Royal Icing Flowers & Leaves for Beginners

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hi everyone today we're going to learn how to make flowers how awesome is that we're going to make them out of royal icing but you can transfer these skills um and use them with buttercream as well but primarily these are the ones that i make for my cookies [Music] so these are the tips that i'll be using today star tips open and close and some petal tips so i'll be showing you the slight differences between some of them and the bigger difference between the others and so if you have some of these tips you don't necessarily need one or the other i'll show you an example of all of them so you can see what you have and we're also going to be using a flower nail today to make a rose so if you have one of those great if not you can always pick one up at michael's or hobby lobby they're pretty cheap and it's always a good tool to have in your kitchen so the first flower we're gonna do today is a rosette so we're gonna need really stiff royal icing you can see here i'm playing with it and it's keeping its shape all the little moves i'm making it holds its shape so that's what we're looking for so i'm gonna put it in my bag here and get ready to go but before i do that i'm going to start massaging my bag and the reason i do that is just to get all the air bubbles out you can see when i have my bag here i'm there's a lot of air pockets in here and when you're piping flowers you don't really want those in there so i sort of open my bag and i just sort of squish the icing together so that the air gets pushed out the top of the bag it doesn't have to be perfect but the less bubbles you have the better your flowers will look so we're going to do some smaller rows smaller rosettes first so you can see i have two tips here an open star tip and a closed star tip so i'm using wilton tip number 21 and wilton tip number 30 just so you guys know but you can roughly use the same bigger little bit bigger and smaller so here i'm just going to make sure that i cut my bag about halfway up the tip if you cut it too small your bag's going to interfere with sort of the end of the tip where the shape forms so you don't want to do it too small or too big i'm just cutting a little hole let the air out and then i'm going to squish my bag further just to get a nice clean straight cut i'm going to cut again with the seam in the middle it's not a big deal because we do have a tip but just makes for a cleaner cut in the bag i'm going to cut my second bag here again this one the tip is going to go inside this bag so i just want to make sure that i'm going to cut it big enough so that the bag is not going to be over top of the opening of the tip because we want those nice clean lines to make the flower so if you notice here i'm actually using two bags i like to double bag my icing reason being if i want to switch tips or colors for my tips it's easy to just take that second bag of icing out and i have a new bag here you can see my bag is not covering any part of the tip there at the bottom where it's open and we're good to go so i'm going to slide slide my bag of icing in there and again if i want to switch colors or switch tips it's really easy to just take my icing out and switch up the tip or switch up the color and use that tip for another color so we're just going to push it out make sure you can see what the shape is i'm using the open star tip so again this is wilton tip number 21. um you can go slightly bigger or smaller but this is a good tip for cookies that i like and so i'm just going to show you here on a piece of parchment paper i want to hold my bag perpendicular to the cookie or the paper i'm not on an angle and then just push out slightly so this is a very simple flower i'm basically just perpendicular to the surface and just pushing pressure out and then letting go of the pressure and slightly pushing up [Music] so you can see here if my tip is sort of off to the side my flower kind of goes off to the side i just want to clean the tip up in between and start over again because sometimes you tend to build icing so once again we're doing perpendicular to the surface and now we're going to do our rosettes so i pressure and then just wrap around the flower so you can see here um again i'm gonna wipe off my tip to start a new flower so i'll start clean and again i'm gonna put pressure perpendicular and i sort of overlap the center as i do the flower it's not sticking too well right now because it's parchment paper so it's kind of turning as i go but on a cookie that's iced it'll stick a lot better here we're going the other way you can see it doesn't really matter if you go you know clockwise counterclockwise whatever you feel comfortable with so now i'm going to switch the tips out and i'm going to put the tip number 30 in which is the closed start tip so it's kind of the rounded star and i just want to show you guys what the difference is so there's not too too much of a difference here but i just want to show you just so you guys know and obviously the bigger your tip is the bigger flower is going to be the smaller your tip is the smaller your