Testing MidJourney Hacks From Twitter

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I recently took to Twitter to ask people what their favorite prompting trick was with mid-journey version 5. in today's video I'm going to share with you some of those tricks we're going to test them out see what they do I'm also going to share some of my favorite tricks that I've come across as well as one really really cool tool that you can use to get ultra realistic images with mid-journey so let's get into it today's video is actually sponsored by my friends over at wirestock which is a tool that actually helps you make money with your AI created images I'll talk a little bit about them more in a minute but before I do I want to share a tip that's actually been asked quite a bit so people keep asking me how I have my own Discord group where I organize into various categories the images that I'm creating here and I want to show you how to do that real quick so when you're inside of Discord you can scroll all the way down to the bottom you're probably not in as many Discord groups as I am so it probably isn't as far down at the bottom but you can click down here and click add server click on create my own and then click for me and my friends and then name it whatever you want let's just call this one personal mid-journey you can upload an image to represent this that will show up on the sidebar if you want but I'm going to skip that step for now and go ahead and create this Discord group now that I have the Discord group here I can delete the voice Channel I'm never going to use it and then I'm going to jump into the mid Journey Discord real quick and over on the right sidebar you'll see mid-journey bot over here if I click on mid-journey bot I can click this button to add to server now this only is going to work if you're on one of the paid plans of mid Journey so keep in mind I don't believe you can do this with the free plan but if you click on add to server and then select the server you're going to add it to I'm going to add it to the personal mid-journey server that I just created and then click continue authorize it for all of this stuff here click I am a human and now it's authorized now if I come up to my personal mid-journey Discord that I just created here you can see that I've got the mid Journey bot in it now and if I type imagine I can now start entering prompts now if you want to keep your Discord nice and organized and have different rooms Forge is character creation desktop backgrounds locations things like that you just simply come up here click the plus next to text channels and then create your room let's just call this one backgrounds create the channel you can see it automatically added the mid Journey bot over here on the right and I can prompt whatever I want inside of this room so I wanted to share that quick little trick with you that's how I keep mine organized all right now let me tell you about wire stock wire stock is a tool where you can upload your AI generated images you can upload your photographs you can upload your original artwork and you can automatically submit it to a ton of different stock photo sites all at once now a lot of stock photo sites do accept AI images now Adobe stock deposit photos and several others I'll allow you to submit AI images now you can see here's 50 images that I've submitted straight through wire stock that I created using mid Journey let me show you how easy it is to actually submit an image to a ton of stock photo sites all at once it's basketball season and so I thought I would make some stock photos of some basketballs so I'm going to take this image up here on the top right of a basketball on a court at Sunset and I'm going to upscale that image let's take it to one of the free upscale tools here and I'm going to drag and drop it in here so we have a nice high quality upscaled version to send a wire stock let's go ahead and enhance the quality on it and we'll download our upscaled version of the image now if I simply head over to wire stock click on upload select upload from my computer and we'll upload this basketball image here over on the right side here under extra details let's just go ahead and type AI generated just so they know that this is AI generated and I will go ahead and click post and that's it that's all I have to do now they're going to submit it to all of the various stock photo websites that will allow the AI generated art and anytime that image sells I'll get a commission I don't have to come up with the tags I don't have to come up with the description I don't have to come up with the title for the image literally wire stock does all of that for me I just upload the image and they take care of the rest that's how easy it is they have a very clean and easy dashboard to understand exactly where your sales are coming from and which images are selling and you can even Explore the top selling images so you can get inspiration on images to generate rate that will likely sell well as well so if you want to learn more about wire stock head on over to featuretools.io wirestock and start uploading some images it's a real easy passive way to generate some extra income off of the images that you're generating with mid-journey already again that's futuretools.io wire stock and once again thanks so much to wire stock for sponsoring this video all right now let's start exploring some of your ideas on how to use mid Journey 5. now one thing that was suggested quite a bit inside of this thread and also is my personal favorite way to generate prompts for mid-journey is to use chat GPT gpt4 plus mid Journey version 5 is like a match made in heaven because mid Journey version 5 uses more natural language prompting to get really amazing images and while gpt4 is really good at creating natural language prompts so for example I can give chat GPT an example of a formula that I want it to follow when generating prompts or I could just have it gen generate prompts without giving it a formula so let's start by not giving it a formula and see what we get out of it right a detailed generative image prompt for a scene happening at a baseball stadium it's about to be baseball season here in the US might as well generate some images around baseball let's see what gpt4 comes up with for us so chat GPT gave us this big long prompt here and it's quite a lot so let's go ahead and just copy this beginning prompt create a detailed and Lively scene of a thrilling baseball game Etc let's copy that and let's see what it gives us here so I'll paste The Prompt in here make sure I add version 5 at the End by adding dash dash V5 and then let's make it an aspect ratio of 16 9 and here's what it came up with these look