How I'd start a no code SaaS in 3 days, with no budget

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I'm going to build a no code SaaS business in 3  days. At the end of this video I'm going to have   a SaaS business ready to go live with a homepage  to tell my story a login system to sign up users   a dashboard to actually use the app and a payment  gateway to charge subscriptions every month I have   no idea how to code so I will do everything using  different no code tools quick intro for those who   are new my name is s Le and I am starting a  solopreneur business from scratch every Sunday   I share stories of my journey to make 10K per  month so subscribe here or join my newsletter   if you want to be part of the journey all right  so before we begin Let's uh break down what SAS   or software as a service actually is think of  it like Netflix but for software with Netflix   you pay each month to use a platform with SAS you  pay each month to use a tool so say you create a   tool that does something cool maybe it helps  people manage their customers whatever then   instead of selling the tool you let people use it  for a monthly fee it's like renting your software   here's the cool part you build the software once  but uh you get paid every month as long as people   keep using it of course you can't just set it  and forget it you have to keep making it better   over time but the best part of it is each month  you start with money already coming in unlike   traditional businesses like e-commerce where  each month you have to start at zero also it's   never been easier to start a software business  thanks to all of the no coach tools we have in   the market I mean 10 years ago you would need 50k  and months to make it happen today we can get it   started in weeks for less than 1K all right so  now that we know what SAS is let's jump into it first off I'm going to set up an account  in bubble bubble is one of the best no code   tools out there the learning curve is a little  bit difficult but once you get the hang of it   it is super powerful okay so now I create a new  app and I'm ready to start building the homepage   first I designed the head with my logo and the  different buttons to navigate through the website   then I built a section with text and images to  tell my story and why should people buy from me   here I jump into canva and designed some images  to make our homepage look pretty canva is like a   simplified Photoshop it is great for non-expert  designers just like me next I pluck these images   in the homepage and finished with a strong CTO  action and a footer at the end of the page great   so the homepage is ready I can now jump straight  into the login I will have a sign up page for new   users and a login page for existing users once  I have the design ready I set up the logic to   actually sign the user up so they can access  the platform with uh their unique credentials   just like Netflix by the way I have a course  teaching other people how to do this so if you're   interested you have the link in the description  of this video a little bit of promotion here all right so it's looking good I now  start designing the dashboard so first I   dro the header which I have already designed  for the homepage then I build the different   tabs to navigate through the dashboard and now  I'm ready to create the actual functionality of   my SAS all right so to keep it simple users can  manage customers to keep them organized you know   with their contact details Revenue blah blah blah  users can also create payments to send to their   customers so when you complete a job you send a  payment link to get paid and finally users will   have a dashboard to see how business is going  with uh some tables and scorecards to make it   look fancy okay so the platform is almost ready I  now need to set up subscriptions to charge every   month for subscriptions I will be using stripe  again best-in-class platform for online payment   so I create an account with all of my details I  now set up my pricing to $9 per month and I will   also be adding a free trial for 30 days stripe  has this great feature where you can literally   copy and paste uh a pricing table into your  website so we're going to use it all right so   so now users can subscribe to my SAS they can  try it for 30 days and I will be charging $9   every month they decide to stay with me I now  have to make my website look pretty and mobile   cuz you know we all use your phones to navigate  through internet and to finish I buy a domain   and Go Daddy for about $10 per year they tried  to sell me everything on the way but I managed   to get through and now I set up the domain to  point to my app so people can actually find me okay fantastic so my SAS is ready to go  but we now need to promote it to get in some   new customers we're going to do this from  Instagram which is part of meta so I jump   into meta and create a new account I set up a new  campaign with an at spend of $10 per day I select   a target audience which will basically be people  interested in freelancing and I now designed some   ads again in K to communicate how cool my SAS is  this will be very similar to the storytelling I   have in my homepage okay so my campaign is ready  I've also set up conversion tracking within my   website to let meta know when a purchase has been  made this sounds fancy but it's simply a way to   understand what is working and what isn't  well when we are trying different marketing campaigns so my campaign has been running for  a few days now and I can see the first users   visiting my website so I use hoder to understand  what people are doing inside of my website here we   have the different session recordings with the  tree they came from and the different actions   they've done inside of my website if I click one  of these I can see the actual recording so let's   go for example to this one and I can see what  is the user doing okay maybe here I can spot uh   something that's not working as it should or  uh I can see what is the the the interest of   the user maybe any specific feature or whatever  I also use Google analytics to understand what   users are doing inside of my website and where  where are they coming from here we can see the   different users over time uh we could also see  the total revenue if we had sales down here we   can see the different uh marketing channels that  are bringing traffic into my website this is very   useful to understand where to invest our money and  we can also see the different countries where the   user is coming from okay so that's all we have  built a no code sess business in 3 days with   no budget as you can see this is a very simple SAS  but hopefully we can Now understand how everything   works together if I were to continue this SAS  I would now keep on building bit by bit to find   the best features uh pricing design Etc let me  know in the comments if this video was useful   and if you have any questions I replied to all  of them you can also find all the links in the   description below thank you very much for watching  this video and I will see you in the next one
Channel: Sergio Leis
Views: 50,176
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: no code saas, no code saas ideas, no code saas builder, no code saas idea, how to start no code saas, no code saas business, software as a service, no code saas development, saas business, saas startup, saas business ideas, micro saas, saas no code, no code tools, no code, no code saas tutorial, no code saas examples, no code saas app builder, saas, saas ideas, new saas ideas, how to start a saas, how to start a saas business, no code saas bubble, sergioleis, digitalcrafters
Id: 1ckrhwHgiz0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 52sec (412 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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