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ladies and gentlemen if any of you like to follow Sports then you are probably well aware of the changing of the generations basically you watch an athlete or a team for 10 to 15 years and all of a sudden everybody's old everybody retires and you find yourself a little bit lost happened to me with the Yankees baseball team Derek Jeter Bernie Williams mariana rivera Jorge Posado all these players retired and I haven't really been the same type of fan since it happens all over the place basketball right tennis first it was Federer then it was Nadal and now question marks about Novak jokovic now chess is an individual Sport and there is currently a tournament going on in Poland it's currently May 2024 and Magnus Carlson is the only player in the event over the age of 30 I mean he's so old compared to the rest of the field there's like cobwebs growing all over him Jokes Aside it's a it's a fascinating event you got a lot of young players and question marks about who is going to be the leader of the Next Generation who is going to challenge Magnus and defeat him and today he was defeated and today he reflected on his own play by saying that he quote sucked and that his nervous system collapsed I'm not sure we've ever heard that from him before in an interview and it's going to be very interesting to see how he and if he is able to Roar back and make a comeback tomorrow also as a bonus for clicking on this video I'm going to give you an update about somebody who is absolutely destroying this tournament who you might have never heard of until this year okay let's begin I've got so many games with Magnus and the Next Generation he played Four teenagers today here we go after this game Magnus Carlson said his nervous system had collapsed after this game Magnus got up and almost slapped himself he slapped his hand but it was crazy so he's playing against prag Nanda he's lost to Prague before and he also has said glowing things about Prague uh and he plays a caran D4 D5 exchange caroan uh is what Prague opts for Bishop D3 Knight C6 and a very solid system Pawn to E6 and the idea of Pawn to E6 is that this bishop Waits it's going to have its moment but for now it's going to wait you're going to develop the bishop to D6 and you're going to put the Knight on the E7 squore it's a very very solid system uh White opts for a dark squared Bishop exchange because that leaves uh black with a uh pretty bad light squared Bishop Knight to F3 castles and not not much happens but Magnus begins preparing various things with this move F6 now this is a Blitz game they are playing 5 minute Blitz which with bonus time which for them is like ages of time here comes uh Prague advancing on the queen side Rook E3 Queen E1 and Prague just targeting that pawn but Magnus doing a very nice job uh defending it A5 Knight of5 puts the Rook back and again both sides maneuvering uh relatively balanced position and then Prague plays Rook A6 and H4 so he's trying to attack Magnus on both sides sides of the board but it's clearly not really working I mean he is down a lot on time and it's going to be really difficult for him to break through in this position but he keeps on trying The Rook goes to B7 now we have Knight takes F5 a lot of lot of stuff here a lot of stuff targeting a lot of other stuff Pawn take Rook A8 I mean my goodness look at that he can't take the queen The Rook is hitting the Rook now Rook bb8 Queen A1 so Prague now gets a little objective uh from this game was not played on but uh putting all your pieces on the a file all right that that's what prag has accomplished now a handful of them get traded and and I mean this position is just equal if anybody is asking questions maybe it is White Knight D2 Knight E4 fantastic stuff here and now we have Bishop versus knight but as it so happens this knight jump was incorrect and Prague now starts doing to Magnus exactly what Magnus would do to other people white has a little bit of activity black is very solid and Prague takes with the bishop up and plays this really nice idea Knight to F1 and now you start seeing the difference the difference is that the Knight is going to have access to dark squares where it will pressure light squares and there's nothing you can do about it F5 G3 H6 and and prag is just going to try to secure himself some positioning now Magnus starts playing G5 really aggressive stuff take take Knight E3 but his King is very open and they're both at 10 seconds and remember this is the game that Magnus said his nervous system collapsed like a it failed and that's what Blitz is and I mean we've seen for years Magnus at the ultra highest level by the way you're going to see a little cut here hi that's the magic of uh video editing uh you see I was analyzing the game and I accidentally pressed the button that fast forwards to the end of the game so I didn't want to spoil it and as I was saying before I rudely interrupted Myself by pressing the wrong key on the keyboard uh