How to Write on Cookies

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[Music] hey everyone I'm really excited about this video I've been getting a lot of questions on how to write on cookies so here's the tutorial I put together for you guys [Music] so the first cookie I've got my icing here you can see me playing around with it and I want a thick consistency but still kind of smooth if it's too thick it won't grasp the cookie well and it'll break off pretty easily because this is a really thin fund so you can see it's a pretty soft peak I've got and that's exactly what I'm looking for so the first things first is I'm using my projector and I want to size the font to make sure that it's correct for my cookie and one thing that I do before I write on any cookies is I always practice on a piece of parchment paper so once I have the right size I'm going to go ahead and cut my bag so I want to put the bag with the seam facing up in the middle of the bag and I'm going to sort of flatten my tip and I'm gonna cut a really really small hole as straight as I can I'm gonna test it out to see if it's okay and if it's not thick enough if it's too small my icing will curl out of the bag or it'll clog I can go back and just recut it always stop start small and you can make it bigger as you go as you need so here I've got my parchment paper I've got the right size of the font I need for my cookie and I always want to practice a little bit just to make sure that everything's okay so here you can see I'm just piping a few lines here playing with the icing to make sure that it's what exactly what I need also you can see there's different ways you can pipe there's pulling the icing which is normally how we outline and we do things but there's also pushing the icing out of the bag so that's when I lift it up and I sort of squeeze extra hard the icing sort of goes away from the bag instead of me pulling it all the time I'm sort of pushing it out and that gives me those curves sometimes so I'm going to start piping we just touched down on the cookie and I keep the tip as close as I can to the cookie it gives me full control like this if I lift it too high when I have small turns it's really hard to get those turns so you can see I'm not exactly on the line but just keep going with it this is a practice and this is why I do it so I get a feel for the way I need to move my bag you can also see I'm piping with my right hand and I keep my left finger on my piping bag or on my hand it just steadies my hand a little bit because it's really hard for me to Pipe with one hand so I'm gonna give this another go just to get the feel for the see again and again I'm keeping it really close to the parchment paper right now just so I have more control if it's a longer line I can lift it up a little bit higher every time I start a new letter I'm gonna touch down if I'm able to so when you have things like O's or G's or Y's I always have an issue because when you curve around it's hard to pull that icing around so what I do when I go on the bottom curve that's when I sort of squeeze a little bit harder and I push the icing forward so I can see where it's gonna fall another thing with the projector is it's hard to be piping perpendicular over on your cookie because you're gonna be blocking the projector and you won't see what you're writing on your cookie so I try to keep my bag at an angle that way I can see what I'm writing sometimes you can't help it and you are piping a little bit blind so again practice always helps so when I'm pretty happy with my practice run I can go ahead and put it on my actual cookie there's a few errors here and there but I can fix that either with my scribe or I can give the few more practices and give it a try so I'm gonna cut my piping bag a little bit bigger because I had a little squiggly lines that I wasn't happy with so I think this will be a lot better and a lot easier to do this it's still really small hole but it'll be easier to control so now we're gonna put my cookie back under my projector so you can see I'm keeping my piping tip as close as I can I'm pulling it when I need to go left to right and when I'm going right to left when I'm looking at the G of the congratz I'm pushing my icing when I have to go to the left so that it comes out so I'm not dragging it because that sort of makes it an awkward you loop [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] my next cookie but the icing here ready I'm looking for about the same consistency I had for the first cookies thick but still sort of has soft peaks we don't it too thick but we don't want it thin either I'm gonna use be using pressure piping for this one so I'll show you guys how that works so you can use pressure piping when you have thick and thin lines basically what it is is using the bag that you cut the same bag for all the thick lines and all the thin lines so here again I'm gonna be cutting my bag I'm gonna be cutting the hole with the seam facing up cutting starting off with a small hole that I will match to the smaller areas of my point so I've sized my font now to the cookie and once I know it's good I'm going to bring out my parchment paper again and just do a couple test runs