10 AI Tools That Will Cost You Exactly $0,00

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over the last 6 months I've been experimenting with hundreds of different AI tools and so in today's video I want to share these 10 insane AI tools that are completely free and because we have a lot to cover in this video Let's Jump Right In the first tool on this list is called paika and it is a prompt to Video Creator think of it kind of like a Pixar creator with just one prompt so you can create a video with text you can also upload an image and have that become a video this is Elon Musk in a space suit this other video is a cow loing in outer space and this is a dog and a cat in a boxing ring but what's cool in Pika is that you can both create videos but then you can also edit videos so for example this chimpanzee you could just add glasses to it or if you have a t-shirt you could completely change the color of that shirt and even though Pik is only available on Discord at the moment it's actually completely free you can also sign up for the wait list on their website which is p. art but for me this is really exciting because the quality of these videos is absolutely mindblowing so with this tool who knows I'll probably just quit my career and start creating cartoons for my one-year-old the second tool on my list is Dolly 3 which is actually Microsoft image Creator now this is just a text to image Creator however it also comes with an editor so for example I'm going to type in startup founder launching their startup and seeing explosive growth and boom this is what it gave me and now the reason I'm really here a cat eating my homework so I feel like it's time to blame this on cats so this is the image that it created for me I'm now going to grab this image and go and edit it it's going to open up the Creator mode and I'm going to make the background blurry here so that we can focus in on the cat mid crime there we go and now we can just download it and again what's really cool is that it's completely free and frankly the quality is pretty nice now the third tool on this list is a competitor to chat GPT but I find that it has certain use cases that does it better than chat gbt and it's called Claude 2 now the cool thing about clae 2 is that it's able to ingest a much larger amount of information and it's able to put out a lot more information as well to be specific 150,00 th000 Words which is quite a bit more than chat GPT I also find it to be a little better at summarizing but also to write natural language so if you ask it to write an article for you it's not going to sound like a complete robot when you read it out so here for example I'm going to get it to write a short article about how no code is revolutionizing entrepreneurship I even asked it to add some quotes and examples too and so this is how it reads the no code movement is dramatically changing the landscape for entrepreneurs and small business owners no code platforms allow anyone to build websites mobile apps workflows and other digital Solutions without needing to write any code these are actually points that I would say and I think the style of writing is just a little bit more natural than what I usually get from chat GPT and yes you guessed it the price for Cloud 2 is exactly setto there is a paid version but you probably will never need it now for the next tool it's called Blaze and if you're anything like me you end up writing pretty repetitive emails right so what I did is that I actually used Blaze to create shortcuts to Simply write out a template for an email which allows me to then use that shortcut in any browser so you could do it in LinkedIn you could also do it in Gmail directly and it's just going to apply that template and the cool thing is that then you can adapt it a little bit to make it quite personalized and just send it off this is the kind of tool that's super simple but honestly had I found it earlier it would have just saved me a bunch of time so to use this you can go to the website you then need to download the plugin and create the shortcuts and write out those emails you probably already have these in your sent box and so for example I'm going to create one here that's going to be for customer support it's going to be focused on people who have lost their password to have access to our programs so I could call it something like lost if I wanted to and then I can just input the email I want I can even put in a link to reset your password inside the email and just like that I have a template on my fingertip and it makes it super easy and practical to do that in browser now I found this next tool to be very impressive and it has now replaced and become my new research assistant it's called perplexity and what it is is a chat GPT but fine-tuned it's able to search the web so it has very updated information it cites several different sources and even within the text that it answers you it shows you and gives you the source for each one of those that you can then click on to and like read the full article if you'd like they also have a pretty cool app that you can test out as well and now let's jump in and test it out so I'm going to ask it why should I work with we are no code to launch my next startup idea and as you can see here it pulled up not only our accelerator program page but also some YouTube videos that I've created and here's how to answer the question we are no code can be a valuable partner for launching your startup idea for several reasons the no code start a program offered by we are no code is designed to help entrepreneurs build their minimum viable product using no code tools and then it goes on to talk about the coaching and the positive testimonials so actually in just a few seconds it's been able to do some really powerful work here and because I just shamelessly promoted my company