Gukesh STUNS Magnus Carlsen!!!!!!!

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ladies and gentlemen the best player in the Chess World is a Norwegian man named Magnus Carlson but the next big thing in the Chess World is a young man from India and his name is GES D you see it's currently May 2024 if you're watching in the future hi I hope the future is good I hope an apocalypse didn't happen but it's currently May 2024 and kukes is the next big thing because gukesh won the candidates tournament which means he will play for the World Chess Championship he's only 17 years old he's beaten every record thus far in terms of qualifying for the ultimate title in chess and today he played against Magnus Carlson they are playing in a rapid and Blitz tournament uh as part of the grand chess tour in Poland in varsa and uh I'm going to show you the game it's an incredible game it's an all-time classic uh gukesh absolutely stunned Magnus and that's all I will say here we go now this is rapid game they play 25-minute chess uh which is a lot of time but compared to normal time normal classical chess where they play for 3 four hours it's really not uh it's really not that much time but 25 of course being a good amount now you may be surprised by the ratings gukesh is not a rapid and Blitz specialist kukes is a specialist in classical chess whereas Magnus is a 17-time world champion including the world rapid Championship multiple times so we have E4 we have E5 and gukesh plays Knight F3 Knight C6 and he plays the Italian obviously white has many choices white can generally play the Spanish or the Italian uh Bishop C4 and the first surprise actually happens on the fourth move Magnus plays Knight F6 counterattacking the pawn and nowadays the theory here is Pawn to D3 and then Bishop C5 and then C3 and then this is called the Jo capano and you know the white plays various forms of the same like seven different setups and black chooses does he put the pawn on A6 or on A5 or on H6 or on G5 like what you know Etc uh gesh fried liver Magnus Carlson now technically this is not the fried liver technically the fried liver is D5 Pawn takes Knight takes which is a big mistake Knight takes F7 if you don't know what the fried liver is after this video I need you to go look up the fried liver some of you watching this probably don't know what it is but most of you who have gotten into chess over the last few years have heard of the fried liver very potent and uh it's the the whole opening trap is based on the king going to the corner and you checkmating your opponent in eight moves uh it it would be like nine technically but so that's the fried liver uh Magnus plays D5 I was uh really uh I was really sad he didn't play the Traxler which is one of my favorite openings he plays D5 Pawn takes D5 and now the main line of this position by far like it's not close is Knight A5 trying to Target the bishop and then obviously gkes had something here otherwise he wouldn't have gone Knight to G5 uh but he um obviously enters this position with these types of ideas in mind we have no idea what he would have played maybe he would have went check and back and queen F3 whatever Magnus plays something that I have not seen played at the top level ever like maybe in a title Tuesday or some Blitz Games he plays B5 which is a move uh basically black says well you blocked your own Bishop right and so right now I'm going to sneak another Pawn over here so that if you take my knight I take your bishop and I basically say despite being a pawn down I am now the only person on the board who possesses the light scored Bishop which is essentially the Elder Wand and now my queen will go to D5 and you're going to get destroyed on the light squares which is why after B5 gkes plays the best move now fair warning you are about to not understand the next six to seven moves of this game but that's okay cuz you probably didn't understand the six or seven moves already uh you're not going to get this because this is what's called Theory theory is like you know in Geometry you have proofs right you have there are things that have been tried again and again and again and they are the best way to play so the best way to play in this position is to put the bishop on the home Square as if you are setting up the pieces once again the reason for that is because you actually need this Pawn protected so if Bishop 2 E2 is played then in many lines there's going to be problems here and the Knight can come and go after the bishop the Knight can't do that if you go all the way back to F1 also if Bishop D3 the pawn here becomes a Target right so you have to go to F1 and basically say yo black you you got to take this Pawn back which he does now the the more common move in this position is Queen D5 so Magna showing some knowledge of really goofy fried liver systems Magnus knows everything like he knows all the theory but so does gukesh Right gukesh comes back he takes the pawn on B5 some of you may be wondering why didn't GES just take the pawn on B5 to begin with because then Queen D5 my friends so you go to F1 you get a commitment move out of your opponent and now you go to B5 very dank very meta but that's okay black is Pawn down but he's got a lot of open space he's trying to play on his opponent's surprise and now Bishop to B7 simply defends the Knight and gkes plays D4 D4 is the best move according to the engine the move d4 is the top line and the reason you play D4 is because you you want your opponent to invest an entire turn taking the pawn and in that time you will defend your knight and then castle and then get your queen out and then