How To Win At Chess FOREVER

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ladies and gentlemen welcome back to how to win at chess this is a series where I take on my subscribers in Rapid games and I go up the rating ladder walking you through every phase the opening the middle game and the end game and explaining my thought process this is episode number 30 in today's episode I'm playing people from ELO 1200 up until about 1900 2000 now this is normally where I promot us some sort of sponsor but I'm not going to do that I just have a very important announcement for any of you that are paying attention right now I launched a chess bot of myself and the chess bot is designed to help you practice your openings so a lot of you have opening courses of mine well you will be very uh excited to know and I will put a link to this in the description that I just launched the Levi bot and it's on Chesley go to Chesley click play now and as long as you have one opening course with white or with black you can test it out against Levi and at the end Levi will give you feedback on the opening and depending on what difficulty you select Levi will play at an appropriate level for you this is version one this is not a finished product so do let me know your comments uh in uh your feedback rather in the comments section uh and also we launched a Chesley Discord so I will put that in the in the in the description as well uh and uh you can uh link your chessley account to the Discord and it'll be a great time you'll be able to give feedback there also so a lot of big things happening at Chesley and I'm very excited to continue to build features that will help you learn okay so here we go first game I'm playing against labotomy chess it's labotomy chess versus Gotham chess which is essentially the same thing at this point uh last week I said that I would be playing against people uh from the top down and uh I did not do that today today I'm just going to play from 12 I'm just going to play better I had a rough episode last week E4 I always promote my courses by the way I have to play one Scandinavian per video E4 D5 I've been having a blast with this I do have a free sample of it on Chesley we're going to see what my opponent plays so far everybody's played Knight F3 Bishop C4 D3 every time I get this uh Scandinavian defense in uh in one of these videos I have D3 but this is D4 this is very different so this is actually available again in the free sample and I'm only promoting it because it's free I'm not telling you to buy anything if you want to go get the secrets of this incredible opening uh do go check it out all right I also just realized I'm on the wrong overlay I should have been here there you go it's back all right tremendous Bishop to D2 is a completely normal move if you're if you're a little bit nervous here about this you can play C6 uh but there is no useful discovered attack with this Knight because we will just move the queen uh one of the ways that I do like to play this position it's a little bit provocative like I said the best move is C6 but I'm going to go here um and the point is that we want to play Bishop to B4 trade and then we will proceed from there but a lot of people you know will see this and we'll immediately go for something so if Knight E4 or Knight B5 we just play Queen to B6 if they take us we could actually use this file to attack their King so this move traditionally damaging our Pawn structure uh would be bad maybe if we've castled our King but it's actually not that not that big of a deal okay um again Bishop to B4 like I said you can also start with Knight C6 uh many many people here will play Pawn to A3 we don't mind we are ready for this capture uh and then there is a little bit of a trap that might occur which okay my opponent castles which is completely normal um you can Castle here I think if you generally forget what you're doing you you might Castle here indeed but there is a trap here we're going to wait for our opponent to um to attack us and we're going to play the move Knight to C6 now again if if that's a little too dangerous for you and you prefer not to do that with your position um then you can you know you you you can completely disregard but Knight but I really like Knight to C6 uh and generally the the reason why we're going here is we're we're we're baiting our opponent to play D5 we're basically baiting the opponent to play A3 Bishop takes Bishop takes uh and then in that position strike and try to open up our King because most people especially at this is I mean we're starting at already good intermediate players today uh not beginners not you know total noobs like who are blundering all over the place so a lot of people will play kind of principal chess Rook E1 is fine and so now I mean I I would just castle and put the Rook on d8 Long castles is a little bit aggressive uh I'm going to go here and you we we clearly see that the opponent still hasn't played A3 so for that reason I'm I'm not I'm not taking this is all in the free sample by the way all of this uh and now we play Rook to d8 and this is the game plan now you could have castled and played Knight C6 I will show you in the analysis what kind of my master plan there was but um there is A3 now we take and we are going to come right back here and now we have Queen Knight and Rook all staring at that pawn bishop E4 to take is very nice if they allow the pin that's also very good Bishop G4 followed by Bishop takes Knight to relieve some of the defense of the center Knight to E4 Knight to D5 both possib abilities as well and I've had this position about maybe 50 times versus people over 2700 and I have a 75% win rate which goes to show you just how potent and Powerful this opening is B3 is a very natural move I think my opponent's trying to play Bishop B2 um and yeah I have Knight E4 now but then they go here so maybe bishop to E4 to try to take this Knight and then take this Pawn um I think that's going to be my plan another plan of action is to Simply double the Rooks that is also very very very okay just adding adding a little bit more pressure at the moment this is kind of like a vague idea the reason it's not a a huge threat in in some positions is because I might need to move my queen to defend my knight and then my queen will stop guarding the pawn on B7 so something like take take Knight takes Bishop takes Queen takes and then Queen takes Pawn which is why I would like to take with the Rook which is kind of the reason here like this entire opening is so easy to play because even if white doesn't fall into our traps White's position is a little bit difficult to manage like for instance white might play Knight D2 I have to think if Knight D2 is a good move or if it's a blunder of some sort Knight D2 actually might not be so bad um I might need to go back to G6 and then kind of conjure up th this very well could be a reasonable move because if I take I will lose my Bishop so I might need to go all the way back well we'll see if my opponent can find uh the or maybe there was also Knight G5 as a possibility getting the Knight out of the way but counterattacking here in the center I don't think I have anything particularly impressive there I might just need to move the bishop back but this Pawn remains a massive Target that move unfortunately is a huge mistake because the pawn is not actually defending the Knight and that happens you know that happens my opponent was 1200 but they felt the pressure of the opening and they immediately made a mistake and now it's B to worse uh but we will analyze and and first of all I will show you that trap in case you are not familiar with it uh and then um yeah then then we have to uh then we have to analyze this moment right here with Bishop to E4 of course instead of Bishop E4 I could have just doubled my Rooks and applied pressure throughout the middle game slowly I would have definitely uh broken through on the queen side here I mean I guess we can take with the Knight they're going to take and to me you can play Bishop D5 here I actually also have a very fancy tactic I can play Bishop takes Pawn if King takes there is this Fork which is kind of impressive that's kind of nice um there is a uh very funny counter to that which I'm very curious if my opponent will spot but you know what let's just let's just keep it very simple the counter to Bishop takes was to move the bishop and then attack my Rook so these little calculations I calculated Bishop takes King takes and then this Fork but doubl Center pawns obviously a Target here I'm just up a knight so I'll probably play Knight D5 sometimes you can sacrifice the rook and then get the bishop and the pawn for it and even there black is totally winning because I will have Knight and Bishop and a pawn for a rook but there is absolutely zero need to do that like let's just be simple if if Bishop here um okay I guess I can just I mean I can take on D4 yes it's actually important if I take with the Rook my opponent has Bishop Bop C5 so you always need to keep an eye on how your opponent can attack you as well in this particular case I don't really care about losing this Pawn so much it's it's because I can win this one and then this one and then probably that one so by the time that my opponent gets over here I will also have consumed