we've seen Magnus have a fantastic nervous system at the ultra Elite highest classical events but you also have to have a really good nervous system in Rapid and Blitz you make decisions with 10 seconds on the clock and um well Magnus is going to have to do that right and uh he brings his King Prague pushes DC and I mean this position is very very very complicated Queen F6 he is defending himself but that is an inaccuracy actually it would have been better to offer a queen trade and try to defend the end game but now Magnus is under massive pressure the pawn gets to D6 the Knight gets to B6 the king is out in the open and uh prag wins a bishop just straight up wins a bishop so Magnus needed to trade the queen there he didn't do it and uh the problem is that yes you get to take back the Knight but then you lose all of this so technically he didn't win the bishop but he won the bishop for enough time that uh this is a completely winning end game for white it's just you're going to win the other Pawn you're going to push your G Pawn wh's King is completely safe and Prague is a very very good player maybe I would screw this up against Magnus but not brag he walks his King to the other side of the board that's it he's just going you can't stop him you can't give him any checks King makes it all the way down I think here there was another moment that that Magnus could have saved the game uh but he doesn't King f8 and G8 is just a queen and Magnus resigns it's crazy this is a 17 time world champion I think he's a six time Blitz champion of the world it's crazy stuff uh and he said after this game his nervous system collapsed but what does that really mean right I mean okay he says the nervous system collaps but he's freaking Magnus Carlson you know what I mean like uh yeah he says a lot of things oh my God ner Beck ABD Sor of playing a Scandinavian defense look at this this is why I love Blitz in Blitz you can get away with playing whatever you want now he doesn't play the Gotham scandy which is just the main line and then putting a bishop on F5 uh he plays Queen D6 and here the critical approach by white is exactly this move Knight B5 I mean black can also play like A6 G6 but if you allow the Knight to go to B5 uh he will and I mean this is just I mean this is just nyb is just going to get punished for playing like this I mean you can't play the Scandinavian there's a reason the Scandinavian is good for 99% of the chess players but for the top 1% and Magnus will start maneuvering and you see keeps this game nice and easy nice and chill um W or maybe not and noer Beck suddenly also has a better position against Magnus Bishop F1 Rook d8 but okay it's still very complicated it's still a Blitz game a nice idea by Magnus he clears the pawn out he has a pass C Pawn back to business now Nock playing very fast that's a fork but the Rook is also hanging on A8 so The Rook moves this Rook moves and and uh actually if you count the pawns Magnus will Pawn down so he's going to have to play defense in this game but the game is not going to be defensive for very long because it absolutely explodes Queen B5 and all of a sudden white is winning again Queen D6 Queen E8 check oh my oh my goodness Queen H sh is on the way the queen is hanging what are you going to do queen e Queen D4 now in this position Magnus is winning and he finds it he he's he locks the king in G6 is the only move Pawn takes G6 King takes G6 completely winning position double check by Magnus King goes to F6 now he defends his Knight it's not the best move but he has 10 seconds are you really going to blame him Knight here Knight to G4 check King goes back to G7 Magnus takes on E6 and now NOC just goes all in himself ripping open the the position of the white king Knight to E5 disconnecting again the queen from the position Knight takes F1 Magnus is winning he's winning he's got to take a moment here he could give a check he does King goes here now if he takes the Knight okay if he takes the Knight like we'll go to like say here at the very least at the very very least you take the Knight on F1 now if you take it with the Rook there is Rook G7 check but you take it with the king and you just you're up a KN you are up a knight no questions asked there are no checks so Magnus has Queen G6 King goes here he could take a knight he could take a knight for free he gives a check once he repeats the position he could still take the Knight but it's better to obviously take with a check but he checks again and he hangs his Queen he's just like you and me gods do bleed what I I mean it but I I get it I mean this happens to all of us but when it happens to to to Magnus or guys like Hikaru I mean you just sit there like what because Queen F5 and King F1 I mean it's it's it's yes yes Rook F1 Rook G7 you have to see doesn't work because then the king but King F1 there's no more checks I mean next he goes you know Queen E6 Queen G6 like he'll find a way trust me Rook E3 G he's going to find a way but he plays Queen G6 and he