in color rather than in black and white so that's a option as well but um I'm gonna call that that now I would definitely make sure that I'm inside y'all know how I feel about being inside of these little areas where you might get cut off so got to make it do what it do and do it right otherwise some of your shirts old oh you know won't be cut off in other ones will and you just don't want to take that chance especially when you're dealing with people vary in sizes so you might have the kids might be adult smalls and then you might have some Forex grownups and you're sitting there designer for the Forex and then most of the kids shirts are going to be off and they're the ones that are to be a representative so you definitely make sure I'm still playing with this thing yeah I'm gonna be done with this I got a another order to work horn just now but I'm gonna check on y'all real quick see if I had any questions mm-hmm all right so do I have this template this is technically not a template this is something that I just threw together on this app but I can certainly make it a template and that's the point once you feel comfortable designing on something like this you should absolutely feel comfortable starting to play in Photoshop so I'm doing this as a builder for those of you who just really think you can't do Photoshop I'm letting you know that you absolutely can if you can do what I'm doing here you can do Photoshop what's up her ass this happy sunday happy Sunday well you cut some out this morning okay I'll take this hey yeah we definitely need to do a project so I want to I want to work on something with you on that and Randy I do have a template like this for sale but I can definitely make this into other Photoshop or affinity template you just let me know and I will definitely do it and if I can get it done tonight it will be a part of the it will be a part of the $10 special that's going on right now so message me on na creatives take a screenshot of this so I remember and say hey can you make this a template for me for you can photoshop or affinity and I definitely can do that y'all have any questions or or you have affinity good so Randy did you catch the affinity we did an affinity session today so if you didn't it was a two hour session we did the fire flame one infinity and then we also did something similar to this as a graduation shirt but this one has the opacity and stuff so definitely definitely oh yeah octavia sure welcome you know I love to work with quality work so I see the quality that you have and it it makes a design speak out better because the the photos are quality okay we'll go watch that Randy and that that template might be what you want because it already has like gradients and stuff but some people just really like the splashes and if you really like the splashes I can definitely build one with your splashes and you'd still have the gradients and stuff in it okay all right all right any other questions I'm going to tell you exactly what the homework is it's gonna be a post and I'll probably have this picture as the post or this video as the post and what I want you all to do is cut out images I don't care what program you use cut out an image well I do care what programs you use it can't be Photoshop affinity the whole point of this homework is just a Noto shop so at the end I want you to tell me what you're using if you do like a pattern print like how we do the soft prints of repeat a step and repeat pattern if you use an app for that let us know what app so this is an opportunity for us to share with one another free apps so I'm gonna show you all this one before I go I know I said out what's gonna go it's somebody gonna be real mad at me today but let me look up I show some of you all this earlier today and I'm gonna show y'all again so this is a free app that I want y'all to get excited about because I was really excited about it and I don't want to feel like I'm by myself and being lame again Luna pick so those of you who were here earlier yeah I gotta check this out ya gots to check it out let's go to I'm gonna upload now this is tryin gonna pick little pig does everything that you can imagine that a free app like Photoshop would do has a lot of features but what I'm gonna do is just upload let's see we can upload one of our images here and let's go to our downloads folder let's get our full color let's get this one with some action in it oh shoot we'll deal with it see what's working with uploading whoo now you see all that trash for real for real y'all I hope y'all stuff is not better than this but let me show you what this does let's do don't want to show you all few things where you can use these elements in your design and if my background was cut out better this would be a lot cleaner you would not see any of this trash right here but these are art effects that you can apply to your images for free for free so I want you out a plate like look at this this is no joke no joke so this is one of the things like I want y'all to like get crazy with this is this is a part of three up so you could do your cutout you can make it look artistic and then you can basically you know clean it up because this program is gonna put stuff in the background anyway whether it had a clean background or not but you can go back and clean up clean up the outside with the little feather brush from the from the Pixlr and have you a whole artistic shirt so I want no excuses y'all no excuses we got free resources here and then I'm hoping y'all will show share with me some more free resources so that I can share with others so this is a platform for helping folks we got to be able to to share these resources okay so although I still want y'all to spin some coins with me I'm gonna also I'm not selfish I don't only want to to have your monies I want you to really learn I want you to be encouraged and I want you to show off the higher the resolution photo the better the clean of the photo you're going to get some really good results with this so I did some earlier with with cardi and they turned out really cool so play with that let me know what you come up with that's one of my resources there so I guess I can put that in the I can put that in the description of video for the homework but I want y'all to share okay share share share Randy yeah it does look really cool and I guess it's not working right now I'm probably overloading it and running this video so hopefully they didn't cut us off and we're still live and I can check you all I don't know if I'll get back on later this evening but somebody asked me how I'm going to tile or how I tile the in Photoshop doing the all-over prints I don't do that for production purposes but I will do it if I have something that I need like today which is the case right now I have somebody waiting on an all-over shirt for a black history project for tomorrow so I'm going to use Photoshop I'm going to calculate what type what my tile sizes are going to be and then I'm going to use my long paper my roll media paper and that way for my front only new two sheets then for my back I need two shoes so if I get a chance to show you all that I'll show you if not then I'll just demonstrate it tomorrow after I get this job done on how these people ate so yep the rent that that's something a lot of people have been requesting how we do that through Photoshop especially with the 13 by 19 printers or 13 by 19 sheets of paper I tend to try to do it with the roll paper just so that I'm not I'm telling as little as possible those tiles they Eric my nerves okay all right love's I appreciate y'all's spin into the Sunday evening with me some of y'all but spending all day with me because I've been catching up on work and showing you all what I'm doing so take advantage of the template sale there's a few that I do have to post tonight by 8 p.m. some like the green remembrance shirt with the car and the paint splashes I got to post that one and I will get on that as soon as I finish this all-over shirt you're welcome you're welcome all right loves I will talk to y'all soon love you goodbye just for now
Channel: InnateLab
Views: 28,792
Rating: undefined out of 5
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Length: 69min 46sec (4186 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 16 2020
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