Stopping Early Queen Attacks In Chess

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throughout the early raiding ladder of chess  there is one opening that is more fearsome than   many others and that is the early queen attack it  doesn't matter whether you're playing with white   or with black sometimes the queen jumps out there  for the opponent starts beating up all of your   pieces especially if you don't know what's going  on and that's the point of this video i'm gonna   take you through how to navigate these  positions with white and with black   punish your opponent and actually i will also show  you how to use early queen attacks the right way   we're gonna take a look and then i'm going to  play three subscribers who volunteered to be in   this video i love you thank you let's go so let's  kick things off uh where we have the black pieces   they play e4 and we play e5 this is  very standard very common first move   and of course the position on the thumbnail this  queen h5 thing so the first thing to understand   about early queen moves is that they're not like  very scary but they're also not totally horrible   and this most common move the point is that  white is generally trying to attack this pawn   not right away but maybe when a bishop joins  because then the bishop and the queen will   hit together but the immediate threat is this  and a lot of people here will play pawn to g6   queen will take they will lose a rook and the  game is already lost for black the way you deal   with early queen moves in general if you're going  to play e5 knight to c6 is the best second move   because you defend your pawn you just is this  queen threatening anything no okay i'm good if   the bishop now comes out you've got to stop the  threat and if you can stop the threat and develop   your position without causing huge weaknesses then  you should in this position you can defend against   this with the queen or you can play pawn to g6 now  attacking the queen because this is now protected   sometimes the queen will slide back you've got to  block this attack you can't just keep developing   you'll hang a checkmate so you've got to stop all  the threats this is protected so the queen cannot   take and sometimes here white will play something  really aggressive like g4 the point of g4 is that   if you just keep developing now i have pawn to g5  right you've definitely probably seen something   like definitely probably is not a good way to  form a sentence but anyway g4 g5 is another way   to just attack you make you move your knight  and then checkmate you all the same there is a   balance you have to understand uh and generally  it's okay like i'm finishing my development   and if something like this is gonna happen can  i counter attack my opponent somehow you gotta   ask yourself this question can i counter attack  my opponent somehow and you can knight to d4 is   the best move now the queen's stuck sometimes the  queen will go here you will take you will fork and   the queen will just be lost completely and if  the queen just defends against that well then   there's a free pawn there's also this free pawn  attacking the queen all the same so you can punish   crazy dumb looking early queen moves especially in  e4 e5 positions by just not falling for the traps   noticing what's under attack defending against all  these threats it doesn't matter if the second move   of the game is queen to f3 it really makes no  difference knight c6 you know for example like   say c3 so you can't go here okay okay what if  white goes g4 okay well what's the threat of g4   okay g5 i mean i can stop that by playing pawn  to h6 or as i said striking back generally in   the center of the board sometimes with a pawn  a second pawn in the center this is not chess   i mean this is chess this whole thing is chess but  this is not chess if you strike back in the middle   to take advantage of your opponent not developing  enough pieces that can happen with pawns or with   pieces they will have problems because if they  just keep attacking you now you're picking up   material and after that i mean you you made it out  of the opening which is kind of the whole point   it's what we were trying to do so we're very  happy there's other openings where the queen   can come out but in general this is sort of  the way uh that you would do it i mean queen   h5 is the most popular some people will just  play like queen f3 and leave the queen there   develop develop put two pawns in the center if you  can bishop comes out castle then punish the queen   okay that is that like there's no there's no way  i can give you something to memorize because early   queen moves you can't memorize them they're weird  they're not very good but follow those principles   stabilize the position monitor what the queen is  looking at and don't chase it if it can capture   something for free once you defend everything  only then do you go and attack i actually had a   few people ask me this question like levy you know  i'll play an opening and my opponent will do this   like now what well this is what you do two  nights go after the queen if possible you   know for example sometimes black plays knight  c6 already you can put your knight in the middle   that's very good but sometimes they'll play  something like c6 and you can't get close   with the pieces well finish your development right  castle if you can and then if something like this   at some point you can break out with the move  d4 and if not then you slowly build up for this   move to be possible i recommend if you can to put  two pawns in the center even if it means a trade   because then two the queens will come  off you don't have to worry anymore and   black is just worse or white is just worse  because they already moved their queen out   however i did say that i will give you examples  of ways to bring the queen out the right way   