flower is going to be open and closed tip is just a slight difference i probably can't tell on a cookie which one they've used but just so you guys know like i said if you have one and not the other it's not the end of the world they both work really great so again i'm going to work perpendicular to my surface put pressure in the middle build the middle a little bit here and just do those drop flowers these are really easy to sort of fill as you can see i prefer the open star tip for these ones these ones are a little bit more shaky and harder to get the icing out because the tip is a little bit more closed and the icing doesn't flow as free and now so if we do some rosettes i build a little bit of icing in the middle and then put pressure as i roll around the middle and overlap and then let go of pressure and continue to pull my tip as i let go of the pressure to get that little end and again i'm cleaning my tip in between so i start fresh again build up a little bit of pressure in the middle pressure pipe around and then let go and sort of get that tip keep going around so the tip sort of curls around okay so you can tell this one here i'm going to put a little bit less pressure to make a smaller flower and you can see again it's not sticking well because the parchment but on a cookie it'll stick a little bit better and if you have a tip like this you can just use your scribe and just sort of roll it around and attach it back and it sort of finishes off the flower if you have the end that sort of hangs off so you can see the difference it's not really that big so this was the open star tip on the top and then you have the closed star tip on the bottom again not a big difference whichever you decide to use it's just personal preference so now we're going to use the bigger tips here so we've got the 2d the wilton 2d and the wilton 1m tip these are the most popular tips for big rosettes and they work really well and they're really quick once you learn how to make them they're really quick to do and they're they're great looking beautiful flowers so here again i'm going to use my same bag now that i've double bag i can easily take my bag out and switch the tips with no problem so i'm going to cut my bag a little bit bigger here because the tip is a lot bigger than what i was using and i'll go ahead and stick my tip into the bag and stick my icing in there as well okay so here i have my 1m tip that i'm going to be using and i'll show you the drop flowers and the rosettes that come out of it so again once again i want to make my sure my bag and my tip is perpendicular to my surface and i'm just going to put pressure let go of the pressure of the bag and lift up and once again perpendicular put pressure let go of the pressure with my hand and lift straight up you can see these are pretty simple just a bigger version of what we had before okay now we're going to do our rosettes and these are going to be bigger rosettes so again perpendicular build the icing up a little bit and roll around your center and i'm overlapping on my center as you can see i have a chunk of icing left there so i'm going to just wipe it off with a wet paper towel here to start clean i don't touch the tip down i just hover it right above my surface so you can see i'm building up the icing slowly as i'm putting pressure wrapping it around on top of the center overlapping let go of the pressure and pull my icing slowly away and that'll give you that clean edge so again i'm just going to show you here once more so we're going to build up the center a little bit and then keep putting pressure and overlap the center and that gives you that nice rosette let go of the pressure and slowly wrap it around now if you don't overlap and you go kind of around it doesn't give you as tight and clean as a rosette it's not my favorite look i prefer the overlapped look method and again i'll show you once more like if you don't overlap it it kind of doesn't have a clean sort of rosette look it's not bad but i prefer overlapping it looks a lot cleaner okay so now i'm going to change tips and i'm going to use the 2d tip which is the closed star tip another very popular tip as well and just going to switch out my bags here easily and i just want to show you the difference between the open and the closed star tip so the drop flowers do look a little bit different they kind of come out more flowy and then the centers kind of are a little bit more open and here are the rosettes the same idea build the pressure in the middle and overlap and you can tell they're very similar just a little bit more flowy so now to do it on a cookie again perpendicular we don't want to do it an angle straight up and down and i'm going to build up the icing in the middle not touching the cookie and wrap it around you know overlapping my icing pull and let go of the pressure and pull and there you go once again build it up in the middle overlap let go of the pressure and pull and then you can clean up the edge with the scribe if you need to um just to get that tip in there and there you go a beautiful rosette on your cookie the next one we will be doing is working with the petal tips so again i want