go for some sort of attack so D4 is the best move Magnus takes both guys have not spent any time in fact they are gaining time the clock is not broken it's 25 minute and every time they make a move they gain 10 seconds okay just like you play 1510 on or 3 plus 2 or 1 plus 1 or five plus five if you're a goblin castles Bishop to E7 now the funny thing about the database I checked the database in this position even though the computer likes it humans suck at this position suck so bad the top line of the computer here is Queen H5 threatening this which would win uh black cannot Castle cuz then you would hang mate G6 Queen H6 Black Goes Queen D7 and castles this way and this is according to the engine according to the engine this position is better for white but it is very difficult to see that all right that that it's better for white it's very easy to be like wait a minute I'm just going to get checkmated I'm not saying the bishop has x-ray vision but the knights are going to move which is why in this position gkes goes here so he spent about 3 minutes because he gains a little bit of time maybe two and a half minutes and he he rejected Queen H5 which is the top line and the thing is this is what Magnus makes really difficult for his opponents he makes you walk a tight RPP if you make it to the end of the typ Rope tight RPP you get front rad tickets to Madison Square Garden to watch the Nicks beat the Pacers but if you don't then you uh I don't know uh I I I don't know what happens but you you don't get that reward you I don't know you're a you're a Winnipeg Jets fan or I mean some God forsake I don't even know I would not wish something like that upon you know somebody uh but anyway uh you're a you're a Bayern Munich fan how about that that that with the offside call I mean good I mean my God Knight to F3 and so gcash unfortunately is a Bayern Munich fan um and he goes back to the F3 square and now castles and gkes plays Bishop C6 and as you can see from the last two moves gkes is out of his comfort zone right he takes he takes on D4 and he says uh I'm up a pawn I'm happy right like let's play this specif position now he spends another minute so he's now 5 minutes down being down 5 minutes in chess is not a big deal unless that's 20% of your time that's a lot of time uh one more thing about this position positions in Kings Pawn games okay positions in Kings Pawn games where a side is down a pawn and the other side has a light scored Bishop positions in Kings Pawn games one side is up or down upon white black has a light squared Bishop we have entered magnus's wheelhouse Magnus got us to a position he is more comfortable in despite being in a completely different system what am I talking about check out how dank this is Magnus likes to play the Spanish in the Spanish after Knight F6 and castles and Bishop to E7 and let's say Rook to E1 what black likes to do is black likes to play D5 D5 and what that does is sends us into a marshall okay and the Marshall is an opening where black frequently puts a bishop on B7 and is a pawn down and that is the way the Marshall works like let's say B5 Bishop C2 D5 takes Knight D5 Knight E5 D do do do do and then Bishop goes to B7 and this is very similar to what we have in this position where you know white is up Pawn but the bishop is there so despite being a totally different opening he got himself into a position that he likes to play Rook E8 and so now GES is on the back foot and the levels are showing I mean GES 17 years old won the candidates but there's levels to this right I mean Magnus is what like 50 years old at this point what is he like 30 1990 He's 33 I mean he's like Double G's age dude I mean gukesh wasn't even alive and Magnus was already 2700 he has a lot of experience GES plays C3 C5 I mean Magnus is just kind of playing kicking out the Knight look at this and the Knight goes to F5 for the life of me I am just waiting for Knight to F4 to happen and I mean I I don't know how white is going to defend this position you know if you play a move like Pawn to F3 here black moves the bishop let's say like to G5 and uh if you try to initiate some exchanges Knight to E2 check and you lose you're just going to lose the bishop right very dangerous position most humans here and these guys are not human they're like chess Gods you know but most humans here would lose with white very quickly kukes plays Knight F5 he's looking to trade Magnus says no thanks I actually think your knight is going to be a useful Target for my pieces my Bishop will come back out in a moment so will my queen then I'll bring my second Bishop then I'll bring my knight and then I'm going to bring my Rook up and over and just in case that wasn't enough I also have another Rook which I might bring via A5 Rook A6 this way or Rook C8 Rook C6 via some sort of Rook lift your extra Pawn is meaningless this is gha's extra Pawn yeah nobody knows it's there uh it it's yeah nobody knows it's there Knight to F3 Queen F6 right and now Knight G3 and for a moment it looks like white has these powerful horses protecting the king okay Magnus plays H6 uh he he could have played other moves here the computer really likes Knight B6 trying to bring the Rook to d8 um and then maybe Knight C4 as well if the bishop moves targeting this Knight B6 very much liked by the computer but okay it's rapid H6 we just don't let anything go to the G5 Square kukesh plays Queen C2 and the thing the really unfortunate thing about this position for gesas he's basically waiting for Magnus to throw a punch white does not call the shots at all at all like white would be happy if you traded the Rooks