Windows 11, Should I Wait?

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hey windows 11 came out we should probably take a look at it and see if we should upgrade stay tuned man i'm really late to the game on this one so i really dropped the ball on this release date i didn't have a video ready so we're doing it now so we may be a couple weeks short but you know it's better late than never honestly had a lot of time now to actually look at windows 11 and get my real thoughts on it and unfortunately they're not all good but they're not all bad either windows 11 isn't the worst operating system microsoft has ever made but it might not be the best either in fact ironically this computer isn't even running windows 11. it's just running a screenshot because this is a sixth generation i5 and unfortunately that's not supported under windows 11. i'm going to show you the good things about windows 11 and some of the bad things at least the bad things that i've noticed so far unfortunately not everything's great about windows 11. there are a few things that kind of drove me nuts in fact there's a few things that really ticked me off and i don't understand why microsoft did it this way but rather than talking about it let's take a look in the operating system and i'll show you what i mean the first thing that we're going to look at is the obvious thing the start menu i'm sure you all know that the start menu in windows 10 is in the middle of the screen and to be honest with you i i have no idea why it must just be a design choice for microsoft that they just decided this is the way they wanted to do it so what i typically do from the very beginning is move this over to the side but i'll show you how to do that a little later in the video what i wanted to look at today is just kind of the way that things are laid out you know the way the start menu is laid out is much different than the one in windows 10. i'll go ahead and put a screenshot of the windows 10 start menu up on the screen right now compared to this one so you can kind of see the differences it is a pretty dramatic difference honestly but what you have here is you have all your pinned apps up top and then below that you have all the recommended apps and this is also the area where you would have your programs that you've installed recently so if you have a new program that you just installed this is where you would find it and then on top of that you can actually go into the all apps button right here and that will actually give you a list of all the applications that you have installed on the computer so it's not all in one place like it used to be in windows 10 unfortunately it's kind of broken up a little bit but the start menu does look a little bit more mature than it did in the beta release of windows 10 but at the same time it kind of looks real close to the same too but it does look a little bit more polished than it did before some of the things that i've noticed different with the release version that i can't remember were in the beta or not is the search field right here if you click on the search field it's essentially just a link so if you click on it all it does is open up the search so you can search like you would if you hit the search button but that also means there's not much reason to have the search button at the bottom and it just kind of takes up space the other thing too is that down at the bottom right here you can actually pin different folders just like you would be able to in windows 10 on the left hand side now it's over across the bottom and to change these all you have to do is right click and you can actually come up to personalize this list and you can change which folders are actually pinned so if you wanted to pin something different you could i typically have settings and file explorer on unfortunately this is one of the complaints that i actually have with windows 10 coming this quick in the video already is that when you actually first install it nothing is pinned here so because nothing is pinned here you can't actually right click and hit personalize this list so what you would have to do is go into settings and actually go into it manually you would have to search start menu and then from there you click on start settings and then from here you would go down to folders and here's where you would find it where you could actually turn things on or off and honestly i think that's a little annoying it would be really nice if you could actually get to that window by right-clicking anywhere on this bottom section of the start menu right here instead of having to click over the icons there but you know hopefully that's something microsoft will change in the future it might have just been an oversight or it may be by design who knows and then the next thing i wanted to look at is the obvious taskbar hasn't necessarily changed as much as it's just different it doesn't actually one of the things that i've noticed with the taskbar is with windows the taskbar has always been a part of the operating system but it doesn't seem like part of the operating system anymore it seems more like it's a separate app for instance when you right-click on it it doesn't give you all of the options that you had before all you can go to is taskbar settings and consequently that's where you would go to fix some of the things that are actually wrong with the taskbar in my opinion for instance i usually turn all of this stuff off right here and this is where you can do it from the taskbar settings also if you go down to taskbar behavior you can actually change what the taskbar alignment is so from this point you can actually set it to the left like you would with traditional versions of windows to make it a little bit more useful because honestly i'm not used to going to the middle of the screen to hit my start button i'm sorry microsoft i know you want it in the middle but i don't so i'm glad you left the taskbar alignment setting in here it's definitely helpful but one