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well hello friends welcome back to another episode of watch me struggle today's video is going to be on how to achieve your best wash and go yet while you're doing this no oil and butter thing if you're new here we've been testing this no oil and no butter thing on our natural hair well on my natural hair for the past month and yes just like you i never thought i would put down my oils and butters girl i left me some shea butters for years and part of me still feels like i miss her you know let's not act brand new but we're doing something new and one of the styles that they highly highly highly recommend when you're doing the no oil and butter is the wash and go but we all know a wash and go is more like a wash and work wash and be confused wash and disappointment i've done four wash and gos over the past month and one thing that i've learned is that wash and go's are complicated theoretically speaking i know what i'm supposed to be doing but somehow it all doesn't translate as effortlessly as people on the internet say basically what i'm trying to say is getting the product slash water slash skills ratio properly is very difficult and i'm still learning that myself but what i know in theory i am going to share that with you today anyways i've done a lot of research on this no oil no butter thing and i actually posted three videos on this already so i will link them in the cards and down below i think you should watch them because it's very important for you to actually understand how this works otherwise if you're trying to do this and doing all of the wrong things you can cause more harm than good to your beautiful natural hair so without further ado let's get started with this wash and go video but before we do so don't forget to hit the subscribe button girl and the bell so you get notified every single time i upload a new video also follow me on instagram where i share day to day what's going on with my hair how it's feeling all of that good stuff so if that sounds like something you're interested in then follow me on instagram [Music] wash and go now this isn't something that you're going to get overnight because there is a long learning curve when it comes to this style i know the name implies that you are going to wash your hair and go but this could not be any further from the truth and i mean with this method the way that things are supposed to go it should be nice and short it should take you about an hour or two but it has taken me three hours so far and that is my best time yet so let's get right into it today is wash and go day and i woke up and chose violence because i have a meeting in one hour and i'm hoping to do all of this within an hour so putting myself on the timer is probably gonna force me to be really quick in the shower and it's interesting because i'm filming it and you will see how far an hour can go but i need to get out of the shower for sure in an hour i can come back but i need to get out in an hour products that we're going to be using the we that ultra nourishing shampoo i actually really like this one we have a g boost a favorite when it comes to this um method the very popular uncle funky in a sense i create hold i also have a red tail comb actually i have this because i want to show you guys my scalp before having a shower a few clips to keep myself organized as well as brush with the best so my hair is eight days post wash day so this area right here is feeling a little bit more dehydrated than over here i added too much product here so she is still feeling kind of good but i can tell that my hair needs some water it's not extremely dry though but mind you i literally haven't re-moisturized my hair all week yes all week anyway so this is what she looks like i just want to look at myself my hair did start to itch a little bit i want to say around day seven yesterday yeah yesterday it started itching and what i'm realizing with my scalp it's getting better every week so the first week i think it started itching around day five second week base six and now we're looking at day seven so this is my stop okay we have a little bit of flaking i'm gonna put on a timer and get in the shower all right so here i am in the shower i like to make sure that my hair is nice and wet before we start with shampooing mind you we did not section our hair so i am very skeptical about this part i don't particularly love washing my hair without sectioning it first but i typically go in and try to make sure that i get the product on my scalp so i try to gently separate my hair and also separating really helps later on down the line you'll see that i spend some time really make sure that i can separate my hair during the shampoo and of course we have to make sure that our scalp is clean this is something that we typically shy away from as natural we avoid washing our hair we avoid that strip feeling that we can get from shampoos so we shy away from it so with this method i've already been listening to what people are saying which is washing our hair washing our scalp so here i am like i said separating my hair while i have the shampoo and i think that is very key if you have tightly coily forcy hair otherwise i don't see how i'm going to be able to detangle my hair down the line okay here i am again doing it on the other side i already just spent some time gently separating the hair and you know with shrinkage our hair likes to marry one another so i have to go in and just divorce all around so sorry but we did not approve of these marriages they gotta go again making sure that my scalp is clean making sure that my hair is clean and we rinse so with the water in my hair as i rinse it makes it even easier for me to you know separate the strands so i make sure to do that i take full advantage if i can separate my hair i will separate so we're going in with a second shampoo yes girl you heard that right this is not a typo this shampoo is really good at lathering and really just conditioning your hair which is why i like it it helps when it comes to separating my strengths as well so yes i take advantage i separate separate separate just a little emphasis on how i separate my hair so now i don't want this video to be too long but i also want you to see what i do because i know a lot of us are concerned especially