and you traded the Queens because then white would have six pawns versus five in all end games but yeah you don't call the shots here Magnus plays Rook I told you he's just going to bring all his pieces kukesh plays Rook D1 kukes now down 6 minutes that's half his time I mean he just spent a massive am he's down 12 to 18 minutes right that's a that's a massive amount of his time 50% of his clock time is going to Magnus now now Magnus plays this Knight B6 move and begins engaging in an exchange so we have Rook takes Rook takes kukesh still has two pieces that have not moved they haven't moved they haven't entered the game he's got to get those pieces in the game and now there's a threat of Bishop F3 so if you play Bishop here at the very least I can get my Pawn back but I can also ruin your Pawn structure but I'm not even going to do that probably I'll probably just play Knight C4 looking to split your pawns like this so kukes here plays Knight E1 undevelop the Knight puts it on the first rank maybe bishop E3 maybe Knight to D3 he's getting it out of the way of this bishop Magnus goes Rook E8 Rook takes Knight devastating threat and he's baiting gash to bring out his bishop and into magnus's Knight which arrives on C4 the attack is finally s the only piece in the black position that hasn't done much is sitting on f8 but most of the pieces in White's position haven't done much all right so again he's just waiting for Magnus to make a decision of how he's going to make the cut into the white territory now gcash has to put both Knights on the back rank I mean this is futile stuff I mean it's looking really really unpleasant Magnus takes on E3 Knight takes E3 and now this move this is a problem um you can't take it it looks like a free Pawn but it has two really nasty ideas number one the bishop is going to go to the C5 Square it's going to come back alive but number two it deflects the knight from the defense of the king queen G5 is a really difficult move because if you play G3 this is a zesty Fork you lose uh and uh if you play Knight E3 then the bishop is here and and my friends it's what I told you this is the worst nightmare this is the Marshall the open that I showed you Magnus specializes in these types of positions for black so kkash is on the back foot he has to play Queen A4 trying to create a little bit of counterplay now Rook takes E3 a man after my own heart The Rook sacrificed by Magnus Carlson Rook to E3 sacrificing The Rook removing the only active piece in the white position that is participating in the defense of the King Pawn takes E3 and now Bishop C5 Bishop to C5 Bishop E3 is a threat Queen F1 is mate how do you stop it what you have to do here with white is you have to play Queen E8 check the king moves you defend this and then you bring out your knight because if Bishop takes I have Rook F1 and I pin you like that gukesh thinks for a little while and he says what's the difference why can't queen E I mean I'm just going to play Knight to F3 because Knight F3 you still can't take I play King H1 Queen here he plays Knight F3 and he loses the game because now there was a difference you had to to commit the queen to defend the pawn why the difference is if Knight F3 Bishop E3 King H1 Bishop F3 there is Queen E8 there is Queen E8 and I win the bishop which was the idea but what he had missed is that after Rook E3 fe3 Bishop C5 if he goes here takes and King H1 Magnus sacrifices the queen he takes the Knight with the queen and then the double bishop checkmate gukesh missed this concept way back here and after takes takes he went Knight of3 and he sat there and went what have I done he could have just played Queen E8 and the game would have kept going Bishop F3 Rook F1 and the game goes on maybe gf3 I don't know maybe you try to survive this position he plays here and now he has to walk his King into the center and Magnus is winning and he finds the winning idea Bishop C6 stops the queen from going to the back rank now you can take but then Queen E8 check so he deflects the queen away from there if Queen C4 Bishop F3 is game over it's completely lost you just get M it the queen goes to D1 protecting the Knight now Magnus finds the best move again Bishop to E4 he's going to D3 I mean listen gukesh played 30 moves without moving his Rook you can't play the best player in the world without moving your Rook you're just going to lose Bishop E4 Bishop D3 is on the way gukesh desperate final attempt Queen to D7 looking for Queen E8 check and Magnus calculated here the same concept do GES he calculated do I just get out of the threat first or do I make the aggressive check move and just like GES was like do I make the defensive move or do I play Queen E8 check right all the way back there Queen D7 is played by gukesh a good move creating counterplay chances and Magnus makes a mistake Magnus makes a mistake he plays King H7 but what's the difference he had to give this check and on King E1 you defend the fork by being aggressive Queen B6 hitting B2 defending the bishop Queen A8 checkdown no longer leads to anything and after this this the threat of Queen B2 is really really bad but there's an even more brutal threat the more brutal threat is Bishop D2 sacrificing the bishop two different ways to open up the diagonal for for the queen if you take with the king queen here Queen C2 is mate momentarily and if you take with the Knight on D2 you lose even more stuff you lose your knight and you lose your rook and then there is no Perpetual check so Magnus had to find Bishop D3 followed by Queen B6 sniping that opening shot with Bishop to D2 but gha's ferocious counterplay