of the downsides of having the taskbar operate like a separate app is you don't have your access to the different tools that you had available to you by right clicking on the taskbar for instance the task manager however you still can hit control shift escape to open the task manager as well as if you right click on the start button you can get to the task manager that way as well so it's essentially just going to be a muscle memory thing that we're just going to have to learn how to deal with because i don't know that they're going to give the functionality back in the taskbar itself but it would be nice if they did and then if we go all the way over to the other side right here we can look at where the notifications are on the taskbar so if we click on that the notifications i think look a lot more grown up than they did in windows 10. i think this is a much nicer way of laying this out even though i usually turn all the notifications off anyway but it is a lot nicer seeing it the way that it's set up right now and you have one button and you can get rid of them all if you wanted to however with that said one of the other downsides with the taskbar is it can't actually be moved you can't take the taskbar and move it over to the right or the top or the left of the screen because microsoft has essentially left the taskbar stationary at the bottom of the screen so i've heard a lot of people complain about the taskbar location and honestly it doesn't really affect me that much because i don't personally move my taskbar i always leave it at the bottom of the screen however some people really do like to change the position of the taskbar and for those people unfortunately you're either going to have to get used to the way that windows 10 does it or maybe there'll be a taskbar replacement at some point the fact that it feels like a separate app means that might actually be a really big likelihood but who knows we'll have to wait and see so the next thing we're going to take a look at real quick is we're going to go ahead and open up the file explorer the first thing you notice right off the bat is that the icons have changed in fact the icons have actually changed quite a bit they're a lot more colorful and a lot more linux-like at this point which is fine you know if microsoft wanted to make the icons more colorful then great that's awesome however some of the other things that you notice is if you actually look at the edge of the screen you can see that the corners are actually round now which honestly i think is a pretty neat effect i like it personally and it's one of those things to where it's definitely completely aesthetic but i think it looks really nice however with that said there is a change that microsoft has made recently with explorer that is just absolutely the most annoying thing i've ever seen in my life and that's the right click menu if you actually open up let's open up a folder here and if we go to right click on something you'll see this new menu that comes up which they've tried to organize things differently and make the menu assuming they're trying to make the menu more usable unfortunately to people that are used to the right click menu this couldn't be further from the truth this is the most annoying thing ever in fact when i want to rename or delete something i've actually gotten to the point where i have to mouse over and see well which one's rename okay well that one's rename and this one here is share it it doesn't make any sense why don't you just put it in the menu like it was before however the nice thing is you can actually go to show more options and you can get the original menu still like you used to be able to get however there used to be a little hack that you could do with the registry that would completely eliminate this new right click menu and it would give you back your old one unfortunately when i was doing research for this video that hack doesn't work anymore so i'm gonna have to look around and see if i can find another way to do it and if there does come up to be another way to be able to change your right menu back i'll make a video on it so you guys can know how to do it too but anyway it's probably one of the most annoying things i've seen so far but there is one more thing that's even worse than that i'll show you in a minute okay another thing too is i think microsoft just assumes that everyone using windows 11 is going to be using a touch screen and because of that they've actually spaced everything out quite a bit and it's so your fingers can be a little bit more precise while it's clicking on things however it's actually kind of annoying so one way you can actually change this is if you go up to view you can actually change it to compact view and it'll kind of squish everything back together so it looks more like the way that windows 10 did it so while we're in explorer here let me show you another neat little thing and i covered this in my last video and i still like it but it's your actual pin settings that you have over here where you can actually choose where something is going to be pinned on the screen so if you have multiple apps open so let's go ahead and open up another file explorer window if you go over here to your pin settings you can actually choose where on the screen you want the application actually be pinned so i'm going to go ahead and click this one over to the right hand side and then you can click your other application to open it in that one however if you wanted to change this up a little bit you could go over here and say you wanted to pin it on the top and then pin something else on the bottom this is actually kind of neat i like the fact that they did this and like always you could just grab the top task bar and drag it off and then it'll bring it back to the original size it was before you pinned it and then while we're in this section looking at some of the explorer windows some of the animations that microsoft has brought into windows are actually kind