$0,00 AI Tools That Can Make You Money

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here are 10 free AI tools that you can learn to make thousands of dollars from home and in this video I'll be introducing you to each one provide tutorials when possible and also give you ideas to transform those skills into hard-earned cash and you might want to stick around cuz one of these could be your ticket to Financial Freedom or just a bit of side cash why not now this first tool has pretty much completely replaced chat GPT for me when it comes to doing research the name of the tool is perplexity a search engine just like chat GPT but it actually gives you real-time data from around the web now the thing I love the most about it is that it actually provides you with every single one of the sources for the answers so if you're interested in how it came up with that answer you can just go ahead and click on the source and read the full article behind it and that's actually super valuable for me cuz I do a lot of research and I need it to be accurate so let's jump in so I can show you what I mean so you can come in here and you can ask any question that you'd like to answered please give me a list of active Real Estate Investors in Los Angeles County so here in just a couple seconds it's provided me with an answer based on the search results here's information what we found about active investors in real estate in Los Angeles County and for each one of these points where it's giving me an answer you can also see that here it's providing me with these sources you can also go ahead and click up here to the source directly and you can learn a little bit more about it and it's basically crawling the web finding information the most relevant information and bring it all into one place and giving me a really good answer and so I find the quality of the answers I'm getting here are just so much better that I'm actually used to with chat GPT and so yeah this gives you a lot of power but how do you actually make money with this well the first thing you could do is provide your services as a research assistant for local businesses and this could pretty much be the engine for all your research and of course you probably want to then create it into a very nice PDF so that you can have a report after that but it allows you to get so much information all in one place at once and then it's up to you to interpret that so that you can provide a report that actually provides insights on top of that another thing that content creators like me would also value a lot is actually to have a lot of research done behind specific topics that they're going to be talking about people currently charge up to $150 per video for the research that goes behind the videos for the content creators to then write scripts through and by the way I have never had to go on the paid plan of perplexity because you get so many features in their free plan now this next tool might be the secret ingredient that you were looking for for all data analysis and machine learning needs the name of the tool is orange Data Mining and may I say that it allows you to make data mining fun so what is it and how does it actually work well it's a visual programming platform that allows you to drag and drop different components to build out workflows that help you interpret all that data and it's also completely open source which means that it's free and accessible to anyone now this is a platform that molecular biologists are using to research RNA scientists are using it to process huge amounts of data for their experiments and educators are teaching it to their students and if you think this is completely boring it is that's the entire point if you learn this platform you will be able to sell your services as a data analyst and even a machine learning assistant another way you can make money is by learning it and creating a course around this tool specifically but because most of you probably don't want to sell your services as data analysts or as machine learning assistants that's why the next tool I want to talk about will allow you to become a social media specialist really quickly the name of it is canva but more specifically I'm going to be talking about what you get in their free plan now for those of you who didn't get the memo canva is a design tool for non-designers it allows you to create quite easily beautiful designs that you can then use in social media or for print okay so when I jump into canva I want to talk about the magic Studio first there are a bunch of different features some of them which are pretty classic and you guys are probably very used to uh text to image uh stuff like that but I'm actually going to be taking you through a project and I'm going to be dodging the paid plan as much as possible so you can see everything you can actually get done with the free plan now when I'm in the designer here I'm going to create a presentation to Showcase some of these cool AI tools that you can use completely for free on the left hand here we see there are plenty of templates to choose from if you want to avoid the paid ones just avoid the ones with the little crown on it so I can select one of these I can also go to the top and just describe the style that I want to actually be doing this in so create a slick startup slide deck for a pitch awesome so now generated a couple here that we can see and um I find them pretty good honestly I'll probably just go with one of the templates I'm going to apply all of these 16 template slides and then I'm going to show you some AI you can use to adapt them the first thing that we have is basically we have an editor that allows you to Magic Write so this can basically oh let's see different variations of this so this is a cool little feature that allows you to kind of rewrite text the next really cool feature is this one so if I click on a specific image let's say that I uploaded this of course I could just switch this out for a different image I'm going to I'm going to click on it I'm going to go to edit image and then there's AI that allows you to do some pretty cool stuff so they have a ma magic edit button here and here what we can do is that we can have a couple different things that one I like is Click over here so if you press on click it's actually going to break down this image into its separate elements and then you can adapt those elements based on just a prompt that you write so now I could just basically hover over the area I would like to change and I'm going to for example grab this and I'm going to give it a prompt underneath make this blue boom and just like that it's actually changed the color of the pot I want to show you a couple other features here that I find pretty cool as well you can do things like add filters to them you can also choose to blur different sections out okay I want for the focus to be more on the actual fingers right and I want the rest to be a little bit less focused so here I could adapt the focus of it you're going to see that AI is actually identifying the focal point and then I can actually determine where that Focus