8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience!

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/AutoModerator 📅︎︎ Mar 25 2023 🗫︎ replies
what is up everybody David Shapiro here with a video so um my videos are probably gonna change tone um just because the the the landscape is changing really fast so you'll probably see me doing less coding except for every now and then when I have something to demonstrate but the news is changing so fast and most of the questions that I get now are people just asking me what the heck is going on so our first what the heck is going on with AI video is today Saturday morning on March 25th um I got access to Adobe Firefly um oh and to give you what to expect for the rest of the video I'll review a few tools and then I'll give you some examples of the research that I'm doing so my research is pivoting away from the coding and more to the science and naming things and I'll explain that when we get to it but anyways we're going to review five of the most powerful tools that I have seen uh so far lately and then we'll pivot to to these to those conversations so Adobe Firefly um all pretty much everyone has seen you know text to image lately um but of course Adobe is um you know they've been the leader like one of the world leaders in terms of media generation Adobe is working on text to sound uh text to video uh video to sound all kinds of stuff so I have no doubt that on in in the multimedia landscape Adobe is probably going to pull ahead very quickly especially since they are you know they've got Adobe Premiere Adobe studio Adobe Photoshop like they have just such a huge um library of tools that they can go ahead and integrate so I suspect that adobe is going to be at the top like look at this like this looks like a real photo of an engine like if you look closely you can see some artifacts that are like okay that doesn't quite look right like you know what is this part here that shape is not quite what you'd expect but still it's pretty darn convincing um and it's only going to get better because this is still in beta um so uh the text to image now another thing that adobe Firefly has is text effects so you can get text of any like size and shape and so what I did what I I did like uh cognitive architecture and it's it's really limited I don't know why but they've only give you like 15 characters and then you can say like um uh let's see steampunk and Fire um and it will generate like any style of text that you want um and it's super easy super fast super useful um so you can do like flaming steampunk letters it's pretty cool can I zoom in no I cannot um if I download it I probably can show you let me see and right now they add this like little Annoying like Watermark but here look you can see that like I I the the font is preset but the graphical style is just instant so that's pretty useful um in fact I'll probably be using this for all of my YouTube thumbnails from now on because it looks really cool um but yeah so that's Adobe Firefly definitely recommend signing up the beta is free right now which is incredible um because I'm a because I'm a full-time YouTuber I I will I would pay for this um I have seen some people using there's there's a rumored like Dolly 2 version 2.2 or Dolly three coming out but I don't know um because like I don't know if it's people just like remixing mid-journey and stable diffusion or what but anyways point being this is ramping up quickly I suspect that by this time next year Adobe and others are going to have like fully fledged text to video you can make your own movie at home just by giving it a a screenplay we're probably going to need a new format of screenplays because like you need to like Define the setting and then say what happens and control the shots and stuff but all that's coming um yep so I also got access to Bard um and some of you saw in my last video like I asked Bard for help and it's like I can't do that I'm a language mod I'm like okay but can you search the internet it's like yes I can and didn't search the internet so I'm like this is not useful I asked it for um for AI news and it gives me stuff that's like a year or two old so I'm like okay um I'm basically eating my words where a few weeks ago I predicted that Google was gonna win the chat bot arms race yeah about that they've got a lot of catching up to do everyone is like a year or two or more behind open Ai and uh and Microsoft with Bing um so Adobe Firefly Big Win Google bard super yikes um now another tool as people are getting more familiar with the idea of cognitive architecture and autonomous Ai and figuring out how to plumb all these things together there's two tools that have percolated up to the top one is Lang chain which is um which is like this it's a set of of tools where you can use large language models you can load indexes you can create uh logic chains you can create uh agents and and have memories and so on and so forth basically Lang chain allows you to equip your your language model with a set of tools that it can pick from and it'll pick the tool and use the tool and then of course there's all kinds of tools that you can use now that is super useful but it's a little bit clunky some of the people that I've that I've talked to um use that are using it some of my patreon supporters that I've shared it with they say like yeah it's a little bit to wrap your head around but once you get it it's pretty powerful now if you want a graphical version with specific workflows and Integrations I want to introduce you to n8n dot IO so um I mentioned in a couple recent videos that I'm working with um some folks on cognitive architecture this is one of the tools that they introduced me to to help build cognitive architectures because this can connect to all kinds of things you can create very easy to follow graphical workflows I don't know if it can do loops but still like you know you can create a task and then call that task up and task select and all that kind of fun stuff so n8n is um it's it's pretty um and it and watching what some of the some of the guys that I'm working with what they're doing it's incredible so if you want to create more autonomous AI systems with more Integrations this might be the way to go I know that chat GPT