How to do T-shirt Product Photography (Shooting and Editing)

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you know when you're online shopping and you see those product photos with that perfect white background we're going to show you how to do that [Music] [Applause] today yeah what's up guys corey here from golden press studios back at you with another tutorial what we're doing today is not your standard screen printing type of tutorial is actually based on photography so we had a client reach out to us recently and they wanted some e-commerce product photos for their website we actually designed those shirts we printed them they look sick now we're going to take some photos for them and i wanted to take you guys along on that journey of how to take those awesome photos where it's just a nice flat layer of the shirt you have a really perfect white background it just looks amazing on your web store showing photos of your product supplies that you're going to need for this project is going to be a camera you're going to need some white paper or a poster board you're going to need some decent lighting optional would be a tripod or an overhead rig and lastly you'll need a computer um with some editing software to edit your photos what i'm going to be working with today is lightroom and photoshop so that's everything you'll need to take these product photos i guess we'll just head downstairs and kind of show you how to do that first things first we need some white background for our ecommerce photo for these these uh product shops what i'm gonna be using is this lovely white paper i'm just gonna pull off a big chunk of it so grab your snippers right here and i'm gonna just cut it off i like to have as much space as i can for these just you know you never know boom so i'm gonna just take this white paper into the other room where we're doing the photos just gonna lay it down try not to get too many creases in it try not to make it too dirty so i got some gaff tape right here uh just gonna tape down the edges so the paper is tight against the ground uh and just kind of flat and it's not gonna move around for me i'm using this white paper it's what we have in our studio we purchased that big roll of white paper and so we just have it it's useful you can pick it up off of amazon or something also if you don't have white paper you could go to hobby lobby or some craft store and uh i'm pretty sure they have roles that you could just get a sheet from them or a poster board that also works you can even probably find that at cvs if there's not a craft store around you we got our paper on the ground and now i'm going to show you how the setup that i'm using uh you don't necessarily need a tripod or an overhead rig to take these photos you can just straight up stand over top of of the the white paper or whatever and take some straight down photos i'm using this setup um kind of behind me just because i want it to be the exact same photo same height same distance every time the setup that we're using right here is we have a couple random light stands from amazon and just couple random pieces we kind of frankenstein this one really useful piece for an overhead rig is a super clamp with a ball head that you can mount your camera on super clamp super useful it can kind of grip on to any pole essentially also i know maybe the setup might look fancy but it's not as fancy as you might think uh we actually have one of the corners uh gaff taped together because we just don't have all the pieces just what we got we're just using what we got and that's a big thing i want to just encourage you guys with is use whatever you have if all you have are your arms and a camera then use that if if you do have access to a couple stands use that if you have the funds to buy it buy them they if you're going to be doing this often i do recommend getting some type of overhead rig set up because it just makes the process more consistent and quicker and easier well we got our lighting all set up now i'm actually using two lights i'm using them because we have them we do a lot of video shoots and different things and so we needed to get these lights and so now we got them and i'm going to use them for this i have one light set up that's our biggest light it's essentially over top of it and it's kind of on one end and then at my second light is shooting uh just kind of from the other side of it just to make sure there's no shadows on the shirt at all maybe you don't have any of that stuff that is not a problem all of this stuff can be done outside on a well-lit day i do recommend uh that the sun is not 100 bright and aggressive that that might give you too harsh of a look and you might come across some aggressive shadows on your things if it's kind of an overcast day not like it's like a thunderstorm but that there's just clouds in the sky kind of blocking the sun that's going to give you some nice even light on the product that you're shooting one of the lights we're using we actually have a couple of them we have this big light that it just works really well a couple of these guys they're from amazon they're like 60 bucks they're affordable they're cheap and they really do get the job done i use those for most things for a while we've used them for a lot of professional photo shoots and video shoots and they work like a dream so you know it doesn't have to be some crazy thousand dollar light so the products that we're shooting today are these uh we have a few different t-shirts for a brand that we printed the shirts at our shop we're taking some ecommerce photos for their website you want your product to look as perfect as it can and since we're in a screen printing shop i'm just going to run it through the conveyor dryer just to let it kind of work out any little wrinkles that it's maybe acquired if you're not in a screen printing shop i mean ironing this shirt or getting a steamer um anything you can do just to make your shirt not have wrinkles and make it look as pristine as possible another little tip i'm using the small shirts and i'm doing that just so the design looks as big as possible the camera settings that i'm using are f 6.3 i'm shooting at 1 80th of a second um that's not crazy fast but with as much lighting and i'm using a tripod that's not a problem i'm also doing a two second delay timer um and so just to give you a quick rundown of what those settings mean maybe you've never used a dslr camera before how how those settings work i'm choosing to do f 6.3 the higher the number of on your your f-stop or your aperture that kind of allows more things