Build Your Own No-Code CRM with Google Sheets and Softr (Beginners Guide)

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Do you want to build your own custom no code apps like a CRM or client portal well now you can with a powerful no code platform called softer anyone can simply build their own internal tools and client portals in a matter of minutes in particular today I'm going to share exactly how you can set up and use sofware with Google Sheets to create your own intuitive and custom CRM for your small business no code or prayer experience is needed with Google Sheets or software to follow along and create your own custom CRM platform okay so just quickly before we go ahead and launch into this softer tutorial consider subscribing if you haven't done so already or if you're new to this Channel and with that quick note out the way let's go ahead and build your own custom CRM with Google Sheets and softer okay so to arrive at softer and to get started for free simply head over to your browser and type in softer. or feel free to click the link in the description below this video and that's going to take you here firstly before we dive in what exactly is softer and how does it work well in essence softer is a powerful no code platform for anyone to build custom internal tools and client portals you can simply connect softer to a database like Google Sheets then use sof's visual interface to build custom apps for your business it's as awesome and simple as it sounds and in this tutorial I'll be building a stunning and functional CRM with sofware using customer data from inside Google Sheets now just quickly before you dive in I want to say a big thank you to softer for partnering with us on this video and supporting this channel I've found that software is a fantastic solution for small businesses looking for a custom no code platform for building and launching all their required apps this eliminates the need to use dozens of different and expensive software basically IC softer as one centralized platform that businesses can use with their database to create unlimited tools like CRM client portals inventory management partner portals project trackers content calendars and any other Custom Tool or app a business needs okay so with that covered let's go ahead and get started with softer and Google Sheets to build your own custom CRM to get started for free either sign up with Google or sign up with email for the purpose of today's tutorial I want to sign up with my Google account now after signing up with your Google account or email you'll be taken through a few questions before arriving here we have the options to start from scratch generate from data generate with AI or choose from a pre-made template and like I mentioned today's focus is to build your very own noode CRM with Google Sheets as the database and softer as the noode app builder but first let's quickly look at some of these other apps that you can build and some of these different templates we can choose a professional template to start customizing and building our own investor portal contractor portal if we navigate down here we have a vendor management app as well as legal case management freelance management system event planning company internet project tracker and more we can also navigate up to the top and choose from these different categories or search for the template that we're after let's come down and select crms and today we're going to build a custom CRM using the sales CRM template simply click on the template to preview what this template looks like on the right hand side we can navigate through the different pages I like the look of this template we can manage deals as well as leads and customers as well as build out other important pages in inside our CRM okay so let's come down and use this template and here we need to connect a data source for us we're going to go ahead and connect Google Sheets and what we're doing is bringing all our data from Google Sheets into one centralized place and you can choose to consolidate your customer data from other tools like HubSpot air table smart suite and others but today we'll be focusing on Google Sheets as our CRM database go ahead and click on Google Sheets and next we need to give softer both Google Drive and Google Sheets permissions come down and click on continue choose your Google account and click on continue navigate up to select all and then navigate down the page and select continue give softer a moment to establish the connection with your Google account and as you can see just like that the data between Google Sheets and softare is now synced let's come down and check out our CRM application and as you can see that's going to take us to the homepage of our CRM now a CRM a customer relationship management software is an allinone platform that allows you to manage and organize your contacts leads and customers a CRM also allows you to optimize your sales pipeline your sales process and helps you and your sales team improve your customers journey and this is just one app that I'm going to show you how to build with software and Google Sheets okay so let's take a look at the homepage here you can see up here we have a heading section with four menu items we've got deals accounts contacts and interactions so these are different pages that we have inside our CRM if we navigate over two pages we can simply navigate between each of these different pages and customize them the way that we like okay so these are all the current pages that we have in the CRM template I'm going to close this for now and let's go ahead and add our branding to this CRM I'm going to navigate over to logo and upload my own logo here's the logo that I want to use again locate the logo you just uploaded and click on use asset and for the purpose of today's tutorial I want to create a no code CRM for my business called stews Consulting navigate over to image Altex I'm going to change this to stws Consulting then if we navigate down the page you can see that we have link elements here this deals link up here takes our users to the deals page same with accounts contacts and interactions we can also come down and add additional links as well as buttons If we like we can choose to show the user's profile let's keep this enabled and then we have a a few other options down here we're going to leave this as default for now we can also navigate over to Styles and change the menu padding if we like but again I'm happy with the default and then we have visibility and you have these three options for each of the different blocks that you select on your pages under visibility we have the option to control our users permissions at the page block and button level so again we have this block selected at the moment who can see this block logged in users and which user groups all logged in users and you can