well here's one example okay uh in the vienna  system in e4e5 one of the main lines of the vienna   in the vienna gambit does involve bringing the  queen out early but why is this possible well the   queen from here pressures the knight and the pawn  and this pawn and cannot be a target like none of   black's pieces can target the queen if black goes  here the queen just takes the pawn and you're just   up a pawn there are other ways for example in the  london system let's say in the london system one   of the main lines black goes c5 and then tries to  play queen b6 and this is very common the queen   now attacks the weak pawn on b2 queen sliding out  to the queen side on b oops sorry on b3 and on b6   also very kind it's just very common it happens  not just in the london happens in many openings   uh there are variations of the sicilian defense  for example where the queen is behind the pawns   uh like in the night orf this is called  the night of sicilian something like this   uh i'm giving you just a very very like fast  example you can go queen f3 here and queen g3 or   f4 and then the queen comes out to f3 but the  queen is shielded it's not just out in the open   you can't go attack a fully developed structure  with just the queen it doesn't work you've got to   bring out some other pieces and that's the point  but in positions where you've already developed   your pieces and your pawns then the queen can  come and be very fearsome so i would wait until   about move five or seven of course we cannot  end the lesson section without talking about   the scandinavian defense but the scandinavian  defense which is e4 d5 taking queen takes on d5   and then the queen is under attack yes that you  know that that is one where it's actually not so   bad but that's because oftentimes the queen just  gets out of the way the queen doesn't hang around   if the queen hung around in the scandinavian  white would develop attack the queen immediately   attacked the queen immediately and castle  and be very happy so that is how you deal   with early queen attacks where is it attacking  can it capture ask yourself these questions   go through uh monitoring what is what  is possible and what is not stabilize   and then punish attack the queen in the center of  the board put two pawns in the middle punish your   opponent for not developing enough it'll take  a little bit of practice but now you know how   to do it and now it's game time so i have  a few subscribers that volunteered to play   all right we're ready to go and of course some of  these players you might say well levy why are you   playing in 810 that's not but that's the thing  at this level these things are absolutely common   that's what we have to remember all right so d4  e6 is how i'm starting out you know if i played   in 1800 they would not be playing early queen  moves at that level you're out of that territory   so that's why i wanted to make this uh i'm going  to play the london system with bishop out to f4   and all these players have volunteered to bring  out the queen early i don't know if my opponent   will do this now we haven't spoken about that  uh i did just tell my opponent that uh this   opening would be occurring also i just realized  i should probably crop in the clocks if i can   there is one clock that's my clock these are all  blitz games because honestly i didn't want to um   i didn't want to take up too much time and my  opponent did actually play that move which is   kind of funny so there we go clocks are there  a little bit messy here editing on the fly   i hope you can all forgive me anyway queen  comes down to f6 and is attacking my bishop   i'm just gonna continue with my london stuff here  with uh pawn to e3 just defending my bishop of   course moving it out of the way is fine taking on  c7 actually i don't know if that's possible or not   g5 here is a good aggressive move except it's not  looks good but it's not uh it's not good because   i can play bishop to e5 up one square my opponent  would be losing material my opponent gives me a   check i'm gonna block here with the pawn i  basically told all my subscribers this is a   video about bringing your queen out early try  to do it try to attack me don't worry if you   totally mess it up that's kind of the point  just keep developing it's not yet time to start   attacking this queen okay d6 not a bad move  but my opponent should play a little bit more   aggressively because otherwise the queen won't  have too much support but like i said in this   particular version we're just ignoring really what  the queen can do it's we're not we're not scared   finish my development and i think the  queen's actually is gonna be a good lesson   the queen might yes yes perfect perfect perfect  exactly what i wanted to happen sometimes   opponents just bring out the queen and leave  it there and this is a very common queen trap   queen's completely locked in it's got no moves  so in this case the opponent brought the queen   out and didn't do much with it and actually  when you bring the queen out with black it   is significantly more challenging to do stuff to  the white position because you don't go first you   don't have the advantage of playing the first move  and that actually sets you back with white you   can attack black very quickly and also let's not  forget bringing the queen out early doesn't work   against certain openings against certain openings  it it just doesn't predict it you can't um   but in this particular case the opponent  brought the queen out just left it there   would have been a little bit better  for the opponent to play a move like h6   right couple moves ago to play h6 so that i can't  get close to the queen and maybe g5 that that   is a little bit more standard but we would have  dealt with that as well uh now the game is over   we take on h7 with check you say well evie why not  bring the queen