The Dirty Truth About Brilliant Moves...

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ladies and gentlemen we all enjoy playing the game of chess and we certainly enjoy finishing a game clicking the game review on and letting it bless us with its confirmations of our Brilliance and that is what we are focusing on in today's video brilliant moves the little light blue symbol with two exclamation marks which makes us all feel very warm and nice inside in today's video I have taken a bunch of different subscriber games and I will be showing you why brilliant moves at times make sense and why brilliant moves at times are the dumbest thing in the world now there is no set formula that publishes as far as I know about brilliant moves a brilliant move is essentially when you sacrifice a piece or you ignore a threat on a massive piece and you have some trick and you can win something but sometimes the algorithm gets confused because the game of chess is fascinating and endless and uh it tells you brilliant moves for no good reason so sit back relax we're going to look at multiple situations multiple elos ELO as low as 3 400 and then as high as 1700 sometimes brilliant moves make a lot of sense and sometimes brilliant moves are ridiculous this is a game played between two individuals who are uh 16 1700 and it was a normal game it was a Spanish it was a rapid game uh and white took a little bit of central space early black had the two Bishops it was a very very close position white actually got a double blunder sign early in the game and uh lost a pawn with Bishop takes H4 but took a pawn back on D6 but got Bishop takes F takes very very very normal looking position right little check should be three developing we're getting there Queen B6 check and white got themselves in a little bit of trouble here as in this position it looks like white is simply losing the game uh White's Bishop is pinned to the queen like this White's Bishop is under substantial threat if you move the bishop you lose the queen if you move the queen You're Gonna Lose the bishop well in this position white played a brilliant move this move is definitely brilliant in this position white played the move Rook to D6 why is that a brilliant move you could argue that the position necessitates such a move Rook D6 is brilliant because it's the only move when you are losing when the evaluation is bad not improvable in any way shape or form except for one move and frequently if that move involves the sacrifice of material you do have some pressure here it will be deemed brilliant move but you haven't seen nothing yet because in this position black played the move Queen C7 and white played another brilliant move Rook F6 sacrificing a rook for a pawn it's not capturable because there is Bishop takes F6 and then Checkmate but Rook F6 also threatens back rank Checkmate Queenie a queen f8 and all sorts of mates on the last Rank and black played H6 stopping those mates but opening up another one as Rook H6 three Rook moves in a row brilliant brilliant brilliant and The Rook sweeps everybody gh6 Bishop F6 mate I wanted to start this video with the absolute jackpot imagine playing this game you're gonna frame this game I'm right you're gonna print out Rook D6 one brilliant two brilliant three brilliants in a row what an absolute Beauty I mean this is like watching your favorite Football Club score assuming they're winning and not down you know by a lot this is what brilliant moves are all about sometimes brilliant moves are not bad and they're of okay quality here's a game between two eight hundreds uh already I'm not gonna go into the opening this is not a you know look at look what is black doing by the way can I just say folks what is Bishop B4 Bishop D6 Bishop B4 and Bishop C3 I mean come on come on do better than this this is this is terrible stuff closing the position early nobody's getting a brilliant move yet don't worry um the position once again deadlocked as it was in the last game very close position nobody really knows how to play these uh you would if you got my master class for some reason black just doesn't take the Knight back I like I I don't I love how this move is deemed in inaccuracy when Pawn takes Bishop is just if you don't do it you're losing a bishop now here's another good example of a brilliant move in this position white has many ways to be better white can play Rook A3 uh to try to get the pawn white can play F4 white can play Knight like literally white can even play King H1 and still have a massive Advantage however there is one move better than the rest in the last position Rook takes D6 was was literally the only move right now there is no such situation as literally the only move but a brilliant move is given its brilliant symbol if you sacrifice something uh which leads to a devastating attack and which is better than the other moves Knight takes G6 that is another small example of a brilliant move it it is it truly brilliant if literally you could like I don't know like faint at the warden probably still win this game fine Knight takes G6 um and the idea of course being this black has to go here Queen F7 it's Unstoppable Checkmate uh of course the follow-up to the brilliant move was was not played uh Knight E7 is double check and queen G8 is made on the next move white does not do that in in fact white goes on to lose a massive chunk of Advantage here uh and then and and and is only up plus two plus three after having mate and two on the board so you know accidental brilliant moves happen like this and then you don't follow them up with Checkmate and then the game completely spins out of control because you're 800. suddenly