some stiff royal icing you can see here it's holding stiff peaks it's holding the shape and we're going to start off with the smaller petal tips so again i want to cut my bag to make sure it fits my tip properly here i'm going to be using the wilton 101 tip it's a petal tip and it's a smaller petal tip and so i'll show you what kind of flowers you can make with this so you can see here on the tip that there's a skinny side and there's sort of a fat side it's like a tear drop shape and so when we're doing flowers it's very important that your skinny side or your narrow side is the side that's pointing outwards and your fat sort of thicker side is always towards the center of your flower so you can see here if i pipe a straight line there's sort of a rounded edge and a sort of pointer edge hard to see in the video but so that's what i'm talking about when we have the fat uh in the skinny side of the teardrop tip there so here you can see i'm just gonna slowly make a u with my piping tip so i'm gonna go like a rainbow sort of go around put pressure go up and come back down always putting pressure until you finish the u so you can just practice with your tip just to get a feel for it and to feel if you turn your bag a little bit if you just go straight up and down what kind of pedals it will give you here have a little piece of parchment paper and i'm going to put a little bit of pressure on again the fat side the thick side is facing inwards to the middle of my flower i start in the middle go up turn the paper and come down i'm putting constant pressure even pressure for each petal until i stop at the end and pull the bag away and again on another piece of paper i'll show you again so put pressure the fat sides in the middle and i turn the paper instead of turning my bag it's easier to turn your cookie or your piece of paper here and again just put even pressure and here i'm actually overlapping so i'm starting underneath the last petal and going on top starting underneath and then i finish on top so it gives you a different look of a flower so those last two were sort of flatter flowers and i'll show you how to make a more 3d or taller flower so again we start our base the same you just make your petals here you put your pressure go out with your tip and bring it back down it doesn't have to be perfect at this point because we're going to pipe some more petals on top so once you have your base layer i'm going to just fix it up a little bit with my scribe here and i'm going to start piping my second layer so again i'm going to do a few petals a few less than my first go-around and i'm going to just keep going and build the leaves up and you can stop here or you can continue with another layer of one or two leaves on top so let's go to the cookie now and again we're gonna do our rainbow or upside down u shape so the fat part of the tip is gonna be inside i'm gonna lay my tip sort of flat so it's even against the cookie and as i put pressure on my piping bag i'm going to turn my cookie slightly and come back down you want to build the icing up sort of so that you don't have a hole in between your petals so if i make my you or rainbow too wide then i'll have a sort of gap in between where my piping bag goes up and down in my petal so here we just keep going until you're satisfied with what your flour looks like you can put a few little sprinkles in there and you have a nice simple flour okay for the next flower here we're going to make the more 3d flower so again the same base so here i'm just piping again with pressure turning the cookie as i go and once you start getting comfortable it goes a little bit quicker and it doesn't have to be perfect these little the icing you see building up in the middle that's going to be covered so i'm not too worried about it and again on the second layer i sort of overlap and do the same thing but just smaller smaller half circles basically smaller upside down use so i'm just gonna put a third layer of petals on this one just to finish the top so just keep in mind every layer you want a slightly smaller petal and one or two petals less so i'm just going to top this one off with three petals and if you need to fix anything with your scribe you know what you're ended with your pedal you can just kind of do this fix it up and you're good to go and there you go a nice simple flower okay so this flower we're going to be using a slightly bigger tip it's a wilton 103 tip and it's the exact same shape it's just bigger so we're going to do a little bit of a different type of flower with this one i'm not really sure what this flower would be called but here we go so you put a little bit of um icing in the middle and then we're gonna sort of overlap three lines of icing so you kind of turn i'm turning the parchment paper here just to make it easier on myself but we're just overlapping the dollop of icing i left again the fat side is facing down the skinny side of the tip is facing up now we're going to do our petals a little bit you know leave some space between the mound that we put in the petals because we're going to fill that in after so here you can make your petals as big or as small as you