How to Talk about Music, Movies & TV? - Basic English Phrases

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like pajama shirt anyway hi Internet welcome back to our weekly live stream my name is Alisha and today we're going to talk about music movies and TV so I have a lovely graphic whoo I'm not an artist but these are our topics for today music and TV and movies and how to explain them so today in this lesson we're going to look at how to explain your experiences how to talk about future plans and how to explain your opinions oh good oh we can't quite see it there kami they're lovely today's topics in the background um great as everybody joins I want to get right into the stuff to review today because there's a lot as always and I talk too much so quickly while we wait for everyone to join I want to review if you missed last week's live stream you can watch it on the YouTube channel or the Facebook page or our Twitter account last week's topic was ways to improve your resume and many of you asked what is a resume a resume maybe you know the word CV this is a document some paperwork you submit when you apply for a job it's a list of your education history your work history so if you missed it please check last week's live stream we got that question from quite a few people though I want to review though I talked I used an expression I want to share to begin today's lesson and to review last week's lesson I this was my my social media example from this week I said I never thought I would use Instagram to work out details of a translation job here I used the expression work out details so work out details is a short way to say mm-hmm like decide on the specific details of an agreement so to work out details of something in this case work out details of a translation job so I wanted to share this so workout details is maybe something you can think about when you are applying for a job or preparing your resume and so on alright but let's get into today's topic as I said and please as you join as you join on Facebook and on YouTube please do hit the like button and share the video as well today I have a little visual in the background today we're talking about music and movies and TV so let's begin we're going to look at some grammar points for today to talk about your experiences and your preferences so we'll start in just a moment we're getting the text ready okay so first I want to introduce a question for asking about experiences first one asking about experiences let's look at two patterns you can use for one for movies and one for music and actually this one is okay for TV as well movies and TV first we're going to use this pattern have you seen this is the past participle form of si have you seen movie name yet yet have you seen movie name yet so I have yet here you can choose to include or drop yet from this sentence if you use yet it sounds like you expect the listener might have seen the movie or you expect the listener is going to see that movie at some point in time so you can say have you seen movie like have you seen x-men or have you seen Batman for example have you seen Batman yet is a similar sentence but using yet implies you think the listener will see or will see that movie at some point in time same thing here have you heard that song or that album yet so you can choose to include yet if you like here but in this case we've changed the verb so for movies and for TV we're using scene have you seen a movie or have you seen that TV show here it's music so we need to change the verb have you heard such-and-such song or have you heard I don't know what could we use Bruno Mars his new album does given to him I don't even know I think have you heard the new Bruno Mars song have you heard the new Beyonce song yet again this is that expectation do you expect the listener will have heard it or do you expect there's like yet someone is going to listen to it at some point so please use yeah someone in the chat mentioned we're using present perfect tense here have you past participle verb so have you seen or have you heard that thing so these are our first questions for today we're going to do a chat answer with this later so let's practice then how do you respond to this so some people already using this how do you respond to this question let's look at some ways to respond to these two questions let's take a look okay let's look so do respond to the question have you someone in facebook someone said wants it have you seen the shape of water nice that's a super famous movie right now so let's use that as our example have you seen the shape of water yet so if you have yes you saw it last week or something use yes I have yes I have or I have seen that movie I have so yes I have you can ask the speaker the other person the same question yes I have have you so you don't need to say have you seen the shape of water yet you you can just make a short question yes I have have you is nice if you have not seen that you can use no I haven't no I have it here is our negative or negative form no I this haven't is have not so no I do not have the experience of watching that movie this word communicates that no I have it have you seen the shape of water have you heard the new Beyonce single yes I have have you or no I haven't have you so you can ask the question again to the other person no I haven't have you or have you seen it have you heard it so these are some basic ways to maybe begin a conversation about music and about movies okay so I want to go on to the next part then so if the answer is yes so some of you are talking about like movies that you have seen if the answer is yes if the answer is yes you are follow-up question to this we'll look at it in a moment there are two it's just two simple examples note both are in the past tense here so what did you think and did you like it so again to use the shape of water as our example so did you see the shape of water or sorry have you seen the shape of water and then yes I have what did you think so why do we use did why are we using past tense here instead of like what do you think we use did here because it's like your opinion just after watching the movie so at that point just after you watched the movie what was your opinion in that moment what did you think or here did you like it so when you were watching the movie what did you think at that time in the past so use past tense if you're asking a question about like an opinion in the past what did you think about the movie what did you think about the song bow says so we don't have to put yet at the end of the sentence no in your question you don't have to but using yet means that like there's