Buying a Combine and Farming with Zero Experience

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hello everyone welcome back today I'm going to be trying out my new state-of-the-art farm equipment my combine oh no did you know that combines were invented by the combine industry to sell more combines it's almost harvest season and my crops are just blooming I can't imagine a more beautiful thing careful how you spell corn on the internet no he typed in born and got pictures of babies it's going to be showing up any minute I'm here to run a business yeah that bad boy is massive he gigantic that is enormous bro this combine thing is a horrible idea I don't know why he thinks he can just start farming well what's the best way to unload this this is how my cousin got killed he's undoing a chain on a combine that was on a trailer and just immediately crushed him bro is moving while I'm undering get excavator and Hope on you P so he wants me to smack that thing no that's not what he said hey look out somebody can hit you you're the only one that damn all right Cody that's high enough Cody what the all right you got it now nice and easy [Music] no now how are we going to get that out how do you swim kick your feet sometimes I uh I can't tell if Cody's all there honestly throw me your camera I'll hold it so it doesn't get wet uh no it's okay tastes like Diesel and car batteries well what have you been putting into the pond Diesel and car batter what's the next step um we need tire from down there to put on here need to be careful around heavy equipment side no my other side oh well you just okay now back up and make it look like I lifted it on my own oh come on man where are we going to lift this at the problem is we pick up on one corner it might get really squirly very squirly probably chip monkey the driver is just like he's so pissed Dam back up hey tell you what come forward I literally hate this every time monster Max is just saying you got to pick the whole freaking vehicle up that way yeah how much do he r that b he doesn't he just bought it so he can run it oh we broke the valve down just get it off this is the problem with people who don't Farm they don't realize all of the hard things that you have to go through just to make a living my cousin died he was under a combine while they're putting the tire on beating with an orange chain binder and it fell on him that's exact exactly what's happening very nice doesn't have brakes right I can turn though W what I'm going to give you all a tour but this is the uh ladder I think oh kind of smells in here Cody there's a note to whistling diesel please read this for my son he's a big fan oh yeah they do know who you are I wonder how they know I told him really no they figured it out how they figured it out I told him I'm just going to get off the trailer for now what you're going to do this should be down press a little pedal that's the parking not that pedal the pedal beside the pedal not that pedal the other the small pedal there you go dude let me tell them how to do everything oh that's pretty cool actually sounds good we're just going to ease into it I don't have brakes well that's an issue something feels wrong so what you want to do just slowly jerk this back and forth so I'm going to pull a U-turn towards the water the shop cuz as you can see there's parts missing oh I think those are the engine pads what we're going to pull up to our head here oh oh what the it actually did push it into the door some you know this is fine I just wish that uh you wouldn't park here this is your car you parked there hell dud this one was supposed to be nice I wasn't even trying to do anything with it Cody why are you holding your knee you backed into another car for the insurance claim that's not how Insurance works if that bracket or what not's broke on the back like that it's 13,000 just see if they can Fork it over you don't even have cover just Fork it over keep saying he wants to farm but the bank's already asking for the farm back we just got a ton of rain so it's a perfect day for it we Harvest crops in the rain I bought two heads for it which is like the lawn mower blades basically I have zero idea how to run this I'm just figuring I mean I I have a lot of experience so I lower that I think Full Throttle No you don't need Full Throttle nice and easy easy don't ran into it I'm going to show everybody how it's done something's wrong here help hey I got it so then I pull that around it they literally use duct tape to fasten how nice of John Deer that's not it has to spin Cody do you not know what you're doing at all no way that's right look at him being all pessimistic there's no way this is right that's what he just said he called him pessimistic that's going the wrong way with it this is not working guys I know what I needs done I'm going to get in there and shimmy like 500 controls until it works Tyler get out of there wait wait wait no no you lock the head on there's a lock I mean I mean there's a lock let me get that in a minute we got them boys that's not hooked in yeah it is the sleeve the sleeve is all the way up I don't think so no no no you turn on full rotary power I want to see if it works this is spinning this part's not going yet let's hop out we need to move this over I'm going to come up and gently bump this Cody no he just loves to operate it what is he running that way for no no who w w put the stick on the nut that's going to work but we need to line it up Cody you dumbass stop it so first of all we should go down here and whip some donuts NOP that's we should Farm first that I think it's telling you to stop doing that because it's stupid it's