point is so boom I make that the focus point and then I can choose how much how blurry or not I want it to be let's say we just really want the app to be showing here now of course these are just quick changes that I'm making on the Fly let's check out a couple other cool AI things that you can do here so if I go onto a specific picture I can go and I can give uh myself a little facelift so look face I think this is a feature that people kind of usually love it's like they can just basically make their skin a little bit smoother so let's go ahead and do that you can also add a bunch of different apps as you see here there are individual apps if you want to pixelize certain things for example if you want to blend uh colorize and so some are only for the paid plan as you can see but a lot are not when you add an app to use inside you're going to see it right here but also you have magic media which is basically create uh images create Graphics create videos with a single prompt here it uses Runway so you could create short videos if you wanted to as well to include in your side deck so how do you actually make money well the first and easiest is that you could actually create beautiful pitch decks for people customized to their needs you could also sell your services as a social media specialist because here we created a presentation but you could create all sorts of social media assets and then you could deliver those and they could all be in a kind of similar style and there are two more Tools in this category that allow you to create beautiful designs really quickly the next one I'm going to talk about is called Firefly from Adobe and basically it's a Creative Suite to be able to do a number of different things right so let's jump into one of these and I'm going to show you that there's a lot that you can actually do with the free plan okay so let's come here and put a photo realistic man riding a large Pig on the moon why not who who knows I don't know maybe this will get people's attention on social media this is a pretty photorealistic Pig we have here let's see the other ones okay this one is less photo realistic a little bit less as well I think this one's a good middle ground because it looks pretty photorealistic and also the person doesn't have his hands in the air like the first one so pretty good results and of course you can use these within any one of your projects okay so another feature I find really impressive is generative expand so if we click on this we can basically choose the size so I'm basically asking it to add the Saharan Desert with some palm trees behind so it's going to basically expand this image that we have here into and generate that with AI so it's really a first version as you can see here not that great uh this very first version this one is maybe a better one so you see it's actually generated the ears that it didn't really have and now it's kind of like added this background to it as well other features that we'll talk about here are things like generative prefill so look at this one okay so let me grab an image here I'm going to grab um this one let's just put add a small cute cat sitting on this planet let's see what it generates a little cute cat overlooking the planet so as you can see this is a very powerful tool and you can generate Revenue by literally creating any type of assets for people that you can then download all of it possible within the free plan so check out Adobe Firefly now the next to I'm going to talk about is based on a story that I heard a podcaster talk about about where he spent $25,000 to get the name of a brand now of course you're not going to charge people that much but there's actually a lot of value in creating Brands and coming up with cool logos behind those Brands next tool is called Nam licks if you come to their website they are a business name generator uses AI to be able to create brandable business names using artificial intelligence so let me go ahead and type in a couple key words here let's type in no code AI startups go ahead and generate now it's going to ask me a couple of different things I usually go for brandable names so like Google Rolex but you could also go for short phrases like Dollar Shave Club you can kind of choose what you're looking for in terms of style as well here then I'm going to select how random I want that to be I can go I usually go for medium but uh you could also go for high here and then it's going to ask uh for a short description of what this business is actually going to be doing so I'll put in an online education platform to learn how to build startups with no code now let's see what it comes up with here boom basically it comes up with a bunch of different names uh here it also asks you do you want to register the domain uh loop labs for example um and if you click on this sometimes it will tell you hey actually you know the Doom is not available here as it says here but you could use the doio right so this is a really good place to not only generate cool names and already have logos kind of create themselves but also to be able to check whether or not the Doom is available or not it's a really cool to simple to use so how do you make money with this well you could do a couple things you could basically already grab a couple of these and put them in a presentation and you know you've done all the research just with this one tool so you can basically showcase different ideas and then that might be a way for you to sell your customer and maybe then you build not only the full brand behind it but also their website if someone's willing to pay $25,000 just for a name which is kind of silly well then I'm sure that you can make a lot of money just actually selling these out of the box logos right okay but what if you got the name but you're not really excited about the logo that's why I'm going to be talking about this next tool and you already know it it's actually called Fiverr what Fiverr yeah they actually have an AI generation tool that you can use to actually create custom logos with AI so let me jump in and show you how it works so if you go to Fiverr and you just type in logo the first thing that you're going to see here is logo maker right here let's say the name of my brand is no code magic go ahead and start then you can add the industry and then it's going to actually start showing you logos you can kind of select the styles that you like okay I'm actually looking something a little bit more slick graphic elements I'm going to click on that uh slick startup computer tech look boom no code magic pretty cool if I click on one of these now I can actually see it in action look at that it's already created it and this part is actually free what I would do if I was trying to make money with this is that I'd basically just take screenshots of these like oh you know your logo could be this and I'm just taking screenshots of this these are just examples of what I could your business card might look like and you could basically go to your clients and be like hey check it out I have a couple of ideas for the logos which one do you want then