in the photo to be in focus and i want the entire shirt to be in focus for this i'm not using autofocus for this shot because i'm on a tripod or an overhead rig and i switch it to manual focus and i just kind of pulled that ring on my camera has a focus peaking thing so it tells me exactly when i've nailed that perfect focus if you're taking these by hand i definitely recommend you use autofocus it's going to help you a lot but i just don't want there any weird potential for the focus to be jumping around everything is locked off where it's going to be so i don't have to worry about that again i said i was using the two second delay uh for for the photo and that's just so i can take the photo remove my hand and that there won't be any camera shake if you're doing handheld i'd recommend having a quicker shutter speed um so you'll have less opportunity for motion blur in your shots because the goal for these beautiful crispy clean photos also one other quick tasty little tip i'm using this pencil since i'm on paper and i'm gonna mark just some a few tiny little marks around this shirt so since i'm doing multiple shirts and multiple sides of the shirts i want to make sure my shirt's in the same place for every photo well we got our shirt laid out flat looking beautiful we got our perfect white background we got our overhead ray we got our lighting and we have our camera all the way set up only thing left to do for this part is just take the photos got my two second timer on there i'm gonna snap away at these photos and we'll get you know both sides of the shirt and move on to the next couple shirts [Music] we switched out the the paper to a black paper and the reason why i did that is because we're actually photographing a white shirt and a white shirt on white paper that's not going to be easy to kind of separate the shirt from the background and since when we get into the computer and we do some editing we're actually going to remove the shirt off the background just went with a black paper that has good contrast and that's just going to be it's just going to make it a lot easier to remove the shirt from the background when we're doing that all right we got our photos taken um now we just need to throw them in the computer and do some editing form so we'll head upstairs and do that so we are over here at my good old desk got my trusty camera that i took our photos with i'm gonna eject that sd card put it in my computer and we're going to take the photos off of that sd card and put it in the old hard drive and now we are going to import the photos that we took into lightroom i'm i'm gonna do that by hitting command shift i or you can go up to file and and import them go into little bow wow that's my hard drive and uh going in there this is the folder that i put those photos in it's gonna kind of load them up and then i'm gonna import them into lightroom as you can see my computer moves at 1 million miles an hour you're shocked about how quickly this is working i'm gonna hit import we got all of our photos in here and what i'm gonna do in lightroom is some quick editing just to kind of make it easier for me to remove the background with them as well as making sure the shirt colors look the best um how i want them to look we're gonna go over to develop and uh we're gonna crop this photo just so it's all the way in the the white i just unchecked the little lock thing so i can crop it to kind of however i need it to be and i'm going to straighten it out just a little bit that looks good and i'm going to kind of do that for the next few photos just since we're in the cropping mood so we have all the photos cropped down just so any of the excess part of the picture was out of this shot now i'm just going to kind of go through a couple little edits on these the goal is to make these shirts look essentially how they look in person um so i'm just going to tweak a couple of the values and probably make the whites a little wider as well so let's just do that real quick this i got all my settings over here on this little right side and i'm gonna actually drop the contrast a little bit because i feel like this shirt is a little more gray in person than just like a lighter gray bring my highlights up yeah i like how that looks with the shadows up a little bit like i said i'm gonna bump the whites grow to the clarity and uh clarity kind of boosts that detail a little bit which is always nice um i pump my light i like to pull the darks down um and i feel like this is starting to look pretty accurate to what the shirt actually looks like and we have nice good contrast from the shirt to the white area um yeah so that looks pretty good and actually what i'm going to do is i'm going to copy all those settings and i'm going to hop over to the back side of the shirt since it's the same shirt and paste it and it'll do the exact same edit over top of this so yeah you go back and forth and it's going to look the same so those ones are done uh i'm just gonna select both of those command shift e for export and i'm just gonna export those two to my desktop this is the the white one on the black background and again we're just doing kind of simple edits on these just to to make them really pop and so with this design we did also a half toning on this uh kind of to make it look like there's like this torn paper effect um and i want to highlight that so i'm actually going to grab this adjustment brush make it a bit i have it feathered out a little bit and i'm just going to paint a little line over that area and if you want to see where you've painted you can hit o and it'll highlight it in red and i think i'm going to boost the whites on that boost the clarity maybe even the sharpness a bit i just want you to be able to see that there's those little holes and little halftone lines going on what if i even yeah there we go boosting my shadows a little bit helps maybe dropping the contrast i just really want to make it so you can tell that there's that paper texture going on there you don't want to overdo it with this stuff um because sometimes like your mask area that you painted on there uh it'll kind of show up and it'll look weird just a couple little tweaks and i think i like how that looks and as you can see it's just so much more clear than it was looking before oh another fun thing to do just to make sure you edit you didn't over edit is hitting that reset button and then command z and kind of seeing where you came from to make sure you didn't overdo it and sort of with that same concept that i was doing this is gonna with that masking in this is gonna help me