a bunch of Pawns and um also if Rook here I have a fork so I'll get the bishop then I'll get the pawn and once everything sort of settles down I will just be completely winning I will just be up a piece and maybe a pawn Maybe down upon but definitely convincingly in a uh simplified State of Affairs also today I have a very funny uh um I have a very funny situation the last opponent that I'm playing is actually really underrated but I but I won't spoil that just yet so let's go Knight D5 I attack this and this my last opponent is rated like 500 to 600 points lower in Rapid chess cuz they don't play rapid anymore but they're 21 100 bullets so they're they're a bullet player and they're like 2,900 Blitz and they're they just don't play any rapid so the rapid is 1500 but that's not actually their playing strength um so if Rook here yeah I'm going to take the bishop just you know make sure you don't get back rank mated uh don't take that pawn like I said when it's all said and done my opponent is going to get a bunch of stuff and I'm going to get the rest so you could take with the bishop but I'm going to take with the rook in order to continue to create threats uh Rook B1 again you know I I the easiest thing to do will be probably to just make sure I don't lose that pawn win these pawns back and just don't get mated just just make sure that if you ever move this Rook off the back rank that there is no back rank Checkmate Rook A7 Rook B3 and I mean I'm I'm just up a bishop like being up a bishop in the end game is sort of self-explanatory so here I I actually can sack my rook and then win this back uh a little bit unnecessary but it is a funny tactic so I'm going to play it it's not the best move probably but it is a free Pawn I couldn't take that one because then I would have been taken but I saw that the bishop was on the same diagonal and I went for it the only thing that you need to be careful about in this kind of position is if your opponent is going to take your remaining Pawn on a side of the board and therefore leave you with kind of their pawns over here if they are separate like they're AB connected but not doubled they're a big big big problem but when they're doubled like this they can't really go anywhere so okay my opponent didn't want to really lose anything but now I have this move which is very annoying and if they take my Pawn I'm going to take that pawn and then they're never going to get anywhere so my opponent didn't want to trade the Rooks because they're losing which was sensible but now my Rook escapes and um I am up a bishop and a pawn and just for good measure I will just make sure there are no more back rank checkmates then I will bring my other Rook because I would like to go here and and then take uh that I will I mean it it the best move here is not to take it's actually to reinforce and apply pressure but keep it simple uh now here's a funny moment I'm not actually threatening to take this Pawn so my opponent should not play Rook A2 it's it's just not necessary and there we go and um another funny thing is because I have a light squared Bishop I would prefer this Pawn stayed on a light square if that pawn made it to A7 it would be a little bit of an issue so this is very instructive as long as there is no back rank Checkmate now that this Pawn is Forever on a light Square I will just simply maneuver my Bishop in a way that I will be able to take it in the future I will also make sure I don't get back rank checkmated so for example if I'm playing white I play Rook B2 here because you never know I know because I keep talking about it but that is the way you defend this position and then slowly black overtakes the game and and and wins now again just make sure you can breathe that sigh of relief then I will Mo move my Bishop to the C6 square or like this and the pawn will fall it's also okay at this point to trade the rook and the bishop for the rook and the pawn because we just are winning every Pawn end game we have four pawns versus two and they are all on the same side uh Bishop C6 now my opponent should try to force me like to block my Rook with my Bishop but that's really hard to do for example Rook C2 here is a move kind of forcing me to take with the bishop although Rook takes is a winning Rook end game but obviously I will not lose my bishop and then they could try to right and now see it very important no back rank Checkmate now if they make it so that I cannot move my Bishop I can because it is a check it's actually a problem and see there this is why it's so important to make sure the King has breathing room um just defend the pawn and now if the if the bishop was if the King was on a dark Square the bishop would not be able to give a check but because the king is on a light Square you know we have this whole dichotomy white and dark uh in chess and um okay I mean easiest way to win is probably to just put the bishop somewhere it's protected forever Like a Rock Solid Bishop like this and we can even sacrifice I mean it's kind of like up to you but I would just very slowly March my pawns down and trade away White's position and um win the game you're not really going to get a rook trade so there's no point kind of fing for it uh and you want to avoid stalemate as well I would also just set a ground rule like to avoid checks but let's let's go after these pawns let's see if white plays King G3 again the sacrifice is there if you really want to uh I'm not going to go for it it seems like this Pawn now can't move now that we force that pawn up so uh Rook F3 is almost mate it would be if my king or my Pawn was there because then the king wouldn't be able to go to E5 but again my my plan is just no stalemate win the pawns and make a queen all right that's fine my opponent is kind of coming over here we're just going to push and we even oh okay this is easy I could have just pushed but now I trade The Rook I'm going to promote no stalemate no stalemate always make sure there's a legal move I don't have a Checkmate but I have Checkmate in two and the Checkmate in two is actually uh this is a bit of a tough one a lot of you would be tempted to play this move just forget the pawns are there forget the pawns are there you want to bring your queen all the way down to the back rank so you can get the queen to H4 and then to d8 you can also get your queen to h8 so it just pretend it's I it might be hard but Queen H4 only movees this and now that's actually Checkmate which would have been Checkmate even with no pieces on the board so right there you go um let's Analyze That Game really quickly so this Scandinavian like I told you free sample is there if you already have the Scandinavian course you can play it against Levi that's what I um I just realized also I think the piece noise was pretty loud this game anyway um this is all there for you in the free sample and we got the kind of position that we wanted Bishop to E4 right the best move was Knight to D2 I would have went here here with pressure and then I probably would have just went after the Knight that's what I would have done the computer already has nice uh tactics here it wants to just take which is pretty cool and then it wants to beat up this pin with this move C5 which which is very nice and then you know white can uh suffer under the pressure of the position and black will play A6 B5 Knight E4 Knight C3 black is always a little bit better uh when when when the activity uh sort of pushes into the white territory here but this line of the Scandinavian is is is probably the main thing that you will face uh and in my opinion the game plan is just super simple and yeah my opponent one move out of the opening just right away made a very big mistake and um here I was just you know I was calculating Bishop takes which does happen to be the best move the idea being if this then there is a fork and we are playing cleanup but if Bishop B4 which attacks The Rook I would have just taken the pawn and then I would have tried to Checkmate my opponent so I would have went Queen C6 weaken their King even here and white just cannot defend the plethora of weaknesses and I have uh a lot of squares and also targets like actual physical pieces to go after so that was a pretty smooth start uh both labotomy chess and I uh deserve labotomy after that game no it's it's a great username a great icon as well and yeah I mean sometimes you know uncomfortable openings lead to blunders that's how it is uh de is a longtime subscriber also multiple course owner um I think in this game I I'll I'll try for an E4 and I'll see what I'll see what uh my opponent does okay they play caroan um I mean what what do I recommend against the caroan I recommend E5 so we'll see we'll see who uh or the fantasy we'll see who has the better uh course knowledge so my my opponent's going to play this this is of course uh my my line and now the best move is to capture this pawn and so now there is E6 and there is Knight C6 these are the two lines yeah and so my opponent plays uh plays a very normal way now if you don't remember what to do here by far the easiest thing is just to Simply develop your knight and your Bishop Knight to D7 interesting okay um the idea I guess is to play Knight takes C5 now I could try to hang on to the pawn um Bishop to B5 pinning the Knight doesn't quite