well now i'm gonna bring the queen   and uh this is very different than bringing out  the queen in the very beginning so gigi to uh cj   uh botticelli i appreciate you very much i know it  was a short game i don't i don't think you wanted   to lose your queen uh on move 9 or 10 but again  that is why we're doing this video okay if you've   made it this far this is the point the point is  if you just play stable and solid and just don't   get flustered you'll win all the time you'll win  all the time or close close to all the time the   attacker queen but i can go bishop takes that  attacks the king it was a discovered attack and   now uh i can take the thing is this is not a mate  oh this is a mate oh look at this i have check   and now the king attacks the knight and if we  move the knight the king will get this square the   knight is taking this away so we have knight to e4  pretty mate very pretty checkmate all the pieces   work together i'll say gg right this is under  attack everything is defended i have some hanging   look it looks like some of my pieces are hanging  but not quite so as i said i mean if the opponent   wanted to bring the queen out uh a move like h6  would have been a bit better g5 try to play a bit   more aggressively and make sure the queen cannot  be attacked so if you watch this video and you   you still want to bring the queen out don't but if  you do make sure it cannot be attacked okay next   opponent next opponent i believe plays d4 okay e4  e5 now what are we gonna get are we gonna get a   chance yes thank you oh we didn't agree to this  i just said play e4 and bring the queen out now   knight c6 i gotta practice what i preach right see  if you made it 13 and a half minutes into a gotham   chess video and you didn't leave now's the good  stuff you came for the good stuff okay knight c3   is already a step in the wrong direction because  it's not really justifying where the queen is   so i can play knight f6 immediately attacking the  queen of course the queen will slide out of danger   we can go here we can and i probably will just  to make the queen move again it has to go here or   here to defend against knight c2 i would be very  frustrated actually if my opponent okay very good   um when in doubt develop a bishop again don't  get tunnel vision you know don't be like   i gotta get this i gotta i gotta let me although  actually c5 is not a bad move just develop i want   to teach you a balance between punishing the early  queen move and at the same time not getting insane   tunnel vision make sure to get your king castle  stick to basic principles uh i'm going to castle   i'm here's why i'm going to castle because if  knight takes pawn being very greedy my opponent's   king is stuck in the center and they don't do  that now i'm going to play d5 you say levi why   would you do that pawn takes well now my bishop is  open and if my opponent takes this with the pawn   i have this bishop move they take here so  which one of my recaptures is more forcing   taking with what's worth less because now i'm  threatening to win the night had i taken with   the bishop i'm not actually threatening to take  the knight because bishop for night is a fair   trade whereas this is a very clear attack on the  night of course bishop takes is also fine okay   now we are going to use a concept called danger  levels my bishop is hanging however you should   still look around for checks i don't have any  captures i have one i can take this knight takes   defends my bishop but pawn takes attacks the  queen and that's a concept called danger levels   which i will have a video on soon this is january  4 2021 so that video is coming out later this week   basically i don't have to move my bishop if i  can create an equal or stronger threat and the   threat on the queen is exactly that right  so bishop here is now hanging i can still   play bishop to e6 but then the queen will take my  pawn um let's just slide the bishop out of danger   if the opponent castles which is what i expect  then maybe we will start going for this or   going for this so we noticed the early queen  move didn't do anything for the opponent   uh again i want to move my bishop but i really  don't want to lose this pawn so maybe i'll play   uh b6 is a bit slow a bit okay but let's play it  let's let's build up a nice solid pawn structure   here with b6 and c5 and then we'll also move  this bishop and then we'll be very happy pawn up   good position avoided collapse in the opening  of course do not trade if you don't have to   look at this move attacking the bishop the bishop  has no squares has to go back to d1 very passively   and uh that's actually why on the last one would  have been a bit better for my opponent to play   d3 to get the dark squared bishop out and offer  a trait of pawns that i would have harder time   avoiding but with the two bishops now on the queen  does the queen queens only save squares b5 and   then is the queen getting trapped well the queen  can go this way huh the queen can go this way so   maybe we just take oh that also is possible  huh oops what about this check this out b5 you know what i like i like a good  old-fashioned greek gift so there's a   a tactic in chess where you can take on h2 if it's  only protected by the king king takes knight jumps   and then the queen goes the problem is that  the bishop is covering so what if i go here   and here's my idea i am offering the opportunity  to trade bishops maybe that will happen but then   we will get the greek gift bishop takes h2 check  knight jumps and i cover this on my instagram   i have a carousel style post on the greek  gift sacrifice at gotham chess on instagram   i don't know what y'all do on instagram  but now you have a chess place as well   i don't know if my opponent's going  to do this in fact taking my bishop   is probably not the best move knight jumps  back if i take they