How To Write And Decorate In Chocolate | Georgia's Cakes

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[Music] hey guys welcome back to my channel I really wanted to do this video for a long time because a lot of you asked me about writing in chocolate or decorating things in chocolate there aren't so many tutorials on how to do it and I was taught at school the best way and so I thought it was only fair to teach you there's no tempering involved I've literally got some melted chocolate here and I keep it in warm water just to keep it the right consistency in the right temperature and I'm just using a 54% so it's actually in between milk and dark chocolate and it's my favorite one to use you can use white chocolate or dark chocolate but they work in different ways so I'll start with the kind of semi dark chocolate for you guys today now before you start writing in chocolate the main thing is to make sure that you have the right writing equipment and in this case it's a piping bag now you can get piping bags online and I always use plastic ones for example when I decorate cakes but when it comes to chocolate you need a tiny tiny hole and a lot more precision in which case I prefer making my own out of baking paper and in order to do that you just need a square of baking paper like this and cut a diagonal line from corner to corner so you ends up with a right angled triangle with a shorter side and a longer side what you need to now do is roll it into a cone some people kind of lie it flat and fold both in until you get a cone but this is the way I was taught hold the right angle with one hand and then pinch the middle of the longest diagonal side and take that top corner and roll it around like this so I'm doing it towards me roll it inwards and you kind of get this shape and where I'm pinching it forces it to stop and then if I put it up kind of naturally already forms this cone shape and now with this excess you just go around the cone and then meet all the points at the back like this so you have a cone now obviously there's a massive hole in the end so what I'm going to do is pull these ends at the back up and as I'm pulling especially the outer one up you can see the hole closes and it is a sharp point now to secure it I'm going to fold the paper in words like this and fold it nice tight and some people actually like to staple this and I try to avoid staples with food in which case I tear either side of this line and then fold that bit down once more and there you have a paper cone so when I say piping bags I mean a paper cone in a way that was the ease that was the best way I can explain it it takes practice I think I took a whole lesson to learn how to do this but I'm going to show you one more time top edge inwards the rest of this come round meet all the points of the paper at the back and pull this one upwards to close the hole turn it around I like to keep this fold upwards I think that's that's that's a nice trick now fold this in words secure it tight rip either side of the line and there you go if the hole opens again while you're fiddling around because it might it does with me as well just keep tightening it by pulling the outside one up right so once you've got your cones you're ready to fill it with chocolates so I always use a little container like a glass or a vars and pop it in just so I don't need to hold it with my non-existent said and the chocolate itself like I said I've kept it warm because I melted it about half an hour ago and you wanna just really nice and smooth if it's too hot it's too loose and you'll actually find it really difficult to write with and if it's too cold well good luck pushing it through a tiny hole so you want it probably about thirty five degrees and I never measure so that was a plea estimate but just enough so it's nice and fluid so it's tempting to fill this all the way up don't I would go about halfway not even because when we close it it all comes spilling out and you don't want all your hands chocolatey of course so I'm going to do about a couple of teaspoons even you really don't use a lot when you wrote the chocolate so look you can actually see how little I filled it that is plenty now to secure the bag make the top of the bag flat and then where the line is you want to kind of fold the bag away from the line to make it as tight as possible if you start folding it this way it might encourage the fold to loosen so I'm going to flip it over and fold the two corners inwards and then the top down and then keep rolling it down until it's completely secure like this once you've got to this stage you're quite safe um again it takes practice maybe don't fill it with chocolate until your bag is a hundred percent done because you don't want to chocolaty mess trust me I've been there once you've got your cones you can actually leave it like on top or near and oven or radiator to keep warm but the next part is cutting the hole to let the chocolate out obviously so I'm going to cut a tiny amount really small to start off with barely see it and then test it out so I've got some spare paper here and before I do any chocolate I always test out how fluid the chocolate is and how large the hole is etc because you obviously don't want to go wrong if you're decorating it straight onto a cake so I'm just going to do a squiggle now as you can see it's not flowing out very well which means the hole is slightly too small so I'm going to cut it a little bit more there it's a lot more fluid but actually I'm still not happy with how the chocolate is falling I'm not sure if you can see but it's kind of gone a bit crimpy like it's been crimped so I'm going to cut it tiny bit more like miniscule amount and that should be perfect there we go so once you're happy with how its flowing you still should practice before going onto a cake board or cake especially if it's your first time and I'm not joking when I say this literally took me three years to do chocolate writing is really hard I'm still perfecting it but it's just something to get used to especially if you've never done it before so