when it comes to washing our hair and not washing in sections it's a concern of mine like i said i don't particularly love it but i spend a lot of time as you can see here separating my hair just going through and separating big chunks i'm not really trying to finger detangle thoroughly yet although we are going to get into it but i'd like to make sure that at least there's some separation before we go and rinse the shampoo out moving on with g boost now aj boost is one of those conditioners that is highly highly highly loved raped about when it comes to this and i can see why she smells great she has this foamy characteristics to it where she just melts in your hair i definitely recognize a few key ingredients here you know when we talk about shea butter i can sense her when she is around and i can definitely feel the butter in this conditioner because she feels lovely thank god for this conditioner especially when we're washing and we're not washing in sections she definitely helps just melt in our hair melt away some of the tangles it's a lot easier to go and separate your hair with this conditioner as well so like i told you girl i take full advantage we spend some time separating we spend some time just caring for our hair because washing without sectioning first is no joke i'm not gonna lie when it comes to my hair there's a reason why i did it before and there is a reason why i will go back to it okay you didn't hear it from me but we're going to modify this if we continue in any case here i am in real time i like to show you what i do this is how i do it but let's go boom boom boom boom bop detangling when it comes to detangling you already know i got to keep my sanity no way jose will i go in and detangle my hair without sectioning it first so i typically work in four big sections and i further break them down into two sections and i finger detangle you heard that right i am not gonna go with a comb on my delicate hair without you know finger detangling first once i'm satisfied with finger detangling that is when we invite felicia over to have a cup of tea the felicia leather hood brush is a dream we love it but you know we got a finger detangle first and i really make sure that my hair is 30 detangled you know what i mean especially if i'm going to be in and out of wash and go the worst thing that you want is to have a bunch of i don't know locks in your hair so yeah i make sure that my hair is thoroughly detangled all right so let's fast forward a little bit here for too too long before you click off this video i have 2.5 seconds to hold your attention it's important to know that each section that i thoroughly detangle i put it in the twist that is right i don't want my hair to tangle back up and my time was up that ladies and gentlemen was about 40 minutes i had to get out of the shower for my meeting so the shower cap came on not because i'm deep conditioning or anything like that but because i had to look presentable for my meeting so we tossed on a head wrap back to this thoroughly rinsing out the conditioner you don't want to leave any type of conditioners in your hair you want to rent it out because sisat already did her job we got to let her go and her job as a conditioner is to close your cuticles and she really does feel lovely look at this bounce back i know you see it rinsing it out and before i go in with uncle funky i make sure that my hair is thoroughly wet okay she is soaking wet and i know a lot of people are like jen use more water well yes jen is using a lot of water boom two pumps of uncle funky and make sure that you do not drop any of it because each pump costs about four dollars so for the ankle funky i'm working in two sections we're gonna start at the ends of my hair first making sure that i work the product through and that they are nicely coated and then we're gonna move up a little bit and go ahead with a few pumps of uncle funky once again there we go boom boom squeeze that through more uncle funky and we're moving up to our roots now and now it's very hard to understand or know how much products do i use how many pumps when do i know it's enough but the consensus is that you want to make sure that your hair is coated with uncle funky and you know what that means it means that you got to open that bad boy up to make sure that you can get the products all through and through so here we are we're going to keep coating our hair with the products i'm separating i'm adding more okay and uncle funky for the most part feels really nice on your hair once you're satisfied and you think that you have it all over then you need to add more water your hair needs to be soaking wet okay wet and has to be heavy with water so once i get the gel in i go in and make sure that i get some more water into my strand and i look through to make sure that she is coated that she is heavy that she is wet and you know she could be a little bit more wet that's more that was my thought process the thoughts in my head told me to add more water so guess what i did boom i went back under the water we added some more and when i let it go you can tell that she's even heavier but i still don't know so i went with more water apparently when in doubt is add more water so i added more water i also went in with a little bit more uncle funky on top of the water that i added because once you add the water i kind of feel like i'm just stripping away some of the products so i added some back and boom more water squish that through you really want to make sure that your hair is just at this stage water and product is your best friend just water and product okay girl here that's what i did cool now you can see that my hair is heavy and by the look of my face i'm highly satisfied with my work moving on to the next section and we're going to do the same thing now i'm mindful of how long this video is going to be so i'm going to fast forward to this a little bit but just know that i've done basically the same thing just add a lot of products making sure that my hair is coated separate the section and keep adding more products to make sure that you know you have the gel everywhere in my last video i talked about the misconceptions of this you know method and one of them is that not all gels are created equal and this gel honestly feels lovely she is soft she is nourishing she's hydrating you