probably want to take   with the queen so here's what i'll do i'm going  to play queen e7 because i want to put my queen   in front of my bishop and laser beam down to h2  that's the idea here queen e5 and bishop down to   h2 it's called a battery when your queen and your  bishop are lined up on the same diagonal like this   knight there is not a bad move not a bad  move at all i'm going to well if i take   they actually could go here which is sort of funny  but that's okay then i'll just move my knight out   of danger my knight used to guard my bishop now  we play queen to e5 now if my opponent plays f4 there will be a fun move for us that'll be an  instructive moment but there's a chance that   does not happen a chance it might it's much  more natural to play g3 and of course let's   not forget this bishop is not free because  we are threatening checkmate in one move   g3 is played of course we can trade but you know  what i'm doing here i'm keeping the tension is   what that's called not just breaking the uh vision  of my two pieces on each other how about we play   the move f5 defending the bishop and if the bishop  takes us we take back opening our rook some a lot   of you know that's the good thing about watching  some of these videos is that it's not just about   the opening you also learn how to kind of navigate  and thought process there's a lot of little   nuggets of information sprinkled in here queen  c3 okay queen trade and this is not a free pawn   because then the bishop would come here pinning  us to the king always look how they can attack   you you're not the only one playing but if i take  the bishop now and they take back then this is a   free pawn however if my opponent takes me first it  was not a free pun but my opponent didn't see that   so now we are two pawns up now i have a  prediction my opponent can't go this way   they will play pawn to b3 trying to develop their  bishop however just like you have to look at that   look at that fortune teller exactly the situation  that i just had you have to look how can they   attack my most valuable piece and my opponent just  walked into that exact i mean it exactly as i said   if bishop takes rook they take our queen so we  take the queen first and then we go down and   take the rook that is how you have to think how  can they put me in danger this is a cool move   it attacks my rook and my bishop is also under  attack i'm going to save my bishop because it's   actually better to get a bishop for a rook than  losing a bishop for free if you lose a bishop   for nothing that's three zero if you lose a  rook for a bishop that is five three you get   something and the difference there is two points  not to mention that because we have such a big   lead in this position we are happy simplifying  right we're happy simplifying the way we win   this is we need to get our rook somehow in the  game and oftentimes you can trade a few pawns   and open up a line for the rook of course bringing  the king up is also important in the end game the   opponent does not have a lot of moves here uh just  bringing the king up and then we will start to   push these pawns making way for a rook this pawn  is a bit of a target if the bishop can oh that's   a free rook that's not good that probably will  be the final move oh nope the opponent is still   playing i will take this now we will convert this  and we will convert this let's take uh the fastest   way to convert this cut the king off don't let it  get back into the game and now the king is stuck   on the h file just don't stalemate here uh e3 is  a perfectly good move because if pawn takes pawn   this pawn goes through that's called a pawn  breakthrough when you have a two-on-one like this   you get through like that queen just make  sure it's not stalemate they're gonna check me   this is may in one move defend it with  the rook i will say gg as always uh   in the opening if the opponent doesn't play bishop  c4 like in this game you develop the knight to f6   otherwise bishop c4 is still mate right don't hang  mate and then you move on exactly as we did in   this game a mix of punishment and not and now for  those of you that waited around until the very end   i will show you how to develop the right way how  to bring the queen out in an opening like the karo   khan for example against the karo khan there is  knight c3 and a line with queen to e2 queen to   e2 is very tricky there is also queen to f3  the point of this is that if a trait occurs   your knight is very tricky for the opponent the  move knight f6 is not a bad move i will now push   and my queen is behind my pawn my queen's  a little bit in the way of my bishop   but there is also g3 bishop g2 so  i can get my bishop out another way   plus when i move my queen early  notice i didn't move it too far out   i can castle queen side so for example look  i'll take the knight it will take me all right   uh here i can i mean i don't know i can kind  of take that that also looks nice let me let   me take back like this this person actually did  a very good job neutralizing any sort of tricks   with my early queen move uh i can do a few things  here let us develop a piece a bishop out to f4   queen still has a little bit of movement here  and the rook can come to the middle attacking the   queen it's a benefit this pawn is not threatening  to take this because of this it will just develop   it's another benefit of having the  queen if my opponent plays bishop e6   which does disconnect the pin i will have to  move my bishop out of the way which i don't like   this person has done a very good job  so far this person's also rated 11 30.   