got up he couldn't believe it he got up he slapped his hand and oh my God it was insane it was insane and it didn't get any better it didn't get any better in the very next game against gukesh gukesh is struggling gukesh is not a rapid and blit specialist he is currently after four out of five days is in the bottom spot in the position he's in last he's in last place he had a decent rapid but then he lost he he went on multiple losing streaks in the Blitz and in this game I mean Magnus this was a couple of rounds later it wasn't exactly and Magnus played a you know kind of a a wild opening and then it became a Cataline but from the opening gues just had a fantastic position he broke the center open and he was minus one and a half and up a minute it did not get better for the goat which is wild it is wild to see Magnus in this type of form and the crazy thing is like like I said like I said every tournament he does this to us Magnus is in a point of his career where he plays so infrequently he plays like once every 3 months he needs to wake up like the only way Magnus improves during a tournament is getting punched in the face not actually nobody has not that I know of although he did have a world championship where he had a black eye uh I think it was from soccer though like he doesn't play that much so he needs to kind of wake up and so in this position guz just had an in an excellent position from the opening Bishop to G6 but then he allowed Magnus back in the game he spent a little bit of time here and I guess he missed something because instead of attacking magnus's Queen if he just brought his rook and slowly improved his position maybe he would have went on to convert but suddenly Magnus wakes up begins consolidating uh goes directly for an end game and he's like in the words of Shaquille O'Neal barbecue chicken alert barbecue chicken alert Rook d8 Rook F four Rook A4 and now now I mean this is just this is Excellence my boy playing uh playing Shoots and Ladders any of you ever play that game or snake the game where you go like back back on the the the days of the of the mobile flip phone I'm I'm talking to like a bunch of 12y olds right they don't even they they all have iPhone 15s A6 B5 and I mean just like a surgeon Like a Surgeon carves up the position on the queen side making it look easy don't give Magnus pawns together like this it wasn't perfect they got 30 seconds on the clock what are you going to do about it but once he got the pawns rolling there was nothing gukesh could do look at this I mean masterful just like it you don't even know what hit you I mean it's like it's like hydraulic press you know everything explodes at the bottom so he's back in form okay and how would he do against the last teenager that he played he plays a London against a London all right this is uh this is typical stuff and this is against arguni they get a little bit weird with it early on nothing too crazy very solid position and the thing is Magnus can win these positions with white but can he win these positions with black he doesn't go first he's guys got a little bit passive position by the way E5 is met with Queen B4 if anybody's confused why there's not a fork it's still the right move E5 but not for obvious reasons and in this game you know arjin arjin was very happy to just kind of put a little bit of pressure on Magnus in the uh in the middle game with queen and Knight and a little bit of Pawn structure but as you can see I mean Magnus is not melting anybody you know I mean the these young guys they they come to fight and here he kind of tricks Arjun so th this one was sort of smooth sailing for Magnus um but then he missed another chance he was very upset with himself this was in the interview afterwards he completely took over this game in the queen and night end game he went up a pawn and uh right here he has Queen to D2 now if I ask as you a question here how do you enable the move Queen to D2 you answer all right you could say it out loud but I don't hear you it's not you want to go here this is protecting that very simple right G4 right G4 um that's what happened in the game but in this position for whatever reason Magnus did not just go for the kill here maybe he has Queen some some Queen D1 King A2 Knight D2 this is M like Knight H4 Queen D2 Queen D1 Knight D2 I mean you just you just swarm the king the only thing you got to worry about is not getting Perpetual checked but there is none and Magnus he didn't go for it he didn't go for it he's still he's still better but he has to win an endgame and he was so mad at himself he was so mad at himself because now it's a draw he had made I mean he had a direct line of assault he had Queen D2 Queen D1 Knight D2 it it's and he himself is saying like low on the clock he's just not himself right now right now we have a we have an equal end game and but but you you know what's crazy about this game um Arjun defended so well Arjun goes to an end game where it's Queen and pawn but you got no time and you're