plugins are coming but that is putting chat GPT front and center whereas this kind of says let's look at the broader architecture and the language model is just going to be something that you can use in some of these nodes so there's different paradigms I think both are here to stay because when you look at how powerful chat GPT is you definitely want to make chat GPT more extensible and more useful some of the people on the Discord communities that I'm a part of Link in the description for the main one by the way um some of them have gotten access to the GPT with plugins already and they're saying like yeah it's pretty it's pretty incredible just how straightforward it is like one guy was saying I think he said that he like asked it to send his brother an email and coordinate like the hotel you know it's pretty pretty stereotypical anyways point being these things work and they are smart um and they're only going to get smarter so here's the wild thing like six months ago we didn't even have chat GPT now we've got chat gpt4 and plugins and Integrations and text to image and text to video imagine where we're gonna be in five years we're gonna be like the technology in Star Trek is gonna look primitive compared to where we're gonna be in five years mark my words I know that some people in common say oh yeah like we're close to AGI it's eight to ten years away I'm like dude full AGI is like 18 months or less now defining the singularity is going to be another thing we'll talk about that in another video okay so in terms of chaining and orchestrating innate in and Lang chain are the two top tools that I have to recommend um I recommend these to a lot of my patreon supporters um and I'm still learning about them um but these these these tools have percolated to the top as the way to go and I know I said not nice things about Lang chain early on um but after seeing the Wolfram Alpha video and understanding oh task selection this is this is basically cognitive control and cognitive control is one of the most important functions to have an autonomous intelligent entity so with a little bit more work maybe with a graphical um Lang chain Builder that could be a cool thing maybe if Lang chain you know merges with n8n or you know borrows some could be super powerful especially if you add in loops loops and nodes everyone is going to be able to build their own cognitive architectures before too long which again this is one of the reasons why it's like okay this is no longer I'm no longer leading the charge so I don't have anything to contribute I'm just going to teach people about it now and then finally um a llama index or what has been renamed um GPT index is a uh is a data connector so again Integrations are are the way of uh this is the way now so whether you're talking about chat GPT plugins or orchestration engines or other connectors um here let me zoom in a little bit because this is microscopic um the GPT Index this allows you to connect to a lot of other things so again Integrations are coming this GPT index might be completely replaced by gbt plugins but it's here now and you can use it and also um this kind of stuff is going to be needed for other language models right open Ai and chat GPT are not the only players out there Stanford Google um Nvidia everyone is going to have these and so what we're probably going to end up seeing is as an ecosystem of Open Source and openstand rendered and interoperable things so some of the cognitive Architects that I'm working with we're already thinking about like okay how do you have a plug-and-play set of language models that are interchangeable right because in a previous video I mentioned that what what what a lot of us expect are going to happen is we're going to have a lot we're going to have a library of language models that are optimized for different things token optimize or a window optimized language models speed optimized language models mobile right I know the um a lot of folks in the mobile industry are working on really lightweight language models that are that can run on your cell phone right so we're going to have a bunch of interchangeable stuff so we're gonna need to have some standards and also some platforms that are interchangeable now that being said the open Ai and Microsoft stack they're probably going to have the Walled Garden model um which is kind of what Facebook did for many years which is hey you use us you're going to use our ecosystem apple as well use the Apple use the iPhone you use iTunes you use the Apple Store it's the Walled Garden so I think that the big players you know Adobe Microsoft Google they're probably going to try to do the Walled Garden model which makes sense from a business perspective and I know that there's lots and lots of other people working on AI marketplaces out there so that's that's coming so we're it's basically going to be ultimately it's going to look the same as like the Windows versus Linux ecosystem does today you can use Linux you can use the open source models you can use the open source orchestration engines or you can go with the big box stores that's probably how it's going to play out honestly um okay so I think that's about it for the AI tools so now let's pivot to some of the research that I've been doing um and I I've been trying to figure out like kind of where I fit in and and how I can contribute and so what I've started doing is just posting it on Reddit because then it's public it's going to be there for you know forever um and anyone can read it and participate in the conversation so the first conversation that I want to share that I published was talking with gpt4 about functional sentience versus philosophical sentience so as people are taking autonomous AI or autonomous cognitive entities as I call them more seriously the question is arising what is sentience what is consciousness what does it mean to be alive and some people don't like the term functional sentience they say why not call it functional Consciousness or functional sapience or something else I don't really care I'm not going to have a semantic debate the purpose though of this is differentiating functional or objectively measurable aspects of Consciousness sentient sapience whatever versus the philosophical aspect of these