How to use the FREE Windows 11 Video Editor - Beginners Tutorial

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so today i want to show you how to use the  free video editor on windows and specifically   i'm on windows 11 today but don't worry if  you're in windows 10 this will work for you   too a lot of people are looking for movie maker  when they think about windows and video video   editor that won't be there but there is a  hidden one it's not in a place where you're   most likely to look for it but that's what  i want to show you today is a step-by-step   how to use the free windows video editor  and as i said i'm on windows 11 today so before i launch the windows video editor i just  want to point out i downloaded some videos already   and some pictures that i'm going to be showing you  today on how to use this video editor and i just   have them in a folder right here if you're looking  for content to play with what i did is i went   to pixels right here and it's all free to use  you can just simply click download on any of   these and i searched dogs you can see because i  really like dogs and then i went over to videos   and then i found some videos and i downloaded  them you can also do this with photos so if   you're looking for content to play around as i go  through this try going to pixels i'll put the link   down below it's all completely free so let's go  ahead and launch this video editor on windows and   i'm just going to go down to the search click it  here i've already searched for it so you can see   it's there but if i just type in video editor  there's the app i'm just going to go ahead and   open it i just want to point out here if we look  into the top left hand corner here we have photos   this is part of the photo so i click on photos  if you were in your photos this is what you'd   see and we have the video editor tab right here  so you could type video editor but if you're in   your photos just look for video editor i don't  have any projects in here because i'm starting   from scratch here on windows 11 but i am going  to start one right now just by simply clicking   video editor project and it's going to prompt me  to name this and like you kind of kind of guess   the theme already it's going to be about dogs and  so i'll just call this dogs i'm gonna hit okay and   now i'm ready to add some media to this as you can  see this is a pretty simplistic video editor with   not much for drop downs and everything but this  is the advantage of using this if you're new to   video editing all right let's go ahead and add  some photos and videos to this and there's a few   different ways we can do this so i'm just going to  change the size of this here i'll bring my folder   back over here i could open up a folder and i  could drag videos right in so if i have this   video here i could drag it right into my document  here so that's one way you can bring them in if   i go and hit add you can see i can go from pc  and i could go to that folder so i have that   11 so this would be the one that i could select  from here hit open and it comes in so there's a   couple different ways from dragging to bring them  in uh just to point out a few other ones so from   my collection so if i hit my collection this is  going to take the videos from my photo so that's   that's going to be those ones are going to be  brought over so i can go ahead and select them   and these are just some pictures and hit add so  now i have some from my pc i have some from my my   also my pc but they're from my photo collection so  if i try to drag i could drag them all in at once   and you can see i have them there so there's  different ways you could do this the other way   you notice it says from the web well that's going  to be opening up bing and it's going to search for   uh things from the web but for the video today i'm  just going to use these clips of different dogs   videos and pictures that i got from pixels and  some of the pictures that i've just taken from   my phone that were in my camera roll on this pc so  let's get started with creating our storyboard now   i just want to point out i'm using the dark  theme here today and the settings for this   windows video editor is right in the top right  hand corner if you go to your settings and i'll   talk some about these other things later  on i in this video but if i go to settings   just go down and choose the one that you want  where did it go it's right here so if you wanted   light you could go and use those ones so those are  just some options in the settings you can take a   look at some of the other settings too but i'm  going to be working in the dark mode here today   so if you're new to video editing the whole idea  is to take your media so your videos or pictures   and placing them in the order that you want down  below in the storyboard and so the storyboard is   where we're going to organize this and but before  i do that i want a title slide and i'm going to   show you how to add one because i want this to be  things you can do about with docs so if you look   towards the bottom here it says add title card  i'm going to go ahead and click on add title card   and notice it's i see a three on there i know  that's three seconds that it started with now   if i look at some of the other we can see we have  duration here how long this appears this is where   i'm going to adjust it this is where i'm going to  add some text and i can change my background color   here so if i wanted to have it at a different  color i could just go ahead and change it we'll   