Piping Perfect Lettering on Cakes (Block & Script) | Buttercream Tutorial with Lauren Bozich

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[Music] so now it's time to write on your cake and I've come up with a few ways to help it be a little bit easier for you to try at home so what we have are our class materials here and we included a template of happy birthday and the standard font that I like to use so what I did is I taped that down to my table and I have a piece of parchment paper or wax paper works just fine too and what I'm going to do is tape that on top of my template so that it doesn't move or slide around at all and then I have my freshly filled bag of buttercream frosting that we made earlier with a number two tip on my bag and you'll see I didn't fill my bag too full when I'm writing I like to have a lot more control so put a little less frosting in my bag so we're going to go ahead and start and we're going to practice on our parchment until we feel comfortable I can't stress enough how important it is to practice I wouldn't be where I am today with my writing skills if I wouldn't have practiced for months and months and actually many years now so I'm going to go ahead and show you how I think is the easiest way to write on a cake so what I'm going to do is I'm going to lean over I'm going to get in a comfortable position I'm using my strong hand to hold the bag again it's twisted so we have a nice control and my other hand is going to be guiding my tip this is going to help me be less shaky when I'm piping so what I'm going to do is try to create my first straight line I'm going to start I'm going to attach my frosting lightly squeezing I'm going to lift up and when I'm almost to the end of my line I'm going to drop back down and stop squeezing that's going to help me create a very straight line I'm going to do that over I'll show you again so I'm going to attach my frosting to my cake squeezing in a solid motion lifting up when I'm almost to the end I'm going to drop back down stop squeezing and then pull my bag away and I'm doing these in segments so now I'm going to do my middle line to my H I'm going to attach to my first line pick up and drop back down now the reason why I do that if I wasn't to lift up its going to show every single little shake that your hand is going to make so lifting up on my frosting is going to help drop that line perfectly straight so let's do it again for our a attach lift drop and stop squeezing it's very important that you stop squeezing right when you drop otherwise you're going to get a little tail on the end of your line I like to break all my letters up into segments it's going to make me feel a lot more comfortable instead of thinking you have to do that whole letter in one time I'm going to break it up so I feel a lot more comfortable now let's start with our P squeeze lift up drop down stop squeezing and now the curved lines a little harder but I'm still not touching the cake you can see I have my bag raised up it's going to give me a lot more control of where I put that buttercream and I'm slowly bring it Dec back down to attach you [Music] and that completes my word happy now I definitely would want to practice this over and over again until I felt comfortable with the size of my font and getting those lines nice and straight once you feel comfortable with the parchment what I want you to do is move on to a frosted cake board so what I did here is I frosted my cake board and I put that in the refrigerator for about a half an hour so it got nice and chilled the frosting is going to stick differently to the buttercream than it does to the parchment so let's move this out of the way and now we're going to freehand it right onto the board keeping my template close by so I can look back if I need a reference now on here I'm going to start with the word birthday and exactly the same technique I'm making my letter B first with the same technique I'm going to pipe on lift up drop down and stop and I can compare to my parchment to kind of keep my size here and I have my two humps remember to lift up so you have nice control of where your buttercream is going to lay stop we'll do that one more time around and stuff now for my eye what I want to do is I kind of make an imaginary line and I come over so I know where that top of my eye is going to start so I'm going to come over from the top of my B I'm going to start squeezing lift up drop down paying attention that I'm going to make it end right where the bottom of my B ends as well okay the same thing with the R I'll make my imaginary line over from the eye straight line lift up drop down you can see them going pretty slow you can take your time make curved line my bag is about between 1/8 to 1/4 inch away from the cake at the highest point and then dropping down so I continuously want to kind of make sure my letters stay in a line so moving over from the top of them with that imaginary line to create the top of my T and then I'll start in the middle lift up drop down start my H right where my tea ends you can see I'm leaving a little bit of space in between the letters always using my other hand to help guide my bag to keep it from shaking you can just use one hand but you'll notice you're going to be a lot more shaky so I'm finished with birth I'm going to move on today and the exact same technique and when I'm all through with this I'm going to get out the cake and show you how we do the same exact technique on the top of our cake [Music] so now we have our children put the stripes on earlier and I'm going to show you how to figure out where I'm going to put my birthday message on here and leave a little room for flowers so the easiest thing I think is to start with birthday and