CQB Technique: Former JTF2 Shows Long Gun Retention Technique

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all right fellas so the first one we're going to talk about um long gun retention where we may be in a position where we're in the Hun ready position just looking over top of the SES maybe get an acquirement on something that needs our attention and then in this case we'll have uh Travis come in as the attacker so when Travis comes in we'll talk about strong side versus support side so on the first one Travis if he coming from a 45° angle where if you can imagine this we didn't see him coming right so our periphery and our FAL plane is out front obviously there's something that needs our attention we may be assessing that that environment and then the attacker comes in from The Blind Side it goes hands on the gun as he goes hands on the gun what we're thinking about doing is breaking the gun valy so we have uh the butt stock pinched in between the bicep and the roof this is going to give us the ability to then control the gun we still have two hands on the gun but now we're structurally a lot stronger than we are uh than we were from this position so we'll present the gun here and then the Master Hand if the firearm is not not on safe yet should be most likely but we could potentially potentially be looking to even prep the trigger so this will we make motion place the fire M safe from here we're going to weave the hand the Master Hand will relieve the pistol grip and we're going to weave the hand up underneath and we're going to grab onto the end of the lever so you won't have the same Fess onto the forearm or albow as you will at the end of the lever so you're going to be a lot stronger here and then what we're going to use is our bicep to control the butt stock and then we're going to drive forward as we drive forward with our body we're going to pull with the inside hand so all together step forward and pull the hand towards you when you do this go nice and easy if you has a death GP on the gun it actually works better for us but it's going to be pretty nasty for his hands so just to save your your hands when you're in this position so he comes in from our blind spot fouls us up we regain our balance pinch the firearm the butts off between the ribs and the bicep and then we're going to weave the hand on the inside and step forward sometimes we rely solely on arm strength to peel them off use your your entire body yeah and then from here we can hit hit or two hands on the gun hit and then as we start to move then you can think about maybe a systems check because in that altercation maybe the magazine button uh was just slash we lost the magine we may not even be aware of that so we create some space do assistance checked oh maybe this is the time we get everything up and running again sure that the gun is where we needed to keep there we go same thing if you were to come in from our pery maybe we're focused on that uh that small mini tart you see in the distance but he fouls us up so same principle apply in terms of pinching the bicep between the ribs and the uh butt stock the difference is now our support H is going to be the one that we's in because we're already in this position here as we drive forward think about pulling just like we star in a lawn mower that idea as we pull we really want to step forward and that's going to our shoulder is going to create the leverage on his elbow so we have the gun reinforced with our ribs and bicep get to the end of the lever and we want to step forward as we step forward you'll notice Kevin sorry Travis's um right elbow is going to lead towards the ceiling that's what we want so once we're here hand back on the gun you don't even have to literally reload anything just get two hands on the gun boom hit it s your hands on the gun turn towards them hit them and then from there systems check make sure that everything is working the way we need to if the lights are working make sure the light you torch them up a little bit that's what you want to do okay so a little bit different the Master Hand would stay on the gun in this position that's the only real difference go strong sight find your balance position the gun weave and then step forward as we pull hand on the gun hit him with conviction
Channel: Direct Action Combat Performance
Views: 219,575
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: military, police, first responsder, law enforcement, SWAT, special forces, training, tactics, tactical, JTF2, Delta Force, Seal Team Six, fire arms training, combat training, combat, operator, canadian forces, army, navy, marines, air force, mma, self defense, DEVGRU, CAG, SMU, Ranger, OGA, Crye Precicion, CAF, Canadian Armed Forces, Joint Task Force 2, JTFX, CANSOF, CSOR, gun retention, rifle retention, retention training, CQB, self defence, tactical combat
Id: I7P5Q-Pbg3M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 50sec (230 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 20 2023
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