out for that next step and i'm just gonna paint around the shirt in that black area and what i'm gonna do is darken up that whole background area so uh when when we're cutting this shirt out of its background that'll just make it easier on us we will again copy those settings and paste it on top of this guy the back of the shirt that looks pretty good and i'm going to hit it one more time uh i didn't copy the masking over to this photo because it's a different photo and the masking would show up in the wrong place and so i'll just you know essentially redo that so we are actually now going to move over to photoshop if you wanted to just be done at this point um that is an option uh if if you're just working like this gray shirt right here um i mean that that white background looks pretty perfect but i like to do one more little extra step in photoshop and uh make sure that it's this perfect 100 white background we are opening up photoshop now and we will do a couple little edits over in there with these shirt photos i'm gonna go down to create new and make a new document i think i'm just gonna do this 10 inch by 10 inch 300 uh ppi file that's fine it's just a square file and a square is a good shape if you're working with uh these product photos let's just go and grab these photos swing them over and drop them in that document we're just gonna hit enter on all of them as they come in here right now all these are smart objects and uh if you to get rid of their background you're going to want to make them not a smart object and i can just do that to all of them actually right now so i'm just going to select that bottom one hold shift select the top i'm going to do kind of like right click or the two finger click and rasterize layers so now i can easily edit them and go back and select this one and as you can see you know it did look nice but when you contrast it to a perfect white you can tell that that color is not 100 white alright so now we are going to remove the background from this shirt so it just has a perfectly nice and clear white background i went over and i grabbed my wand tool and i'm just going to select doing a pretty good job at selecting it i'm going to hold shift and click this other area and it just did an even better job at selecting it i'm just going to hit delete and right out the gate we've pretty effectively removed it we got a little mess over there i'm gonna you know grab that little guy and just delete it and there's a couple little tiny areas um that could maybe be cleaned up and so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go to my eraser and you know i'm gonna have it a pretty small and i'm gonna give it a little bit of a feathering effect so i don't you know mess it up and honestly just grabbing your eraser and going in i'm just using my track pad here and it does it really fine job at just cleaning up that edge and not making it um that is just yeah just cleans up that edge makes it look good [Music] looking really good and uh hit command t and place it right in the center i think that's a good size and now we'll just just duplicate this process for the next couple shirts [Music] now we're going to hop over to the one with the black background the white shirt black background um and how we're going to do this we're going to just again select everything like we were with the wand hold shift kind of refine our selection and delete that um and there's a few areas that we missed but really the big problem with this is that there's this kind of weird black line around the whole shirt and it just makes it not look natural so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna go over here and hover over the little box um where the layers panel is i'm gonna hold command and click and it's gonna kind of have a little marching ants all the way around this of of what is selected in in this image i'm going to go up to select and uh i'm going to go to modify and hit contract and i'm going to tell it to contract by two pixels we'll probably get it done maybe three let's push three and see what it does we're gonna hit okay and uh and then what we're gonna do is we're going to kind of do that double right click thing and we're going to hit select inverse and then hit delete and as you can see that that just cleaned up that whole section and we still have those couple spots that we missed and that's not a problem uh we are gonna go over and use our eraser tool yet again and just clean up those little edges and any other little spots that got missed [Music] [Music] you can kind of review them i think they they look pretty good you know they look good for a nice website you can scroll through them and they all look look fresh and you can boom email those to your client upload them to your website you are good to go so there you have it beautiful amazing product photos for your website or your clients website um you know and it's really it's not that challenging um and someone i just want to let you guys know or just remind you is i know in this video we used a lot of maybe fancier equipment at times but honestly all of this can be done with your cell phone with a poster board with the sunlight you know whatever you have available to you um you can you can use and you can get this stuff done with even if you don't even have a computer you can edit these photos on your phone and crop them and get the job done but i hope that this was useful for you i hope you learned something in this process maybe you're a screen printing shop and you want to offer this as an extra service to future clients maybe uh you're just starting a clothing company and you're trying to figure out how to get those really nice photos for your website this is a great little thing to do that's just going to up the value and the quality of the content that you're putting out keep learning keep growing and take some awesome photos make some amazing shirts we'll see you there in the next video peace [Music] you
Channel: Golden Press Studio
Views: 103,031
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: screen printing, golden press, ryonet, shirt, t-shirt, hoodie, print, printing, screen, screen print, press, printing press, studio, golden press studio, update, studio update, video, How to, tutorial, sgreen, sgreen adhesive, Photography, Dunk tank, screen cleaning, emulsion, screen emulsion, sgreen emulsion stripper, MVR, Music Video Revival
Id: BLSmAdyr-Rc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 49sec (1489 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 19 2020
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