let's also do another search what are the best Venture Capital firms investing in medical Hardware in California and boom it brings up bunch of different articles here we have an article that is called the 20 medical device Venture Capital firms it also brings up a list of plenty of investors and then it also just gives you the answer in plain Techo and so I think you now understand why I find this so interesting and because the free version of this is so incredible that's why it was a must have on this list next up as you probably already noticed video is a super important format these days why well Tik Tok YouTube Snapchat Instagram and you my friends are watching me right now don't forget my friends if you are interested in launching your business or startup or you own a small medium business and are trying to learn how to use no code tools to build it and check out our free course cuz we're going to teach you how to launch your business with no code tools you can also subscribe to our newsletter where we have plenty of weekly insight about no code and AI so this next tool is called cap cut and it's a very easy and free video editor sure it has a paid version but you can do so much with the free version and even though it is not a pure AI tool they have so many AI functionalities they're developing so they have a thing called Script to video which allows you to Simply simp L write out a script or use AI to create the script for you and then it creates a video for you now this is in the early phases of development but it's pretty impressive and then it actually gives you all of the things that it used to create it so you can fully adapt it so if you don't like any of The Boll that it's putting there you can just input your own b-roll if you don't like the songs you can change that too the second AI feature I found really cool here was this link to product that creates automatic videos so I'm going to go to this store right now I'm going to choose this item it's going to ask me a couple of questions then I'm going to just generate the video just from one link and this is the first version that output is it perfect no but it actually has a voice over and then you can actually edit that video fully so if there's one of the images that you didn't like that it used then you could just change that out you can also change the script of that video and honestly for free that's pretty impressive now let's move along to the next tool on my list which is actually called Luma so this is a pretty cool tool where you can actually download their app and just just go and scan around any product or person and it's going to create a 3D version of that and to give you an example it allows you to do things like this and these are a couple other examples that were created by the community so like this one or this one or even this one now the cool thing about this is that you can also do some crazy stuff in post production so for example this YouTuber right here created this portal pretty cool right they also released another product that I'm going to be talking about as the next AI tool on this list it's called flythroughs and it's using the same what they call Nerf technology take a couple pictures of your property or record a video and to Simply Be able to create that into a full 3D model of your house without having a bunch of that amazing equipment or a drone or all these things that are currently required to create these really cool walkthroughs or amazing 3D models for houses so even though you might think oh I've already seen technology like this well this is actually a different type of technology and again it allows you to save so much money on equipment or complicated programs or software cuz yes you guessed it again it's free now the next tool on the list is pretty cool I actually used it for personal use it's just something that I wanted to bring to your attention I had this really cute picture of my daughter and I wanted to print it in larger format unfortunately the picture itself was not in super high quality and so if I was going to blow it up it was going to become completely pixelized and that's when I discovered upscale which pretty much does exactly that it's an image improver and it's completely open source meaning that there's lots of people that contribute to it that's why it's completely free and so you can download the app and simply improve your pictures you can even do it in bulk so here's an example of this right here as you can see the image quality is a lot better and for me just really made that print look way better and now the next tool I want to talk about is because let's face it most of us are not artists and we are pretty terrible at Pictionary so you might be trying to draw a cow and actually people are guessing it's a house and that's where scribble diffusion comes in you can simply draw out your ugly cow and then tell the system that it's a cow and then it will basically create it into a photo realistic image so here for example a photo of a cat looking real cute do not judge my drawing skills and boom this is what it generated as a result looks a lot better than my cat and if you're like Christian these are Cool Tools but frankly I'm trying to do business here and you're an entrepreneur or you own a small medium business then check out this other video because I talk about all of my favorite AI tools for business and entrepreneurs so yeah let's stop listening to Christian use any excuse to talk about cats and dogs and yeah click get productive thanks so much for watching these let's go
Channel: WeAreNoCode - Learn No-Code!
Views: 19,014
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Id: tAd0NhbCG3I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 33sec (573 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 26 2024
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