like you're you're barely better but then your opponent blunders all their pieces and they lose anyway um that's another way that sometimes brilliant moves work so this was fine you know like this was good this was yet another example of brilliant move but this video is okay and and I have some of those I definitely have some of those um we are going to start with uh with with this game um between uh two six hundreds this was a very fascinating battle white played E4 black play D5 white played the elephant Gambit this is what this opening is called or white just doesn't know how to play openings which is fine ed5 Queen D5 this is just not a good opening at all uh White can put two knights in the center and then the bishop white plays B3 you know whatever I'm trying to go here fine now black needs to get developed we're gonna learn things in this video as well in all of my videos I like to be entertaining but I also want to teach you things black has no development black needs to develop the Knight the bishop Castle uh and so on and so forth but okay the move E4 is played and uh the Knight is under attack you shouldn't do that because you're not castled so now white can play various attacking moves not Knight G5 because it hangs at night but you know nobody sees that because there's 600 rookie two like I you know you're you your Queen's hanging so you don't block it with the bishop you block it with the Rook all right terrific stuff black doesn't take you know typical typical typical okay so white takes on e4 with the Knight and black plays castles now if you notice there is something very very very wrong with this move what is wrong with this move is that black lost the queen for nothing okay white is now up seven points of material again white can pass out and still win this game like white could pass out lose on time and it would still count as a win in this position white plays a brilliant move how is that possible why is up a queen like as long as white does not lose their Queen in one move white is going to be better D4 C3 King F1 King H1 H3 G3 F4 hanging your king is probably still better for white in this position white played the very powerful Bishop B2 oh uh does anybody know why that's brilliant sometimes the algorithm gets confused I think the algorithm evaluated this is oh why does sacking The Rook white is so brilliant why didn't really have a choice I mean white is going to lose the Rook okay fine Bishop B2 is and we're giving out participation passes no problem now in this game something very interesting does happen a little bit later in this position as white plays what is definitely a deserved brilliant move white wants to play Queen takes F7 so white plays rookie eight two brilliant moves in one game now one of these is definitely not like the other rookie 8 is a very creative move uh the idea is rookie 8 Queen F7 followed by Queen E8 and back rank Checkmate but you're also threatening to do this anyway you're threatening to do this anyway you're not just trying to take on f8 Queen F7 is is still working and then it's made in a couple of moves so rookie 8 does get a brilliant and uh White's King gets hunted out into the black's King gets hunted out into the open white loses a queen it's like a pinball machine and blacks King gets mated on the edge of the board like this yeah so white went on to win um but uh yeah what is Bishop B2 I mean what is this you're up a queen like sometimes these brilliant moves are just they're just rubbing it in I mean it just doesn't make any sense white could play literally any move on the planet here and be winning with the exception of moving The Rook I mean any move you could play G4 it's not a good move you're still winning I mean you could like lose your Bishop you're still winning you're not winning by as much but you are still winning okay but this this is like you know relatively mild what else can we find um here's a game between two 700s uh this was a scotch opening so normal stuff Knight F6 okay let's develop our Knights okay this is Main Line what are we doing where are we going why is the night returning home to G8 for what purpose put the knight in the center good move by white I like this F6 okay now white is just winning because Queen H5 check because black sabotage their own King safety G6 Bishop takes G6 if the queen gets there with tactics on The Rook very typical stuff but okay black you know we have Knight takes F6 black develops white develops we have castles normal stuff normal stuff H6 like if you're gonna put the bishop on F4 why not just go to F4 you understand like why go to G5 and okay fine Bishop F4 Bishop D6 uh Knight C3 this this is excellent I mean this is very good play rookie 8 is considered a mistake I don't consider it a mistake now one thing you definitely should not do here with the Rooks facing each other like this is you should not block your own pieces because by blocking your own pieces like this you now can't move your Bishop because you're gonna lose the Rook your Bishop is very well protected but there was no need to do this like in this position you could have just traded you could have put a knight a bit more aggressively and then you could have done something like this and that would have been a problem you play Bishop E2 which which is a very passive move it's not you know it's it's not a good situation now black plays a brilliant move um but you will look at the evaluation bar in every example that we have looked at thus far the brilliant moves have not made a huge amount of sense because white is winning it's plus four no matter what white does how can you possibly possibly get a brilliant move in an equal