want the tip here is my tip is not too too big so i'm not making them huge and you just do what we've done before in the flower now to fill in that gap in the middle i'm going to do the same thing and i'm going to keep the skinny part out and i'm going to just layer keep layering on the petals and this gives you a little bit of a different flower with sort of a closed center look [Music] so now we're going to do it on the actual cookie so i'm going to build up my icing here again with the tip and then i'm going to make three overlapping lines or layers on my dollop of icing again the skinny side of the tip make sure it's always facing up and your fat side of the tip is the one touching the cookie on the inside so this will be the middle of my flower and then i'll go ahead and again with the fat side facing inward i'll make my petals here i'm going to make a little bit of a bigger petal so a longer petal you can do like an m shape or a u shape whatever you feel comfortable with you know two or three bumps it doesn't really matter i'm just kind of going with it and if there's gaps near the center i'm not too worried about those because they will be covered with the second layer of petals again you can always play around you know if you make a wider you if you put more pressure it's a bigger flower or petal that comes out you know the more you play around with it the more you'll get a feel for what produces what kind of petals and what you kind of like to make and what your style of flower is so again we're going to go in and i'm going to overlap so where the two petals meet that's when i want to put my top petal and again just the same thing kind of making a little m with my piping bag instead of a u just because it's a bigger flower just to fill in the gaps there and i kind of keep going around and keep turning my cookie and then if there's any spots that i need to fill in i can just go in there with my scribe after and just kind of fill in the gaps there as you can see here all right now for the fun part piping roses so again i have my stiff consistency royal icing if it's not stiff enough you guys can just add a little bit more powdered sugar but you want to make sure that it holds its shape so now i'm going to use my flower nail for this one so i'm just going to put a little bit of icing here on top of my flower nail just to secure my piece of parchment paper and these are kind of like oral icing transfers i basically pipe this let it dry and then i attach it to my cookie with a little bit more icing so again it's the similar um to the previous flower where we're going to put a dollop of icing in the middle and i have the flower nail and i'm just rolling it between my fingers so now i'm going to do one long strand and as i pull the strand away i'm turning the flower nail at the same time and trying to make the very middle of the rose and so you can see i've overlapped my line so now where the line ended i'm just going to create my petals so again you're gonna touch down put some pressure on the bag and lift up and then touch down again to secure the icing i usually like to make three if i can on the inside i like to do odd numbers and if you want sort of a small little rosette or rose you can just stop here i'm going to keep going just to make a bigger flower and so what i just keep doing is the same process and just longer strands and so i touch my tip put some pressure slowly lift my tip up and then as i get to the outside of the flower i'm going to sort of turn my tip more to the outside so i'm going to open up my rows a bit so you can see that my tip is sort of facing more flat parallel to my surface rather than sort of up and down how i had it before and how the petals are sort of opening up on the flower and so there you go you can just take it off set it aside and let that dry and then you can glue it onto your cookie with some royal icing okay so we're gonna go ahead and do another one here so again i'm just gonna glue my little piece of parchment paper to my flower nail put a dollop of icing there in the center and again so i'm going to put some pressure on the bag and then pull away wrap the icing around and touch it back down to secure it and then where it's overlapped i want to do my sort of petals so you're going to touch down you sort of put pressure on the bag lift up make an upside down u and touch back down and now for my third petal again do the same thing touch down upside down u and touch back down and there you go you have a simple tiny little rose for your cookies you just let it dry and then you can attach it to your cookie later with royal icing and i like to have a bunch of these little cute roses around to use to um you can they're always coming handy so now i'm going to show you um the difference between some of the tips here so the tip that we were using was straight and you can see this bigger tip i have here it's curved just to show you um what a curved petal does so this curved um petal tip is actually in a techo tip um it's a techo 120 and it's a little bit bigger so i'm just going to cut my bag a little bit bigger here just to clean off the tip and i just want to show you when you