got Magnus to commit his King but what if I told you this position is completely lost for white if not for one move position's completely lost Bishop D3 is on the way Magnus missed the move GES found GES found the move Magnus missed courageous is an understatement for the move that gkes plays in this position with the attack swirling in front of his King The Rook that can't even get into the game because of Bishop D3 being on the way this position gukesh finds King to E2 and there is a threat to this move he wants to take the bishop he protects the Knight and Bishop D3 is no longer a thing because he would take on E3 and he would run right back and there is no way to check the king I will bring my queen to protect you can play Queen B2 I play Rook to E1 there is nothing I am surrounded by the love and support of my pieces King to E2 oh my Magnus has to dip out of the black position but it's still losing for white if not for one move and one move only which GES finds Rook to E1 the first move of The Rook of the entire game 32 moves it took and the idea of rookie w is you run the king to safety you put the king in the center of the board but the Rook comes to help the major difference is if you had gone to D1 Queen G6 is a problem because if you try to protect yourself Bishop F3 Pawn F3 Queen G1 and queen F2 is made because of this annoying Pawn on C4 Rook E1 stops Queen G6 because the king escapes you lose the pawn on G2 but your king is safe for a moment and that's exactly what happens in the game Rook E1 Magnus plays Queen G6 King goes to D1 both guys under two minutes on the clock Queen G2 played by Magnus this is mate that's mate the Knight is hanging the pawn is hanging and all of those pawns are hanging how is kukesh going to defend this position by once again finding the only move taking the bishop Queen takes F3 is a fork but Rook to E2 and now Magnus plays the one final attempt at complicating the position Bishop to E3 Queen F1 is threatened what do you do if you're playing with white if you try to unpin yourself you fall off a cliff it's mate so what do you do what if you play Queen B5 Queen F1 and you get mated oh okay we learned our lesson we we're just going to keep the queen on the D file Queen D6 then I'm going to play Queen E4 and you cannot defend two diagonals at the same time so Queen B1 is Checkmate what do you do probably I don't know Rook e one then I'll play F5 with my safe King and I'll March the pawn down and you will lose so what is the move what is the move well the move that that saves the day is Pawn to B3 and black does not have time if black plays Pawn takes B3 I just take back and that's it that's it you have nothing this is a threat Queen D3 so let's say you play G6 then I will start pushing my own Pawn you're no longer threatening me anymore there was one final trick which is if you play this right away and then F5 and then you take the bishop like let's say queen E3 yeah take take oops but GES is too strong to fall for such things which is why in this position Magnus Carlson was forced to repeat moves and the players shook hands and made a draw by three move repetition with less than 1 minute on their clocks this was a crazy game this game was so close to being over once Magnus sacrificed The Rook activated the bishop kukesh blundered under pressure with the king in the center of the board and Magnus found every resource all gukesh could have done only thing is go as far into magnus's position as possible and create the possibility to make a mistake and Magnus here had to be completely coldblooded finding the defensive moves while leaving his King in the center of the board he missed it gha's defensive tenacity pays off and he finds a string of only moves to clutch out a draw right on the brink of collapse what a gangster move King E2 and then Rook to E1 spotting this defensive concept walking the king to D1 and just as he was about to get mated The Rook hits the bishop The Rook hits the bishop and Magnus didn't have to take on G2 but then gukesh would have just activated his Rook he made things practically difficult for the best player in the world and he clutches a draw what a battle the candidate versus the former world champion in the world number one what a battle great stuff from gukesh who could have just fell over I mean he was under pressure from the 10th move of this game this was a terrible position to play terrible I mean it was it was under so much pressure but he fought he fought he played fast he played confidently Magnus was just a mo maybe a moment away from clutching it with Bishop to D3 but gukesh made things complicated what a hold and gukesh won both his other games today against Prague uh and against I'm blanking I'm I'm I'm I'm blanking on the name and I don't want to say something incorrect uh they are in the middle of uh day two of six of the uh rapid and Blitz uh tournament in Poland and if you watch this in the future obviously the tournament ended but a very fun game uh and we will have more Magnus vers gcash battles uh as uh as the tournament goes through to the blitz phase very exciting stuff very cool to see gukesh uh playing more rapid in Blitz because that is not the format that he's he's the best in but he's doing very well and he's uh raising his level in all the formats hope you enjoyed the video I'll see you in the next one get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 675,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: hYM7noueDdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 21sec (1521 seconds)
Published: Thu May 09 2024
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