accomplish anything because the bishop can just capture so very interesting I mean I can play C4 attacking the center there's a lot of possibilities I'm sort of trying to be like a thinking like a 1300 like I got out of the opening you know I can kind of see that my opponent wants to go here um I think a very normal move here that a lot of people would make is Bishop to B5 uh Queen A5 check is a fork but then my knight comes out and protects it's very important that you have this knight move and that's sort of the end of the story a lot of people here would Black by the way play A6 there's nothing wrong with A6 but I'm just saying a lot of people do that because they don't like the bishop I'm trying to play like a 1300 I mean I'm just sort of trying to you know take the pawn develop Castle see what my opponent does and and then ultimately you you know you do have to um you do have to play the game I'm going to Castle because there is absolutely zero need for me to take this Knight now many people here with white will probably take the Knight on D7 uh I do apologize you might have just heard Discord again that happened uh that happened for a second week in a row which is kind of funny um okay so a lot of people hear take because they already went there but that's actually why the bishop you know belongs on on that scare a little bit more now in every chess game uh there is a question of what to do with your pieces and what to do with your pawns so moves like Bishop F4 right Bishop G5 we have to think about what does our opponent want to do as well um Bishop F4 is is quite reasonable Knight C3 is quite reasonable I also kind of am interested in this move Pawn to C4 I think I'm going to play this move Bishop G5 it's it's definitely not a good move uh I'm going to see how well my opponent understands the position though Bishop G5 is a pinning move it's not particularly good it also weakens my queen side a lot so the pawn on B2 is um is not protected and so that's why now Queen B6 will become a a big idea in a lot of positions uh and uh yeah I mean my opponent you know if they find Queen B6 they they could could be creating some some annoying chances for for themselves and then I will probably you know pretend like it was all part of the plan my goal is not to take my goal is just to be annoying a lot of people's goals would be to take I'm just kind of trying to like pin my opponent like I just want you know I'm pinning I'm I'm not allowing these pieces to move but to be honest once you start actually challenging these Bishops there's not a lot of flexibility right and so now I'm going to say you know what actually I don't want to trade I wasted time I I'm not going to give you the bishop for no reason you should not trade a bishop for a knight if you can't explain why you're doing it and I can't explain why why I would be trading it would just be because I moved my Bishop there I moved the bishop there earlier in the game because again I'm I'm 1300 you know I'm just developing and now I changed my mind but in reality the reason Ive my Bishop there is because if I had moved my Bishop to the square I wanted it which is here then there would have been Knight C5 so they would have taken and probably taken my Bishop you know that was sort of my big genius idea okay this move threatens my Pawn right um Rook E1 or queen E2 or Bishop G3 I suppose they all they all are pretty reasonable I think Rook E1 is by far the most natural now I think black is is definitely better uh because of the way I've played this opening wasting time but I think to claim that Advantage my opponent might need to play a bit aggressively and kind of counter a little bit counterintuitive you know like why would you weaken your King by pushing your pawns but I think you're kind of punishing me you're you're trying to kick my knight out of the center and then you're trying to go after this but we'll see if that's what my opponent comes up with what am I going to do well depends obviously if my opponent plays aggressively or castles if they just Castle then I'll probably finish up my development but I'm also looking at how to build with my pawns I'm looking for a pawn trade in the center that could potentially make things easier for me when I went here I'm thinking okay that got stronger but my Rook used to protect that pawn so because the Rook goes there right that's a little bit weak but it is protected so it's all kind of this it's a conversation that's going on B5 is a B5 is a move now here I'm going to take a little multi-step Journey I'm gonna play Knight here and the idea is that okay I can move my knight out but it has no progression after that like it it's not doing anything beyond the C3 square right and so you know I uh I want to go here instead because here I can go to B3 Target the bishop I can go here when I see these pawns I'm also thinking how to create counterplay with my pawns my opponent's doing a very nice job I think so far very very reasonable play uh I'm now trying to trade and we will see if if that happens it should be six now what's funny is that the bishop used to protect the Knight so technically I can take and my opponent loses the right to Castle but believe it or not I think that's a very bad decision I mean it looks completely natural and I think many people would be tempted by this move which is why I'm playing it but it's actually kind of bad because my Bishop was very good and the king is completely safe and I left black with the only piece so now this kind of is a lesson in in gluttony a little bit and what I should be doing now is I should replace as many pawns as possible on the dark Square so if you trade your dark Square Bishop I'm combining good with bad moves like what I just did was bad however if I follow it up with you know putting a lot of things on dark squares and making sure my dark squares are very strong I I might be okay in the long run and also notice that black has five point pawns on light squares out of seven which means that their light Square Bishop is pretty bad and this bishop is pretty good so I would be happy to trade off that bishop and leave them kind of with this bad one stuck behind all the pawns but so far so good and you know at this point we start looking at how can our queen go whoa D4 well I mean it's a free Pawn I get why my opponent played that move it's to activate this bishop but it I I I don't know if it's oh whoa whoa whoa whoa what's happening I take with the pawn everything looks good if I take with a knight I lose the defense of that pawn again chess is all about continuity continuity from one move to the next right if I took with a knight my knight guards this so by taking like this I'm a pawn up the dark squired Bishop is gone yes this bishop is open but I'm a pawn up which I think kind of Trumps a lot of that and uh I mean black is not losing saying but there was no need to be that aggressive okay I mean as always the caveat is people are playing me they do things they might not normally do Rook C8 and um okay I'm thinking is there anything down here you know I I kind of like the prospect of a bishop trade I think it's very tough to say who has the better Bishop right now another thing that I that again there was this plan of of getting my queen into the action however if I play Queen D2 I stop protecting my knight so if I play Queen D2 my opponent might be tempted to to open up my king let's see if my opponent spots that concept like oh now I can take right to open up White's King okay well spotted I don't know if it's particularly excellent but it was well spotted yeah unfortunately that move runs into the necessity Bishop E4 but it's actually a skewer yeah that that was a good idea but my opponent missed a Counterattack they were trying to attack my Pawn which was sort of a one mover and that's where those mistakes happen you kind of play too quickly and yeah I mean I definitely should take and now that's hanging I can protect it with my Rook my queen or my king king is sort of like a last resort you kind of want to leave the king at home Queen up or queen like this is probably reasonable at this point you do have to start thinking how can the Knight get into your position which is really not something that most people are thinking about at this point I would say Rook E3 But Here Comes Knight B6 I would imagine and my nose is super itchy I don't know yeah well nice nice nice move so what I would do is I would go here right now Knight D5 is going to happen okay now well we we know how to play when we're winning so let's let's trade Rooks right like that's that's 100% what white should be doing here is is getting an exchange getting the pieces off the board Rook versus knight endgame and then maybe King and pawn end game uh on the heels of that the Knight should probably be going to D5 and in general you don't want to lose the file so you want to always make sure you are the one that is going to control that file you don't want to allow the Knight to sort of plant in your position this is just how you play in a position like this with like Rook versus knight or Rook versus Bishop where you know your opponent is not totally dead yet um and um yeah okay so before moving my Rook I'm going to throw in a check which is pretty sophisticated but I'm just trying to not allow my opponent to