can tell at least for me she doesn't really have much hold so it doesn't feel like i'm adding a gel when we think about the definition of gels it doesn't feel like that at all as you can tell my hair has a bunch of movement she's wet she's heavy she's moving she's flowing gels are not what we thought they were in any case there we are there is no such thing as not enough water apparently you just gotta keep adding water and that's what i do once i'm satisfied that my hair is heavy enough coated with products and also wet then we're gonna wrap things up and i do this part outside of the shower last time i did it in the shower and it was a lot quicker but this time around i really wanted to see what i was doing to make sure that this wash and go turned out really good so we're going in with i create hold this is a gel by innocence this one is supposed to give you guess what more hold also it's supposed to add more weight to your hair so that it gives you a bit more length is that the case for me though i'm not entirely sure i don't know i i can't really speak on that yet but i add the innocence on the outside and then i separate my hair and go on the inside and try to define my hair now this is the part do you shingle do you break through do you smooth i don't know i kind of feel like i do a combination of all three at this point so i wasn't really confident with what i did on the first side of my hair so i'm actually going to show you what i did here instead so i'm going in with eye cream hold and you want to coat the outside of your hair with this gel you don't want to use it as you did with uncle funky aggregate hold will have a ton of hold and some people say that it's on the dryer side so you want to be careful on how much you use so i went ahead and coat the outside of my hair first and as i went and moved on the inside i added more gel as needed one thing that i noticed with eye cream hold and uncle funky when they do mix it creates this tangly feel towards the ends of your hair so it's not as easy to separate your hair and rake the gels through and i read up on it online and some people say if that happens to add a little bit more i create hold and that should help and it did but i just felt like my hair wasn't technically tangled it just felt that way so when you are going in to define your hair you're going to have to spend some time separating your hair first before you're able to break your fingers through i went ahead and separated my hair to do this and as you can see here i go and separate the hair first like i said before i'm able to just break the products through just because it's a lot easier that way um i don't know what it is with uncle funky and i create hold that just makes your hair feel like it's tangled but really it isn't so once i'm able to go through and separate the hair and rake the products through my hair ended up being a lot more defined the curls were more separated so i felt like i found a good little dance when it came down to doing the wash and go i don't want to fast forward through this part too too much because getting the wash and go down this part is so important getting the products water and skill level down pack is what's going to make or break your wash and go so i don't want to fast forward through it too too much i want this video to be more educational than entertaining although you know we want to be entertained too but i just want to show you exactly what i do i really just take the time to first of all work in sections when i separate my hair it's a lot easier for me to see what's going on with my roots for example so back there you really can't tell so once i have a section in then i can really see if my roots have enough products if i need to separate my hair more i'm able to see that a lot better when i work in sections so sections works best for me there and what i do is really take my time to separate the hair first and then break the products through and from there my hair just clumps naturally and i just let it clump wherever it wants to again working in sections and kind of squishing the products through my root just because i have enough products in my hair i don't feel like i need to add more products to my roots but if i'm unable to get my fingers through i will add a little bit more i create hold although looking back i kind of wish i didn't because i create hole is a bit more on the drying side and my hair felt a lot softer last week than it did this week and i used less i create hold last week so yeah just going through and defining and really just separating the hair breaking the products through working in sections and my hair looks really good she felt really good she was really defined you can really see these curls pop and look at this my hair just looks really defined it looks really good so once i felt like i got the dance right on the one side of my head i went ahead and did the same thing on the other side separated my hair worked the products through and this is what my hair looks like it looks really good i'll give you a 360. i always have this weird part down the middle of my hair so i actually made sure to kind of like move the hair so it didn't stay that way but yeah it looks really really good and don't worry about all the products your hair will actually dry pretty clear so i didn't shake my hair per se but i just did this little i don't know what you call this but that's what i did all right so i think we're done i think y'all if you can see my bathroom right now okay how come nobody talks about how messy this process is huh no one's gonna say nothing no one okay i think we're done and right now i'm just gonna sit under the dryer and you know what i'll be back in like an hour and a half two hours who knows look at my bathroom oh yeah do the washing though it's gonna be quick and fast i literally have like a glob of products i don't know if you can see it and hair all over the place all over the place i sat under the dryer for about an hour hour like 10 minutes the outside of my hair is fairly dry the inside definitely not the roots definitely not that's typically what the wash and go for me starts like let's get into this definition and shine right there it seems like there's some products right there but yeah this is what we're working with i'll give you a 360. so overall today was about three