if you don't have parchment paper you can use paper towel I do it a lot as well either one is works fine just to give yourself a little bit of practice so here I'm just testing out my tip making sure that I like how big the hole is icing is not curling it's not too small of a hole or anything and here you can see me squeezing a little bit harder and building up the icing and that's basically the pressure piping part where I'm putting more pressure on the bag to make a thicker line so here I'm going to start with my oh and I'm going to put a lot of pressure on the downstrokes and sort of build up the icing and slowly move my bag down as I'm building up the icing once I get to the bottom of the OH I'm gonna lift my piping bag up slightly so keeping it close to the cookie or to the parchment paper and make that thin line and let the icing just drop again on the end here and building up the icing when I'm going down slowly moving the bag down and then I'm gonna touch down lift it up for the small part and then touch it down again and build up the icing I'm not touching the tip to the cookie or to the parchment paper I'm just hovering above it just to build up that icing there clean the tip off if you need to adjust the bag if you need to cut it again like I am here just to make it work right sometimes if it's the thick part is too thick you might need a bigger hole so I've done my practice now I'm ready to do it on my cookie so I did have to cut a little bit of a bigger hole just a little icing comes out a little bit smoother and here you can see again the thick parts I'm just building up the icing putting more pressure my bag so more icing comes out at the same time and when I go slow I'm just building it up and then I slowly lift up my bag the always big so I can lift up my bed quite a bit but with the other ones I won't be lifting my bag up too much because they are smaller lines you can do one letter at a time and you can see I'm going in with my scribe to sort of wiggle the pressured parts so it just smooths out a little bit so you don't see all the lines of the icing building up if your consistency is too thick you won't really be able to smooth it out too much so that's why you're kind of looking for a soft peak consistency where you wiggle it a little bit and it does smooth out a touch [Music] okay so for my next cookie I'm actually gonna have two different fonts but I'm going to be using the same consistency and again this is about the same consistency as the first two cookies thick soft peaks is what we're really going for here I'll be doing a simple font and then a smaller pressure piping where I won't be quite smoothing out the font because it's a really small font so it's sort of not too noticeable when you're building up the icing so here you can see I'm starting with the happy and it's just simple lines I'm keeping the tip as close to the cookie as possible but I'm still lifting it up so I touched down at one point lift it up just to touch and touch it down the fonts not too big so you don't have a lot of space to basically lift up your bag really high if you're lifting up your bag high your lines gonna get too long them and you go back down to touch it you'll be way over the line of the word and also you can see with a projector I tried to keep my bag sort of at an angle so I can see what I'm typing here for the a and the P and even the Y there's sort of curves so again I'm looking for that push of the icing out of the bag when I'm going from right to left whenever I'm going left to right for me I'm right-handed it's natural for me to touch the icing down pick it up and and basically pull the icing towards the right but when I have to go from right to left as in like the circle of the a or let's say on the bottom of the P I like to push the icing out so the icing is almost ahead because if I drag my eye my bag to the left I'm blocking the projector and I can't really see what I'm doing so this is a relatively simple font and then the next one we're gonna go to is back to pressure piping and this is really small so I did have to cut a smaller hole if I go too big then I lose control and it gets too thick and the letters sort of run together so same principle as before I put a little bit extra pressure sort of hover the tip or just slightly touch the tip so I have control and I squeeze the bag for the thicker parts on the down strokes and on the up strokes I'm just lifting up the bag just a touch and very little pressure and pulling it to the next letter you can always stop at the letters anytime that there's a break sort of an it allows you to stop this calligraphy isn't meant to be all done in one stroke so you can see like with the D as well that I've stopped and then I've started to get at the top of the deep [Music] okay so for this font we're actually going to use two different consistencies so my first consistency is gonna be my outline which is basically the same consistence we've seen soft peek thick sort of icing and then I'm gonna bag half of my icing and then I'm gonna add a little bit of water to it and make it a little bit thinner I'm not looking for flood here I'm just looking for a smoother thick icing that I could wiggle very easily