escape so when their King is out in the open like this I'm dropping a lot of like knowledge little nuggets here like you know you want to you want to try to keep the king in the center like we would much prefer to beat up a king in the center like that King D7 King E8 they all walk into all sorts of stuff in fact it might be so valuable for me to keep the king in the center of the board I might not even take that pawn I might bring my rug back and then go over there and have at it so let's see what happens now there is one piece of counterplay one remaining piece of counterplay so this is a check but my opponent would run the king over there it's it you know it's probably the best move but again my my my Rook is hanging so why don't we go Rook E1 to try to go now Knight F4 here is very strong opening up a line of sight on my pawn and potentially mating me it's very very dangerous also threatening a fork kind of there is actually Queen takes Pawn which would be a counter fork in that case but it also stops Rook here because there's this Fork there's a lot of forks so if my opponent finds Knight F4 I'll be very impressed uh but we'll see we'll see if they find Knight F4 down to two and a half minutes or rather two minutes and 40 seconds I'm sleepy it's late in the in the day I usually record these things on a Sunday but I'm going to be gone all day on Sunday so this is actually Saturday night this is the real Saturday Night Live right here after this we go up to 1500 1660 is and then we will end playing a very very strong 1900 level player so and my opponent played Knight B4 similar concept but unfortunately it's less impactful because it's not near my king and so now a lot of people might panic and might see this Pawn under attack they might see the Fork but believe it or not as long as neither of these moves is a check is an attack on the king we can ignore it all and go for this why because this is no longer a threat on our King like I said that is devastating so Queen T right but now we get both pieces out of the way with a queen trade or there is Queen takes B5 at this point my opponent was not scared of that move because their king would run away but now it's a fork but let's stick to the game plan because that was our game plan I think a lot of people would have blundered you know the the the same thing now we will kind of take a look at how to win uh Rook versus uh Knight we just have to hunt the pawns the King has to go play defense and the King cannot play defense all over the board so yeah we're going to go Rook B5 Rook A5 now again I'm I'm showing you like all these things that I see that might not necessarily happen at the 1300 level um one of those things being realizing a move is not so good and also you know sometimes I say this is what would happen in a game this is what wouldn't happen you can take here there's really you know at this at this point I would say there's not a huge amount of difference I would say keep it simple take as many free pawns as you can you have a really fast remaining piece then you can probably sacrifice like for example you could actually do that and you have too many pawns probably but I would not do that you know for no reason take as many pawns as possible just make sure you're you're safe and you're not walking into any forks with the Knight but take as many things as you can like watch this I'm going to go King G2 they're going to take I'm going to go here they're going to go here and now I will sacrifice because that is the cleanest way to do it none of your opponent's pawns can make it through these pawns will go we go up with our King and we win go now we push now you're going to push until you can't anymore okay so you can't push anymore now you come over here they can't take this Pawn because this Pawn promotes a very famous defensive technique against the king everything here is on the same side and my opponent resigns because they trust that I could win the game now you should not resign in a regular game but so my opponent by the way has the Carl Concourse and speaking of can probably go play against Levi uh and if you have the Carl Concourse on Chesley you should definitely test it out against the my my my bot um and uh my opponent did great I mean I did not play like the best way I mean for sure like I like I right around here I actually said you know probably black is better and yeah I mean from the opening black has like a minus. three advantage and remember what I said the best move here is G5 like the best move for black is to totally punish my play they didn't and instead they kind of did it this way and the big mistake that my opponent made in this position was playing D4 there was no need to lose this pawn it was just a present prior to that they were doing great like this was actually kind of excellent and um yeah I mean what can I say this is like very very very well done by black they played the Gotham caroon course and even though I was obviously not trying to completely blow them off the board I would say you know this was this was this was very very clever and I and I think that uh this person can be very happy with this game of course they made this mistake and then I thought here I was I was sort of clear of my of my ideas and Concepts and then unfortunately they went for a one mover that backfired and I thought I uh I thought I addressed their plans and all of this kind of in a in a in a in a fashion that made sense simplifying trading and then this was definitely the most tense moment Knight F4 here was definitely the move that they should go for for practical chances also you can play B4 and then you know Knight C3 or Knight F4 but they went here and unfortunately that won't do it and here is a good Counterattack which I saw but I'm 1300 right so and that is uh that is that I thought that I thought that was pretty pretty good um and I I don't know what's wrong with my nose I don't know if like my mustache is too long and now it's just irritating my nose it's pretty funny um speaking of I mean I could play a caroon myself uh I can also play you know I might as well right I mean I just played Scandinavian so carocon and if my opponent is a uh okay my opponent plays this okay we have an exchange exchange carlan okay D4 completely normal stuff many many setups here the easiest one being get both your Knights out get your Bishop out Etc so that's what I'm going to do we're going to see if my opponent plays the right way which is C4 your D and C pawns should go together okay H3 is not like a terrible move it's a little bit slow it doesn't let me go there so I'm just going to develop my pieces and um same thing by the way as the previous caroan game Queen A5 check does not work due to Knight C3 I don't really think there's a whole much there's much to worry about here so we can just play this like a completely normal game of chess right like our Knight is going to always have protection with our Rook Our Queen our Bishop so not much to worry about and then I will go here and Bishop D6 so my position is completely solid I'm not dealing with this bishop yet because I don't really see a need to although at this point I can consider moves like Rook C8 A6 Bishop E7 we're a little too early in the game for where moves have such a massive impact um you don't really have to reinvent the wheel here I'm going to play a bit more actively like my Bishop is sort of targeting over there might not be the best move because it actually allows white to pin me for example you know which is a very natural move the pin like maybe it was better for me to go to E7 but we'll see what my opponent does right we the thing is had we gone passive white would have gone active right one thing that you can do here as long as there is nothing attacking your king like castling here is a no-brainer one thing I just kind of like to do sometimes is just go you know maybe they're going to take just attack the bishop just see like okay they don't I have the option now to get really aggressive but that doesn't you know that doesn't right so let's just we're just keeping it very nice and easy nice and chill completely relaxed we're looking at how white can jump into our position if you know a little bit more about this opening you know white really wants to put a knight on E5 that is the key square of the white position they support it they can take our Knight and try to put the Knight here just to just to have like a a strong stamp in our territory right Rook E1 okay so now I want to go A6 like I think it's about time to deal with this and I would just do that uh I'm trying to see if there's anything else but you know what I don't really let's let's just see you know maybe our opponent is not going to take the Knight because they didn't take that Knight or maybe they will take the Knight maybe they will go here the difference between chasing that Bishop away and that Bishop is that I have a king here right so I'm going to do this without even thinking because now the bishop is just completely out of my territory right I don't even have to worry about it now this move with the pawn is not as good it's better to have a a thorny wall of Pawns that doesn't allow pieces forward rather than just kind of keep bulldozing without a clear plan so one one plan here for me could be to play Knight A5 to