just change it to orange right now you can see i  can also delete it and you can get a remove all   too so i'm going to go ahead and just click text  here and what did i want it to say so i'm going   up to the top and i said things you can better i'm  going to capitalize these things things you can do   with dogs okay so i'm just gonna do put it like  this and what you can see though that comes across   in this kind of a simple format here with the text  and i can click on any of these and pick something   i like so if you're going to go through so this  is kind of fun like this i like the all caps   and then down at the very bottom you can see  that we can change the layout here as i click   on different things here and i kind of like i'm  going to go with this one right here and just hit   done and remember it's three seconds long right  now i haven't changed it if i hit the duration i   could uh give it a different amount one two three  five seven or a custom there i'm gonna leave it   at three i find sometimes when you go too long on  uh when it clips staying the same uh it it doesn't   people get bored of it very quickly all right so  what do we do now now we want to take the media   that we have up here and drag it down in the order  that i want so let's say i'm going to start with   a video here and i'm going to start with this dot  this one right here i'm going to just drag it in   so at this point i could hit play you can see  right through here i have this dog here and   i just want to point out we have different options  again so add a title guard to your storyboard   storyboard i could trim this video clip i could  split this video clip i could add a title of   caption with this and i'm going  to click on this one right now   and i'm just going to say being lazy  so notice that it has kind of the same   theme that i've selected before i could go  ahead and change these like i've showed you   i don't want this big one here i think i'll go  towards the bottom so i can see the dog like this   and i'm just going to go ahead and hit done  and i want to check out what i have so far so to view this i can just simply go to the  beginning i'll just drag this here to the   very beginning and i'm going to hit play and it  gives you little ideas this is three seconds long   uh this dog comes up everything's looking good  i like kind of the the colors and everything but   this is really too long this clip is 24 seconds  long and i definitely don't want it to be   that long so the next thing what i want to  show you is to trim it here so if i go to trim   right here i got to make sure i'm on the right  clip here and i go to trim you can see it opens   up this so i can see the trim length is or sorry  the clip length is 24 and a half seconds around   and we have our text motion and the same things  that we can access through here but i'm going to   go to the bottom and i'm going to trim so when we  trim we're trimming from either end so the front   or the back of it and then now if i trim both ends  you can see now i have this eight second clip and   i just want i'm gonna say i want it to be i  don't have to trim from both end i'm just kind   of showing you i want this to be even shorter  here i only want a five a little bit over five   seconds so there i took uh from a 24 second clip  and went down so hit done and now you can see if   i just bring it back and hit play again so this  is three seconds long excuse me and then it goes   to the next one and it's just the part that's  showing uh there i do want to point out if i go   back to this and hit trim again uh just because  i trimmed it doesn't mean i can't add it back i   could go back and drag these handles if i wanted  to add something if i needed a little longer   i could add it back that way you can see now this  is 6.27 seconds so we've edited one clip now that   we brought in you can bring more down all at once  and go back and do them depending on how you like   to edit i like to kind of edit as i go but let's  see if i was bringing a picture down i could   drag a picture down here there's me with my dog i  could bring down another video and you can quickly   change the order so just because you have one of  these first i can drag these around to place them   anywhere i want so you can just simply drag  remember you're telling the story in the order   that you want and they're making it incredibly  easy for you to do this all right so let's go   back to some of the other effects i just want to  point out in this first one i showed you the title   and trim in this video clip you can also do a  split so if i click split what this is going to do   i could go to a certain spot in here to pick and  i could split it so now if i hit done notice that   it put it into two different clips now so i have  this first one at 3.6 seconds and this one at 3.67   so i broke them in half so if you did want the  clip i needed to add an effect to different   places or write something on that one and you  wanted the whole thing but you wanted to put   different uh things on you could add the text to  this one or motion or 3d effects and i'll go over   those in a bit and then go to this one too or you  could simply right click and that's another way i   like to get to a lot of things remove this video  clip and take a look at all the other things that   you can do just by right-clicking you can access  the same different effects to it so if i go ahead   remove this video clip so those are two different  ways you could either edit your clip by splitting   or trimming now i'm going to click