you can actually customize them as well so it's like oh I prefer this color once your customer says yes I love this one let's go forward with this one excellent you can charge the customer you can generate it here and you're going to be able to sell it because you can actually buy and download and it's actually very affordable um it costs $60 and it really depends here cuz each maker is slightly different but I usually go for $90 for the full logo but again before even doing that you'd be able to to not only generate the name but then create several versions of the logo completely for free showcase it to a customer and then you could be like hey are you ready to move forward with that and I actually used this exact maker to build a logo for a micro SAS that I'll be launching soon so make sure to stay tuned by subscribing to the channel and yeah this is not free but as you can see from what I've shown you you can actually charge the customer for it before you pay anything you literally just have to generate different options for them and then you can sell logos okay so this next tool will probably not make your millionaire but it's super impressive and it's completely free the name of it isso so let's jump ino.com is a platform that allows you to create with a text prompt a full song it's absolutely impressive and I've used it to create a couple and I'm completely blown away so you can check out a couple featured ones here but if you jump into create here it's going to allow you to create your own with just one text prompt okay so my prompt is create a rap song about how no code tools can turn non-technical people into startup entrepreneurs let me go ahead and run this prompt and see what it creates as you can see here it's creating already two different versions of this song and it's just literally in a couple seconds we already have the song let's give it a listen now let's listen to the second one here Dragon drop Visionaries I love that okay so what happens if we change the style of this I'll just adapt this prompt to house music okay well I'll keep it to that but you can see how this gets very addicting very quickly and for this one you might not not make any money in fact you might waste a lot of time which is probably going to lose you a bunch of money but it's so cool so my big challenge for you today is to create a song and then generate revenue from a song if you're able to do that let me know how you did it in the comments below and if not while we can just continue to rock out okay guys Focus let's get back to tools that can actually make us money for those of you who follow this channel you know about this next tool because I love it it's specifically great at impressing clients before you even deliver a website with early stages built yourself so the tool is called reum and it is a paid product however it has free features that allow you in my opinion to be able to generate Revenue so let me explain how you do this what does it actually do well it helps you speed up your website design leveraging AI so you could just put in the description of your company down here here I'll put in a two-sided Marketplace for secondhand sneakers boom just like that what it's doing is that it's creating a sitemap which is basically the representation of a website it creates the pages here's the homepage suggests a couple additional pages based on what you've talked about we come a little bit further in we're going to see that each one of these sections actually has a prompt of its own we can adapt this prompt if we want we can also delete sections if we don't want and once we've kind of generated the pages that we want by just simply going here to the different pages and generating uh that section we can go ahead and go to the top and click wireframe now what this does is that it actually builds out the full wireframe for each one of the pages that you've just asked it to create and if you check out what it's doing here is that it's actually copywriting for you it is creating the sections each one of these sections by the way you can replace so check this out it's written out the copy buy and sell secondhand sneakers you can either shop or you can sell uh this is a full wireframe but if you don't like the way that these are structured reloom is a component Marketplace so you can actually switch out the different components so for example I can just choose a different hero section I can rewrite the text as I wish as you can see it showcases it here if I like this section for example boom I can just click here now the crazy thing here is that you can actually export these into webflow which is a no code website builder and you can create a full website like literally it'll just build all the code behind it for you and that of course is on the paid plan but this free plan really allows you to create this entire uh structure to your website that allows you to then go to your customer and this is how you can land incredible sales it's like hey I've already advanced on some ideas of layouts for your website it shows you're proactive that you're already thinking about the all the different sections you can have a conversation with them adapt these things and when you're ready and you close the client you can pay for the apps to generate Revenue with it okay so this next tool is an aib based tool that's going to save you a bunch of money and time but I'll also be talking about some creative ways of generating money with it okay so the name of this tool is vetted you can find it at vetted doai and what it is is that it is a shopping assistant that allows you to not only find and scour the web for the best prices but also for great recommendations around the best products so if I come to their website they're going to ask you to install the Chrome extension I'm going to go ahead and do that but in this case I'm actually actually just going to come here and let's put in here in the search bar best yoga mats and here it's going to bring up the vetted picks with the prices and the places that you can actually go and buy them so if you click on these you'll be able to go to the checkout page for example there you go boom the price it indicated here and when you see up here is that it's actually extracted data from Reddit from wire cutter another Reddit thread out here so what it's doing is it's really going around the web and finding the most upto-date information about these different things and then it's just bringing it all in one so it saves you a bunch of time in the research phase and of course I can adapt this prompt to find best cheap yoga mat and it's going to probably recommend something slightly different here and now you can see that the price range is very different right 30 bucks 17 bucks 15 bucks so it's really found exactly what I was asking for so for me this is going to save lots of time on the research and it's going to save you money on the price however I think there's smart ways to also use this to generate revenue for example some people have Shoppers that they actually pay to be able to do shopping and research for them yep that's right rich