trade the bishop just get the bishop um another plan could be to bring my queen over here but if I do that they're going to take my knight which I don't like I don't want to open up my king so that's kind of the real problem the real problem is that I kind of have this thing here and I'm thinking maybe it'll just make my life a lot easier if I play Bishop 2 E7 right on the flip side I can just bring my rook and not do anything I can just sort of improve the position of my rook and again I I'd really prefer not to open up my king but there's a lot of possibilities but I would say you know don't be so worried especially in a in a kind of solid closed position to just say you know what I don't I don't want to deal with that PIN and so maybe in hindsight we should have put the bishop on E7 right then then that's okay especially in a slow game to deal with this white can play A4 however right now if I go here white will go there but if they put the pawn on A4 they can't do that so A4 will be a decent attempt but then I will push and that will push the Knight you know out of the position so big question is will my opponent play Knight to E5 right she realized I'm supposed to talk sorry late evening 40 minutes in hope you're all doing well by the way time stamp in the uh in the comments by the way if you um I I I didn't even explain that move because I I just said that that would probably happen it's better for us to push there to keep everything intact if we take we lose our Thorns we open up this we bring the bishop back into the game so it's just better to go here it's the difference between responding to a move with B4 and just unashamedly walking into the position so night E2 all right Knight to E2 um that move blocks The Rook my plan was go here to enable the movement of my queen there or there maybe to push the pressure the center so I'm going to do that I went here so that if takes there was takes now by the way what I could have also done is move the Knight forward completely reasonable as well totally trade this move on with life but I went here all right yeah I was going to say write in the comments let me know how you're enjoying the episode let me know if you've played Levi o it's a very very interesting move so Knight E5 right eyes on this eyes on this a little little bit little bit of eyes on that too by the way this is a really deceptive one because it's protected but if Bishop takes Bishop takes that's a fork that's very tough to see if Knight takes Pawn takes the Knight is hanging and you can't move the Knight because then the bishop would hang tough position wow that's not under attack right the simplest move here by far is probably Rook to E8 or bringing the queen back to defend the bishop and protect this but this is probably the easiest move just making sure the bishop has protection which is why a move ago it might have been better to just go in and make that trade and just not worry about White's Bishop it is a very annoying Bishop C3 is a big decision by the way wow okay so what you're trying to do is take and bring the bishop back into the game now I like this for me because I like that my queen is opening up I I think that actually plays into my hands more than it th into my opponent's hands Also let's not forget after Knight E5 Pawn E5 I couldn't move my knight but when I went here defending my Bishop I have reopened that idea which is something that we've seen a lot in today's episode like an idea exists but now there's a detail that changes so the previous status of the idea goes from not working to working or from working to not working right like something changes and so right now one of the things that I can do is I can I can take actually I couldn't take a move ago and I can play passively or I can play actively both moves are probably fine but I like playing actively because my queen and my knight look at this there's a bunch of things opening up all of a sudden like my opponent might need to play Bishop to G3 and give me the bishop right again you have to remember that two Bishops are better than a bishop in a knight this is just we're just adding to our of knowledge but then maybe I'll play Bishop C5 maybe I will play Rook C8 I mean my Rooks now all of a sudden came alive on the queen side the queen side opened up for me and now I've got possibilities with my Rooks on that side of the board right so and my opponent here trading this bishop for the Knight it would be a good reason I always say there needs to be a reason the reason would be it's defensive it's it's a necessity you don't really have a choice like sometimes you just have to make the trade that's life that's how it goes sometimes you don't always get to play all the best trades you don't get all you know always uh all right so Bishop to G3 now we can take uh the question is is there an imminent need to take do we have to take right now the answer is no if you ask me what would white love probably something on the D4 square like the Knight to block me or the queen but you just somehow can't do that there's just not enough time somehow so right now is one of these moments like let's go let let's go after a Target now you may ask which Rook is better to go here and the answer is it's very very tough to say if I'm moving this Rook there I might save that for the bile now if you take that a step further and say well that Bishop's going to move anyway why would you want this Rook here why don't you move that Rook there and this Rook anticipating the opening of this file the answer is it is really difficult to say which of those moves is better now we can analyze after I think Rook ec8 is better but let me be 1500 let me save this Rook for the center I think Rook E8 was the better move but right now I have just a clear threat the threat is just to win the pawn right interesting King to H1 so that completely doesn't do anything about this um I do have some funny like I can play Queen takes F2 which is a very funny move uh I also can play Knight takes F2 right so by going there like now I can take I don't see a reason why I wouldn't take right so now we're going to trade I have to there's nothing I mean otherwise you lose your queen Rook F1 attacks my queen but I'll come back there Knight D4 is a is an interesting move trying to kind of Target my Bishop but if Knight D4 what I'm going to do is I'm going to I'm going to get right at that King like white white drew a lot of attention to that King and so now my plan shifted from taking the pawn on C3 to instead taking the pawn on F2 getting the bishop so now I have the two Bishops which is a traditional Advantage I'm up a pawn and white continues to have some you know some great difficulties like okay Queen H4 Queen E3 which of these retreating moves is best with the queen as far as I'm concerned four out of those five are fine uh but like you could go Queen H4 it's probably fine Queen E3 is probably fine but there is something you you should pay attention to and it is the fact that when you move your queen like let's say I move my queen to H4 because I like this you're actually there's a tactical situation Brewing if Bishop takes Pawn takes I lose my Bishop that would actually be a very good tactical find by my opponent it doesn't quite work because it's not Checkers I don't have to take and instead of that I can just sacrifice you know and and and by by the way I told you about this move not long ago I told you about the fact that white would want to White would want to do that um I think I kind of like pointing my my Bishop at the I mean that just looks really nice right like look at this that just looks really menacing I'm threatening Queen H3 which is M to you can't take I'm also threatening things like Bishop C5 and kind of bad news in general but Bishop takes D5 was a was a nice little tactical possibility it it like I said it wasn't quite working if defended correctly but I don't know maybe I wouldn't have defended it correctly right but white is still very much in the game I mean white is only down a pawn as long as white protects their King doesn't make any crazy blunder uh that does protect the king for now here comes Bishop C5 I did not have a check this was protected but with this move I'm I mean I'm I'm I'm inching closer and closer like it really feels as though there there there's blood in the water right now and and my pieces are are all sharks but I don't have anything immediate I mean I I don't see for instance you might go here thinking oh Rook G1 Queen H3 but the king can take the king can get out of this pin like King G1 right now is the best move yeah and now you know I'm going to go Queen G3 which sets up a little eyes There Eyes There Eyes there and and and I'm going to ultimately end up up I'm going to probably be two points up at the end of all of this but the game is still going on and then we will convert that and it's also important to keep in you know keep a head on the clock like that's also very important uh that's still under attack this Pawn so I will take it and now the plan should be easy next thing we do is we we we really should trade the Queens uh that way you your chance of messing up and losing goes to zero but maybe you're more confident with the queen on the board maybe you're more confident scratching your nose for the 30th time this video