hours i don't see this getting any faster for me so shampoo and conditioning was about 20 minutes detangling was about 20 minutes the whole you know gel application and whatever was about was that an hour i guess that was about an hour and then i sat under the dryer for an hour almost three three hours this is not a quick process i don't know how you guys do it um if you have as much hair as i do and the same length and you're able to do this in like an hour please let me know i'm not a huge huge fan of my hair like in this cast like down like this you guys know i actually really love it when my wash and go just kind of like evolves over the week and it looks a bit more messy i'm not chasing curls i'm not trying to get my hair super defined i kind of feel like that is one area in this whole method that i don't like the fact that hydration seems to be equated to curls you know what i'm saying like we're chasing curls in a sense and i don't particularly appreciate that about this whole method but yeah there's a few things i don't like about this that has to be a whole video in itself like pros and cons yeah my hair feels good though she is definitely not as sticky as the last last time my hair was so sticky and this time around it's definitely not sticky so i appreciate that over here seems like it's a little bit less defined not that it's less defined like i have chunks separate those before they dry although they say not to do that i am causing frizz i'm ruining my style stop it jenna first stop she's not stopping she's a man oh my god i almost didn't show you guys my hair ball it's like the most important part this is why you're here you want to see if my hair is falling apart or now there she is okay listen girl my hair balls it's basically what it used to be i don't have a bunch of breakage i don't have a bunch of shedding if you watch my channel and you've been watching my channel you know that this is very usual for me and i picked up every single strand of hair that fell just to really track this because when i go back i want to make sure i have this all documented it's not even for you it's for me so yeah there she is this is the hairball i'm like she's kind of giving wait a minute i just peep myself she's giving i don't know let her dry like fluff her out a little bit look at all this definition i have with frizz it's not so bad it's good it's good it's a little later it is now 10 30 and my hair is still not dry but she's kind of cute though says yeah she's giving me tight curls i could use a cut or a like a shape you know she's kind of cute she is not 100 dry yet there was no such thing when it comes to these wash and go it takes a while to and they go wow there's a reason why they tell you to start in the morning this is probably my best one yet every single time i do it i say the same thing it's funny like i'm excited to disrupt the whole thing to make it look all crazy but it's just gonna happen naturally to be fair when i go to bed put on my bonnet that's what happens she just does whatever overnight and during the day the next day i can really mess it up oh and i should say this time around i can definitely feel like i have more hold i guess that's why it's called i create hold i see what they were trying to do [Music] i create holes i did i created hold now this isn't something that you're going to get overnight it takes time it takes energy it takes patience it takes a lot of learning and it takes some skills i think to master the wash and go you call it the wash and no and no stands for knowledge you say you say no no no okay in any case i hope that this video was helpful i hope that if you are doing this method that this helps you out a little bit i still don't feel like i've mastered the wash and go but this is my fourth time doing it and every time that i do i feel like it's getting a little easier but it's really hard to understand what your hair is supposed to feel like how much water you're supposed to have in your hair how much products when to add more products when to not want to use a different topper there are so many different moving parts when it comes to this so i don't feel confident yet in terms of mastering the wash and go however my hair looks pretty good today i would like to say this is day two of the wash and go the very first day that i did it sat under the dryer for about an hour like i told you guys and let it air dry after that when it came time to go into bed i just stuffed my hair and a bonnet says yes yes i did and i left her in the bonnet the next day today i took out my bonnet and i really just like messed it up and you know got it to be how i wanted her to look so i usually try to mess it around and get her to be you know to give me this effortlessly forcy goodness look that's what i like and that's what i do with my hair of course if you don't like this look then you can try to preserve the way that your wash and go looks right after the shower or right after the dryer that is it for this video the next video which is going to be on wednesday is actually going to be a live where i'm going to show you how you can style your wash and go so you don't feel like you're wearing just one style all of the time so it's going to be on wednesday at 8pm and i hope to see you there and then after that we also need to talk about how i feel about my hair after doing the detox for a whole month right so we still have a lot to talk about and we're gonna continue to talk about it anyways thank you so much for watching this video i appreciate you guys thank you for the support if you find that this series is helpful go ahead and share it with someone and i will see you in my next one bye you
Channel: Jenn Jackson
Views: 45,560
Rating: 4.9483204 out of 5
Keywords: Natural Hair, Jemy1415, How to style, DIY, simple easy hairstyle, itsjennj, how to how long natural hair, how to grow long hair, how to grow 4chair, 4cnatural hair, 4c natural hair YouTube, long hair tips, how to style 4c hair, natural hair styles, kinky hair styles, how to style your natural hair, how grow on YouTube, consistent uploads, how to moisturize 4c hair, how to care for 4c hair, 4c natural hair
Id: ROrSySjl2yE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 12sec (1572 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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