click on this drop down and see the different options here again I'm going to leave this as default okay so let's click on this section here and I'm going to change the title to stews Consulting team CRM we have the option to change the subtitle as well as add a background image if we navigate down to Features you can see we can make changes to these images across here as well as the text and links simply navigate through the different features and add additional features if you like change the image add text custom the description and change the link if you like again I'm happy with this default homepage for now we can come back and customize this later we can also preview what this page looks like across devices tablet as well as mobile again this is what our logged in users will see let's head back to desktop and all your changes will be saved automatically now before we move on to another page let's navigate over to theme Here we can change the global theme style of our application so take the time to make customizations here based on your brand requirements change your Global headings Global body in terms of font style and colors okay so let's navigate over to users here we can see all our users these are default users at the moment and I'll show you what this looks like inside our connected Google sheet shortly you can see that this is connected to the employees sheet let's go ahead and add a new user here we can add a single user or bulk input for now I'm just going to add one user and this is going to be my sales CR manager add the user's name down here then you have these different authentification options I'm happy with generate temporary password come down and click on add user here we have the users's details to log in we can copy this dat but for now I'm just going to come down and click on invite now here we can customize the invite email template if we like for now I'm just going to come down and click on send invite and as you can see Emma has been added to our team inside the employees sheet let's click here and then come down to open base and that's going to open up our Google Sheets database that our CRM is connected too and as you can see down here we're on the employee sheet and you can see the new team member the sales manager that we just added now I have the option to add data here or from inside softer there is a two-way sync between the flow of data okay so I'm going to add manager here and then what I would do because this is just a template is I would take the time to add my team members add their email and essentially change all this data for example if we navigate down to accounts you can see all this default data here I suggest you take the time to change all this data in here from inside this Google Sheets template again let's navigate down to Deals and you can see all this connected default data and then we have contacts and interactions okay so let's navigate back to softer inside softer if we navigate up to user groups we currently have these default user groups however we can customize these if we like and we can also add new custom user groups and this is going to allow you to assign the different permissions and visibility rules among your team members your users and remember when you're customizing your CRM like I showed you earlier you can customize the permissions at the page block and button level okay next let's quickly navigate over to settings and navigate up to data sources this is where you can manage the data sources that are connected to your applications okay so let's navigate back we can also come down to General and we can change the application name as well as the subdomain for example I'm going to change this to Stew Consulting CRM as well as the application name and let's go ahead and add a favicon for Branding I'm happy with this image here and as you can see I now have my own favicon branding the image that appears in our browser here we have the option to remove softer branding if we like and because I'm using the professional plan I can go ahead and remove this branding let's come down and click save a few other things you can do is customize user notifications as well as connect a custom domain okay so let's close this and navigate back over to pages and then come down to our homepage Okay so we've made a few changes to our homepage now let's navigate back over to pages and customize a page that requires custom linking between our database let's go ahead and click on deals and that's going to take us to this deals page we have my deals so a logged in user will be able to see deals assigned to them then if we navigate down the page you can see all deals here with this filter option let's navigate back up and let's click on my deals and under Source you'll be able to see the source this Google Sheets document and a particular sheet down here which is deals and we can change the connected data if we like by simply clicking here and choosing the database again with sheet we can choose the associated sheet now let's navigate over to content and let's first make some static changes come down to subtitle and add these are deals assigned to you now down here we can customize the grouping so if we click on stage we have these other options down here and these are columns on this particular sheet for example if we quickly hit back to the Google Sheets template and then navigate down to Deals you can see those columns up here now let's come down to stage and make changes to our stages for me I have more stages in my sales pipeline so I'm going to come down and click on edit and then quickly change these items okay so as you can see I've quickly made some changes and added a few more stages in my sales pipeline so I'm essentially changing all the stages over here let's navigate down and click on done and then click on apply to all and and for the purpose of this tutorial you can see that all of these stages are now invalid so I'm going to quickly change them to the right stage in my sales pipeline okay so as you can see I've quickly added the right stage in my sales Pipeline and like I mentioned you want to take the time to change this default data okay so I've changed my sales stages let's head back to softer and I'm going to come down and delete these stages here and then add the sales stages I just added inside Google Sheets and as you can see I've quickly added those new stages in here now and after refreshing the page software has resynced the data and as you can see the new stages have been updated now we can also navigate down the page and we can customize the item Fields you can see that this image is not displaying if I click show that's going to show an image that we can change if we like but I'm going to not show this image element then we have name and value you can see the name and value here as well as expected close date and priority