The Most Wanted Drivers in New York

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okay easy tiger easy easy easy easy easy easy easy come on come on come on come on hey hey hey how many police chases do you think you've been in 30 I think on a scale of 1 to 10 how wanted would you say you are probably a 10 nobody's more wanted than me I wasn't lying when I said these guys are wanted hello folks I'm Tommy G I'm here with the most Wanted drivers in New York he y s swimer you already know what's going on I lovep swim team the Dream Team so buckle up folks this is going to be a wild ride one day in the safety of my home in Milwaukee I started to get bombarded by DMS imploring me to explore these two drivers named squeeze Benz and we's 981 when I looked at their Pages their driving shocked me I would describe their videos as daring dangerous and Reckless I'm fascinated by the human desire to push limits and go against the grain I'm fascinated by the Daredevils and outlaws of the world young men in particular love to do this in a variety of ways evil Canal shot himself out of a cannon Philip petite rope walked across the Twin Towers Alex hanold climbed up Cliffs without a rope and fighter Darren tail cut weight until he went blind the question that comes to mind when you look at this behavior is what compels someone to push themselves to such length and risk injury or death in today's video we investigate this Daredevil behavior in the form of reckless drivers who are causing outrage and Fascination across New York police tried to pull over a car on West 38th Street in 7th Avenue the driver sped off slamming into cars driving on the sidewalk and even hitting a dining shed there's a Twist in the story because these guys don't just risk their own necks in the stuns they also risk the lives of innocent pedestrians and the law enforcement that chases them these guys regularly go on police chases and evade police helicopters today we interview them face to face and talk morality ethics danger and their motivation for their behavior let's dive in and go boots on the ground this documentary is purely for educational purposes we want to stress that the behavior depicted in this video is dangerous illegal and should never be imitated and remember it only takes one bad crash to ruin your life or someone else's please drive responsibly thank [Music] youone in my section we wanted to know how Everyday People felt about this kind of driving we had some extra time to kill at the New York airport so I went around showing people videos of squeeze bendz and wears 981 driving here's what they had to say about it what do you think of that just dangerous I think the school off them is a bit dangerous was everyone else at risk he's probably going 120 130 right now see how there some close calls I feel like he thinks he's in a video game that stuff pisses me off I got kids that are on those roads too when that guy hits one of my kids he say I don't know what happened I could tell this guy a million times hey you're going to kill somebody on the road he's going to do it anyways what do you think about that it makes me mad I get it all kids they're bred to do that right but it's still it's irresponsible if I told you that this guy's gotten away from not only m police but also helicopters what's your reaction on that I believe it I just feel like it's really I feel like he should get his license taken away for some period of time and probably have to go through safe driving classes maybe talk to people who are victims of people that drive should be commensurate with like attempted manslaughter or something like I mean that's in effect you're putting people at risk intentionally when you go a certain speed over the speed limit if you were his mother or father what would you tell him that he's a selfish idiot one of these days somebody is going to get in his way and that person's going to end up dead or many people are going to end up dead and if he ends up dead that's his consequence for what he does but nobody else deserves to have that kind of risk it's no different than someone who's really drunk getting behind the wheel of a car and driving when they have no control I mean your car is actually like a weapon of mass destruction it has to be hand hand with care worse than being drunk and getting behind the wheel because you're actively making the choice to put other people's lives at risk the cheapest price that gets paid is not the person driving the car someone's going to end up dying and that'll be that that can ruin hundreds of people's lives like if a kid in a school were to die everybody in the school warning for that one person oh yeah he's trific not safe at all if he hits somebody do you think it should be manslaughter or first degree I say manslaughter cuz cuz you know what you're doing like you're just driving crazy like what would you tell him if you could say something to him be like slow down what do you think about driving like this oh it's terrible I don't like it like he better stay away from it yeah what should be the penalty if he's caught manslaughter or first degree that's some of debate if he hits somebody you mean if he kills somebody it's vehicle man this guy has an ability to get away from multiple police vehicles and including helicopters so he hasn't been caught yesterday he got away from a helicopter where in New York or California New York wow what kind of car is he renting Lamborghini I can see how he's out running the cops I guess we could hope for him hitting a telephone pole turn yourself in brother you're a reckless driver and you're going to hurt innocent people I got folks taking P something like pop R I'm go and get the Tesla I don't really like the mod really getting to the check but I ain't rocking we're on our