used curved petal tips you can use them curved in or curved out to give different looks to your roses and again this is just you know sometimes you accumulate tips over the years and so you don't have to use a certain tip to get you know exactly what i'm doing here whatever you have you can use and just play around with it to get different techniques and textures on it so again you know double bagging helps to switch out those tips really fast i usually start with my small flowers because then i can cut my bag bigger and so again you can see it has a narrow side and a fat side and a thick side i guess so you always want to make sure that narrow side is what is facing outwards and that will be the you know delicate side of your petal basically and again just a little dollop here just to secure my piece of parchment paper i just pre-cut these squares for the video but i just use the regular parchment paper just cut it up and same idea we're going to put a blob of icing a little bit bigger because this petal tip is a little bit bigger and so again i'm going to do the center of my rose so you can see the way that it's curving it's kind of hard to see in the video but it's sort of curving outward and so it depends if you're right-handed left-handed which way you feel comfortable spinning but you'll see that my tips sort of the top of the petals are curving on the out outside away from the center of the flower and this is just to show you that the way that you hold the bag and the tip and the way that you go twirl the rose it'll either face outside or inside so you can kind of see here it gives me a little bit of a different rose than previously but it's the same idea so i'm just going to clean my tip off here again and i just usually continue until i'm happy if the rose looks lopsided i'll maybe add another petal or two until i'm happy with it okay so now i want to show you guys if i pipe the other way so instead of piping the petal away from me i'm going to pipe it towards me so i'm going to start away from me and spin and then bring the piping tip towards me just to show you how the curve affects and now it will change because i'm piping the other way and so now you can see that my petals are sort of curving inwards towards the middle of the flower and it almost gives you like um like a closed rose or sort of a peony type of flower and so again i just keep going and it might be a little bit awkward if you go one way or the other so just do whatever you're comfortable they also have you know left-handed tips so then if you do spin it you're comfortable spinning one way or the other you can do it that way so this is a little bit more awkward for me but just to show you guys so i'm trying to turn my tip outwards now just to sort of open up the flower a little bit more and you can see there's a little bit of gaps in my petals and that's okay you know this is just practice and i can take them off after and just fix them up so i'm just going to grab my scribe and just pull these petals off because they don't look very good when they have a space i'm trying to push them in but it won't work in the end so i'm just going to pull them off here and i can just add new petals to it or scrap the rose completely if the icing you know if you're working quickly kind of and you don't let it dry you can always put the icing back in the bag as well and so i'm just going to grab and go back and grab my piping bag and just redo these flowers here and i can just hide that icing there and just trying to keep the tip the edge close to the bottom of the flower and i again i just kind of keep going until i'm happy with it okay so now i'm going to show you guys how to do it on a cookie so i just have a small circle cookie here and i have my dollop of icing here to start the center and i'm just going to touch my tip down and pull it all the way around okay so here my icing actually broke and i didn't make it all the way around so i'm just going to kind of go with it and just make another petal for the other side so basically you're just touching down kind of lifting it up a bit keeping it close and then touching back down for each petal and i just keep overlapping the edges of the petals and i'll keep going until i'm satisfied with the cookie so again turning my tip out here a little bit and just open up the flower a bit more and i just you know go until i feel like it's it's good enough not my best flower but you guys just to give you a quick idea okay now for another fun part i'm going to show you guys how to make uh leaves sorry really easily okay so here i have some icing it's not quite stiff enough so i'm gonna just add some powdered sugar to it and again you know if you make it too stiff you can add a little bit of water if it's not stiff enough you can always add powdered sugar so i'm just kind of mixing it in here i'm looking for a stiff consistency that's going to hold its shape really well especially with leaves i want to see those little ridges and lines and i want the leaf to hold its shape and not sort of melt back down so i'm going to add a little bit more here just to make it nice and stiff and you can see when i lift up the spoon it