Making a T shirt Mock Up in Procreate

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All right folks moved back to procreate too. So we're going to show you how to use procreate to create a t shirt mockup. Now in your downloads for this section of this course I've included a white t shirt mockup from pics eBay that I use all the time so adds its pics eBay and it's open source I guess. Thank you to pics eBay and you're welcome on AM seventh season for share with you. All right. So we're gonna actually create this thing and then we're gonna destroy this thing only to recreate it so you understand how to do this routinely. Now you're going to want if you're going to post T-shirts to know the appropriate or approximate size of the display window for your program in my site it's a 1000 by fifteen hundred pixels so I get to create a 1000 by fifteen hundred pixel box and then what I'm going to do is I'm going to have a 70 2D API and let's go ahead and create. All right we're gonna go ahead and shrink this down and now we're just gonna come on in here and we're gonna insert a photo and this photo I've already brought in. Now this photo was a p energy and so if you come into layers and you turn off your background layer there you go you've got a P N G that is already keyed out. That's the technical term for it. Keeping it out of the background isolating it out of the background if you will. But I'm going to show you how this works. Just in case you aren't this fortunate. So we're going to destroy the PMG only to recreate it. So let's say here now that I have a background and we'll make it even harder on ourselves here. I've created a new group. My bad it's going to destroy that group and I'm going to create this layer and I'm gonna put it down below. And sometimes you get real lucky and you can have a layer that is absolutely 100 percent contrast. Now if that's true you'll just come up to select you'd select it all and then it would keep the black. But what we're gonna do now we're gonna make it a little bit more difficult. We're going to take it just to that off white looks. So it's kind of in a gray area so that it's close but procreate selection tool doesn't recognize like smart selection like Photoshop or any photo. So let's do this. Let's take the t shirt and let's destroy it. Click on it merge it down. All right. So now this is a blank layer right. I no longer have the t shirt isolated. There are two ways you can do this. The first way is to destructively TAKE YOUR RAZOR AND I'M GOING TO MAKE SURE THAT I'VE GOT MY hard brush selected and you turn it down. And then you slowly start chipping away right. This is way one so we can do it this way. This is one way that you could do it and procreate the way that I prefer to do it though I'm going to come over to the selection I'm going to go ahead and do a freehand selection. And then what I'm going to do is I'm just going to come down along the side here and keep on trucking as I go. Let's go ahead and shrink this guy down a little bit more all right apparently procreate said I want to stall here all right. So this is the second way to do it. And once you're good with this process you can then isolate it I'm going to go ahead and have the editor fast forward through here you don't need to watch me do this. I like to use selection because as opposed to a racing if I mess up like I just did. I can always come back and add or subtract to the selection and I'm going slightly inside of the white all right. Once you got that now what we want to do. We're gonna go ahead and with the selection now. We're going to go ahead and we're going to go ahead and save it. Now why can't we save it if we delve down in here we found we have not completed it yet. Now we have now let's go ahead and invert and now you'll see that the T-shirt is great out. Go ahead. Come over here and cut. There you go. Now you can always have added to it. You could've subtracted from it. And this is a pretty good selection I've got some areas here that I would probably go back through now is where I would grab my razor brush shrink it down pretty small and now I would just trim this out a little bit and always remember the magnification were up at a significant magnification. Your viewers probably will never catch on to that little piece when it's 1000. All right. Now let me show you how this works. I'm going to show you how to make this fully customizable. Let's go ahead select selected left swipe it duplicate it. Now we're going to use a clipping mask click here. Make the top layer the clipping mask to the below layer. And now let's add a layer in between and let's call this the color layer. So I gonna to go ahead and rename it color layer. All right now watch this. Notice how that's clipped to the below. Let's make this bright red OK. And we're gonna flood fill. No notice nothing happened. That's because this layer is on top. Now we're going to use our blend modes so click on the n go to multiply and bone. Now the beauty of this method. Watch this. Let's say I want a blue shirt. No problem. All you've got to do change color. Say I want a green shirt. And I wanted it kind of this olive drab style green. No problem. Change it to olive drab. All right. So let's go ahead now and come over to the layers panel. Let's go and open it. You see where I tapped it. Make sure you are on the layer too. Let's go and rename it. Let's call this shadow because this in multiply is what's changing over our shadow. And let's go ahead and apply a curve adjustment. Now I want to be on Gamma and I'm just going to kick up the dynamics of the shirts so the lights are a little lighter. The darks are a bit darker. If you don't like this you don't have to use it all right cool. I think we're pretty good here. Go ahead call it on this one now. How do you outsource this thing. Come over here and let's keep it as appropriate file. But if you wanted to you could come over and remember it's PMG. So you're gonna want to come over and if you export it make sure that you do a PSG so that it saves the transparency. All right folks. That's how to make a fully customizable T-shirt mockup in procreate. Notice I started with the PMG that was all keyed out and I showed you how to destroy it. So if you get a less than ideal photo procreate can help you out with that too. All right let's go and take the next step.
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Length: 7min 55sec (475 seconds)
Published: Thu May 14 2020
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