firstly I'm obviously right-handed so I'm just holding it in my right hand and I actually used my left to support myself so I'm obviously just doing squiggles I'm here to show you but I'm using my thumb and two fingers to squeeze out the chocolate but I'm also using my left hand to kind of guide my right hand so at my college they actually supplied sheets of patterns and chocolate decorations and borders and letters even and if it helps you print some out and use some baking paper and trace over them and if you're not that confident with writing or if you are and still want to practice before going onto cake then get yourself some either just acrylic surfaces or cake boards and practice on here it's a lot easier so I'm gonna start by showing you just some writing actually I think that's probably a good place to start and what you always have to keep in mind is your spatial awareness on the cake board so for example if I've got a cake here and it's gonna go around here and I'm writing happy birthday obviously the word birthday is longer than happy so you have to start happy a bit further than you would think rather than just split it into two that's a little tip and as far as like what's style you write it in I just kind of developed my own handwriting actually right slanted and swirly anyway so it helps but I will do my best to explain as I'm writing it it's quite traditional that one side of the letter is a lot more extravagant than the other so if this is the H that second line is a lot more swirly and then the rest of the word I always join it up when you finish off a word it's nice to kind of carry on the letter and do a kind of big swell at the end of it so on to birthday and a really exaggerate this be the swirly are the better just have to have the confidence it's just keep going if you notice that your chocolate is stopping or breaking up when you're doing letters it may be too cold or the hole may have got too small or there may be bits of unmelted chocolates in there so again it's just trying and testing but there is the happy birthday but you don't have to do that font another easy font is something like this one which is a lot more ice a cartoon-like and you actually have points of where to start and stop and maybe that's easier to start with if this is your first time so for the H dot bring it down dots across it probably should have started with this one to be fair [Music] double-check you spell it right I've made that mistake before dots around the letters just give it another dimension and make it a bit more busy I'd like to do it around the swirls so now I'm going to attempt a chocolate border so I've got these as examples I'm going to keep them at my side and there's no rules but they're quite easy to look extravagant if that makes sense if you if you're confident with the fluidity of your chocolate the the control of your hand then try out a border or even do it on a cake board before you put the cake on and so let's give this a go wish me luck I may not read doing this and once I've done that and then gonna go around with a second border in between yeah nearly there happy with that it again it really takes practice I don't think I breathe there so let me just catch my breath and you can then decorate it with doors etc but there's just an example of how you can decorate a border and then one last thing is um lots of especially patisserie items such as eclairs or choux buns have little decorations on them like this I always just like practicing them a few times to really get the rhythm and to get used to what I'm about to do before I actually apply it to whatever I'm decorating so as an example I'm going to use the sheet as reference but if there's an eclair I like doing this kind of pattern like this or just some swirls so the dots a kind of flower shape again just keep practicing if it's something round kind of like a mini version of what I just piped no try try anything I think I'll do I'll finish with writing my name again practices perfect so this is actually great practice for me I haven't really practiced for a long time but you can just get really creative so I do like the fact that my name begins with G because I can get really into the G the rest of the name okay so there's a little introduction of how to write with chocolate just one extra thing that if you're writing a message on a board on a cake board make sure that the cake is a hundred percent finished before you write the chocolate not crumb coated because remember you scrape around the cake and you don't want the chocolate writing there before you scrape the cake also if the cakes been in the fridge that means the board is cold it will set the chocolate so it actually makes things easier not only does it set the chocolate straight away but if you make a mistake you could just kind of cut it away rather than like smearing the chocolate all over the cake board and making a big mess practice makes perfect good luck if you have any questions write them below or send me a direct message on instagram at George's cakes I will do my best to answer and any other technique videos or tutorials that you'd love to say to see please write them in the comments below and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and I hope you enjoyed it and found it informative I will see you next time [Music]
Channel: Georgia's Cakes
Views: 382,953
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: National chocolate day, chocolate, fall, chocolate writing, how to write, how to write in chocolate, patisserie, chef, cook, baking, cake, cakes, tutorial, baking tutorial, chocolate tutorial, tempering chocolate, chocolate letters, cake decoration, georgias cakes, georgiascakes, chocolate decoration, october, october recipe, halloween, chocolate drawing, london, baking chocolate, drawing with chocolate, writing with chocolate, piping bag, chocolate piping bag, parchment cone
Id: uBarhfwQqaQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 28sec (1048 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 28 2018
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