expected close date and in priority over here and you can make changes to any of these item Fields if you like depending on the important elements that you want to show for example if I click this drop down you can see that this field item type is a tag and the content is the priority column in Google Sheets and we can add a label if we like but this item doesn't need a label again if we click on value you can see that this is a text item and the content is from this column estimated value and the label is value and you can make any changes that you like here now I want to add a new field to my deals but I currently don't have the right column inside Google Sheets so what we're going to do is head back to our Google Sheets database and I'm going to Simply click up here right click insert column to the right because we do not want to disturb This sofware Record ID and I'm going to add sales task I'm going to make this column larger and this is where we can add tasks related to the specific deal in order for us to move that deal to the next stage okay so I'm going to quickly add some example tasks okay so I've quickly gone ahead and added some example sales tasks let's head back to softer okay so I want to add a new field to my deals that show the sales task to do that I can add new field here or I can click on these three dots and then duplicate one of these items I want to keep the type as text but for the content I'm going to click here and navigate down and locate sales task then change value to sales task and I'm happy with that and then I'm just going to move this item below expected close date and as you can see we now have the deal name the value expected close date date as well as the sales task and the label for priority I can now see the task Associated to each deal that our sales manager needs to engage in in order to move that deal to the next stage in the sales pipeline now we can also navigate over to actions and we can allow four cand block actions so drag and drop I'm happy with that to be enabled and I'll show you this shortly when we preview this page we can come down and add a top bar button for example add record and our CRM users our sales manager can click on ADD record and add a new record from this interface rather than jumping into Google Sheets if we navigate down here you can see all of these items I'm happy with these we can make changes if we like and then we have other settings I'm happy with these settings as default now let's navigate down to item buttons and click on add item button and let's say we want to give our users the option to edit records directly from the CRM again we have these different record items I'll leave these as they are I'm going to to navigate up to label and add edit deal again we can come down but I'm happy with this I'm actually going to navigate back up to this button here and change the label to add deal then we can navigate over to styles again we can play around with the padding and margins if we like and then we have visibility so who can see this block this block over here logged in users I'm happy with that then which user groups here you can see we currently have account executive I'm going to also add manager as well again we can come down and create a new user group if we like so now both account Executives and managers which are two different types of user groups can now View and edit this block okay so let's navigate back over to source and navigate down the page and you can see that this shows if the owner is name meaning that this is only going to show the deals that are connected to the specific owner okay so what I want to do now is navigate down here and delete this block come down click delete and then add a new block and I I can add these different Dynamic blocks if I like list with horizontal cards list with vertical cards a table block as well as forms and more and you can play around with these different blocks down here if we navigate over to static we can add simple static blocks and we have all these options down here for example if I click on hero I have these different options let's click on hero with call to action and you can see that block is added down here but I'm actually going to delete this block click on delete and then navigate up here and then do duplicate this block that we customized and you can see that block has been added down here now I'm going to remove these options here and now this is going to show all deals so let's navigate back up to the top click on content and change this to all deals and then add a subtitle these are all deals for stews Consulting and I'm going to navigate up to actions and come down and remove this button here by clicking delete and this item button here by clicking delete so essentially the logged in user can view all these deals however I only want them to edit deals that are associated to them now I'm just going to navigate up here and quickly make changes to this hero I could change the title if I want as well as the subtitle but I'm just going to come down and change the image I'm going to use this logo here and I'm happy with that now let's go ahead and preview this page if we navigate up to preview as we can choose who we want to preview this page as remember because we have different user groups and different users this page will look slightly different depending on the permissions that we set okay so for this user you can see we're currently on deals if I navigate down this user can see all deals that are assigned to them so here we have the different stages in the sales pipeline as well as the different deals to add a new deal all this user needs to do is click on ADD deal and then add the deal information in here now you can see some of the filled items or elements are missing so all we need to do is head back inside softer and add the correct labels and items let cancel out of that the user can also click on edit deal and they can edit the deal items now because there's a two-way sync between sofware and Google Sheets if a user makes any changes here those changes will appear inside Google Sheets we can also move these different deals by clicking on the deal and dragging them and again you can see these changes being made inside our Google Sheets database so as you can see softer is great for you to create applications to allow you to visualize your data and it's not just beneficial because of the visualizing it's also incredibly functional for your users rather than your entire team working inside Google Sheets or a different database okay so if we navigate down you can see all deals down here and we can preview what this page looks like across devices okay so let's head back to our building interface again what I would do is navigate back over to this block here then navigate over to actions then come down to add deal and then click on this drop down next to add