sometimes this happens to me like I just I'm talking and I just have something in my nose I don't know what it is um like I said if you can trade the Queens I will show you how easy an endgame can be white should probably not trade the Queens but if they don't trade the Queens they probably have to play something like this or like this we need to be careful not to make any fatal mistake like allowing counterplay uh and now I think I will just play Rook up put some more pressure and uh call it a day my Bishop is protected by a chain of other protected pawns so life is pretty good this is actually driving me insane I just cannot get this itch away this is an interesting move so the idea of this move is that if I take I guess I'm losing a defender of my E4 Bishop but it's not quite true because my queen sees The Rook this queen sees The Rook so technically technically I can take technically and now this is pinned to this this bishop can't move no check so I could play here or here very interesting I don't I mean I like a bishop move I think this is a little better because it stops Rook C2 which is which is funny but there's actually something else this also might work because I keep an eye on this so when my opponent plays Rook C2 that Rook is overloaded they might think oh I'm going to take here but they're forget they're forgetting that The Rook protecting two spots they're also forgetting that just because I mov this bishop does not mean I have to take with the bishop I can play Rook C4 Rook not defend both things if I had taken with the bishop we would have went to an end game I'm still up several pawns I would probably go on to win this and I can still do that but this is a very very different result and a much more emphatic result and let's quickly analyze that game okay let's quickly Analyze That that game I think that was a pretty clean carocon all things considered um I think I I I played it relatively normally we we had a a slightly you know better position from from the opening um yeah the computer here says the best line is to play G5 I had a feeling it would say that I just at this level I would not play Such counterintuitive chess I thought what I did was a little bit more intuitive all of this was pretty normal and so now I I showed you this kind of concept of bringing my queen now it's a okay move it's nothing special the best move is probably going after the bishop trying to damage White's Pawn structure but I thought this was normal um I thought rookie 8 was again it's given a mistake because the computer can like take take a I don't know there's some line but for this level this is totally fine and what my opponent needs to realize is this move was like unclogging an avalanche the move C3 was like unclogging an avalanche they probably should have taken right they probably should have continu to build over here Knight G3 just something but because they went here which I think was designed to support the center they opened up a full line of attack and when everything was kind of settled and by the way yeah Knight E4 was definitely better here I talked about active versus passive this is minus 1.2 the other way was minus5 two and a half times right and here we by the way what was the better move Rook ec8 Rook they're tied so The Rook placement was actually completely fine we took the pawn Rook F1 Queen H4 that was given a very big mistake uh it would have been better for me to kind of hang around here with eyes on four different targets but it's funny this move is a mistake Queen H4 is a mistake only if my opponent sacrifices the rook and that's kind of how you have to analyze your games you have to see you have to pause and go okay the computer says I went from minus 2.4 to - one minus8 but did my opponent find Rook F5 no and it's back to minus 2.6 so if you if you make a mistake that lowers your advantage by 75% but your opponent's not good enough to see it did you really make a mistake I say no all right I overrule stockfish I say no Knight G1 and I thought this was kind of straightforward Queen G5 Rook C7 and I thought this was kind of instructive this nice little tactic here this nice moment um so let's keep moving our next opponent is uh like 60 and 70 I believe so we're we're uh we're going up the ladder um I playing with the white pieces this person is from the UK I just played a game of E4 so I guess I'll play a D4 London or trusi uh yeah let's go for a London system there's also a a what's called a pseudo trompowsky okay my opponent is London in my London this is is a very normal thing to do right and um now I will play C4 there's a lot of ways to play this but generally the way I like to play a London London player is to switch to a Queen's Gambit and then play for Queen to B3 with eyes on the B7 Pawn I've done this in many many many uh many uh how to win at chesses it's not the only way to play but it's how I like to do it Bishop D6 is completely reasonable and um the best way to meet this is to just slide back because if you get taken your structure gets broken up a little bit we had this in a in a previous episode actually this kind of C6 concept let's go Queen B3 Queen B6 here of course just loses the game as we trade and overloaded again uh Queen C7 doesn't quite lose the game but it definitely runs the risk of getting the Rook trapped although there are some some positions where doing that could actually get my queen trapped so it's iffy Queen C7 might not quite lose and it is instructive to to show that to kind of show why that is you could get your Rook tra your queen trapped in the corner however if you don't fall for that then Black's Queen on C7 is [Laughter] just there you go so I I think the idea is take take Queen B7 and to like lock my queen over there now the question is does it work and the answer is I'm not sure I'm not sure I kind of want to find out so let's go let's go see we're going to take right this is called an overload I think my opponent might have not even planned that fully and might have just realized like they're losing but and this is kind of shows you the power of the London so or they're bluffing they're bluffing right the point is that when I take this Rook okay interesting when I take this Rook I'm going to get kind of like trapped and I I can't escape right now it looks like I can take run away but black is going to play Queen C7 and slowly win my queen but what if before I take the Rook I include C5 now I also had this check by the way I could have given this check and went for the other Rook but I wanted to show the concept of C5 and now I stop a lot of this the queen cannot lock me in jail and I think I just have a free pass out of the position this was going to be my key defensive concept I was going going to be patient I was going to stay patient The Rook is not going anywhere Queen C8 check was not going anywhere although Queen C8 was kind of an unintended consequence of the whole thing like I thought black was going to Castle but we'll calculate that sometimes I too get tunnel vision in my explanations and this is actually a worst nightmare uh for my opponent this is a London disaster this sometimes happens when you underestimate London and uh this shows you the power of the D4 Dynamite do I have a London course absolutely I try to play all my openings courses uh in these videos against this we're just going to take the Knight I mean we could probably take the Rook but again it's not going anywhere we we don't we don't have to rush now here's the question I'm already up a night do I just trade the queens and just play the position up a piece is that what we do or do we try to be greedy if we try to be greedy we might not survive we might not escape cuz black is going to Castle how do we get out great question actually I don't and this was Black's whole point now I can just get out with my queen or I can trade actually the best move in this position is probably to be a little patient and not trade right away but let's do it because I feel like that is you know and now we just need to protect this Pawn we can protect the pawn with the Knight or with the pawn if you protect with the pawn you have to be ready for your opponent to undermine your pawns and at 1659 you should be pretty good at Pawn play so before you make a move like B4 look can my opponent undermine my defenses and I like this move a lot there is a way to undermine this move which is Bishop here I be very impressed if my opponent finds that but then I can play Pawn to B3 which is called interposing which is getting in the way of a straight line or diagonal attack by blocking with something that is protected okay is there a threat no is Rook B4 a threat not really it's I I need to get more pieces into the game like otherwise I'm just not going to win so I'm looking at Knight D4 I'm looking at Bishop B2 and castles if the Rook comes to B4 and even if I lose a pawn it's obviously not the end of the world I have seven pawns so right now I am just up a full Knight no questions asked now again I just talked about Bishop here but just to show you I'm very serious about trading and I would love to trade a knight for a bishop although probably it's a little bit better to you know really like what I always like to say is if you're up material you got to use it I can't leave my king bishop and two Rooks on