Change Basic English To Business English

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I'm going to help you to switch 25 basic English verbs to business English verbs to make you sound more confident and professional in the workplace. The first verb we're going to switch is the verb to give now in its basic form we should switch to give for provide here are some examples. Please provide more details about the project. can you provide information on this product? we provide an excellent healthcare service. you provided us with several IT workers last week. okay the next switch is a synonym of switch and it's the action of giving to receive and the verb we're going to use is the verb exchange. here are some examples: we exchanged a few words over the phone. to exchange words is to have a conversation we exchanged a few words or we've been exchanging emails for a few weeks. they exchanged their goods for our services. the team exchanged ideas during their meeting. okay the next switch is to give a lot of time or money to something we're going to use the verb invest here are some examples: we have invested all of our profits into this new business venture or you have invested so much time into this project I am excited to see the outcome. okay those are the first three business verbs around the idea of giving so to provide to exchange and to invest. now before we move on I'm going to give a shout out to Lingoda who have kindly sponsored this lesson. now I was taking a class with them earlier this week and I had such a pleasant experience that I was trying to work out what it was that made me enjoy the class so much and well I guess a large part of it was down to having an excellent teacher was very energetic and passionate as well as being a native speaker which always helps me to tune into the accent but I also think that a large part of the enjoyment came from having a small group of learners from different parts of the world, there was one girl from China and the other girl she was from Russia and we were interacting and taking turns to read out loud and we were practicing conversing in our target language which just helped to give me confidence in my speaking. now Lingoda would be a fantastic platform for you to consider particularly if you need to improve your business English because they've recently improved their business English course which is now more flexible and affordable plus you can get three free group classes to try it out just click on the link in the description box below, or you can just dive straight in without a trial and benefit from a 25 euros discount instead just by clicking the link below and using the code native1 now Lingoda do also offer courses in English French German and Spanish all taught by native qualified teachers and once you become a student you'll gain access to lots of fantastic learning materials and when you level up you receive a C EFR certificate so there are lots of reasons to join Lingoda in order to improve your language I always enjoy taking my lessons there as do many other students which you could hear all about on their Instagram account @lingoda_official now let's look at some more verbs. we have to create or make something we're going to use the verb to produce often use when talking about goods or ideas so for example my company produces gluten-free products or he has produced an interesting piece of work or I need to produce new ideas to discuss at the meeting next up we have to get instead we're going to use receive now we often use the verb receive when talking about emails letters applications or goods for example did you receive my email last Monday we received some exciting news yesterday I received a parcel now we could also use the verb obtained to replace get now you'd use obtained when it's something that you've worked hard to get or maybe you've planned to get it for example if you're working to receive planning permission to build a house or perhaps you're trying to get hold of sensitive information you will obtain it so let's have a look at an example here after months of emailing and calling the council we finally obtained planning permission the next verb is to allow and we're going to switch it for the word authorise now be aware British English uses an S towards the end authorise although it's pronounced as I said and in American English they will use a Z so authorize in American English now we authorise actions we may authorise spending or we may use authorise around planning so for example I didn't authorise this payment or you must get the manager to authorise your access card before you can enter huh okay the next verb we're going to switch is the verb to buy and we're going to switch it for the verb purchase for example I need to purchase 500 chairs for the new office next up is the verb to send and here we're talking basically about sending a bill and the verb we switch it for is invoice so you send an invoice or you invoice somebody so this can be a noun the invoice or it can be a verb to invoice so I will have to invoice you for my services you will have an invoice in your Inbox the next switch is the switch from to look after so to look after people or to look after a project and we're going to switch it for the verb manage to manage so you might manage a big team of people or I may be managing a very large project at work okay next we have to stop something from happening the verb we're going to use is prevent prevent so they couldn't prevent the protesters from gathering outside their company okay the next one is to go or to send back something so in these cases we would use the verb to return so I might return to the office after I've already gone home suddenly an emergency has been called so I have to return to the office or you might return a product that is no longer suitable or functioning properly perhaps it broke so I have to return this product because it's faulty okay the next one is to fix a problem we're going to use the verb solve solve for example I might say this problem won't be solved by you sitting around and complaining we need to do some brainstorming okay next up is to give someone an idea of what they should do in this case you would use the verb suggest suggest so for example I'm say I suggest you take a break and tackle this problem when you get back or I might say does anyone have any suggestions on how to move forward with this project next we have to join in or to be involved we might use the verb participate for example I would like everyone to participate in this team-building exercise next we have to sort out or to plan something we're going to use the verb organize organize this would be used when talking about people events paperwork or even meetings so for example I've organized a meeting between you and the head of the bank o or I'd like everyone to organize themselves into size order from the tallest to the shortest okay next up we have to answer if you're going to answer an email a question a comment or any issues then we would use the verb to respond this is much more professional sounding so I will respond to your email when I get time or I must respond to this question because it's very important or I'm not sure I want to respond to this comment because I think it's rather inappropriate okay next we have to talk about something if you're talking about something with someone then you're having a discussion so we use the verb to discuss for example in this morning's meeting we all discussed the problems facing our company it's all doom and gloom in my examples isn't it okay the next one is to talk about something in detail usually when talking about the whys or the how so why did something happen how did something happen we use the verb explain for example I'm sorry I'm late let me explain what happened so let me tell you in detail about why I'm late okay next we have to tell or to let somebody know something so instead we might use the verb to inform this is very very formal so I might say I regret to inform you that our company has gone into liquidation or I must inform you that your website has stopped working next we have to tell again so if you're retelling something then you might be reminding somebody about something for example I just need to remind you that you are not allowed to enter the building before 8 a.m. or can you remind me to call mr. Smith at 4 o'clock please okay next up if you say yes to an idea to a piece of work or request then you are probably going to use the verb to accept so I accept your idea I accept this piece of work or I accept your request for example your suggestion to have paper towels in the toilets instead of electric hand dryers has been accepted I accept your request to have two days off next week now the opposite to that if you are saying no to an idea if you're saying no to a piece of work or to a request then you may be refusing it or rejecting it so I reject your comments or I reject this piece of work or I refuse to allow you to have a day off next week we're far too busy and you're far too valuable to this company next we have to win or to do well you would switch this for the verb sick seed for example our company succeeded in the race to be the first people to visit Mars must be a very good company ok one final bonus verb for you because I think we've done more than 25 now the final one is if you hate your job and you're desperate to leave you want to quit then you would use the verb to resign for example I really don't like working here I resign simple as that and with that I'm afraid the lesson is over so if you found this helpful please do give it a big thumbs up the best way to remember these words is to practice so please take 1 2 or all of these words and write a sentence down in the comment section below to get in that practice feel free to ask me any questions otherwise if you have a spare 7 minutes or just a few minutes then why not check out one of these other videos this one's a good one and make sure you stay subscribed and turn on the notification bell so you don't miss any future lessons until next time take care and goodbye!
Channel: English Like A Native
Views: 32,083
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: British English, English Like a native, how to english, change basic english to business english, change basic english into business english, how to change basic english into business english, business english, basic english into business english, business english speaking practice, business english vocabulary, english for business, english vocabulary, how to sound more professional, learn english, office english, professional english, speak english, public speaking
Id: 1qn4lfYsJMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 2sec (902 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 18 2019
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