How to Work a Threshold w/ Hostage Rescue Expert Kyle Morgan

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K Morgan here with blue bearing Solutions and today we're going to talk about how I approach a threshold in a CQB environment for Close Quarters battle [Music] environment this video is is going to I'm going to touch on you know the different types of thresholds uh assessments and then the movements up to that threshold and then through the threshold kind of some of the actions that that you can have or or take to make your your movements uh more efficient and also allowing yourself to to increase your processing time so hope you guys like this video and let us know in the comments and follow us on patreon for more exclusive content you know this is an active active shooter response appropriate response course right so here to build your confidence that you can make a difference um whether you're by yourself or or for force multip multiplying with other people converging onto the scene kind of kind of situation but one of the big thing you have to be able to get in if you can't get in you can't save anyone right so uh I start with the the approach of a threshold using the term threshold door breach whatever I say threshold so for for for that I'm talking about these like these two doors behind us so you know as I'm as I'm approaching any threshold I'm going to try to determine from as far back as I can can what type of door this is what way does this door open so because that changes if I give myself enough time before I just get right up on it and then figure it out I don't have that reaction time that processing time so I'm I'm doing this as I'm approaching right so from right here where I'm standing if you guys just where you're seated just turn around and look at these two doors you know the first thing I'm looking to see is if it's closed or open right that should be blatantly obvious to me and now I call an Open Door even if it's just cracked it's still an open door to me um you still because you can use that open threshold that's that's giving you a a look in depth into what's next so the two things I'm always looking for well my the shooter is the first thing I'm looking for but as I'm that's the at the Forefront of everything I'm doing but getting as I'm navigating this you know dynamic environment I'm I'm looking to see if if doors are open or CL closed and if they are open I'm looking in depth from as far back as I can you know through that room because these rooms especially with American style con and European construction you know they're made with you know nice straight lines for the most part 90° angles and0 degree walls and things like that so that tells you a lot about in depth I can figure out you know if that door were open or cracked my approach to get the look to see that hard Corner over there tells me what what type of room this is at least I can paint start to paint that picture from as far back as possible and all that data I'm continuing to gather as as I as I get to you know because once I get to that door in this environment using these hostage rescue techniques like I'm getting through that door and then I'm going to take it like a room and then establish another foothold and another foothold and another foothold simplify a cha a chaotic environment so these two doors being closed I'm looking at that and I see hinges on this door so when I see hinges that tells me it is some sort of pull door or outward opening door it's going to pull back towards me um so I look for hinges and then I'm going to set up on the knob side as I get to that closing in distance for that um attack in the crack or I I say set up for the first look right so how do I get the first look through this doorway in a closed door situation and I set up you know given thinking about that right so what that would mean to me is as I'm coming up to this this door I see that it's a closed door I'm going to go ahead and close the distance and I'm going to stop short of Knob side because that's going to give me the first look as soon as somebody if I have the ability to have someone come up and open this door for me it's going to give me the first look into this room does that make sense now this is I'm going to talk about if you have someone else with you and then everything else is if if it's a solo response there's just some small tweaks you got to it's just a little bit more dangerous more difficult cuz you can't cuz collectively we buy down the risk you know with our experience and shooting moving and communicating together so another term I can use is pull and hold stack right and I only say that on a closed uh outward opening door I don't say that on a push door or an inward opening door so that way if you hear me give commands as far as setup you know it's a closed door it's just which side of the door are we trying to stack on to get it to to get the team in efficiently so pull and hold stack right so if people were around me they could if they had time to come AC cross if they're if they don't they just split stack it it's fine but if there's two of us in this situation I'm going to be ready to get that first Peak so just barely crack it for me so I get this first Peak I see right away I see that hard Corner over there there's probably about a if there's a humaniz void that you can't see then you have to you have to determine based on likely you know percentages of of a of a a larger threat to me I go to the unknown right so that as far as which direction once I get through this doorway I'm going to go towards that higher possibility of a threat and to me I can already determine that there is more of a threat to the right potential right because there yes there could be a person right there but for me like I'd much rather plate this way and when I say plate I want to think about putting your plates in between any of your mates anytime we're plugging anything or taking you know hard corners and things like that digging Corners out so to me as soon as I get that snapshot I'm like all right I'm going right so as I'm coming in open it the rest away I'm going to step Center when I say step Center oh it's hway which is fine you can when I say step Center on a closed door I have to I need to do this because if I don't and I just go path of least resistance for one it's really hard for me to make this button hook turn if I haven't given myself a little bit of space here and it damn sure is hard for me to to to process anything in that snapshot through the center of the room right so that's where when I say step Center I don't mean here right because if that if my muzzle gets sucked past this doorway in any way I've gone too far because as soon as this thing