the home squares I need to bring my Bishop into the game right because black right now is definitely feeling that material advantage uh rather not yet fully feeling the potential of the whole thing now can you take this yes but it's a bit greedy but yes and then there's a famous trick where your Rook is hanging you move the Rook to attack the Knight and then you get forked so Rook is hanging Rook moves you get forked I don't think my opponent is going to blunder that they seem like they're probably going to go there if that's why they're thinking and again I would really stay away from such greedy things cuz you never know when something bad is going to happen that's interesting okay um what is the idea of this move if I take the Rook I lose a knight but what if I take the Knight I guess this is the I don't know because they can't go Rook C8 because I have a fork right and so now I mean simplest move by far check take the bishop I wouldn't even think about that just at get as many pieces off the board as possible and that way you can't lose and okay they take like that is anything under attack no got to move the bishop Let's Play Bishop E2 but there's one small detail which is actually I can't Castle because if I Castle I lose my Bishop this is like the stuff you got to work through you play Bishop E2 then you go oh wait a minute wait a minute now you're still winning if you're up a knight no reason to blunder it though this is the best move there is Rook B8 as well trying to get some sort of X-ray doesn't quite work and two pieces up should be you know if you're 1100 you should beat A600 up two pieces you just have to play safe bring the Knight back to where it's protected don't blunder two Rooks on the second rank that could be very very very bad J is a bit of a strange move let's play Knight D3 we're going to attack The Rook Rook might go here that would be the best move and uh it's annoying I can't Castle so I think I will play Bishop here and then I will try to Castle I got to get my Bishop out of the way another thing you can do is Castle by hand you're able to do that because white has a big material advantage black doesn't have a lot of pieces castling by hand is when you move the pawn and then you move the king like this right so you go like this and you're able to do that because black doesn't have enough pieces normally it's probably a bad idea and now we are going to trade the rook and now we are guaranteed a rook trade we are protected uh I will take the Rook that's a free pawn and clean up but this one got out of control early this one got out of control early my opponent was caught off guard in a London and it shows you the London is a very venomous opening I mean all I did was just play solidly I played literally the ideas of my opening and all of a sudden black is like losing in nine moves and that happens like the London can sometimes do that you develop in a way that doesn't your your pieces are pulled too far apart and all of a sudden you know you're losing from the opening and this a this is 1659 and the London is is great for 1,200 more points I mean Magnus Carlson plays the London you know what I mean so um I think possibilities are are are actually endless and again you can test it out if you enjoy it all right G5 [Music] um I'm not too worried about losing this Pawn at this point like I said if you're up material you have to use it opponent deep in thought and so one of the ways to win this would be of course to find a way to trade the Rooks I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to just go for the king I've talked about this enough today you can either go for an end game or you can just go straight for the king yeah today was a bit of a No Mercy day for me uh if you want to go for the king I would suggest cutting the king off on the final rank of the board to start then I would suggest making sure every participant has good amount of protection now we need to get the bishop into the game or we can get the Rook away which also works let's take another Pawn we can take as many pawns as we want by the way but we're pinned so I'm going to get out of the pin and then I'm going to go here and try to to give checks and then suddenly you realize wait a minute that doesn't quite work then you start going like all right I got a discovered attack Brewing this has to work and The Rook is hanging but there is just check and push and then soon you're going to have to start worrying about that pawn okay so now do we have a mate how about Rook E7 check this is a check I yes we do The Rook is hanging but we Knight G6 check defending the rook and they are in a box so this move makes the king stuck right King can now only go to three squares on the entire board and that was the only way actually uh Rook E7 if we went Rook C7 the king would dance all over the eighth rank so what you do is you make the Box small and ideally you get support from the Knight Knight rook and Bishop is a combination that can definitely Checkmate a king so what happened in the opening is is that I saw that my opponent was playing Bishop F5 and every single London player needs to have a variation that they play against a specific other variation especially at 16700 so my setup was right to play like this and I played Queen B3 and so now you know black can play a lot of things black can play B6 which is very solid and then I would have had to develop and I would have developed and I would have well my opponent went here and as we can see from the evaluation the computer doesn't like that because after takes takes takes white do just up a clean Pawn now the best move here was to Castle because now you will be slowly getting closer to Defending Your rook and if I had gone here I was very nervous because I thought Queen C7 and I can't get out right I thought that's what would happen so I was thinking like can I maybe and black is just going to go here so if I play Knight F3 black will go Knight bd7 and my queen is just trapped I have to lose the queen for the Rooks and it's you know I don't have a queen but my plan if my opponent had castled was actually to play C5 it was to play C5 Force the queen back and then just leave my queen here because my queen is threatening to take more stuff if he moves so if Knight F3 Knight D7 well then I'm now I'm up two pawns right I'm no longer up one Pawn that was my idea and that was that was all because my opponent just played a move that tried to defend too many things at the same time that was seven moves seven moves with the with the London and the London has a reputation of being boring and lazy and you know we saw here it's plus five it's plus five after N9 moves my opponent panicked a little bit I also at this point can probably do this and I'm getting out like I'm going to get out you know Knight A6 I can take on G7 I can also take the other Rook just side note but mentally I had prepared myself for castles which is why I was just thinking C5 and C5 works here anyway because the alternative was going here and now you can't stop you know your queen can't go to C7 it can't teleport so queen d8 queen B7 or queen A7 and I I'm getting out and that was instructive that was an instructive game in kind of how to stay patient um the top engine move is to take the Rook by the way it is to take the Rook but if you're a little bit scared you know you you do this and I thought the way I I handled this and kind of showed you know how to simplify was good and yeah I think my opponent was just off to a bad start early and that happens I mean they shouldn't feel bad that happens sometimes even if you're 1659 so uh yeah I mean absolutely nothing to be ashamed of and I mean some sometimes you just you run you run into a tough opening now for my last opponent you might be surprised to see this um my opponent's not online yeah that'll do it um I'm going to tell them I'm going to try to start the game so my next opponent submitted their uh bid to play today they say hey I want to play and they said they were 1,500 and uh then I checked and the rest of their profile is like 2,000 so it says they're 1512 they're not 1512 I just want you to know this is fake they just don't play ramp but this person's around 1900 2,000 so they are the final boss of the video video um another E4 right so I've played Scandinavian I played uh I played caroon I mean I could play another caroon there was a video I played uh I played E5 and I don't know I mean there's a lot of openings what if I play E6 B6 this is one of my legendary openings E6 B6 this is one of the first courses I ever made and this setup tries to attack White's Center you give white the center you say you get the center I'm going to attack it from a distance and might have been too much bullet or this is some sort of Gambit but this is not bullet my opponent should definitely relax now I have a lot of possibilities well you're not supposed to lose the the pawn on e4 that is today was a lucky day for me I think today the subscribers were a little bit I caught them on a good day maybe they had a couple of uh beverages juice for the kids watching generally the bishop is is supposed to come back after you know it does a little bit of damage um if Bishop takes Bishop takes there is obviously an attack on The Rook Bishop B4 is always a a decent move as long as you