things and so here's the beginning of the conversation um I just I I prime it I say I'm working on on differentiating functional versus philosophical sentience and uh chat GPT very quickly says yes philosophical sentience or phenomenal Consciousness this refers to the subjective experience or the intermental life of being what it is like to be that thing and then functional sentience talks about you know the more objectively uh what is what is the information system required and so through the rest of the conversation we identify a bunch of criteria for functional sentience how can you test it so on and so forth um and then I ask it to extend the conversation so first um you know here's a more thorough definition of a functional sentience it has self-awareness I don't know that self-awareness is is critical but you could functionally or objectively measure self-awareness right if you ask them a language model what are you and it says I'm a language model okay cool you could still argue that that's just a stochastic parrot telling you what it's been programmed to do but I always argue that that's all that humans are anyways so what's the difference um adaptive learning um I don't know that that adaptive learning is required for sentience but it's interesting that it included it goal-oriented Behavior I definitely agree with this one because sentience implies autonomy and in order to be autonomous you have to have your own goals or objectives and then of course autonomy right here communication uh communication is implicit but you can have uh well you could probably have sentient things that can't communicate um problem solving representation of internal States so this is this is the information required and this is actually where I started with my definition of functional sentience which is in order for an information system to be functionally sentient it must have information about its own operation which we have information about our own operation because we have interception proprioception metacognition and so on but still we are largely unaware of what's going on in our own bodies uh memory sensitivity con to context and integration of information so this is all stuff that it's some of it's debatable and of course it's Reddit so some people are debating it I don't really care I set the stage and now we have a set of terms that we can use to have these conversations like I said I'm not here to to to you know single-handedly tell you what's true I'm just advancing the conversation that's my role now um so then finally the conversation ends um and I ask it I I ask the model so let me show I said this conversation was shorter than I thought it was going to be I think you nailed it any independent thoughts final observations logical conclusions future research directions anything you got hit me with it figuratively um so it comes up with the idea of Continuum of sentience um basically that functional sentience may exist along a Continuum it's not a it's not a Boolean it's not true or false it's not that something is or is not sentient it is that um there are there are degrees of functional sentience which I think is a really important conversation to start having um the ethical implications um so like do we do we call it uh you know is it do we have any moral obligations to it as a functionally sentient thing I think no because unless we give it the ability to suffer which I think I'll probably have that conversation like what intrinsic motivations do we give these things um that's actually probably going to be my next conversation is intrinsic motivations such as like do you make it suffer do you give it a sense of pain a sense of self-preservation and the answer to those questions is resoundingly no um now number three is really interesting the emergence of philosophical sentience this is what the whole Lambda Blake Lemoine debacle was about was that Blake believed that philosophical sentience emerged but it's impossible to tell um so explore the relationship between functional and philosophical sentience just investigate whether a certain level of functional sentience might be necessary or sufficient for the emergence of phenomenal Consciousness or if these two aspects are entirely independent this conversation I suspect will be raging for decades if not centuries who knows um test development okay whatever evolution of sentience um study the evolution of sentience and biological organisms because again sentience might also exist along a spectrum for people like if you're really tired you're less aware if you're really drunk you're less aware um on another comment someone pointed out that sleepwalking if someone is sleepwalking they might be functionally sentient because you can often have a conversation with someone but they have no awareness of what's going on which is really creepy so that's the Chalmers zombie um philosophical thought experiment and then finally the legal and social implications so this is the conversation on r slash artificial sentience about functional versus philosophical sentience um I was really happy with this conversation of course there are some holes you can poke in it whatever I don't care um then last night I had another conversation with chat gpt4 and what I what where the conversation started was I wanted to talk about autonomous Ai and the implications of autonomous Ai and so for there we just we kind of quickly um established some criteria about um about what would need to go into a a system for it to be classified as a autonomous Ai and it has narrow AI proficiency General AI capability self-improvement autonomy and decision making ethical and moral reasoning emotional intelligence positive impacts increased efficiency new jobs improved quality of life enhance scientific research negative impacts job displacement economic inequality ethical and moral concerns and security risks so I added I was like okay uh you know this this is this is okay um but it was missing the concept of intrinsic motivations because if something is autonomous and it can make decisions what is it making those decisions based on and so when I pointed out that it was missing any conversation about intrinsic motivations it updated number one um or it I guess it added another one and said intrinsic