amazing seems like there's a few players missing on the field but other than that little Nuance there these look really really cool but personally I like to guide chat GPT a little bit by training it on a sort of prompt formula so let's go go ahead and give it a formula let's let's go ahead and type here is a mid-journey prompt formula a detailed image of subject then let's do doing something interesting Deering and then let's put time of day taken with a and then let's put type of camera using type of lens with let's just put cinematic Lighting in all of it that always produces pretty cool results and then at the end let's make sure all of them are using V5 so we can just copy and paste it easier and let's make sure all of them are using aspect ratio 16 9 because that's the aspect ratio I use the most and then I will just say do you understand the formula all right so it says yes I understand the formula it provides a structured way to describe a detailed image of the particular subject engaging in an interesting activity during a specific time of day and then it actually breaks down the formula and now we can give it anything in these brackets and it will automatically fill in the rest I usually like to give it a subject to follow so let's do write a mid-journey prompt following the above formula the subject being a wolf and here's what it gave us a detailed image of a majestic wolf stealthily stalking its prey during the Twilight hours taken with a high resolution DSLR camera using a telephoto lens with cinematic lighting V5 aspect ratio 16 9. let's go ahead and copy this whole prompt here just paste this whole thing in don't need to do anything else it's already got my version five it's already got my 16 9 aspect ratio we should get something really really awesome out of this alright so check out these images these are like ultra realistic it's so crazy how good these came out all right let's try another prompt here I'm just going to go ahead and copy my same prompt up here and paste it down here but instead of a wolf this time let's do a fighter jet I think it's interesting that it actually gives them a title too as it writes The Prompt a detailed image of a powerful fighter jet performing a high speed maneuver during a brilliant sunset taken with Cutting Edge mirrorless cameras using a wide angle lens with cinematic lighting paste this right in no changes and look at those those are awesome I mean this jet up here is a little bit funky but look at you can see like the heat coming off the back of this one just if you look real close here look at the sunset in the background of this one if these don't give you Top Gun Vibes [Music] all right all right so that's how I use chat GPT let's dive into some of the prompt suggestions that you guys had for me on Twitter and then we'll wrap it up with a really cool additional tool that does a lot of the prompt thinking for you and I'll show you that one to close out the video here so let's try some of your prompts here so my buddy barsi here says I'm really loving David Le Chappelle's style and then he actually gave us some prompts for these images so if we look at this one it's obviously Deadpool and Wolverine fighting here but if we click on the alt you can see David Le Chappelle photograph of Deadpool in his mask in Wolverine played by Hugh Jackman fist bumping each other in a field of daisies so let's try the David La Chapelle style here let's go imagine Steve Jobs and Bill Gates high-fiving in a land made of candy and then I'll add David Le Chappelle's style and then we'll go ahead and add our version 5 aspect ratio 16.9 and here's what we got out of that I like how in three out of four of them it made them holding hands and only one of them made them high-fiving but that's what we get with the David Le Chappelle style pretty pretty funny images reclaima here suggests using raw photo at the start of a prompt and then he showed a picture of two cars street racing so let's go ahead and try a prompt with raw photo at the beginning raw photo of instead of two cars let's do two motorcycles street racing because I lack creativity sometimes two motorcycles street racing at night through a well lit colorful City and here's what we get when we add raw photo to the beginning like that other prompt I mean this is pretty cool I love the reflections on the street and you can see the lights of the car reflecting off the water this one up here is pretty cool too the city lights reflecting some really really cool images silver stars here recommends using double or even multiple exposure to produce some unusual object combinations let's try multiple exposure imagine a skateboarder skating through an urban landscape using multiple exposure photography alright so using multiple exposure we get some really cool effects you can see the skateboarder here but then it looks like the city is like a second exposure over the skater in some of these the skateboard themselves kind of came out a little bit wonky but it definitely looks like multiple exposures with you know one exposure being a city background and another exposure being the skateboarder Evo fuse suggest a stunning still from a sci-fi movie promo shoot showcasing cinematic lighting techniques and beautiful color grading that exists within the scene and then place the subject here so let's go ahead and copy that imagine and then let's replace the subject with giant humanoid robot and here's what we get with that prompt this reminds me of Bumblebee from Transformers a little bit but these all look like they could be a still straight out of a sci-fi movie for sure here's AI art machine suggesting using raw photo again and here's the image they got using the prompt raw photo a close-up portrait photo of a brutal 45 year old man in wastelander clothes long haircut pale skin slim body background is City ruins highly detailed skin with an extra weight of 1.2 8K UHD DSLR soft lighting high quality film grain Etc now what's interesting about this is they actually said during the mid-journey office hours that using the keyword 8K will actually make the images look less realistic they don't work as well in version 5 anymore so I wouldn't actually recommend adding 8K but the rest of it I mean obviously it produced a really really great result here so M AKA my main man Mike here suggested for paintings rather than photos use painterly visible brush Strokes palette knife textured layers and Moody lighting vague terms yet specific enough to achieve my aim so let's try some of these a painting with visible brush Strokes of a beautiful woman in the early 1900s it should be painterly with Moody lighting B5 let's switch the aspect ratio on this aspect ratio two three and here's what we get out