way to meet squeeze Benz recently he's been making the news for his high-speed stunts while some people see his driving as exhilarating or exciting there's a rising sentiment that this sort of behavior unnecessarily endangers innocent drivers and pedestrians he sent us the address of a random parking garage and told us to pull up this is what we encountered folks we're on the way to talk to one of the most Wanted drivers in New York squeeze Benz this kid does stuff that makes my butthole pucker up pause this guy is reckless this guy is Extreme this guy drives at a very high speed I do not drive like this you shouldn't drive like this and there's a reason why I'm not getting into their cars while they're driving this fast it's dangerous it's Reckless it's scary disclaimer don't do this at home he's kind of like a high-speed fugitive I'm always interested in the Outlaws of the world people that live on the edge human especially men are always pushing the limits of danger but one distinction I want to make is evil conal only harms himself if he fails the UFC fighters are both signing up they're in mutual combat but these guys if something goes wrong they harm innocent civilians so I want to ask him about that but then ask him about the outlaw the testing danger peace that lives strongly within them cuz I think that's interesting this is not a product placement I do not want a partnership with Celsius I do not drink your drinks every single trip multiple times a day I don't AB abolutely love your drink guys if you want to hit me up please do I would love to talk to you otherwise I'll probably hit up Prime and you know how that goes so we're pulling up to meet squeeze Benz I'm excited I hope you are too you know High speeded must be an issue around here if they have a Mustang NYPD car that's got some zip to it RP mainstream Med it's been a great run kudos to you for lasting as long as you have but it's it I mean that's you're finished and it's sorry in honor of that rip mainstream media sweatshirts available Tommy oh god dude what the is this Batman [Music] dude on a scale of 1 to 10 how wanted would you say you are probably a 10 nobody's more wanted than me really yeah that's insane it started like about a year ago I got my first Benz and I always did like little driving videos and I never really took it to nothing and then my boy started saying like you know mad people are blowing up off this and I was just like you know that's just how it started I'm curious like we have a Lamborghini one point in Mercedes-Benz I'm sure you go through a lot of different cars are you going on Touro and just driving people's cars all crazy you guys getting your own cars like tell me about that I had my own car for a bit but then I changed it up because I did get chased a lot so I just realized like you know doing long-term rentals is just a way better route and then obviously I don't tell these guys on the street back did you ever get blown up by the T people asking what the hell happened they do ask and then like I kind of just like you know I'm just driving the car you know I mean you mix danger but there's also other people at risk when you do that innocent civilian so what do you think about the element of danger that I've been doing this since like real [ __ ] since I was N I used toat my dad's car out and I used to just walk out I've been doing this for so long now that I feel like I d i some professional at it like you know [ __ ] know like that's how I drive there's been incidents where I've gone out with people and they try keeping up with me and theyve cck how fast do you go I mean there's been a video on live where I've gone one handed 210 mph filming with one hand driving with the other 210 mph that's insane did that scare you not really just to build up a tolerance of just speed do you feel like the police watch your Instagram 100% they do let's pop in the car and keep the conversation going okay okay okay okay okay okay how many people normally out compared to like am I in the high end of high that's okay your Mom worry about you of course I call it she don't even want to hear the things that I'm doing she be getting scared cuz she know i' be doing [ __ ] like you know what I mean do you know any friends that have gotten really hurt or died doing this my boy he was racing and he macked up and he hit his head and his head like split open a little bit stitches but like other than that nothing's ever happened tell me about the camera system in New York how hard is it to evade capture or awareness of the police super easy a lot of people like they be doing crimes with their plates on you mean if I go and run from a cops I'm going to make sure I either have altered plates or no plates at all New York City is home to one of the most advanced camera surveillance networks on the planet an Amnesty International project identifi that there are more than 25,000 public and private cameras at traffic intersections across the city this camera technology can capture faces and other details from up to 400 ft away this infrastructure isn't cheap either this camera technology combined with cell phone tracking tools spy wear and facial recognition racked up nearly $3 billion in expenditures from the NYPD from 2007 to 2019 when Street Racers run rampant in the city it's easy for governments to make the argument to increase the surveillance in order to shut down this Reckless and deadly behavior however the same technology can also be used to capture the profiles of millions of civilians on a daily basis something that is currently happening in in China and that many Americans are afraid of as technology such as AI facial recognition and high def cameras increase in quality this is a challenge we are going to have to wrestle with to ensure the very Tech