like calm down bro hang on I'm going to flip it I'm going to flip it no no no Cody I'm not riding with Cody ever again let's get this guy no he doesn't know how to run Cody no no he's even worse it's like a game playing with heavy equipment is so fun I planted this field back in 2016 so it's been growing for a good 8 years now we're well past Harvest crops it's corn my Corn's 10 years old no no no I told you it's eight this is like where I came from back in Indiana I planted it for my YouTube videos to drive-thru like Interstellar now to be like the directors of big movies I'm going to sell the corn to make my money back so as you can see it's got good white and black streaks all over you're going to eat then no no no I'm not going to eat it other people are going to sell it so this thing should be all good to go I got the corn head on you're going to pick corn right now that's a Bean Head this one's not working very good oh yeah no it isn't it's the wrong attachment it's kind of plugged up I'm not really getting much for I'm going to go switch heads so we're going to lube all these up such a Nifty design yeah that can works great okay as you can see there's a lot of soil and that's not uh good do you think that blasters may be not good on these though I don't think it's going to last long enough to worry about that I don't know stop get some help I'm literally trying to promote the longevity of my equipment and you're trying to talk me down out of it I don't even think you're supposed to fire this up without these on but um I'm going to fire it up without these on oh yes wow it's working oh my God s this makes me uncomfortable this is how my uncle died wait actually I pushed him into a combine head let me get it out no off oh no it off this is what I was telling that's normal don't worry about [Music] it I've been wanting to do this for a long time I swear if this thing C is on fire and burns down I'll buy another one okay let's go baby I'm doing it yes we're doing it yeah let's go [Music] baby oh dud this Corn's nice I love this so much dude our full row of corn yeah this is a lot of corn so let's see how it does oh yeah it's eating good dud yes oh yeah there lushous socks come with me my friends I am your father you will now live in cans holy look at all the f I can't imagine a more beautiful thing being a farmer is a lot like being a veteran you can demand respect and attention oh no I think the Corn's coming out of the hopper what's going on I think you forgot to plug something dude all coming out right down there I see it it's just coming out the whole time we've just been dumping everything stop it stop it well we're going to lose this corn anyways there's no reason to holding up there we're going to have to pick that corn up it's not good leaking things out of vehicles and not picking it up we're missing two PL that's just how they clean it up for winter it's those two plates in the cab I think are you serious oh my are you genuinely facilitating this just cost me hundreds of [Music] sense over the last 2 years I started my apparel company monster Max which is basically a higher standard of workware items that don't shrink they fit properly they're oneoff custom built for people like you and me that don't want to deal with issues with your clothes I also wanted it to be made and sourced in America it's a super high quality standard but as a result they cost a lot more our margins are very small and yet people still think that they're too expensive but I also want to serve the people that don't have the money for stuff like this so that's why we are launching whistling this shirt's literally 4 in tall I don't know why we made it how much it I'm going to make a bunch of crazy dumb stuff on there I'm wearing one of them right now we planned ahead a long time for this this has been a long time in the making didn't um so these shirts are a hundredth of the price so the only way that you're going to get the cheap price is if it's made in China so we got China baby and we got America I have no warranty on these this is the same China blank that every other YouTuber sells we have the all time classic I got to lie I'm really impressed I'm not building an armored bulldozer in my garage over the course of 18 months baiden sourced in America Maiden sourced wherever they're blanks shirts are 29 bucks very very cheap prices compared to the MX stuff are we even profiting from those shirts I don't think we're profiting from any of this a lot of people think I'm dumb sometimes which is understandable stop it what are you laughing at I may be dumb but I'm not dumber than you cuz nobody else would have thought of this static builds up in this when it gets hot and dry and it will literally just start a fire but my grandpa had one was on there for like 30 Years cuz this the first owner put on there the links on the end were like paper thin you could just break them in half cuz they're just dragging on the ground that long that's probably my biggest concern though is just catching on fire yeah any little spark or anything who would not watch a 200 74 part series on this com said have to destroy no no no no no this is Passion you can't profit off a passion when I was younger and this is not a joke everybody thinks I'm joking all the time I only joke like 72.4% of the time my cousins and I would literally play hide-and-seek around the barn and my grandpa's combine is parked in there it was very similar to this as a 9-year-old kid I would climb up in here all the blades all the knives are up in there you just literally hope that he doesn't start the combine this is where I play hide-and-seek legit nobody started okay YY