of that you can definitely see visual brush strokes and it looks like a painting for sure very cool and completely different style from what we've been generating so far I absolutely love it x01 suggests using catwalk for a bokeh effect or using mood board for weird compositions I like the idea of food board Let's test this mood board here what are what happens if I just type a mood board and here's what I get if I just use mood board as the prompt not the most exciting images let's go ahead and make a more specific mood board imagine a mood board focused on video game culture and energy drinks and here's what we get from that a little bit more interesting a little bit more colorful but still some random as hell images here all right now I want to show off one really cool tool you can find this by going to twitter.com and going to the username dsnr Ai and then opening up their Discord here and joining their Discord now let me show you what the dsnr Discord does if you jump into their Discord and then click into the text Channel called create thread and then click the button to create a new thread it will open up a private thread and then you can use the keyword design hit enter and then enter any sort of prompt you can imagine so let's try a Formula One race car you don't have have to get detailed yet because this does the prompt engineering for you behind the scenes and writes all the details for you so let's do Formula One race car and then it just starts to ask you questions what type of prompt you want to generate custom or photorealistic let's go photorealistic all right what is the color of the Formula One race car red blue yellow green black let's do yellow what type of tires does the Formula One race car have slick tires rain tires intermediate tires soft compound tires hard compound tires I don't know the difference let's go slick tires what is the shape of the front wing of the Formula One race car flat curve triangle rectangular circular triangular what is the design of the library on the Formula One race car I don't know if I'm pronouncing that right let's go geometric shapes that sounds cool what is the shape of the rear wing of the Formula One race car v-shape and then it just generates the prompt for you you can see you can just copy this whole prompt jump back over to Mid Journey type imagine paste this in then I'm gonna add my version 5 here and let's just see what it generates if I just copy and paste it and there you go it generated some pretty dang cool looking Formula One cars here let's try another one let's go design a wolf let's select photorealistic what is the color of the wolf's fur let's make it a gray wolf what is the expression on the wolf's face let's go Angry what's the position of the wolf's body let's do hunting the background of the image let's do a snowy landscape what is the size of the wolf in comparison to its surroundings Larger than Life life size smaller than life insignificant same sizes surroundings let's go Larger than Life and it generated a nice long prompt for us so let's go ahead and copy this jump back to Mid journey we'll paste this prompt in here make sure we add version five at the end see what we get and here's what we get out of it that's our gray wolf with an angry face hunting in the snow can't really tell that it's larger than life because it's a little too zoomed in but it's very very realistic looking so again that's called dsnr and the goal behind this tool is to pretty much take the prompt engineering out of prompting images you just give it a very basic idea of the the image you want and then it will ask you questions about the details you want and then it will do the prompt engineering behind the scenes for you now it's not always perfect I would say these Formula One cars leave a little to be desired still but these wolves here look pretty damn phenomenal so something fun to play with take some of the Thinking Out Of The Prompt engineering side you can see the detail that it puts into some of these prompts here so you don't have to think about the details you just think of the high level image you want and then it will figure out all the details for you in order to use that dsnr plugin go follow them on Twitter at dsnrai and then the Discord link to get access to that is right there on their Twitter so some pretty cool prompt ideas there for you I hope you enjoyed these Twitter is an amazing resource to find some awesome prompts and awesome prompt ideas chat GPT is also another amazing resource to generate prompt ideas and tools like dsnr are out there that can really generate some cool stuff as well so give all that a try mid join version 5 is absolutely phenomenal with creating photo realism it's just getting easier and easier to create prompts without a whole lot of effort to give you photos that are practically indistinguishable from reality so really really cool stuff if you enjoy nerding out about Ai and all this kind of stuff head on over to futuretools.io this is where I curate all the coolest AI tools that I come across and if all of this AI stuff's a little overwhelming for you join the free newsletter every Friday I'll send you the tldr of the week with a handful of cool tools that I came across a handful of news articles a few YouTube videos and one cool way to make money with AI it goes out every single Friday and it'll keep you in the loop with all the interesting stuff that's happening in AI right now you can find it over at futuretools.io and again if you like this type of video and you want the high level of what's going on in the AI space make sure you subscribe to this Channel and give this video a thumbs up that'll help make sure you see more of them in your YouTube feed and thanks again for tuning in I really appreciate you and thanks once more to wire stock for sponsoring this video learn more about wirestock over at futuretools.io wirestock and appreciate you guys see you in the next one bye [Music]
Channel: Matt Wolfe
Views: 79,237
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: AI, Artificial Intelligence, FutureTools, Futurism, Digital Marketing, Internet Marketing, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, MidJourney, MidJourney ai, Midjourney V5, MidJourney version 5, MidJourney Tricks, Midjourney Hacks, Generative Art, AI Art, Wirestock, DNSR, DSNR, ai art generator, midjourney tips, midjourney tutorial, midjourney ai tutorial, ai generated art, midjourney v4, midjourney prompt tips, midjourney prompts, ai images, how to use midjourney, midjourney art
Id: g8AogXYg0No
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 42sec (1122 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 27 2023
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