playing the man who literally invented end games and uh yeah you could try to hold this we're not going to get into the theory of the queen end games here there is so much theory in Queen games it's probably it's probably worse to study Queen end games than organic chemistry some of you have probably studied AP Chemistry IB chemistry some advanced form of chemistry yeah it's like this is harder all right and U Magnus finds a way to win it we're not going to pretend and sit here like we would have drawn this game he does win it in the end and he is in second place in this event I told you at the beginning of the video I had a bonus for you well here's the bonus a man is winning this tournament who has reemerged onto the chess scene like a like a like a movie villain like a like a protagonist antagonist whatever you want to call him hero villain his name is Wei from China he is 204 years old 24 dude is so young and he hasn't played chess a whole lot the world champion is dingly Ren but he's like 31 or 32 after four days of action Wei ye is winning this tournament by two and a half points and then it's Magnus and then it's like the squad then it's like the squad 14 and a half 14 13 they're all doing their best gash struggling we'll talk about that later we ye won the Tata steel tournament this year the classical chess tournament and he is obliterating people he's obliterating people in incredible ways he is two and a half points up with nine rounds to go tomorrow they will finish the tournament we're going to see what happens but we doesn't have a chance to just win the tournament he has a chance to set a record the record of points scored in a in one of these events is 27 points all right because the rapid counts for double very confusing system we has the chance to break it we'll see what happens tomorrow here's a couple of games from Wei who has 20 and a half all right here's a game that he played against Vincent kimer it remember this is Blitz Wei one of the most aggressive Dynamic interesting players loves imbalances all right but he's good positionally he's good defensively he has great tactical instincts look at this position Knight E5 Bishop B4 right opening up an attack here and here watch as my man we ye uses his opponent's forward momentum to Boom Bishop F6 you want to attack me you want to attack my Rook who's going to deal with this first make a move Queen F6 right my queen is hanging my Rook is hanging but guess what so is yours and I got even worse news for you I'm going to take your Rook like if you play Queen to d8 this position I'm going to take take take take and then do the math I'm up a pawn I escaped up a pawn you gave me a pawn so Bishop F6 Knight to G4 Queen F4 and he still does it he gives up the queen for the two Rooks Knight comes back to H2 he's going to kick out this bishop he's going to put the Knight on F3 he's going to put the Rook up and he's going to try to just get rid of the light squares in the black position 95 look at look at the time 2 minutes for Wei incredible instincts doesn't even have to calculate all that much Knight E2 Queen F6 F4 kicking out the Knight the Knight goes back now we we go G4 we're trying to trap this bishop Vincent kimer has N9 seconds you can't figure this position out nine seconds it's not possible you your hand and brain don't link up fast enough he goes Queen C6 we locks the bishop in it's dead Knight C5 he takes Bishop D5 and my man just wants to go right there Bishop goes to D2 Rook F1 Knight E6 whoops but I told you it was already impossible to defend this position wey melting his opponents in the blitz tactical position imbalance position Wei is good at but Wei is also a very very tenacious Defender putting a lot of difficult situations in front of his opponent this is a semis slav all right it's like a slav that only squats halfway DC B5 very complicated position very historic position a lot of games have been played in this line Knight F6 and in this game Anish kind of Trades off the Knights and plays a little bit positionally he's not going to let Wei get activated all right H3 takes takes you see very very boring stuff I mean an just kind of trying to keep it solid we blunders Wei plays G6 I don't know if this is genius provocation or just a blunder he just tried to make an innocuous move and now Anish sacrificing a bishop to rip open the position of Black's King and W's like come get some come get some like he's waving on you know his opponent Queen G6 six Anish has three pawns for the bishop but he doesn't have a lot of help the queen does not have a lot of help in this position all right Queen B5 E4 oh but now the Queen's going to get some help oh yeah Wei goes counterplay mode and he's down a minute he's down a minute on the clock Rook C7 trying to protect the seventh rank E6 that's mate Queen F7 is M how do you stop it get the bishop out of the way J in Time Queen F6 nope Anish goes the wrong way Queen F6 was the way to go but in this position you have to find the move F3 which