and have it settle the reason being we're gonna be outlining the letters and filling in with a smoother icing when I have bigger fonts some of these cutters that you cut come with funds it you don't really want to do pressure piping because it's very obvious the lines that you have so I prefer this method there's no wrong way if you prefer doing pressure piping with a bigger hole in the bag you can totally do that but this is the way I prefer so I get a smoother looking letter so once you have everything ready I've done my practice already but we're gonna skip that for this cookie so here I'm just outlining my cookie and then once I outline the first letter I'm gonna stop and actually fill it in with my sort of thicker flood sometimes I fill it in right away sometimes I do the L one it depends really how large the font is and how big the bigger the space is sometimes I let it dry that a line for a minute or two and go back and do it but because these are smaller I want to do it at the same time just because then it kind of I can sort of jiggle it into the outline so it smoothes into one sort of looking puff instead of having like an outline and then the flood in the middle so here again I just outline all the thick parts I put two lines there and then any really big parts like you can see the end I put my thicker icing in the middle and I'll flood on top just to prevent cratering and then any really really tiny parts I can even use my outline just to fill it in if it's really really small if I'm scared my flood will maybe go over and just one letter at a time you just keep going until you're happy and you can jiggle it with your scribe just to smooth it out a bit you can I have to work fast if it's thicker icing because the thicker it is the easier and faster it dries so you just give it a little jiggle right away once you've flooded it [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so for my last cookie here we're gonna be doing sort of the similar type of font but it's smaller so what I like to use again is somewhat the same consistency looking for soft peaks here a little bit softer than the previous just because I'm gonna be using the same icing for basically outlining and flooding right away the reason I'm using the same icing is because it's such a small area that I need to flood that I don't need a separate icing I don't need a thinner icing it's just probably gonna create a mess for me so you can see here I have I believe they're called serifs the little lines on the end so that's why I want the thin a small hole in my bag to match that area of the letter and then for the thicker parts I'm just sort of outlining and then just flooding with the same icing I have it's a thick icing it's a very small area so I don't need much the smaller the area is easier to sort of smooth out if it's thick flood if it's a big area it's really hard to smooth out the flood because it dries really quickly but if it's such a small area like this I just do one letter and sort of squeeze the thicker icing in there as my flood and it's totally fine I could smooth it out with my scribe no problem again this is all just one consistency I'm using because it's such as these are small letters and small areas that make it thick there's no need to really flood because chances are your flood will maybe crater or it might just go over the outlines and with all the cookies take your time people see these videos on Instagram or on Facebook and everything sped up because especially with Instagram you basically have a one minute time limit so whenever I'm posting videos I have to speed it up from you know 5 or 10 minutes of me piping on to under 1 minute so it looks like it's really easy and it goes really fast but you can see here that I am actually taking my time with each letter I'm going really slow sometimes it's hard to see with the projector so you know you don't really have to speed and rush through it take your time go slow stop at the letters fix anything that you need to you know practice a few times don't think that even if we done it a thousand times you know we I still practice every single word that I write every time I do it because it just gives you the feel a little bit of what you need to do and if you're icing is the right consistency maybe it's not you might have to remix it put a little bit of powdered sugar to make it thicker add water to make it thinner if it's not going right when you're practicing then just fix your icing it'll be much much better if you do it then try to figure it out on the cookie when you're when you don't have any extras to play around with so as always thank you so much for watching and if you have any questions about this any of the styles that I've show them here you can let me know below see you guys in the next tutorial [Music]
Channel: Little Cookie Co
Views: 1,149,100
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: royal icing, piping words, writing with royal icing, writing on cookies, decoratedcookies, writing with a projector
Id: gfmuTpXJx-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 40sec (1120 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 20 2020
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