notice it's uh it's a bit of a rating  increase from the last two opponents so   um also just realize that the board is cropped  a bit weird i'm very sorry for those of you   that have watched that far and there was a little  miscrop i did say i wanted to play g3 and bishop   g2 right so i feel like going back here is a  little short-sighted because then i'm not going   to be able to develop my light scored bishop  so easily okay well that's that's pretty fair opponents should probably play like  knight queen some of these moves   by queen i mean hang the queen in one  move because then i would be very happy   but night out is definitely good see like i said  normally queen here is a good move because you   can attack the b2 pawn but in this particular case  okay a5 is a bit odd it's not a bad move but it's   definitely a little bit peculiar i'm gonna play g3  actually rook d1 there would have been also good   it's my opponent's next move a4 and then a3 and  then take and then take my rook and then take   my king i don't i don't really know i don't know  what the plan is here i'm a little bit perplexed   but i'm gonna go here and castle my king if  pawnee four attacking my knights i'll just   move my knight so let's go here this was always  the plan another benefit of kind of sliding the   queen out of the way is that you get this mobility  as as i've said bishop will come out and then we   will castle the bishop can take but the bishop  can also get trapped if that happens so i'm not   too concerned and actually our opponent here might  be suffering from a bit of a positional deficiency   the fact that they cannot castle this way because  of my rook and castling that way could be kind of   dangerous considering they've opened this g-file  assuming i take with the queen pawn takes is   also okay but the way we break down this structure  is we either go after the weak pawn or we move   f4 once we move our knight we have to break  yeah i you know i just mentioned that and i i i don't think so man is that really  possible b3 pawn a what is going on   do i want to get tunnel vision over  there and just try to trap the peace   i don't know what if i just ignore it and just go  for the weak pun as i said just ignore the bishop   and use my development my early queen move  now justified a little bit later put two   rooks down the middle of the board maybe  even sacrifice if i can but probably not   because most likely that is a stupid idea i think  i'll be very happy then i can block the bishop   out of the game but rather than getting tunnel  vision trying to trap it i just use the fact   that it's not involved in the game anymore so  i'll give you an whoa that is a very bold move   okay it's time to block the bishop out no more  bishop for black black could play a4 to try to   hit my pawns over there and save the bishop but  i don't know about that i don't know about that rook to d8 good move it's time to bring  my knight no need to take here if you   don't have to let's play knight to h4 knight  is coming to f5 that could be the key move   here that could be the key move i'm not taking i  would rather be taken and then bring a new rook   if i take they bring a new rook or a new queen i  lose my fight for this file so keep the tension   keep your rook here as long as it's protected keep  trying to improve your position this critical pawn   break will be kind of the the decider queen  c8 is a is a not a bad move stopping this   um okay well now i believe it is time for  f4 and now i believe the game will end   because i don't see how you deal with  your king being blown open like this   not to mention that whenever i want maybe i  should have played rook a1 actually i think   my best move there was rook a1 i think right  here i should have played this that was very   silly now the bishop is just trapped i apologize  rook a1 was the best move that was just a that   was just not smart i just did a not good thing  but it's okay because the bishop is totally   out of the game now i can go here but it's  actually i think better now to just focus on   this that looks way too dangerous this pawns only  guard is the king it would have been the bishop   but the bishop got trapped in my territory so i'm  very happy here and this is nice we take on e5 we   take on f6 f7 is falling we're laser beaming we  have check made in two i believe this is a check   and now the queen and the rook link up king e8  or king f8 queen f7 is checkmate in one move   we win the game we will say gg as always to the  volunteers i appreciate them very much so queenie   ii against the karo khan is not bad queen f3  against the karo khan is not bad um but this   is very different because in the lines that i'm  playing this the queen cannot really be a target   there are openings you can bring out your queen  early once again i don't always recommend it but   if you've watched this far in the video and you're  still not convinced you wanna now you know how to   beat people that bring the queen out early and you  can use some of these tricks to beat people uh who   don't know how to defend against this so hopefully  you enjoyed the video as always give it a thumbs   up leave a comment love to read your comments any  suggestions that you want me to cover in future   videos this is just the very beginning uh much  love take care and i'll see you in the next video
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 2,416,145
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Keywords: Gotham Chess gives lessons, Gothamchess lessons, gothamchess openings, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess guide, gothamchess e4, gothamchess, gothamchess rating climb, scholars mate chess, 4 move checkmate, 4 more checkmate chess, four move checkmate chess, early queen chess, early queen attack, early queen attack chess, wayward queen, wayward queen attack chess, qh5 chess, e4 e5 qh5, wayward queen attack defense, scholar's mate chess, scholar's mate defense
Id: cY9zitJFglc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 38sec (1778 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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