How We Built A CRM in 3 Days With No-Code Tools [Step-by-Step Guide]

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in this video my friends I'm going to be talking about how we built a CRM platform in three days with no code tools so I'm going to be breaking down the process that we use step by step talking about the tools and by the way the only reason we built this platform was to teach our students the tools that we use to do it [Music] what's up everyone welcome back to the startup Studio I'm Christian co-founder at we are no code we teach people how to launch their businesses leveraging no code tools and make sure to subscribe to the channel if you want tips and tricks on startups no code and even AI now as I mentioned this is a CRM platform also known as customer relationship management platform this specific one is all about tracking deals and managing those deals so that we can increase sales and have more visibility assign employees to those deals and know at what stage we're at now for those of you who have no idea what no code is it's a set of tools drag and drop builders that allow you to build software without having to learn how to code it's basically visual programming you can build all sorts of apps websites mobile apps Etc and just in case you think this was built by an entire team on our end it wasn't it was built by this guy Kaio my partner and the first step was for him to start thinking about some of the fundamentals what are the pages that we need what is this going to look like what is the kind of data that we need to collect how are we going to display that and what does the overall user experience actually look like for this he used a platform called Miro which is very simple and another platform called figma for some of the design elements now step one was mapping some of these basic things out so identifying what were the pages okay we need a home page we're gonna need a bashboard we're going to need a sign up page we're going to need a login page after that he had to think of what is the basic navigation where do things lead what is kind of the flow if you click on a specific button where is it going to take us and this is quite a simple process that you can do you can even just use pen and paper to do it and it doesn't have to be completely perfect now number two was to Source or to create some very basic designs right we're going to need things like a basic logo we're going to need things like in illustrations icons photography for this we used undraw for the illustrations this is a free website that you can use to get and download the logo was created by Kaio but you can easily find a 20 logo on Fiverr for example and then if you need photography you can go on websites like pixels in Kyle's case he used a little bit of figma because he also knows how to do a bit of design number three was to determine the database structure what do we mean by that well we had information about specific deals we had information about specific users or employees we had information about employers or we had to have a view that was for employers and each one of those had different data points right so name email address age for the deals for example you needed how much is that deal worth how far along is that deal who's the employee responsible of that deal so really just determining the data points that we would need to then build the database and now Kyle is ready to start building now the tools used to build this were softer to build the user interface and airtable as the database these tools connect seamlessly to each other and they interact and are completely synchronized with each other now we are no code what we love about software is that it's relatively easy to learn you can build pretty amazing web apps quite quickly it's well adapted for people who are total beginners but also for people who are a little bit more intermediate and once you master it you can build very quickly now again the reason why we built this whole CRM was to teach people softer and airtable and how to work both of those together to build powerful web apps so if you want to check out that course you can see it below and it'll teach you all the foundational elements and finishes with a project built from scratch to finish okay now back to the build the next step was to actually build out the database so we had a structure we knew the different data points now we had to create kind of these Excel spreadsheets for each one of these bases so in airtable they're called bases and so we created one for users we created another one for deals and then we created one for the dashboard as well and then we went into software and built the entire user interface sort of the designs all the individual pages and then we synced that with airtable so the designs now could use the data and as the data changed it would also reflect on the design front and then there were different user experiences where users could create Deals they could adapt and update deals those deals could be assigned to employees and there was a dashboard experience to be able to track all of that as an admin by the way if you haven't already subscribed to the channel it helps us continue to do what we do for you now once software and airtable was connected all we had to do was to test the different pages make sure that everything was working right attached to the domain and launch and that's how we built the software platform in just three days with no code tools and if you want to learn how to build your startup as a non-technical entrepreneur check us out join our programs stop overthinking and start launching your next startup let's go foreign [Music]
Channel: WeAreNoCode
Views: 21,293
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code crm builder inistate, no code crm builder, crm, no code, no code saas builder, no code saas, no code apps, no code development, no code app builder, no code app development, no code movement, crm system, best no code app builder, how to build a crm, how to build a crm with nocode, how to build a crm with softr, softr, how to build with softr, how to build a saas with softr, no-code crm, nocode tutorial, no-code tutorial, no-code crm tutorial, nocode crm tutorial
Id: lCL3ZG3iOBs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 46sec (286 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 09 2023
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