that can help keep us safe also doesn't grow too powerful to infringe upon our freedoms what are the different penalties for if you got caught doing what we were doing G time I'm running rad lights I'm doing more than triple the speed limit double the speed limit this is a lot of tickets to it you did a video on Time Square recently right yeah bags for all my insecurities you like some work probably clean the bag make Top Line lock let me it only takes one mistake to permanently change or destroy somebody's life I do understand that it just like we were also like it was a lot of people 12:00 in the morning you seen in the video like I stopped looked around they sure there was no and started doing and when I was running the red lights I'm not going to lie I was L keep bugging I lowkey know how to run the red lights at been chased by maops to the point where I could blow the red lights doing 6070 no I'm not going to70 dude what is your strategy in getting away from police hopping on the highway these cops like they're not really built for that it's a lot of real rookie cops now a bunch of rookie cops and these guys do not know how to drive on the highway let's talk about how drivers like Ben can evade detection for so long they do so by altering or covering up their license plat so the car cannot be tracked by police or the traffic cameras cars with his modification have been nicknamed ghost cars last month a Joint Task Force was launched between New York Governors Kathy hok New York mayor Eric Adams the NYPD and the MTA to crack down on the issue of ghost cars in their first day alone they impounded 73 cars issued 282 court summons and made eight arrests and I noticed the same thing back home in Milwaukee the guys running through the red lights driving the stolen cars and driving aggressively most of them do not have license plates what's the longest police chase you've been in 30 minutes that's a pretty long Chase how many guys you think were chasing your had to be like three four but the amazing was the helicopter those are really hard to go through how luckily it was late night I was in the Porsche and that [ __ ] does 210 mph so I just hopped in the highway you know what I mean the helicopter can only go so fast you go fast in the helicopter yeah they only like to at like 150 140 you crash into somebody they get paralyzed they die do you think you deserve to go to prison yes obviously I wouldn't want to be put into prison for life if I killed somebody that's somebody's life that's somebody's mother brother cousin whatever the case is if somebody crashed into to my mom in her car and they killed her I want them to go to jail you know what I mean maybe not for life but just enough to get in head like you know what makes taking these risks worth it for you they're not really risk to me that's the thing I don't really see them as risk I see them as like you know me just everyday driving you said you been driving since you were 9 years old my dad used to give me his car you know I used to sit on his lap when I was like seven he used to give me the steering wheel that and then you know I hit n he used to send me yo go to Auto Zone real quick I used to go to Auto Zone on dep whatever is 13 I used to start picking on my boys and that's when I started really like you know cutting up oh my mother [ __ ] okay easy tiger easy easy easy easy easy easy easy come on come on come on come on hey hey hey hey no more no more that mothering made me imagine me doing that 100 yeah that's really nothing how many police chases do you think you've been more than my hands there's been so many times where like the boys just get behind us and they start chasing like it's not really chases to us you know they back up do you think you're the most Wanted driver in New York between me and where's 981 like where is 981 will you died down I feel like I've taken over that spot so yeah I'm sure there are a lot of young men that watch your content what do you think about kids that want to go try and replicate this copy this from squeeze B himself do not come try this this is something that you can get paralyzed you could die I don't drive like this you shouldn't some people in this game take lots of risks and squeeze is one of those guys but highly advise never how sophisticated is the camera system in New York it's getting more sophisticated now to where like it'll take them probably 2 3 Days To really find where you was at you know what I mean how do you stash your vehicle so that the police don't trace you to your house for a garage I have other parking garage I park my car so just like a drug dealer has trap poches you have different I have trap gar my God are you nervous at all I'm [ __ ] nervous the boys are right here can I get a out on the truck how you know he was about to get out of his vehicle you w just about to smash him as you open up the door I fill why do you think this is something that young men gravitate towards dring let's talk about brain development and young men the male brain does not fully mature until about 25 so their prefrontal cortex that assesses risk is not fully developed yet which helps to explain the risky Behavior we see in this segment of the population there's a name for this young male syndrome this sometimes shortsighted behavior is hypothesized to have provided an evolutionary Advantage a 2001 University of Liverpool study found that females prefer ons that do not and if we go back thousands of years to being hunter gatherers on the Savannah this preference makes sense as a female would want the male that fends off the lion or stands to fight when another rival tribe approaches biologically not much has changed in our brains then but our technology has progressed much further and it helps to explain why you see young men