an expectation the other person is going to see it so we'll use what did you think and did you like it all right so how do you answer these questions how do you share your opinion a simple opinion about a movie or about a TV show or about music let's look at several examples I have a few examples prepared let's look okay so what did you think about the shape of water or what did you think about the new album for example all right so I have a scale here this is sort of a scale of positive and maybe not so good negative responses here I thought it was great again notice everything here is past tense this is all past tense again so did you like it yes I did I thought it was great here past tense I thought it was so it is your movie your TV show the song the album whatever I thought it was great nice okay so very positive general I liked it make sure to pronounce this D sound clearly I liked it here's one for a negative I didn't like it I didn't like it okay so the very simple did not I did not like it but try to contract use I didn't like it I didn't like it much more natural okay another one I thought it was good so here's I thought it was good I thought it was great what's the difference this one is more is higher higher level I thought it was good I thought it was great this one is better here this is one oh thanks God this one I wasn't impressed I was not impressed impressed is like that feeling of oh wow this is really good this is really amazing but if you didn't feel that emotion you can say I wasn't impressed I wasn't impressed so this is probably something you imagine is going to be good okay one more I thought it could have been better so here's some more complex grammar if you're interested in a more grammatically complex sentence you could try this I thought it could have been better could have been means in the past them there was potential for the movie to be quite good but it wasn't so good so I thought it could have been better to practice a more native level pronunciation - I thought it coulda so make this could have I thought it could have I thought it could have been better I thought it could have been better so this one's maybe a grammar challenge a negative opinion and a grammar challenge here great so we have all of these in slike opinion phrases to use them so let's try to use all this so we have the question what did you think maybe have you seen and so on so our first viewer question for today so please get ready and think about these our first question for today is have you seen Black Panther yet have you seen Black Panther yet and what did you think have you seen black pants so please send it in the chat have you seen Black Panther yet and what did you think so in my case this is true in my case no I haven't I haven't seen black pant there yet so yet implies I want to I want to or I'm planning to see it so try to use some of you are saying no yes try to use this have construction this present perfect construction have you seen Black Panther yet no I haven't I haven't nice Connor great ok in YouTube and then if you have maybe and so far no no no I haven't no I haven't but if you have seen Black Panther what did you think what did you think so again I liked it I thought it was great I thought it was good I wasn't impressed great ok Bryce says I really liked it good lots of you say no I haven't no I haven't ok I haven't seen it yet is good - I haven't seen it yet in the YouTube chat and Facebook now - I haven't seen it yet good okay I haven't seen it yet Wow most people say no okay I have it good and rindra points out no I haven't but I would like to know I haven't but I would like to great and garrison High garrison says I haven't I've not ah great point I've not so this is an interesting pattern that we don't really use in American English we so garrison thanks for this sorry this point I've not something something so on the facebook chat you can see there's I've not seen that movie yet I've not this is not a it's not incorrect it just sounds a little bit old so in American English we don't really use I've not seen that movie or I've not heard it yet it sounds kind of formal maybe a little bit older style you can use it but we tend to in American English use I haven't seen it yet I haven't seen it yet okay good some people say I thought it was great I haven't seen it yet nice I would like to see it good alright good nice alright so that's our first point for today our first kind of set of questions and grammar points to study so you can use these grammar points with music movies and TV to talk about your experiences great so let's take a short break just a short break to introduce our free stuff for this week if you have not seen it we have a lot of free PDFs available on the website and one of the webs are one of the website one of the PDFs is a music based PDF it's all about vocabulary and expressions you can use for talking about music so if you I like music but if you are a music fan and you want to get some more vocabulary words to explain your opinions to explain your abilities please download this cheat sheet this PDF is for free you can find the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook so please go download the these cheat sheets of course there are others as well all of the things you see on this page are free so please go and check those out ok great but let's get back to the topic for today if you're just joining live today's topic is music movies and TV and how to talk about that so we're going to continue to talking about your likes and your dislikes that's our second point for today so we have actually quite a lot and not a lot of time so let's get into it quickly alright so let's go into I want to describe today I don't want to just say I like or I didn't like something I want to introduce some more some more specific adjectives you can use to talk about things that you liked or things you dislike so first let's introduce a couple of patterns that we can use for both movies and music and TV for that matter so um basic patterns so first a positive pattern I liked it or I didn't like it because it was and your adjective here so here is one simple pattern we can use I liked it or I didn't like it because adjectives so I'm going to introduce some adjectives here in just a second and then here we can say a similar pattern I liked it or I didn't like it because it had noun phrase so you'll notice here before the noun phrase were using had in past tense it had a noun phrase it had bad acting it had bad music it had a weird actor I don't know but here before the adjective we're using was so please be careful of this grammar point here all right so let's look