people have shopping assistance so you could actually use this tool to be able to very quickly get access to the best information I also think that you could easily sell your services actually with competitive intelligence so you basically go to a company that's selling yoga mats and you're like hey if you want us to do a full sort of research online and provide you all your competitors and the specific products that are competing with your products well you could come here and very quickly have access to all that info then you basically create a report and You' be able to sell that as a competitive intelligence sort of report to some of these Brands and you might say that's a little too creative Christian but I think this is a really cool tool okay so one problem I have is that I start bunch of books and finish very few and that's because I'm not such a great reader so this next tool is going to save you thousands of hours reading and if you're anything like me who starts a bunch of books and never actually finishes them well this is going to be a hell Mary for you so the tool is siace although they are at typeset doio as a domain and what it allows you to do it's an AI powered tool that helps you understand research papers better you can either upload your own research papers here or you can actually go through a massive database that they have and allows you to explain and elaborate on some of the most academic texts in very simple words how does climate change impact biodiversity let's go ahead and research that and in just a couple of minutes it's grabbing all of the tops sited papers that talk about this topic it's providing me with a um first sort of analysis and answer to my question citing the top five and then it also gives me access to each one one of these individually so once I jump into one of these papers it actually shows me the paper itself and I can actually from there ask specific questions so you're probably wondering how do you actually make money from this right so at first I could probably just click on give me the results of this paper and right here it's going to give me all of the results of the paper in very in bullet points which saves me a bunch of time but then what I could do for example is either sell my services because now I have the power of all these very in-depth things and I can use it for a number of different reasons or for example I could choose to figure out what kind of startups I could build based on this resource paper to generate Revenue so here I'm basically saying provide me with three business ideas that I could start based on this paper please include the customer profile and how much I could charge boom and here are the results number one a water conservation consultancy service so here I could Target environmental organizations or government agencies and then I could charge a consultancy fee number two smart water management technology company very cool third a biodiversity impact assessment firm and honestly I think this is kind of a gold mine because so many amazing and smart scientists are creating indepth research papers but are not actually using the results to build profitable businesses we all know that this video wouldn't be complete unless I talked about the elephant in the room chat GPT specifically their Omni version don't worry I'm not going to introduce you to this tool but I want to show you three use cases that I think can generate money the first one I stumbled upon because I actually had lots of people in an event an online webinar and those people commented and I wanted to figure out okay who are the most engaged out of these people who could potentially be good customers so I uploaded the list of people who had registered I also uploaded the log for the chat and then I just asked chat GPT certain questions so let me show you the results okay so here I basically asked it to create a list of the top 30 most engaged potential customers with specific interest they had and joining and problems we could solve with our coaching program so I'm going to go ahead and upload the files and then I'm going to press enter boom and just like that it's created a list of the most engaged potential customers with the messages below as well so as you can see here we can do certain things with chat GPT by uploading data and asking very specific things that would allow you to distinguish who are the best leads so you could literally just do this for a service for people who run actual webinars use to case number two I created some dummy data about my sales so that we can ask questions about that my prompt is you are a data analysis specialist please create several graphs to represent this data for the sales manager and then I'm going to upload a CSV with the information so this is a fake file for sales for May 2024 that I've created so boom pretty impressive what it's done here first it's telling me the quantity by product then it's telling me the actual Revenue by product then it tells me about my specific sales rep so it seems like Henry Ford is way ahead of Elon Musk here uh Elon Musk you're our lowest performing sales guy man that's disappointing then daily sales boom we can see that here on the 5th or sorry on the 7th it was the Beth sale day a graph with the total sales then it tells us you know the specifics so a what was card what was paid by PayPal so we can have understanding of that just by uploading one document you literally have a presentation that you can show your manager so yes you can sell this as a service third example you are a copywriting specialist with 10 years experience writing High converting landing pages please suggest improvements to this landing page and I'm going to give it access to this landing page which is a program where we teach Founders how to launch their startups with no code and we're going to see what it actually suggests boom and just like that it's grabbed the different sections it's suggested some improvements for the headline for the sub headline value proposition and basically even the call to action has been improved here so these are all things that you could do to help people improve their conversion and you can sell that as a service you can also use this strategy to already do this work for specific websites and then send it to the owner of those websites and be like hey do you want to hire me so the conclusion is that there are so many different ways you can generate Revenue with AI however most people don't really do anything with it so stop focusing on the vision the mission just basically generate your first $10 online with these tools and if you're impressed by those tools then you won't believe what you see in these These are seven no code AI tools that can literally make you a millionaire subscribe to the channel see you guys in the next one let's go
Channel: WeAreNoCode
Views: 19,554
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Id: EL2woThmPWM
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Length: 23min 4sec (1384 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 09 2024
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