doing highspeed chases and drifting through Time Square what's the craziest getaway story you have i' be the one with the helicopter I pulled up on the high sh the charg he was about to pull someone over so I got behind him I started playing with him and I was recording I got away obviously a week later I started getting chased by two three black Chargers I'm looking up and I see the helicopter above me and I'm like oh no it was only like my second other ever helicopter sh so my heart was bumping I'm not knowing how hard these guys are going to go for me right now they're going to set a rope block up something you know what I mean but thank God that wasn't the case like a spike strip that's never happened to me I don't need to give these [ __ ] advice but like I don't know why don't use spike strips is it hard for you not to be going fast right now honestly yeah if New York really wanted to step their game up they should put a place where people can do this and have fun in a safe environment give us a spot we're going to use it how long do you see yourself doing this far this is not going to be a forever thing eventually it's going to turn into a brand how often do you drive Reckless it's every day but still Liv let's talk about reckless driving in the United States in 2021 there were 6 million car crashes and 39,500 of them were fatal a survey by the insurance company Nationwide found that 47% of gen Z reported driving faster than the speed limit and 34% of them reported video chatting while driving actions like this helped contribute to car crashes being the leading cause of death for American teenagers another concerning fact is the amount of pedestrians killed by reckless driving in 2022 there were 7,5 500 deaths in this manner in New York vehicular manslaughter is a felony that carries a steep sentence of up to 15 years we took two Polaroids that fresh off the press till developing we're going to put them in two random people that buy merch in the next 48 hours two people will get squeeze bends Tommy G polar photos RP mainstream media big dogs got to eat hope to send this to you available on patreon only are the Wild and Extended Cut versions of the interviews with squeeze bendz including one right after he got finished with a helicopter chase Extended Cut interview with swim team and more this is some good [ __ ] Pat [Music] we find ourselves in another parking garage meeting with New York driver where's 981 and his crew the swim team swimming refers to the driving technique where they cut up weaving in and out of traffic to get where they want to go they've gained a lot of notoriety online and I wanted to talk to them to learn more about them the faster you go and the more dangerous you drive the more views you get all right guys you're pulling up to meet the swim team you're one of the groups of the drivers why do you guys call yourself swim team this is how it started like they call me float used to be called float Apostles so like I guess it's like a like a teacher I would teach you how to float and then it just turned into like you know we started cutting up and stuff it was almost like we were swimming through traffic and they'll call me like Michael Phelps so we're swimming how fast do you go sometimes I'm hitting 150 every day it's easy to hit 150 bro like it's triple digits no matter what your 50 60 MPH is my 100 have you had any near misses yeah of course people come to me like oh how do I do this how do I do that I'm not going to try and teach you how to do it because of the simple fact that someone can get hurt thank you that I have not hurt anybody it's like shooting a gun in an open field like anybody can get hit with a straight bullet if you hit somebody and they get really injured or die what should be the punishment you think I'm I'm going to jail 1,000% yeah it's worth it why it's not worth it that's the thing I can't justify it you know what's it like being in a highspeed Chase your first time it feels crazy bro it's like you're like like you're scared to go home some way somehow you make it home you you have a little bit of tough a tough night to sleep that first night and then you make it to the second night you make it to the next night they never come after that just you get numb to it you know what are the laws of New York for chasing people cuz I know in Milwaukee often times they don't chase you at a certain speed cuz they know it results in civilian deaths a lot of times when the chase happens it depends on the cop honestly I've seen cops where one of my boys D going off road all Road in New York and theing cop following him off the road it just takes that one you know that one cop that's just ready to be like all right I'm coming for you and it's over what does your mom think about this i' bring my mom to work go 150 she didn't she didn't get scared in her eyes she knows I'm a good driver like she got mother's prayers of course she's going to always pray for me make sure everything works out every single time but she's not too stress you created swi right I wouldn't say I created swi so it started off as a joke between me and right fling swiming and then like why does that sound kind of nice so I'm here with re50 and I'm Tommy G allegedly who out of this group is the highpe speed specialist this [ __ ] right here is like nasty on the truck this [ __ ] right here he nasty on M drift go fast what's the fastest you guys have ever gone in a car before 170 170 183 that's life or death speed what makes it worth it for you to put yourself in that position where you could go to the afterlife if you're not careful R when I drive my car I just drive it to have fun bro if I die I die I'm not living life like I want to die for me I'm not trying to go out and die obviously I never like hopped in a car and went