on this picture  i just want to point out so this was taken on my   my phone you can see it has the black bars on the  side now they do have something built into this   if i right click you can see that there is resize  and i could remove black bars now the problem with   this if i go to remove black bar you can see how  it zoomed right up here now other video editors   would allow me to move this and pick a different  spot but i can't do that inside this one so   just to make a note if you are looking for maybe  another video editor free video editor i'll put a   link to different ones to kind of choose from in a  video down below in the description but i'm going   to just go ahead and go back and resize it you  can see i can go back this way so we've added some   more clips i'm going to go and add another picture  here and we'll put another video and so we have uh   we're getting a longer video you can see right now  if i was playing the whole thing it would be 18.8   seconds here so if i was playing it i could hit  play and then it's going to go through i could   add some more effects which i'll do in a moment  here but i want to show you these through here   i find a good effect to add especially with  pictures is a little bit of motion and you   can do this inside this windows media video  editor so if i go to this picture i get two   pictures in a row here if i just click uh i'm  on this one if i go to motion all i have to do   is select the motion so if i go to zoom out like  this i'm going to hit play so this will preview   what it is like that so i could go through and  pick which one i want hit play over here and it   gives me the preview so i'm going to hit done so  if i hit cancel it won't be saved if i hit done   i'll go done and i'm just going to go and add a  motion to this real quickly and we'll just do a   zoom like this so now i'm going to go back here  and i'll just hit play and you can see there's   a little bit of motion now to those pictures  but i think just makes it more interesting   to the eye now i could do this with video too so  you can see if you want a little bit of motion to   there and hit done and if i hit play now there's  just a little bit of slight motion to there so   that's one thing that you can add four effects  to it now we have a couple other ones and that's   3d effects so i'm going to go just to this one  right here and i'm going to click on 3d effects   and now if we look at here we have edit up here we  have effects what i'm going to do is just use i'm   going to try the leaves one so i'm going to click  on the leaves and i'm going to hit my preview here   so i hit play and that kind of matches because  they're outside in the height and there's   now there's some 3d effects there i could  hit done uh just to take a look at some of   the other ones i'm not going to put these all  in i'll let you play around with that we have   all these different effects that you can add  and we do have a 3d library where you could   add in different creatures through here we'll try  maybe a butterfly here sometimes it takes a few   moments to load there it is i can hit preview and  as it goes through i think it will come through   right now there's the butterfly so i can delete  uh any of these two i'm gonna hit cancel here   i'm gonna hit done actually i'm gonna leave it  in there and i can attach this to a point if i   want uh in this one we could add some jump and  turn so i can do a couple things i'll hit done   just like this and now i have this little bit of  a i'm going to jump ahead so you don't have to   watch the whole thing here so it goes through  this one and then we have the leaves falling   and we should have that butterfly come in at  the end and the effects weren't added on it   but that's how you add those things the last  effect i just want to show you of kind of the   change in the image would be the the filters  right here and those are simple to add uh add   them to any so if i click on you'll see it adds  uh if we want to change look from pixelated to   coloring the original always go back to the top  here but i'm going to go ahead and i'm going to   go this one right here i can do my preview to this  i'm going to say that's fine hit done and the last   thing on the bar i want to point out is the speed  and the speed you know if you want it slow motion   or speed it up if i go to this first one if i  want this dog to be if i want it to look lazier   maybe what i'll do is change the clip speed and  i'll just drag it slower like this and then i'll   click off of it notice it went from i was up to  12.53 seconds now and i'll just click on it and   so this dog is moving in slow motion so those are  some of the effects that you can add to your video   something i want to point out that you might be  trying to find are transitions so transitions   aren't available in this one so transitions  happen between video to video or video to picture   or picture to picture kind of that  smooth uh jump from one to the other   now uh if you're looking again try that other the  other video editors that i mentioned down below   in the links and those ones are kind of more full  featured but this is incredibly easy to use and   for a lot of people will produce what they need  all right so i notice another thing is i haven't   saved this at all today if i do close out it  doesn't even ask me to save and don't be worried   i just go back to it here if i go to video editor  and open it back up again notice it's right here   this is what i was working on i'll if i open it  back up everything