breaks this threshold this muzzle I need to be digging that corner out right so that's kind of how I set up my death but it also so when I step center it's kind of out and back so if I need to deal with an immediate thread I do and then when I do the corner I come in like that so it really is think about how am I going to get my hips from centered up right here to deal with an immediate threat to then dig this corner out as hard as I can so this is the harder side for a right right-handed shooter uh the this right-and button hook so I'm going to step here present out with the butt sock pocket it into my shoulder to deal with an immediate threat and then I can press it down and then you look at my foot here I already know I'm going this way so I'm going to set up my body to round this corner and then that that deep step into the room how how deep just deep enough to clear the right side of your body in this case and not and your body an extension of your body is your holster your equipment so this is where just getting used to moving around in spatial awareness by yourself and then with a team is huge so I step in clearing my body and then I continue down to dig the rest of that corner out um it's going to be a little easier if I decide to to step this way [Applause] um just because I'm a right-handed shooter and that side's going that's super important with a closed door so leave it open real quick so if this door is open and I know I want to go in there and I say I'm right here and it's equal distance if I were to travel this way or that way to this door which way would I go this way because it's it's allowing me to do all the things that I can do from way the back here so all that that Center that Center snapshot and everything happened from way back there now versus if I round into the corner this way and now I may have saw a little bit into the room from back there but I'm closing myself off and now I might as well I have to step Center again because I'm going to surprise myself so it's about giving yourself as much processing time as you can so as I look at this door from back there I see that there is no hinges I can see that from that corner over there looking back this this way so now I just need to find the knob so as I'm coming around you know I see that the knob side's here yes this is a really tight crack but I need to back up and use this the best as uh this cover of the threshold the best as possible but still giving me the first look into the room which would go ahead and open it a little bit boom that's the first snap I get into the room and it tells me as I'm looking I see that wall that back wall there and it tells me it runs deep I can't there's it continues to go right so it tells me that this room yes there is a space right here that I haven't cleared yet but I know as I step Center push it the rest way as I step Center here I've now seen from here all the way over and I see this this long wall here so to me I'm going to go left because there is a little bit of a little bit that I haven't cleared in this corner otherwise I've cleared this whole room myself all from right here as as long as I'm seeing this and and I know what to look for kind of thing so as I step Center I see this I'm gonna press down and then take this corner here um and then if you're the breacher breach your breaches man so a lot of people try to you know do all this stuff with their gun up here like I I like to just put my back on the wall if I'm coming across the breach and look at him I can keep my gun my hand on my gun down here but I need to be able to breach this door in the Progressive breaching the next step is now maybe need two hands right to get this thing or maybe I need to kick right so you know just know that you're going to have to progressively breach these doors potentially or get your hands on a tool or uh some sort of other method of entry and then as far as syncing this up you know there's I so here's a good example of this is this is why I don't I don't teach the muzzle wave thing because I know that as soon as go ahead and open it or no we sync this muzzle wave up I'm here and open it and as soon as I come down like there's GNA be a dude right there or they open the door as soon as I was like starting this movement and I tell people if I haven't done this a thousand times like from here brought it to a threat then I'm not doing it I want my rifle to be in a position that's consistent so I know the head nod up down I can bring it up quick and I'm looking right over top of my sights if you're the lead guy the guy getting the first look into the room attacking the crack or whatever and then as far as manipulation of this firearm I I do whatever I need to do to get this thing into a hard corner cor or digging a corner out as possible so I will compress it I'm not shooting it from this position it's it's going out to that position and that's why I utilize my sling with the tricep of my arm and the in the in my upper body my back to lock this in regardless of the position the rifle is in I'm able to you know get it out into that full presentation CU that's where it's meant to be fired from CU I hear that a lot on social media where people are like oh you know if I had the ability to come through this door with the buttstock completely open or or up into my shoulder I would but if most thresholds are about what 32 in or 34 like me am not getting through this threshold so you're going to have to either um sacrifice the gun not being up all the way to get it in the corner or as I'm stepping in I'm able to present it right to that corner so and I've timed both it's it's going to be faster doing it the way I do it whatever you do just understand why you're doing it that's all I can say about that but the gun is designed to be shot from the pocket of your shoulder just like if I tell you if two well-placed shots and move on with these paper targets because I Can't Make Them Fall and die so two well-placed shots move on if you if you threw a shot followed up with a well-placed third and move on and the way I can tell without staring at my placement is if my butt stock is a little loose I knew I threw that shot I guarantee you threw it when we're talk about like surgical shot placement and not harming a hair on that hostage head or the innocent people in these active shooter [Music] environments
Channel: EOTECH
Views: 227,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EOTECH, HWS, Vudu, Holography, Optics, Night Vision, Sights, Hunting, Holographic, EFLX, Reflex
Id: 4Lvn_FqwW-Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 21sec (801 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 09 2023
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