that fast off rip it's kind of like you I got used to it slowly know building up like a tolerance to speed if you're watching this and you're a driver then you know what I mean when you feel the rear wheels through to the seat of the car you're super in tune and in it's almost like the car is an extension of your body you have senses from the seat the steering wheel the audio cues how loud the engine is if your tires are squealing you have so many cues in it and it's really up to you to take all that sensory input and be able to like Drive properly it's like we're not trying to do this [ __ ] forever like we genuinely want to hop on the just go crazy it's just ATT track it right now it's just it's expensive and people are shutting the trucks now do you guys know anyone one that has crashed or died or gotten injured doing this crash for sure but nobody anybody were to seriously get hurt or crash or anything like that I think it'll it'll end it for everybody I think they don't stop there's a risk of hurting someone that's completely in someone could be on their way to work someone could be going to pick up their kid from soccer practice like how does that factor in your driving and what you think about when you drive I don't have Force nothing if I get left I get Stu I get stuck me what does that mean when you get left I'm 91 off float and they think a cut I can't take I'm not taking it we swim we swim for each other we drive for each other we don't drive for ourselves I know exactly how each one of them drives and how I drive so God forbid someone has to heartbreak the cars behind are already breaking and looking for opening so we don't we're not rening each other have you guys had any near misses oh course there's this one time where he took a cut right after he took the cut it was either I fit the cut or I'm gone it's funny saying this but we're not criminals yeah we have insurance on our cars we pay for our cars like people think oh it's daddy's money like that should be pissing me off bro cuz I work hard as for this [ __ ] bro do you guys mom know about this she knows and she tells me every day to stop and I tell her look I'm trying we have a brand swim team right we're not trying to cut up rless 24/7 bro like we got a 5m service coming up a SLE for service coming up and honestly like we see the community we see the love of people guys are given us and we're not going to take this and just you know throw it all the way it's like one of those stories we're trying to create where the bad guy kind of wins what are you saying to there people that are like super pissed when they see what you do like that's reckless it's selfish it's dangerous people could die what do you say to those type of folks honestly bro you're great I agree with them I don't even argue with them them arue when people look at accidents and they see like us cutting up and like racing through traffic doing a whole bunch of Dum St they see it as not prise like they're thinking like we're just out there and we're trying to crash we're not trying to crash if anything I would argue that when we're on the road we're actually paying attention to the RO more than anyone else on the road or another thing is drinking and driving and and and like we don't ever be under the influence ever behind the wheel and I'm proud to say that tell me what's going through your head in the police chase how do you get away what are you thinking about are you trying to go a few streets and take an exit you got to out like how do you evade police in this type of situation hold on don't give out too much there's people that might watch what you do and wonder how the police have not caught you yet what is your answer I mean truly the way that we don't get caught is to stop being bhead nework no chase policy and I can say cuz I've been at least in swim at least I got into the most CH I'm not saying I like that I got the worst luck bro honestly I wanted to know what the legal perspective was on what swim team squeeze BS and all these other New York drivers were doing what were the legal ramifications how much jail time could they face and why is it that they were so Brazen about continually doing this I talked to my guy Nate the lawyer to figure out more about this he's a lawyer that runs a YouTube channel and breaks things down regularly this is what he had to say my name is Nate the lawyer I'm a former prosecutor and a former law school professor and what you've just seen on screen is known as reckless driving in the state of New York you could serve up to a year in prison if you recklessly drive reckless driving in New York is simple it's if you drive in a manner that quote unreasonably interfer with the free and proper use of the public highways or unreasonably endangers users of the public Highway reckless driving is prohibited every person violating this provision shall be guilty of a misdem meaning you can serve up to a year in jail if someone is injured or killed during the act of reckless driving you could find yourself facing some serious charges dangerous and disturbing exclusive video of young people driving their cars recklessly just before one of the cars crashed and killed two people now this driver was charged with man and criminally negligent homicide he's facing up to 10 years in prison if you are doing something that you know is inherently dangerous and could get someone killed or hurt and then you do it anyway that the law finds to be Reckless and criminal in some cases driving a car 90 Mi an hour in a 50 mph zone is reckless someone could get hurt someone could get killed and if someone does then you are on the hook for that homicide there may be no fear of repercussions because of New York's bail reform laws the misdemeanor of reckless driving as you see on the screen