at some adjectives that you can use to talk about these different forms of media so let's begin with some positive adjectives for movies and for TV vegan Oh where'd they go okay let's go to Sarika let's go to positive adjectives for movies and TV okay I have four here to talk about movies and TV shows we have funny funny means it makes you laugh please be careful I noticed a lot of you asked on the adjective video we did about fun and funny you can check I think maybe the first or second episode of ask Alicia for a an in-depth explanation of the difference between those but funny funny is something that causes laughter it makes you laugh it makes you smile action-packed action-packed so action yes is art is a noun but action-packed with this - here this becomes an adjective we can use this as an adjective packed means like full of something something is like action-packed so noun + packed is full of that thing full of action so an action-packed movie like die hard is an action-packed movie for example or the matrix is an action-packed movie for example another one dramatic dramatic is a good one so dramatic kind of maybe a heavy story something where lots of maybe very serious things happen to the characters typically not so happy dramatic stories so often like war stories are quite dramatic another one romantic a romantic movie so a love story in other words so these are some common positive adjectives we can use for movies and for TV alrighty now let's look at a few negative adjectives for movies and TV we'll though I have just a couple the first one maybe is a little new so it's slow a negative adjectives for movies and TV slow maybe this is new for some of you slow doesn't refer to like the speed that we move at slow refers to the pace of the story so if the story like everything happens quickly in the story the pace is fast it's a fast-moving story if however the movie's story goes very very slowly we could say the movie was slow we can say that so slow as an adjective if the story is boring just say it was a boring movie we can also use weird weird so something that's just strange maybe it's hard to understand perhaps or it's not what you expected it's not typical it's weird it's weird all right good so with that let's go on to some expressions we can use for music expressions for music than two there are a lot I won't talk a lot about each of these because we don't have much time but some positive expressions we can use for music so for a song we can talk about songs in a few different ways there are many different words we can use to talk about songs we could say song or tract or tune lots of words so you can substitute here so for example that's a really good song that is that's a really good song is a nice one or great song great track great song or great track these are both just quick short little positive expressions you can use great song great track nice ok another one this is super catchy catchy so catchy means like you hear it and it it's like it you remember it easily it sounds nice and you like you want to continue listening to that this is super catchy so I included super here this is super catchy is good you can remove this just this is catchy it's fine as well this is catchy another one I can dance to this I can dance to this this is something usually said like while dancing like oh I can dance to this this is good so another general positive comment this one I love singing a to this song I love singing along so singing along to we use the preposition to hear I love singing along so singing together with so we don't say sing together with we use this expression I love singing along to this song I love singing along to this artist to this album for example I love singing along to is the preposition here finally if you want to talk about a live show the concert was amazing so please be careful not live we don't say the live was amazing we say the concert was amazing or their live show was amazing for example so the concert was amazing or I hear they are amazing in concert for example all right so please get ready I guess we'll do Gish yes I guess we'll do one more question for today that is about your recent experiences with movies TV music so maybe our only other question for today is to please think of a movie a TV show or song and album you recently heard or you recently watched so what did you think of that thing whatever it was so please share about a recent movie or TV show or concert or album you saw so what did you think so in my case for example I recently saw so past tense I recently saw the documentary what the health what the health so it was a food documentary so in my case I didn't like the narrator's voice but the documentary was really informative informative so I'm using the word informative meaning it had a lot of information I learned a lot of things from the documentary it was really informative in my case so please share about a recent movie or concert you saw what did you think so again please use this pattern to answer I thought it was or I liked or I didn't like that thing so Ricardo says the newest jewett Judas Priest album was great was great nice okay good so past tense what did you think it was great nice nice I recently saw Ferdinand and it was sweet ah Ferdinand is that that a band i know Franz Ferdinand I'm not sure it was sweet so yeah games and songs they used the word sweet sweet is like a casual adjective which means cool or good or whatever sweet so we can use that for casual conversations Raphael says I saw game night it was pretty nice good good good good okay other ones so a recent movie or concert you saw so you can explain with an adjective we talked about or you can use something different I haven't seen a movie for a long time good I haven't seen a movie for a long time so if you have not recently watched a movie you can say that I haven't seen a movie for a long time Freddie says I recently saw Katy Perry it was amazing nice good garrison I have I saw I saw the Martian last week ah remember if you want to explain a specific point in time don't use present perfect tense use simple past tense simple past tense I saw something last week Jeremy says I Gareth dear May sorry I recently saw Black Panther and it was really awesome because it had a lot of action scenes be careful too much in the chat it says it had too much action scenes too much sounds negative it sounds like oh no I ate too much candy last night and now I'm sick we used too much for a negative but in this sentence it sounds like a positive it had a lot of action scenes okay good so just something to think about if you missed it you can go back and watch rewatch this video to