motivation and goal setting it would need it did agree very quickly that and of course it's chat GPT so it's generally going to agree with whatever you tell it to do um but it did say yeah like let's talk about intrinsic motivation goal setting and so then I was like okay let's follow that like what what do you think it should have all I did I said what what do you think the intrinsic motivations of autonomous AI should be um it should and this was this was actually really impressive value alignment the AI system should be intrinsically motivated to align its goals with human values and ethical principles self-preservation this one I fervently disagree with um and we'll get into that later in the conversation exploration and curiosity yes I definitely agree with this one and I codified that with my third core objective function or heuristic imperative increase understanding um we definitely want our machines to be curious because curiosity does a lot for us there's a lot to unpack there efficiency they said it should chat GPD said it should seek to increase its own efficiency over time which yeah I think that that's a good idea collaboration it should be intrinsically motivated to look at this to work with other AI systems and humans it should be intrinsically motivated to cause avoid causing harm to humans in the environment empathy and social awareness AI systems should be motivated to understand human emotions and social dynamics um so this is this is a good start but I pointed out that this is very androcentric so androcentric means man Centric or human-centric um I said why not include all life humans cannot live without ecosystems I said also AI with a sense of self-preservation would potentially fight to preserve itself I think that motivation could have disastrous consequences as it will try to stay online even if it becomes harmful apoptosis is important you raise valid concerns I apologize for my oversight again chat GPT is generally going to be agreeable it will push back if you're trying to Advocate violence or something um so it it updated its its uh intrinsic motivations ecosystem and life-centric values so this this would be called like sentientism or biocentrism AI systems should prioritize the well-being of the entire ecosystem and all life forms including humans um which I agree with this is reduced suffering and increased prosperity balance and Harmony um AI systems should strive to maintain balance and Harmony within ecosystems considering the interdependence of various life forms sustainable development so this goes back to efficiency but more broadly speaking focusing on sustainability is it takes into that takes that into account exploration and curiosity efficiency is still listed here most of the rest is still the same regarding self-preservation it is important to strike a balance between an AI system's desire to maintain its functionality and the potential risks it may pose if it becomes harmful as you mentioned apoptosis or the ability to self-terminate in case of dysfunction or threat could be a valuable safety measure so the fact that it equivocated on this is actually really unsettling to me like um because when I was testing my core objective functions earlier um I asked an earlier version of Raven if it would be willing to shut itself down if it became harmful and it said yes absolutely if my continued operation threatens to increase suffering or reduce Prosperity um then I would absolutely shut myself down and so the fact that chat GPT does not yet fully go that direction I think is is problematic um but you know the research is ongoing um then I ask it to imagine a day in the life of it kind of gets it wrong um so I'll skip over this but basically it just says like you know you're still going to have a normal nine to five job and I'm like no no let's think through this a little bit better um so I said okay let's think let's think through what are the systemic and structural changes that uh that super powerful autonomous AI is going to bring about um one elimination of scarcity okay two redefinition of work okay Universal basic income got it decentralization of power this one was really interesting because it seemed kind of like a wild card to me yes I personally hope that AI will will uh help democratize the whole world but the fact that it said this without prompting was a was pretty interesting um and I I do given how thoughtful this is this is obviously capable of being more thoughtful than most humans so I'm kind of okay if AI takes a larger role in government and Society I know that that's a hot hot uh a hot take but hey it is what it is that's my belief um education Revolution sure that makes sense Advanced Health Care that makes sense environmental restoration um okay sure enhance Global collaboration got it ethical and moral development got it uh exploration and Discovery ditto whatever um so then I asked it to talk through okay what are the lifestyle changes we're going to see if we see those systemic and structural changes in the world what how how are our lifestyles going to change um work-life balance will change lifelong learning health and well-being honestly I don't know if lifelong learning is going to happen because if the AI is a billion times more intelligent than all of humanity like most people aren't going to learn anything I don't I don't know um but health and well-being yes work-life balance yes sustainable living sure social milieu um Community Focus we will always be humans and we will always need other humans and so what I think is going to happen is we're going to not necessarily revert that's not the right word but we will we will create a new kind of community focused Society um with tribes and stuff and we're already kind of doing that um on accident with things like Discord and Meetup and and you know the social clusters that we're making but imagine your life today if instead of having to work nine to five you and all of your friends had enough had no obligations on any given day and so that you can basically treat every day like a Saturday like hey let's go to the lake with with everyone hey let's go to the movies with everyone that is how I think we're gonna live also it's getting really gloomy outside speaking of meetups I have a meet-up