cannot be blocked with a pawn and uh take King is is nice to damage the structure but technically you don't even have to do that so I'm just going to get out of the center so I don't get captured my opponent's just firing away these moves and uh now we will play Knight F6 I expect something aggressive like Bishop to G5 man I can kind of see why my opponent doesn't like to play rapid because every move is coming instantly this will be a lesson in how to play against people that play really fast and clearly you know aggressively okay Queen C2 there's some vague ideas over here I think I'm going to play a move that's just a general you know stops Knight here stops Bishop here generally a good idea just prevent anything from going to the G5 Square we are still up our one Pawn normally you like to take here in the E6 B6 positions uh and then you like to flop your knight into the center of the board like that I think I'm going to execute that plan although we don't have to any anymore because you're trying to generally do that when there's a king so the Knight jumps into the middle it attacks the queen and it will be supported by this F Pawn so you can play D6 you can play F5 I will play F5 and now that Knight is strong now white could try to get rid of the Knight that is probably the best way to deal with this uh that move is fine but I think it walks into what I want and what I want is to play Pawn to D6 and I I mean I wanted to do that anyway so I could get this Knight into the game without blocking my Bishop Knight G6 is a move okay Knight F3 is definitely not a not you you really want to avoid going backwards like that yeah my opponent is playing so fast oh my goodness okay so Knight F6 keep making progress Queen F6 maybe Knight F6 Knight is very strong now very strong protected three different times bring my queen slowly but surely slowly but surely very common move by the way excellent move trying to instigate clearly shows where my opponent is um I promise this person is 1900 and did not just blunder a like I I now I'm going to go here very common many pawns on dark squares I talked about complimenting the bishop I have six out of eight pawns on dark squares and a light squared Bishop so together all my color complex is is strong uh I'm looking at holes right B4 looks good it's kind of it nowhere else I can really exploit and now what you do here is you you kind of slowly inch forward I have Queen here Queen here tough to say which one is better I kind of want to just keep my Queen off the line of The Rook just a good just a good thing to be a little careful about like am I being a little bit too careful probably and now you know do we double The Rook or do we put Rook side by side I I kind of like doubling you never know when this is all going to open up and also I can start a pawn attack so because I I am here you know proudly with my Rooks I now can start actually samide pawn attack why cuz I have the Rooks I have my queen the Bishop from a distance like this is actually a very very very potent attack sort of blossoming out of nowhere I do like how my opponent is trying to fight back but I think it's a little too slow like I think I've arrived and I you'll notice I didn't even address this move because I'm very well protected here like I'd love my queen to get into the action I'm even thinking can can I just knock on the door can I just play G3 and you know bust the door down I mean I got I got to tell you that move looks pretty good cuz it's going to keep it's going to open up everything right when everything is going to start opening up this is going to be protected my Bishop is going to open up you can't take this cuz I take with a check that's the most important thing is that I'm taking the bishop and I'll take back in the center so you kind of have to go here which is a very unpleasant move and suddenly your king is wide open and my Rook is right there so my Rook has arrived on the shores of the king side the queen is going to be back up and the Knight will replace now that isn't interesting defensive idea can I first thing I'm can I just go here right so now I'm attacking the rook and playing defense and my Bishop is cutting off the square so The Rook might have to go there so I want some time now right so now I can keep making progress on my own terms I mean even F3 F3 is about to open up the king Knight G4 um this no longer has a Defender I mean I could even consider sacrificing you know what I mean like Knight H5 night Chief there's so many things that look appealing what if I just bring my heaviest artillery I just bring my queen my queen is my most powerful attacking piece I could have maybe also went to C6 but I'm just bringing my queen and I don't see like how does my opponent just stop the queen that move by the way lost the pawn is my opponent going to see that I saw it but I'm getting one back but maybe taking that pawn out of my position and just getting into my position is good for white I don't know but it's definitely a chance maybe something my opponent didn't have a move ago but this is yeah well spotted well spotted and I I'm getting one as well and now my queen is knocking on the door right so now all of a sudden we got this and this is one of the main ideas of this kind of Dutch style Gotham Dutch E6 B6 uh style position Knight G4 with a Checkmate threat Knight G4 with a Checkmate threat F3 just ripping open White's position F3 looks I mean it all looks very good F3 with the Rook here as well I guess I can move my knight out of the way and it all looks very promising are there any checks to me no so I think we go here and I think White's King is about to face very very very serious problems F2 check is a huge threat Knight E2 check with this is a huge threat I mean even taking on G2 is a huge threat but of course oh my goodness Queen D4 is a threat Queen D4 is like almost mate I didn't even realize that when I pushed the pawn I I attacked that that pawn sideways so the position sort of played itself um yeah unfortunately my opponent just played too fast the bullet instincts took over and the nerves I guess a little bit in the in the beginning I some people in you know watching might be a little frustrated like oh this person wasn't you know but this person's 2100 bullet that is that is not bad um that's not bad at all but unfortunately they just played a little too quickly in the in the beginning of the game that's Checkmate that's a huge threat this move opened up by Rook I mean can we just talk about how beautiful the C look how every piece working in the attack the Bishop from a distance the knights up close the Queen the Rooks everybody is working in this game and uh I mean it's it just looks like mate is Unstoppable Queen H2 F2 that was good that was good that was a well orchestrated attack I think granted it was made a little easier with the early blunder but it's sometimes that happens solid episode today I will remind all uh all of you watching that um my book is named after this series and if you are not yet 12200 online or you have a nephew or a niece or a brother or a sister or a mom or a dad or a partner that you would like to get into chess um m 2 check Checkmate you can check out my book kind of want to promote to a night and win but I think I'll I'll take what I can get yeah that's a check bait um unfortunately yeah my opponent just made a blunder early on I promise though this person is rated 2065 all right 2065 is their bullet rating and uh they just played bullet in the beginning of this game unfortunately and I kind of showed how to play this this opening of course you know the engine has always has some sort of preferences and Quan and and issues with the way that I played but um I thought this was a very nice positional squeeze and then it showed like once you improve your position to the maximum how you're supposed to finally break through and I thought G5 Rook G7 was sort of very instructive how to put the Cannons there and uh March straight down into your opponent's position and I might have missed something but I thought you know this was more than good enough and uh life was uh life was quite good with the way that I played so a good day today uh we didn't play any like 12y olds who are rated 2200 which is always terrifying uh but it was good for an evening session next time I will probably drink some coffee and play in the morning uh hopefully you've been enjoying the episodes as always if you want to support I do have the book you can get that for somebody you know or yourself and I've got tons of courses I have courses on opening for white and black middle game end game tactics uh and so on and so forth and now very excited to announce that um Chesley has Levi the Levi bot where you can practice your opening courses next week we will open up the Levi bot to everybody for 48 hours so if you don't have a course it will be free to play for a little bit and you will be able to train some openings you'll be able to see where that stuff is available and yep enjoy now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 378,311
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: 11iBvVprq5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 25sec (5005 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 24 2024
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