position how does that make any sense the position is equal no matter what happens it's not like the the evaluation is based on everything except one move but in this position black plays a brilliant move but how is that possible even if black plays the brilliant move the position is equal yes Bishop to A6 now I really wonder if the algorithm of is somehow like connected to the ELO like maybe this is like for a 776 this is really really incredible stuff like if you have a four-year-old okay that knows uh you know the colors of the rainbow or can tell you the alphabet fast enough you're like but if a 40 year old tells you an alphabet fast enough you ask them why they're speaking to you in a McDonald's and why they're telling you an alphabet very quickly like if you were sitting in a McDonald's having a cheeseburger and a four-year-old came up to you and started reciting random things quickly but correctly you would be like wow I don't know you but you seem smart if if a grown man did it you would call the police right so again it's just one of these things like maybe the computer is like saying well you know you're 770 so uh congratulations on playing this otherwise very very basic and practical move Bishop A6 is not a brilliant move it's a good move it puts pressure on the bishop and if Bishop takes if your opponent has brain damage and rookie one and okay it's not Checkmate some of you might think this is made it's not made because Bishop F1 but black is of course completely winning because black has an extra Rook essentially because this bishop isn't even participating so yeah I mean if your opponent is like very unintelligent after Bishop A6 then you will lose the game but in this case white only really has one decent response and that's King F1 because you actually defend your Rook and you know what the best response is for black after King F1 it's it's to take I mean how are we possibly evaluating that that was a brilliant move it's minus point one at the 7 800 level that literally means nothing they have to get diarrhea for the game to end so Bishop A6 is is you know it's a good idea I suppose I suppose a for effort now admittedly in this game things get really crazy really quickly as white for some reason hangs a night and then hangs the bishop and then hangs the queen which is typical 700 ELO chess like the game is completely equal and Bishop A6 is played which I am heart I am disagreeing that is not a brilliant move it's an interesting idea but you know maybe the computer knows something I don't because this bishop going to A6 contributed to the complete death of the white position first White lost the Knight because they were petrified then white in fact lost the bishop and then they lost the queen so the bishop took three plus three plus nine what is that 15 points of material I mean it took the Knight it took the bishop it took the queen took 15 points of material and white resigned so you know what folks maybe this move despite it being completely equal otherwise was in fact brilliant because it did lead to the demise of the white position but it's not over here I have a game for you by two six hundreds one of them is not even 600 I am simply rounding up a London with Queen F6 typical 500 stuff good stuff here by white dealing I mean 92s I mean this is just I mean 92 is I mean come on I didn't teach you to play Knight to E2 why did I told you this in fact you can trap the queen very soon if black is not careful the queen is getting trapped okay like the Queen's trapped you trap the queen because you're Bishops don't put the queen on F6 in the London 90. I didn't teach you 92 come on okay now we're getting somewhere beautiful stuff I love how that gets a mistake because of Knight takes C2 black sees it takes and you know white still has a nice position here because black is severely restricted black is of course only moving the queen Bishop B5 and now Bishop B7 so the computer here thinks that black is winning if black plays Pawn takes before quickly develops everything and tries to deal with these Bishops and then goes on to win the game Bishop B7 blunders the game but it blunders the game to a drop see stockfish is thinking of this as if stockfish was playing stockfish if in this position stockfish was playing stockfish and stockfish played Bishop B7 stockfish would sacrifice the bishop for the brilliant move and make a draw after Queen C7 King 2e8 taking this and repeating the moves like this check check check check three move repetition that that is mathematically the best continuation for white if white plays the move castles why does first of all white can't even cast like this because white move the king but if I play something else like F3 white is going to lose this game so in this position white thought they were checkmating probably so they played Bishop takes D7 that is probably why white played this move White had no idea why they got it brilliant because White's intention after King D7 was to do all of this but it was definitely not to repeat the moves you must understand my friends a 600 goes for this thinking this is mate the 600 played this move thinking it was mate over here and then they did this but they were not in any way shape or form going to repeat moves even though that's probably the best thing to do because on the very next move white went here and now white is completely lost because they forgot that the Rook can take the bishop so yeah you know sometimes the computer gives you a brilliant move because the computer thinks you are thinking on the same level as it for example I recently finished the marvelous Mrs maisel show on Amazon Prime not sponsored her father is a