opens Bishop H4 and queen to d8 that is very tough to spot Anish that's why he goes here plays Bishop D2 and now Rook G7 would have been the key defensive idea but we goes Queen E4 Queen F5 and and it's still complicated but all of a sudden the queen is stuck and now you are in an endgame down a piece down a piece is fine when you have a queen against the king with no clothes on but when the Queens are off the board the bishop is the bishop a a bishop is not worth three Pawns in an end game it's a bishop three is not equal to three all right King f8 don't ask any questions just keep watching the recap Rook H6 and now listen Wei is so good at taking his chances that pawn is gone all right Bishop D5 look at those Bishops everything is defended and now it's just about how is Wei going to get into anisha's position to win all his pieces King E6 Bishop D3 here we go Rook G8 Rook G4 slowly methodically Bishop C4 Rook G4 and uh there was a chance I think somewhere in nich could have maybe made a small comeback but that's it King A4 Rook B2 last Pawn is falling and uh he gets the Rook trade the pawn promotes and it looks like you get it but you don't I sack by Bishop I promote wee winning games offensively wee winning games defensively the last one that I have for you is a very fun one this is also uh against arjin gey this one was a like a like a English is type of thing where in this position very frequently white plays this move G4 it's a very interesting idea but instead of doing it he plays Bishop E2 and they get a very different type of game they get a positional game Rook D1 Knight E4 very very you know kind of straightforward and and positional and but still kind of imbalanced all right which is typical kind of wey style always always some sort of flare for the dramatic oh boy trying to get something like this going all right trying to get something like this going trying to open up the position D4 and watch as way he literally turns into a steamroller okay you don't have to take my Pawn you go back no problem C5 D5 Avalanche like straight down the center of the board and I mean the crazy thing is what were you supposed to do apparently you were supposed to pop out this way because now when I get to D6 there's no Bishop to hit Bishop E4 D6 doesn't work because now you hit the pawns from the other side and because Arjun kept going backwards and stumbling backwards from the punches it's like in in fighting when you're getting punched you got to defend but don't go straight back because if you go straight back somebody might go for the taked down somebody knows you're predictable right you got to circle out Arjun went straight back and he gets pushed backwards now he tries to pop out I told you Wei does not miss his chances Rook Queen C6 and now these pawns are just together and they are going and the second Arjun goes for counterplay this opens up the dark Square Di and that Bishop oh my we ye does not miss when he is given an opportunity Queen F5 check Queen E4 he picks it all up and while picking it up he also guards mate Rook B1 Queen F3 Pawn is on D7 Pawn is on C6 you can't even take it you can't even take it you move the queen I take the bishop you move the Rook I take the bishop because the queen is protecting the bishop Bishop D6 and at some point resignation is on the way that pawn is going to make it to C7 there it is he is up full Bishop Arjun continues because it's Blitz you got to continue but unfortunately it's just not enough Rook B7 neither of the pawns can move Arjun brings his King but so does Wei Rook B4 that's the end I'm going to get that and then I'm going to come back and I'm going to get this Pawn as well and after four days of action it is actually we ye 24 years old reemerging back onto the professional chess scene has not played a huge amount over the last last couple of years but he is winning this event now Magnus is struggling a little bit and by his standards he said he sucked you know what I mean like he's still in second and in contention for first but it is pretty wild it is pretty wild and um hey enjoy him while he's still here this man plays one tournament every three months and he needs to wake up a little bit and somehow still finds a way to keep doing it he really is like jokovic like except in 2024 jokovic I know he hasn't won yet this year I think I haven't checked recently I saw yesterday got hit in the water bot hit in the head with a water bottle nobody's been doing that to Magnus but um yeah kind of nuts right so I'm enjoying it while we still can and it's very cool to see a young hungry generation that is like hyenas trying to eat the wounded lion you know what I mean anyway I will let you know what happens tomorrow very exciting stuff get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 453,006
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Z6UQA9v4How
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 50sec (1490 seconds)
Published: Sat May 11 2024
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