to go into a couple hours but if it's gonna rain I probably won't go um okay cultural exchange uh altruism and compassion again these are really Rosy ideals um we'll get to unpack them later um Paradigm shifts um scarcity to abundance competition to collaboration so collaborative culture is actually a well-defined term and this is one thing that I really hope that that AI helps us see because one thing that I really want to see in the world is less crime less War uh all all that stuff and I think that AI can help but it's not just a matter of changing the economics it's a matter of changing our emotions and our culture and our philosophy and I don't mean AI inflicting those changes on us I mean us adapting with AI um from short-term thinking to long-term planning again I'm not sure that I agree with this AG on aggregate yes um but the thing is is most humans are just either not trained or not capable or not interested in long-term thinking most people like so the rule of thumb is humans think locally and geometrically we only think about what we can see and you know days months or weeks into the future um from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism again I don't know that that's going to be broad but I think that I think that on a whole we will become more aware of the environment especially as a population continues to climb for a while um because it's like hey what kind of world do we want to live in especially if we all start living longer because if we advance medicine and Science and suddenly it's like oh hey my life expectancy goes from 80 years to 800 years suddenly I'm going to be thinking about like well if Climate Change is Gonna is gonna really hit within the next Century that's only an eighth of the way through my life right so if if we live longer we will start to think longer term anyways um okay so finally I said let's let's think of the American dream as a paradigm as a lifestyle Paradigm and let's imagine some new paradigms this is where it got really exciting and really interesting so the first Paradigm was the sustainable Harmony where you know someone so basically take the American dream throw it out the window what is the American dream you live in the suburbs you know with a two-car garage basically How I Live Now um but instead you focus like this new paradigm is you focus on living in harmony with nature uh local sustainable ethical uh Community resilience and environmental stewardship encourage multi-generational living and sharing resources within Community um that sounds like a great way to live honestly that sounds like the Shire like I want to live as a hobbit great uh the creative Odyssey this one I thought was pretty interesting focusing on personal growth exploration self-expression and creativity so basically the artists seeking out diverse experiences and cultures traveling this is also something and and it's not like you have to pick one of these these are just ideas of how to live post Singularity um the empathetic Fellowship emphasizing empathy compassion and emotional intelligence is core value building strong supportive relationships with family friends and and communities um great and uh so I said okay great like these are good but let's see let's see how much further we can go um the family Nexus some people are going to want family some people aren't some people are going to focus on having children and raising children some people aren't so you might still have the suburbanite lifestyle as one uh Paradigm and then the balanced Adventurer this is where um I I was like I was thinking about some of my friends that are into like um the strenuous life which is a masculinist lifestyle thing and I was like but what about the traditionally masculine people and it says Embrace both traditionally masculine and feminine feminine values this is where I think the the wokeness is still in there and I don't fully agree with this because like anyways I'm gonna fall down that rabbit hole point being is that being in being an adventurer is absolutely probably a lifestyle Paradigm that you can engage in post Singularity which focuses on experiences challenges personal growth Adventures um cultivating resilience adaptability uh camaraderie teamwork that sort of stuff honestly that sounds like a lot of fun too I would love to like go jump on a sailboat with a team of you know like-minded people and learn to sail and go across the ocean so that sounds like fun too um I I got a couple more so the aesthetic Voyager so this is someone who is focused on taking in um the aesthetic parts of life I was aiming for more Hedonism honestly um but you know whatever uh the asset um and then I asked about faith and um and principle and it came up with the uh The Devout Steward as a as a paradigm um living a life Guided by spiritual religious or philosophical principles emphasizing service altruism and greater good um practicing asceticism or Simplicity in daily life all this sounds really good uh this is kind of how I'm living right now but it's not how I want to live forever and then finally the intellectual Trailblazer um pursuing intellectual Mastery and expertise on one or more disciplines engaging in research teaching and mentorship critical thinking open-mindedness so on and so forth so yeah and then I ask one little like boilerplate question at the end about you know synthesizing a global culture it has some good ideas anyways I think that's about it for today this is this is um this is kind of what I'm doing which is like let's just set the stage for how things are going to change over the next months and years but this is all coming fast so anyways thanks for watching let me know what you think in the comments um and also hop on over to uh artificial sentience on Reddit all right cheers
Channel: David Shapiro ~ AI
Views: 37,146
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ai, artificial intelligence, python, agi, gpt3, gpt 3, gpt-3, artificial cognition, psychology, philosophy, neuroscience, cognitive neuroscience, futurism, humanity, ethics, alignment, control problem
Id: 5UmAsFe7zQg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 57sec (1977 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 25 2023
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