professor at Columbia imagine you take a child in with you to the class the average age of the class is something like 35 years old and these are some of the best mathematicians in the world but the five-year-old nephew that you bring in with you accidentally guesses a right answer on a test in advanced mathematics that child has zero aptitude for that class that wasn't that was a guess it was a one in four multiple choice guess that is what happened here that is what stockfish is thinking to be on the same level as it but a few moves later you realize very quickly White had absolutely no idea what they were doing because now The Rook just simply blocks and now black is going to win yet another rook and then promptly the game so now black is up two Rooks and that is why we should not just simply give up brilliant moves as participation prizes but you know why we should give out brilliant moves do you know why we should make people feel better because despite being down two Rooks in this position well in this position white sacrificed yet another night Queen D1 is now Checkmate utilizing that Rook Queen takes D7 is a massive threat Knight F6 defense against mate but instead of all of that black spent 20 seconds and hung mate anyway so maybe the computer is on to something maybe the computer knows that at this level of Chess this gives the best practical winning chances because instead of going for Perpetual check you lose your Bishop you proceed to lose your Rook you proceed to lose your knight and now you are in a Checkmate in one position literally the worst possible evaluation on a chessboard and you win by Checkmate anyway sometimes my friends brilliant moves are exactly like that and the last brilliant move of our video today is this one and I will provide you the context this is a game between two three hundreds 300 is a very respectable ELO on they meet the Scandinavian defense with Pawn to F3 take take and a relatively normal game where white goes on a journey and doesn't take the pawn now instead of guarding their Bishop black plays Knight takes C4 and loses the bishop instead of taking the bishop which you have just threatened with the move H3 white attacks the Knight instead now black plays Knight D6 attacking the queen queen to A4 B5 hitting the queen directly into the bishop the queen goes back to A3 B4 once again Queen A6 and now Bishop to C8 Bank hitting the queen which can now take the Knight which proceeds to attack a knight from the other direction and now we have a degree of stability we have C4 we have Knight to D4 and black can win the queen which they promptly do not do queen goes back to D1 B3 Bishop G7 and queen to G4 completely and for no reason at all unprompted not only hanging a fork but also hanging Bishop takes G4 and now this so black is up 12 points of material black is completely winning and like I have been saying can literally faint at the board and win this game C5 Knight moves out of the way D4 e takes D4 Bishop takes B5 check a slight mistake C6 a slight mistake because you're gonna lose a rook but okay Bishop F2 is played now my friends in this position black is up nine points yeah black is up a queen y'all oh Queen let me show you something right now black is up a queen you can lit I would not even be surprised if in this position black could lose the queen and still maybe win this game I mean I think after Queen D7 white is better I think white is better but it's only because of this literally black in this position probably has something like 40 legal moves and they're all good every move is good remove the Rook move the bishop move the other Rook move the pawn move in this position black gets a brilliant move for pontoon what even I don't know how to justify that I'm not gonna lie to y'all I'm like I don't I don't know how to justify that like I have been trying to provide you with explanations and context for brilliant moves throughout this video I can maybe do my best sacrifices to open up Kings or whatever why is that a brilliant move why why I I I I I I don't know and black immediately takes the pawn on the other side of the board takes on F2 and in this position black should just win in in five moves but the game goes on for 20 moves as black hunts down all of White's pieces and then takes a little a little bit of stage fright but promotes a second pawn and and there we go there we go I don't know why this was a brilliant all I can suggest for you is that the Rook is being blundered but the evaluation stays the same like The Rook is being sacrificed and then maybe this can go here I don't know you know what sometimes likes to comment on YouTube videos needs to explain to me why that is a brilliant move why are we even giving brilliant moves to people in positions where the advantage is already so high petition to stop giving brilliant moves to people who have already won the game if you are up nine points of material in a chess game why are we still rewarding these people this is like making high school s play four-year four years in soccer on up on a field somewhere and giving them the best equipment For What and patting them on the back when they win 25-0 for what brilliant moves are a controversial subject and I just wanted to shed some light on that in this video now get out of here
Channel: GothamChess
Views: 900,248
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: gothamchess, gothamchess london, gothamchess caro kann, gothamchess openings, gothamchess vienna
Id: Ex8frqVs_Wo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 5sec (1385 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 15 2023
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