holds a nice stiff peak there and it kind of holds all the lines and and ripples in the icing and doesn't smooth out here i've got a different shade of green that's a little bit softer so it's a sort of not quite a stiff peak it sort of flops over a soft peak and we'll be using that for something else so here i'm gonna just cut my bag it's really hard to see here but i'm gonna cut it in a v shape so i have the seam in the middle and i'm just cutting my bag so a half on one side and half on the other to give my tip a v shape and so you can see when i pull my icing out a little bit that it's at a point the bag and so the sides is going to give us that leaf sort of shape so you don't really need a leaf tip i'm going to make it a little bit bigger because it is quite small so i basically cut a diagonal on one side and then i flip because i'm right-handed i'm going to cut with my right hand again and make another diagonal cut and make it to a point in the middle and then you can see you know the wider you make the v or the bigger you make the v the bigger the petal or sorry the leaf will be so here we go you can see it's stiff icing and i'm just pushing putting pressure down and the way that the icing comes out automatically just comes as a leaf so what i'm going to do here is just clean the tip off and i'll show you guys here so when you put pressure you can see my bag is facing like a v and you can make a really tiny one so you just put a little bit of pressure let go and pull away and that gives you that end edge of the leaf or you can make you know bigger leaves if you put more pressure put a little bit of pressure take the pressure away from the bag and pull the bag away you can make rippled leaves by moving the bag up and down it's very versatile you know the more pressure you put and the slower you move the more ripples you get things like that so you can just play around here you can see i'm just piping a bunch of leaves to get the feel of it make thicker thinner longer leaves and again you just touch down put pressure and then let go of the pressure and when you pull the bag away quickly you can see it leaves a little tip there so now i'm going to show you my darker icing here so i'm just going to cut a small just regular right across my bag here just a tiny little hole i always seam in the middle and i'll show you kind of how to do different greenery and this is like pressure piping idea so basically what i'm doing is just putting pressure in one spot and then pulling the bag down so pressure kind of pull the bag down when you're finished doing the pressure piping and this will give you those sort of vines and and different types of leaves so i just basically put pressure and pull my bag down put pressure pull the bag down you can curve them you can make them sort of any shape way you want to go and those sort of you can add them to your roses and your greenery just to give it a little bit more of depth you can make them closer together like i am here and again it's simple just put pressure now in the same spot to build up that icing as a dot and then pull back down and here i'm just drawing a line so i can you know follow that guy to make it sort of more spaced out but it's always the same technique you put pressure and pull it down you can always go in with your scribe and fix things up whenever you need to we're not all perfect i use my scribe a lot so and again i can stack them on top of each other and make them bigger the more pressure you put the bigger your your little petals your leaves will be and so if you want something a little bit closer you keep the bag a little bit longer and put a little bit more pressure like this you can see the size here is a little bit bigger so again you can just play around and see what kind of techniques you like you can use different techniques and you can see just with one bag in a tipless bag i have made all that so here i have a cookie cutter or a cookie that i cut out of i don't actually have a floral cookie cutter i believe it's the mr and mrs plaque from bobby's cutters and it's kind of a sort of different looking shape and so i thought it'd be perfect for um you know putting my leaves and flowers on it okay so now that i'm happy with my vines and my little greenery i'm gonna do a little rosette here so again build the icing in the middle and just wrap around [Music] okay so now we're at the end of the video and i really hope you guys attempt to make flowers they look a lot more complicated than they are and it takes a little bit of practice but like i really hope you guys give it a try let me know how it goes in the comments and if you have any questions let me know as well and i hope to see you guys all in the next tutorial thanks for watching [Music] you
Channel: Little Cookie Co
Views: 706,492
Rating: 4.9033113 out of 5
Keywords: royal icing, decorated cookies, sugar cookies, decorated sugar cookies, piping flowers, royal icing flowers, piping florals, how to pipe leaves
Id: vjv6-sNfvv4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 15sec (1935 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 05 2020
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