loads up where i was last on it   all right so now this next thing is something very  important to video i think and that's adding music   or background music to your slides and there's  a few different couple different ways you can do   this through the music that they have i've given  you and you can do custom audio so if you look to   the top you can see that there's background music  and custom audio and i'll show you how to do both   of these we'll start with background music when  i choose background music which makes this so   simple is that it will automatically adjust  to the length of the video it's just going   to add it to the whole video so i could preview  these simply by listening i can stop and play   and when you find one and i'll just use blossoming  so this is selected see how this is grade here   this is selected now this i'm leaving this  check here sync your video to the music's beat   and then music volume i'm going to leave it up  high i'm going to go ahead and hit done and i   wasn't selected i was selected this slide but this  clip but even if i started at the beginning now   you can see it's playing or listen that  is playing and it will add it to the whole   slideshow so right away it makes an impactful  difference when you add music now if you don't   want that there i could click any slide i could go  back to background music and hit none and hit done   now this time if i hit play you'll notice it is  gone so it's easy to put it in and take it out   and makes it very easy to adjust if you want to  upload your own audio what you can do now this   makes a difference to what slides you're on so  if i select this slide and i go to custom audio   i'm going to go add audio file so i did download  some audio that i have from a subscription   and i have a wave and an mp3 so if i was selecting  this one uh both of them will work so i'll just go   ahead and add the other one too uh just like that  so there's two different ones i can select which   one i want i can preview it here play preview or  adjust the volume at this point so if i hit play   you can hear the music added to it so if i  hit done now what i want to point out is i'm   going to go back to this clip prior and hit play  nothing's playing and then when this light ends   it will start playing because it's attached to  that slide and it will go forward at that point   so it's where i want it to go start at and to play  from so very easy to add those at any time you can   go back if i if i go back to the custom audio i  can exit out of these i can delete any of these   and take them off like that so those so far today  we've gone through adding your media through the   video and pictures changing the order adding  the effects text to it everything makes it very   simple inside this program i kind of told you  where the uh shortfallings of this program are   some other quick effects that you can add if  you go up to the very top right beside finished   video and that's what we're going to get to very  quickly here but i'm going to drop down i want   to point out the themes here so with themes right  now i have no themes added to this but i could go   and click on any of these and it gives me a  little preview of the text and everything that   it does so i put joy so this is more about the  music and everything that i can quickly add so   if i hit done uh what it does is quickly changes  the theme here so if i go ahead and play this   it's kind of just added to music to it on it so  i just to make it quicker again for you to add   those themes just right up here the other thing  i just wanted to point out we have our different   settings where we can go make it portrait if you  want or four to three or sixteen to nine on it   where we back up our project project or duplicate  it here and uh you can see where the settings   are right up here so let's say this video is all  finished you want to export it so we can share it   just go ahead hit finish video this is where you  can go 1080p we can change the resolution i'll   leave it at 1080p we do have more options here  so uh you can see right here i want to keep this   on i'm going to go ahead and hit export and where  do i want this to export i'm actually just going   to go put it back right in here this is gonna call  dogs i'm gonna hit export here and it's gonna take   it won't take very long to do this and then i  can open up that finished video that i could   share with people after you can see it's opened  up automatically here today we have this video   and i can share this out to other people so  i hope you like this tutorial here today on   uh how to use the free windows video editor  on windows 11 like i said you can use this   in uh number 10. it works very similar to this  so let me know what you think of it try those   other free video editors that i mentioned that  would work great for your windows computer thanks   for watching this week on teachers tech i'll see  you next time with more tech tips and tutorials
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 9,528
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 10 video editor, video editing, windows 10, windows 11 video editor, free video editor for windows 11, free video editor for windows, movie maker windows 10, teachers tech, jamie keet, windows 11 video editor tutorial, video editor, windows 10 video editor tutorial
Id: mGm9QY5pwME
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 59sec (1379 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 14 2021
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