My new Lamborghini. Paid for by the people that hate me.

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☑ fuck you to all my haters

☑ trip down memory lane

☐ porn is for losers esecially onlyfans

☑ did you know I have lots of money?

☑ check out this boring car

☐ please buy my merch

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/eoffif44 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

Only on YouTube can you get bored by Lamborghinis.

👍︎︎ 25 👤︎︎ u/Ipad207 📅︎︎ Apr 07 2022 🗫︎ replies

I can’t imagine how someone can be so insecure. Cody went from nothing to a successful YouTube career and still gets mad from people hating on him? The dude has money, a dream job, a successful business model and still focuses on his haters. Just do your thing and focus on your videos because the last 3 have been a complete bore TBH. I miss the old WD

👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/Nzz5 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

Definitely a skip video

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Pineappl3pizza 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

Guys I literally watched this, skipped like 70% of it


And then went all the way back to his old classic Duramax Go kart Vids and was like: “Wow, so sad how he’s changed so much….”

Like his old videos were so entertaining. I honestly Was sad when the video was over.

Now he just makes videos measuring his dick all the time for the “haters” and sees how much shit he can stir up for them….

Doesn’t have to try as hard anymore bc he is already at the top now. While his channel is exploding in growth now more and more….

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/burnttoast14 📅︎︎ Apr 10 2022 🗫︎ replies

I had to fast forward through like 60-70% of the video. The shots of the car were actually pretty sick, so that was cool and all. But the rest was like any old vlog from a “car guy”, nothing to it

👍︎︎ 12 👤︎︎ u/waduhekubeen 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

I noticed on TJ Hunt’s channel the selling of the Lambo had 100k+ views last night. WD’s channel had over 600k+ views of buying the Lambo.

👍︎︎ 7 👤︎︎ u/drase 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

These videos are getting a bit weak. Demolition Ranch continues to grow and succeed because Matt seems like a guy you could have a beer with, and he doesn't make constant videos about his haters. WD is running out of ideas. You can only destroy so many trucks before it gets boring too.

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/zerobalancebuilds 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies

These shots were fire 🔥

👍︎︎ 8 👤︎︎ u/Thorean0907 📅︎︎ Apr 08 2022 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] you really look the part here i just landed from brazil so uh my flight takes off from like 20. so i got a couple minutes want to make this quick well we're going to go uh lambo shopping today who owns this place uh the owners over there okay yeah the guy alex my my flight just landed from brazil i got like 10 minutes we're going lambo shopping what time do you want to buy is this one okay you got enough money for that how much 600 three four six six i'll take it how much for the yellow one oh dude this one matches this one literally matches really nice actually what do you think take this one home take both yeah we'll just take off it's just like really warm in here you get a lot of clients like this nerds this is cute how much was that like three thousand dollars well i got on ebay and i bought the hoodie and the guy's like you know i got pants to go with that and he charged me like seven times as much with pants because i already bought the hoodie and he knew i wanted the whole kit so honestly it's kind of cool i like it all we gotta do is sign the title right i got the money so oh you theoretically still i theoretically own the car and have the money i guess yeah this car is more expensive than a house so we had to have a notary present here so i don't know what he does but he's gonna like look at it and make sure that we're not like you just make sure we're not like forging signatures or something yeah i have to witness signatures and verify ids okay you're not verifying how much i paid for the car nope not my concern wait is that your fake one the real one what if i don't plan on registering what you don't this doesn't mean you have to write it do i need the title or can i just throw that away if i nope you'll need the title or else why because it's not yours you know what you should actually wear that yellow tracksuit and you go out to that cletus driving event so when you win that mercy you can that's the oh that's the plan that's right i'll be so happy i would love to see you in that car i'm literally setting it on fire the second i win it while we're there oh dumb friend dude whoever's being motorized how do you shake my dog in there in there and then fill out the information there you're telling me i own a lamborghini now you're officially i'm not an owner anymore i just pass a torch to you so hell yeah years of theft assault arson murder robbery theft stealing things taking things online and stealing things i finally saved up enough money to buy this lamborghini that just goes to show you that sometimes the good guys win sometimes you know i don't know what i'm going to do with it but i have a lamborghini that's all that counts i think you're crying i saved up dude i saved up for over three weeks for this thing sure you can afford something i guess you're just something you know yeah the check hasn't cleared yeah yeah all right all right so tj is just going to give us a quick tour of the car tell us what's done to this you have the 1016 wide body kit what's your favorite um so it's painted it's painted not right the whole car is painted no absolutely not it's not wrapped so it can't be removed if we scratch it no well it's full ppf front to back the whole entire car custom inlets everything's done um jams are painted and tier's 100 stock but everything's been ceramic coated treated it came with white seats it came with white suits on the back it has the twin turbo kit it has the motech ecu so you have the annie like you have all that ridiculous stuff it says lamborghini that's cool though it says lamborghini on the back that's awesome oh look at that yeah it's all the same thing as you're already done that matches your yeah that matches my shirt yeah and pants and hoodies 15 000 titanium gold stain like that exhaust brush bronze and then polished lips that's definitely not what that is supposed to be like but say lamborghini anywhere else yeah on the inside oh oh oh get this gift it didn't come with a cup holder cody so for fifteen hundred dollars you had it say lamborghini here yeah yeah it's a cup holder so that was fifteen thousand dollars fifteen oh it says hurricane dude we bought a lamborghini hurricane what category hey when did you category five says car break so they laid all they labeled it too performance for it to be fast look at this look at the hinges on this thing look at that the way it like goes up do you know what my first car was my first car this is i came like such a long ways because like my first car was a 2020 aventador that my dad bought for me and dude i never thought that i'd be able to get like a green a green one it's like just goes to show you that like hard work can like get you anywhere have you been working really hard for this car well yeah like how long have you been looking i had to fly out here because my private jet like my dad said i couldn't really do much this until i he at least makes back the money oh okay that he gave me four percentage because yeah he owns amazon and uh elon bezos yeah hello i'm cody hey guys i'm just doing a quick video what size turbo you got if you all liked what you saw be sure to like subscribe and comment and we're gonna be doing is mudding got some five ton rockwell military axles if you can drift on banana peels [Music] um [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] is [Applause] [Music] as the owner of a lamborghini i drive fast how fast the speed limit which is exactly why i'm paranoid about getting pulled over i bought myself a radar detector uh so that i can tell where cops are at in case i need to help them so i bought this radar detector they're unplugging they're coming off i bought i i bought myself a radar detector why does it actually make it look sick one two three four five six seven eight nine ten could have fit eleven down here though now i went with the ten pack that as part of being a successful youtuber i'm not sponsored by anyone at all which means i can say whatever i want so if these radar detectors are crap even with 10 of them and i get pulled over i got bad news for escort max but i paid for all these so this cost me ten thousand dollars which is really good because it's gonna save me over three speeding tickets so let's fire it up and see if they work and we're gonna drive around and see if we can get pulled over this thing is gonna catch on fire i asked sheepy race to wire it up for me and they're like no all right let's see if they work oh my god here we go here we go are you ready yup yup yup wait we got oh yes dude they all beat at the same exact time dude that is sick imagine that at night oh is that amperage handling that off of this one water it's a lamborghini oh it's hot what do you mean no way already 3 out of 10 are going off hagerty who ensures high value custom vehicles wouldn't insure my lamborghini huracan because i have quote less than 10 years of driving experience so as in me who's never had a wreck or a ticket in 10 years because i only have seven years of driving experience because i'm 23 was not given insurance but some lady out there who has 35 accidents in two weeks was probably given insurance on her 2015 lamborghini huracan so anyways um they emailed me and said that after further consideration because i don't have a decade of driving experience they would not insure any of my vehicles so as in even if i offered them 20 million dollars they would not insure my lamborghini which that's another flawed business model there there's always a price there's always a way i don't care if a fetus needs insurance if you pay enough you could probably get insurance on a fetus i mean if they had a never mind so i emailed them back and just said it's okay i'll just be driving without insurance so that's what we're doing yeah that's our safety plan this is our safety plan because we don't have insurance they're gonna be like what are you hiding in there not our insurance card it's not our insurance we don't have any it's not my driver's license i still remember my first money that i made from youtube my first deposit from youtube was 85 and i had never made that much money in one day before it was literally a couple years ago so i immediately hopped in the car and it's like 2 p.m i went to applebee's and got a steak like instantly and then they gave it to me with no silverware and the waitress left it was cold so i ate the steak with my hands but anyways if that explains but um i screenshotted my account balance the first time i passed a thousand dollars i was like dude i have eleven hundred dollars in my account what and i was i literally screenshot it i have all these like account balance screenshots of my bank account because i was like i'm never gonna have this much money again oh my god oh my god there was one so i adjusted the settings on these so that they all don't mute usually they auto mute oh my god dude and it's super loud like you can't hear the sound of the exhaust over there dude we need like a radar gun right now just point at them they like freak out that's our cop detection system we do not get pulled over in this thing [Music] oh it's quiet [Music] [Music] oh my god there are no cops at all in here we are clear hey we're clear to do whatever the hell you want rob someone steal something do whatever you want cause there's no cops in 20 miles [Music] [Applause] here [Music] okay [Music] oh [Music] [Music] [Music] all right so now we're on uh el mirage dry lake bed it's like salt flats but on a smaller scale with no salt dude it looks like it's it's so far away but it's not coming closer at all we've been driving for like 10 minutes we haven't gotten any closer to that i'm just gonna finally hit the 200 mile an hour mark they said they told us we could go as fast as we want they literally told us to yeah they said there was nothing dude it's getting smooth too feel this oh my god this is this is a freaking oh my god this is amazing dude we're gonna race these things i'm gonna see which of my cars is faster i'm gonna be so mad if if my car is faster than my car dude if i beat myself i'm gonna be so pissed [Music] oh my god 160. that was a good one that was a good run all right let's try to hit 200 see if my filters aren't too clogged yet [Music] it's a lot slower 150 170 180. [Music] he hit 199 um that was cool thankfully i wasn't going 200. dude we slid for like so far same dude i hit 199. i didn't hit 200. it i was like i'm running out of freaking space i was like i wanted it but not that bad that's all right it just pulled this one thing out there it's good dude one night i slid see where i slid i slid from like look i clicked from there what what holy oh we get a little bit of that off [Music] well no we overshot a 200 mile an hour run you
Channel: WhistlinDiesel
Views: 6,283,849
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: WhistlinDiesel, Lamborghini, TJ hint, TJ hunt, Lambo
Id: sISK7pFN6wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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