somewhere in here I blew a hydraulic line and I was worried about catching on fire last night cuz I was picking till midnight so I left it outside and it rained very hard I've kind of dug down there to check it there's a good 6 in of just like wet musty corn on top no Taylor put in the be explosion is it true if you like stepped in that you would fall down like in the silos and like you couldn't get out you don't actually believe that do you no what this looks like the air filter can we order a new one immediately please I want to take much better care of this thing how are we supposed to operate the world's most Flawless farm when we have particulates in our filters if we can get a good wax and wash tonight no all right so let's see if our hydraulic line fixed work yes okay nice all right right up look at all that oh my God that all came out of this machine this core thing we fixed it that's what this is all about guys it's awfully muddy outside do you think we can be farming in this yeah no we just got a foot of rain it's perfect condition it's not all right well we're going to keep on picking I ain't really getting much well there ain't much on the ground budy this is not meant to be doing this right now at all actually are we getting good far oh my gosh honey we're full wow it's almost there my goal is to feed America okay I can't stop I I literally can't stop dude stop I can't stop I can't stop what was that noise there's no brakes I couldn't stop I pulled back and it's just going I'm like I'm going to pull some stunts up here watch this I don't know if it looks cool or not I I'm going to go off the driveway to where it goes up the hill yeah this be fun oh no what the heck no can I fit through there wo w w hey hey hey hey hey [Music] Cody what the hell part of being a harvester I must return my food to those who deserve it and U selling it to Market these guys look starving so I'm on my way to the grain elevator to sell my crop my Bountiful Harvest it's a 2hour drive by car so that should mean it's a 15 20 minute drive by combine no this is a lot slower normally you would hire like a semi to haul your grain for you you don't drive the combine every time it fills off so anyways I'm almost there so I might as well keep [Music] going oh that's really low oh Slow Down slow down more than 700,000 people are without power oh God jeez God oh no God please no oh he said good [Music] I'mma Park my whip here bro just give me a minute stop to grab some LS real quick I got a huge load of corn we're going to go unload it go do it man get her done you gave me anything uh just got my lunch can of corn my favorite Dr topper you're weird says the dude that doesn't like Dr topper the co-op this is and the oncoming dude I can't wait for that check 200 Grand I know I'm going to be making it big today I'm very excited to finally get paid for my hard work see they don't need to test this corn cuz I already tested it it's not that moldy would you back it up throw your augur out I'm going to climb up that and I'll pull this sample that's how you test it tell me how dry it is M cold I'm going say 15 16% W well that's what we needed that's perfect right did all right let's see oh where we go 17 that would be a little high you want to be around 165 down if you just got iron so that's acceptable though right it's acceptable I literally picked right after the biggest thunderstorm ever I was like yeah this is going to be useless I thought for sure it was going to be like we yeah we can't take this but it looks like it's good quality corn to you Americans here we go yes holy crap I didn't realize it was that much we're going to fill that thing up wow I'm very proud of myself for this Bittersweet moment it is Bittersweet you know I grew that I raised that from birth you did actually you you literally planted that well this is about all I'm going to give you for that mess corn $21 wait what I was expecting like 80 to 90 grand maybe um day well I guess I can use this to fix the combine that's not going to cover anything dude no all right well uh that'll I guess suppose I could are you going to pay me or haven't been paid in a while this is it well act natural uh act natural wait oh sh oh he's pulling us over really yeah no he's going past I told you hey there's no reason for them to pull me over like just cuz I clipped five cars six people four kids two people on bike I hate to do it but I am if we get stuck dude it's really steep oh my no the whole way oh my God I'm in their field Okay C I'm trying not to pay for their field I'll pay for their field let me hope I can get back out of this I didn't realize it was that bad bro you got a car coming it's the property owner and he's pissed oh he's stopping he's watching us yeah oh no I didn't realize it's that muddy bro sir do not enter the bridge your life will end drastically look at that dog he's low I I I know you see that there ain't two free Lanes here you better get going off this road now before I plow you off myself she is pissed off bro pissed off well that was pretty good feel we got our money's worth well we literally lost $198,000 I actually lied to you all I'm not going to be destroying the combine I'm going to start farming sorry well well wait never mind um so I'm going to start farming and this is Frank the Combine episode one I'm going to turn this whole place I hope you have a fantastic day
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 5,428,384
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: WxAVwgEbT0w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 35sec (1115 seconds)
Published: Tue May 14 2024
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