isn't eligible for bail if someone commits this crime 10 times in the same day they'll get bail every time because of New York's Bill reform laws now some of you may not believe how insane New York's Bill reform laws are but they are insane like this guy who was arrested 101 times for shoplifting and let go every time because of New York's Bill reform laws or this guy who was arrested for three assaults in one day even through a brick through a store window he was released every every single time on Bill reform or the story of these four people who chopped up two bodies left body parts all around the state of New York and then when the cops went to their home they found blood body parts guts everything in their home guess what the judge did he released them without bail when you put everything together I think these guys are doing it because they don't really have any fear that they're going to kill anybody and if they get caught reckless driving they'll get arrested in charge but they'll probably be let out the same day on bail reform then can go out and do it again if you need legal advice if you're looking into this YouTube video to help you in your case you're looking at the wrong place with that being said I'm Nate the lawyer and I'm out peace after hearing what Nate the lawyer said hearing that there's no consequences really for what these guys are doing it makes sense why they're doing it back to the swim team how often do you guys get nervous doing this so when I started see a super nervous especially when and the reason I started running is not because I like I don't like cops it's simply because like they got to a point where I can wor the tickets anymore cuz I was getting singled out for no reason the speed L is 50 right so I would be on the Bell Parkway and I'm going 70 75 I'm doing the same speed everyone else do that however when the state trooper sees everyone else and me they single me out because I'm in a white cour so then they think I can afford to ticket but in the beginning I could but then that [ __ ] started stacking up and if you're going to say oh then just don't speed I wasn't speeding I was just keeping up with the flow of traffic right and then I just started running one day cuz I just couldn't afford the tickets anymore and n just started from there I'm super nervous at first you got after the first time I only got nervous one more time after that that was only because I got how many people were after you 15 cars the helicopter do you guys have to get away from helicopters before I never had to thanks God honestly I feel like I don't that situation oh yeah I know what to do has the news reached out to any of you guys oh yeah course bro I ain't going to F this is crazy I don't like av7 I like av7 news at all cuz they reached out to me about my content and they still post it after thought said no I don't like that but yeah this m was about so news reporters have reached out to you guys they DM you text they email you birthday okay so Ali bomman from CBS New York I was like no me I just never responded what made you say no to her and yes to me honestly BR you're not a c yeah you're not you're not associated with the law you don't have an alterior motive I generally feel like you're not going to try to paint a bad picture with we've seen your videos we've seen the work you do and the type of honestly youve inter new people that do worse stuff than us yeah it's like come on now if you were keeping them safe there's no reason why you would keep us safe bro to me it feels really fun to have no journalistic background and to be beating them at their own game definitely when you're authentic person you go far I feel like people in our generation just don't trust the news they've lied so many times that their credits gone with us definitely honestly I've been getting more accurate from to over take the tracker out the whip r r sport I'm on The Jackie doing tricks keep swimming got the paddles in the ship let's meet the swim team and let's hear their Specialties swim team you already know and what's your specialty my specialty is uh floating all I do is float it's my name it's what I do it's everything do you feel like you have to look over your shoulder doing this kind of stuff I always look over my shoulder I'm always not anyone I would say I'm kind of camer shy but like my specialty is like I do a little bit of everything but when it comes to like the uh you know the corporate side of things you know the brand and stuff like I'm basically like the brain behind that whole wait so you're trying to turn this into a video game I mean we already kind of did it's a game so it's called a set Corsa so basically um we host servers and you just got to take the link hop on the server and if any one of us have toly the Sur you get to drive with swi RIS free where 981 and his team are well aware that a lot of his fans are young males that might try and replicate what they do and knowing that that is incredibly dangerous his team has done something so you can join them in the safety of your home they built this online AET of cors or server so you can drive swerve drift whatever you want all you need is a computer internet connection and it's recommended you have a steering wheel details to join the server are in my description do you think you're wanted by law enforcement they definitely know about us I me specifically I have no clue if I am wanted I'm sorry I don't hate NYPD I just don't want the ticket what do you go by B250 or brick 50 either one is SP and what's your specialty right now I think the fans will probably say my specialty is probably police chases cop chases and stuff like that but in my opinion I think drif know how many police chases do you think you've been in honestly bro I lost count probably cuz I