record and make changes here remember when we saw the preview there was no label so so what I would do is add name and I can add placeholder text if I like and again I would do the same with the other elements as well as this button down here I would make sure that all these items have the correct information displayed okay so when you're happy with this deals page simply navigate over two pages and then navigate over to the different pages let's go ahead and click on accounts again similar to how you customize the deals page all you want to do is click on the different blocks and make changes over on the right hand side for example if we click on this block here and then navigate over to content if we navigate down the page you can see that we have a filter here and basically this means we can filter our accounts based on industry I can also add another filter let's navigate down here and click on filter bu and let's go ahead and click on size for example I'm going to change this to company size and then add the different options in here all I would do is head back to Google Sheets and then come down to accounts and all I would do is add these different values inside softer okay so let's head back to sofware and quickly do that okay so as you can see I've quickly added some of those values and you can see those values up here and now the user has the option to filter by company size and by industry again what you want to do is take the time to navigate through the different pages and customize the pages just how I showed you now let's navigate up to Pages again and let's navigate down to interactions and as you can see this is the interface this is the page that our users can update interactions with our leads and again you you can make custom changes here if you like now let's navigate back over to pages and come down and add a new page I'm going to call this strategy session and this could be a strategy session booking page or any type of lead generation page that you want to create you can also customize the URL here but I'm happy with this let's click save and here you can see we have a blank page let's navigate over to form and let's click on customizable form simply click on the form add your title here and then add a description are you interested in our Consulting Services get in touch with us today then navigate down the page to destination where would you like to send responses and you can choose your data source down here I'm going to select data source and then click here I'm going to select Google Sheets then select this Google Sheets template then the sheet is going to be contacts then down here all we need to do is map these different fields for example if we click on full name and come down to map you can see name is already selected then if we come down to email we want to map this to email let's come down to phone navigate down to map 2 and then locate phone I'm going to quickly fill out the other fields and then down here under message if I come down to map 2 you can see I have no option to map this to some kind of message column or note column so what I'm going to do is head back to Google Sheets and then navigate down to contacts and then click up here right click insert column to the right and add form response okay so I'm happy with that now let's head back to softer and back here under the message item let's come down to map 2 and locate form response and then come down to placeholder message and I'm going to add what services are you interested in and I'm happy with that for now and then what we're going to do is navigate over to visibility and make sure all users is selected okay so let's preview this form and this is what non-logged in users will see and this is a lead generation form so what I would do is share the URL of this form across my different social media channels I would embed it in my website as well as in my email to essentially generate leads so a potential lead a potential contact would come down and fill out these details I'm going to fill out these details as a potential lead okay so I've quickly filled out this form as a potential customer a potential lead let's come down and submit inquiry now if I head back to my Google sheet CRM database and if I click on the contact sheet you can see that entry has been added in here as well as the form response okay so let's head back to softer I'm going to navigate back over to pages and click on home now when you're ready to publish your new app your CRM that we just built simply navigate up to publish then come down choose if you want to add a custom domain or just use a sub doain and click on publish and congratulations just like that you've created a no code CRM with Google Sheets and softer now remember you can build unlimited apps with softer so think about the other different applications that you need inside your business so again in my opin opinion softer is a fantastic solution if you're looking for an all-in-one no code platform for building different applications for your business most likely you're need of dozens of different online tools to run your business however with software you can consolidate all your data into a centralized application or multiple applications that you've built with software the CRM is a great example of how a business can leverage software and Google Sheets to build a CRM let's say that you had a team of of over 10 people managing sales inside your organization you don't want them all accessing a Google Sheets template and messing around with all the data softer allows you to add specific permissions and levels inside your app giving your team the exact access to important functions inside your CRM while all your data is being hosted inside Google Sheets or a different database and there we have it guys that is it for this softer tutorial helping you build your own no code CRM with Google Sheets and softer now if you have any questions about this tutorial make sure to pop them down below and with that said thank you so much for watching this video all the way through to the end if you got value make sure you leave a like And subscribe and that way I'll see you in the next video take care everyone
Channel: Stewart Gauld
Views: 1,351
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to make a crm, how to build a crm, how to use softr, softr tutorial, build a crm, Google Sheets CRM, free crm, no-code saas builder, no-code web app builder, how to create your own web application, how to create a web app, how to create an app, no code app, how to build a no code app, how to build a no code crm, Stewart Gauld, customer relationship management, excel crm, build a crm with google sheets, how to make a crm with google sheets, google sheets crm tutorial
Id: 2F6OFQnPvY8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 12 2024
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