check the example patterns we discussed earlier okay good but let's finish up I have to finish up maybe I think by introducing maybe the last points for today is that gonna work Kyle I'll just introduce the last points go for it okay let's introduce just the last points I want to talk about so I want to finish today by talking about your future plans how to explain your future plans for like watching a movie watching a TV show listening to music so at the beginning of today's session we practiced I haven't seen it yet or I haven't heard it yet so in those cases it's like you have a plan to watch something or you have a plan to listen to something for example so to explain those future plans what can you do for movies then if you want to explain your movie and your TV watching plans then there are a couple let's see I'll introduce three patterns then for this so for your movie and TV watching plans I'll move okay for your movie and TV watching plans let's use something like this I'm gonna see it on this day so for Black Panther in my case I haven't seen Black Panther yet but I really want to I need to make plans to I could say for example I'm gonna see it on Sunday I'm gonna see it on Monday I'm gonna see it on Tuesday or I'm gonna see it this weekend so here I have the casual gonna I'm going to I'm going to do something I'm gonna don't use will because will is used when like we make the decision in the conversation so like I'll see it this weekend if you decide in that moment okay but if you have plans that you made before the conversation please use going to to explain them if however you don't really have a plan and you don't know you can say I don't know if I'll be able to see it anytime soon so grammar here is a little complex I don't know so in other words no plan yet I don't know if I'll be able I don't know if I will be able so it's like you're making a prediction you're making a guess about the future I don't know if in the future I can go or not that's what this means and here I have anytime soon meaning in the near future in the near future good okay so that's for a movie and TV watching plans let's finish then today how to explain music related plans now let's take a look at the last point for today's lesson live lesson so for music related plans again we have gonna so for a new song or a new album for example I'm gonna try and listen to it later this week so here just an example I'm gonna try and listen to it so a new album or a new song later this week okay another one I'll listen to it later so this is a very general statement I just some time later sometime later in the future I'll listen to it so this one you'll notice I've changed it I've got aisle here so I decided in the conversation I'll listen to it later here I'm gonna try it sounds like you're really planning to do that here so slight difference in nuance between these two finally for a concert then I'm going to their concert next month so here I have there so this is for a band a group of people so I'm going to their concert next month I'm going to his concert I'm going to her concert next month we can use that for solo artists so I'm going to his concert and going to her concert for a band I'm going to their concert and hear it next month change this to next week tomorrow whatever this weekend Junior is gig the same as concert yeah gig tends to sound a little smaller scale though so like a gig sounds kind of like a little concert a small event really hmm thanks for the question no good all right Carly on facebook says is gonna formal no gonna is not formal gonna is not formal and actually we use gonna I've written I wrote gonna in this in this sort of presentation space this is used in casual situations in speaking we say I'm gonna that's fine but in writing this is considered quite casual yeah alright good so that's everything I want to talk about today that was a lot we got through a lot thanks very much for participating and we have a lot of people watching today I'm really happy so thank you for joining that's fantastic but I have to finish so we'll finish there for today thanks so much for joining but next week we will be back of course so we'll be back next week next week's livestream the topic is how to talk about people in your life so that by that I mean we're going to talk about personalities so how do you explain like your personality or your boss or your neighbors personality so for grammar points we're probably going to use relative clauses if you want to review a little bit we'll probably use relative clauses so that will be Wednesday March 21st 9 o'clock oh no wait it's daylight savings time now that means it's 10 o'clock right ah I just realized it's daylight savings time on in Eastern Standard Time now so this is actually 10 sorry I forgot that's right we don't change time here so 10 p.m. thanks dial 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time ha ha daylight savings time Eastern Standard Time this is New York City time so if you don't know your time you can check just Google like this time and I think you can convert you can change into your countries you are cities timezone so please join us next week Wednesday March 21st at 10 p.m. Eastern Standard Time we're going to talk about how to talk about people in your life and personalities should be good but we'll finish there for today so thank you so much for watching thank you for liking and for sharing the video and for sending your great comments if you have any questions of course please send them in the chat um I'll check the chat after this broadcast and also if you have some big questions to remember you can send those to ask Alicia to ask Alicia page at English class 101 comm but for now we will finish there for today so enjoy the rest of your day enjoy the rest of your evening the rest of your week please do and go download when I finish the free PDF cheat sheets from the link below the video on YouTube and above the video on Facebook and we'll come back next week to talk about personalities so I'll see you again soon thanks bye bye you
Channel: Learn English with
Views: 225,812
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords:, englishclass101, learn english, easy, fast, longplay, compilation, fun, simple, learn while you sleep, english exposure, english immersion, get better at english, live, livestream, tv, english tv, american english, british english, talk about music, music, movies, how to talk about, talk about movies, basic english
Id: CPEZp2bRt8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 33sec (2073 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 14 2018
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