posted at least 30 I think so I think I have you have at least 30 police chases on the internet right now yeah why is this work potentially going to prison no matter how you look at it it's not worth it at all me being how I am as a person bro is fun bro who are you from Reaper what's your specialty I'm more of a lowkey swimmer I'm not really making videos and stuff but you know if you know you know do you have any little brothers oh yeah if they wanted to get into this what would you tell them I'm a hypocrite but I wouldn't recommend this you don't recommend it this is a question for the whole group how often do you guys have to change vehicles I say if you do it right you could probably go a year to 2 years where you have to swap the car if you're smart but you could do some dumb [ __ ] in one night that makes you have to squ what do you go by my name's Billy and what's your specialty honestly the fans kind of know me as Lester I guess I would say that's um if you get in trouble you can call me I I'll help you with your situation so what makes this worth doing it's not worth doing I wouldn't recommend doing it if I were you but I can't make your decisions for you so if you are going to do this against our best wishes I guess just think about other people on the road and do whatever you can to bring it home without hurting yourself hurting anybody else or damaging any property tell me how you think about taking on risks in danger I think if you're ever going to take on any risks or any danger whether it's physical risk or financial risks I think you should write down every single one of the variables that could be a factor in the risk that you're taking and you should figure out what's the worst case scenario that could go wrong any other kind of scenarios that could go wrong and you want to figure out what the best case scenario is and if that's worth the gamble for you for the risks that are laid out on the table but if those risks are worth the reward that you're going for I think you should go for it and if at any time you get too scared the risks are too much for the reward you don't want to risk it for the biscuit it's stop because you're not built for it if you want an extraordinary life you have to take Extraordinary Measures and risks and action but know your lane and know when to sit out and this is something I'm sitting out for also the story of icor is when you have black swings and you fly too close to the Sun never feel like you got it unlock 24/7 the story of IUS comes from Greek mythology and it Rec counts the tale of deus and his son Icarus who were imprisoned on the island of Creep by King Minos to escape Deus fashion winds made of feathers and wax for him and Icarus warned by his father not to fly too close to the Sun Icarus disregarded this advice as he soared higher and higher the wax melted causing his wings to fail and he plummet it into the sea and drown this story serves as a cautionary tale warning against the dangers of overconfidence and recklessness and this story I think is very relevant to Mr squeeze Ben my son stolen couldn't make it but he wanted to say what's up to yall feel me what's going on y anything got to say for the camera brother swim team better than all of them shout my son Jolly too he couldn't make it yeah so you asked us these questions what do you think of swimming so here's the thing I think danger is good in somebody's life but when you endanger someone else while you're having your own fun that's where I'm iffy about it I I admire the courage I admire The Bravery but when other people's lives are at risk to me it's like it's a hard battle you know what I mean if I lost a friend because someone was just having fun on the road I'd want to kill that guy I also was a young man who does dangerous things to get it but I highly advise you don't try it [Music] out we met these guys here to do b-roll of their cool cars but while waiting their turn a couple of them decided to do donuts in a parking lot where there were many families because of this the police were called and in a few minutes an NYPD helicopter arrived on the scene this is what happened next well we got a dip in a second you seen that right yeah hello folks I'm Tommy G here at the Most Wanted drivers in New York look they're peeling out folks I wasn't lying when I said these guys are wanted well folks I think it's time we get out of here stay safe realize that the choices you make can impact other people there's dangerous things you can do that just impact yourself when it impacts scared civilians we should probably get out of here let's go I'm conflicted with this video folks because a lot of young people are going to think this is cool and they're too their brain is not developed enough to realize the risk to other people and I feel like you got to pick and choose your battles and uh like while it is exciting statistically eventually someone is going to crash someone's going to die someone's going to get paralyzed and the game that sounded so fun is not so fun anymore from game Bo to scales now play the [Music] fake out lost my boy from out of town he's here to crack some shes my C he dropped a padic off a packing a outside the impound doing donuts and I smacked the gate I had a lot of opposition but they passed away I know my cies love me I'm a fan favorite I need 100 bricks like my man Franklin trying to steal my secret recipes folks hope you enjoyed this episode you want to watch another here you want to subscribe over here see you next week
Channel: Tommy G
Views: 9,511,945
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 0dgdVRndfqg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 5sec (2165 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 09 2024
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