I'm going to Center that actually all the way over to the left side of my cake so let's start with my letter B so it's the same technique that you practice earlier with the lifting and dropping and individually kind of sectioning out your letters and what I'm going to do here I'm going to show you so you make your letters too short I'm going to show you how to make those fit so you can see if you were to look at this it kind of looks like my word is going to be crooked because it's not lined up straight here at the bottom so what I can do is actually take my frosting bag right where I left off and squeeze and pull out just a little bit more just to elongate those letters so if you do mess up a little bit you can see here what I'm going to do is just take my tip I'm not squeezing I'm lightly brushing it against that to blend that line together so if you do make mistakes there are ways to fix it so we'll just keep going here I'm going to write the whole word birthday keeping that all lined up [Music] [Music] so I finished birthday I'm going to move on to happy I'm going to line my H pretty much right above my B and that's going to allow me to have a little bit of room for age and still have enough room for those big beautiful flowers and the reason why I like writing in all capital letters I feel like it's easy to line everything up so I have my top of my letters lining up with the next top of the next letter in the bottom of that letter lining up with the bottom of the letter before it it's going to be a lot easier to keep your letters nice and straight if you're able to have something in front of it to follow okay so we have our y complete I'm going to do my age next which my age I'm just going to do more of a regular style number here I'm not going to get too fancy with it because I want to keep this nice and simple and something that I feel comfortable with doing so let's just do a number four again the same technique I'm going to squeeze and pull down break that over and across and sometimes what I'll do if I want to add a little bit of interest is I'll write my age in a different color but for today I'm just going to leave it in the same color I think that looks great now we're going to move on to writing the name I like to write the name in cursive or like a stylized cursive font I think that adds a little bit of interest but if you're too intimidated by that at first you can actually just do it in the same simple all capital letter font and it's still going to look amazing but let's just show you if you want to take it up a notch how you're going to do that so I'm going to write my own name that's easiest to practice you're owning because you've been writing at your whole life so obviously when you're going to practice cursive or stylized font writing your own name is going to help out a lot so what I'm going to do so I kind of want to imagine where I'm going to be putting my letters you also can print something out in cursive to have next you to look at now I also want to think about flower placement so I know we're going to put some flowers up here on the top and also a couple down here in the corner so I'm going to move my name over just a little bit start kind of right underneath that H now this is a little bit harder because we're going to be doing more of like a fluid motion but still we want to lift our bag off the cake and let that line fall in that pattern of the letter there and then we want to stop when we know we're at the end of it now the first letter is always the hardest because we want that to be nice and fancy but the rest after that are going to be a little bit easier so now I'm going to do my a I'm going to come around lifting up the whole time now I can stop here so now I'm going to do the U but I'm going to show you how I can connect it so I'm going to just do the use separate come down stop and then what I can do is attach my a to the you the same way I fixed my I in my R so I'm going to take my buttercream where that stopped I'm going to start squeezing and pull it up and blend it right into that you and you won't even see where that line starts and stops now here for the R there's some persiflage that are a little bit confusing so I'm going to do the are just a normal lowercase R and I'm not going to connect it so here's where you can make that the decision if you want your letters to connect or not I'm going to bring that curve over and I think that looks just fine without attaching my you two that are now we're going to go on to our e which I'm going to start pretty much right underneath that curve of my R I'm going to lift up bring it around if you feel comfortable you can continue right into that end if not remember you can stop after every letter because it's really easy to then take your bag and start right back where you left off continuing with that lifting up when I end I always like to end with a little tiny curve it's going to just make it look a little bit more fancy and that's kind of how I plot and figure out the easiest way to write on the top of the cake [Music] you you
Channel: Craftsy
Views: 2,630,257
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lettering on cakes, piping, letters, buttercream, how to write on a cake, the wilton method how to write on cakes, cake tips, piped lettering, cake decorating for beginners, piping a greeting, how to write with royal icing, how to pipe buttercream, script letter, cursive letter, block letter, happy birthday cake, lauren bozich, inscription, lettering tips, designs for cakes, write with buttercream, perfect piping, how to pipe evenly, buttercream piping help, craftsy
Id: 7NFRcyhw6hM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 10 2016
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