of nice the way that applications maximize and minimize and kind of the interaction between the mouse clicks and the icons themselves are actually kind of neat let me show you a couple examples if you come down here and you actually click on the start menu you can see the start menu kind of shrink and grow as it's going up and down however there's a couple other things let me let me pull up let me re-enable the search real quick so we can get the search icon back and if you actually look at the search icon when you click on it it actually changes colors completely in its animation microsoft definitely went through and they spent a lot of time changing just little subtle animations within the operating system to make the operating system look more polished and honestly it really does look more polished the animations are really nice touch and it's got to be one of the things i got to give microsoft credit for they really did make windows 11 look great now this does come out to be kind of a subjective subject but personally i think windows 11 looks way better than windows 10 however let's look at some of the other bad things we were talking about okay so some of the things that kind of drive me nuts go ahead and close some of these right here and i'm going to open up chrome and chrome oh chrome isn't set to default well that's easily resolved we'll just hit the set default button right well now where's browsers they're not here unfortunately microsoft has completely changed the way that your defaults work and if you want to make chrome your default browser you would have to actually go down to chrome click on it and then you would have to go through this entire list and set every one of these things to chrome so it's a matter of clicking on it picking chrome hitting okay clicking on it picking chrome hitting okay clicking on it picking chrome clicking okay are you kidding microsoft everyone but but wait it gets better let me show you this so we're gonna go click over here click on edge and now edge obviously is not our default browser anymore because we went through that entire list and we're gonna come up here we're gonna click on the little three dots we're gonna go down to settings and then we're gonna click on default browser well we can make edge default and i'm sure when we click that button we're going to have to go through the same process right let's see what happens so we're going to click on make default oh wait a second so you can make edge the default browser by just clicking the button but chrome it takes 10 minutes to go through an entire list and change every different specific file type really microsoft really okay now that right there honestly at this point is the most annoying thing i've seen with windows 10 so far let's move into a subject that's not as frustrating as default browsers so if we come down here let's go ahead and look at windows 10 settings so if we open up settings as you can see settings has changed a lot from windows 10 and it's even changed considerably from the windows 10 beta considering the windows 10 beta essentially just used the windows 10 version of settings however it does give you a little bit more organized way of looking at things and i've actually found this to be a little bit easier to maneuver so if we go into personalization we can actually click here we can set different colors and things of that nature we can change the way the operating system looks and it's all under one menu on the side under personalization and then depending on which route you want to go you can change any kind of personalization setting from within this section of the settings so if we wanted to change the color let's say we wanted to have light and dark theme then we can do that and it's all under the section personalization now if you wanted to change a setting related to the network then you could click on network and internet and it's all organized within network and internet now this isn't too much different than the way that windows 10 settings work however the way they organized it i think is a little bit better because to be honest with you the way windows 10 did it i thought was kind of a little fisher price you know it seemed like it was dumbed down too much and at that point it was just annoying using settings in windows 10 because a lot of the times the more advanced settings were either hard to get to or weren't available at all and fortunately they have a lot more of the advanced settings within windows 11 settings but there's still a lot of reason to have to go into control panels so it looks like control panel is going to be with us for a while and honestly i kind of like that because being that i'm so much more used to control panel than i am windows settings i usually go there by default anyway in fact sometimes i'm kind of annoyed when they have moved functionality from control panel to settings but you know you get used to it after a while but let's move on to the next thing all right so while we're in settings let's go look at update and this is another thing that i think is actually kind of annoying essentially all it does is it's actually broken updates into essentially your critical updates kind of the way that windows 7 was and when it comes to optional updates it's a little bit difficult to find but you have to actually go into advanced options then you have to click on optional updates and you have to actually do these manually these will be like your different driver updates and things of that nature that will all be kind of stuck into optional updates and if you don't know you have any optional updates available you might not know to actually go look for them and it was a little annoying to me at first when i realized that most of the drivers that didn't install originally they didn't install because they were all sitting in optional updates so once i was able to go through that and get those installed it was fine but it would have been nice to actually have a link to optional updates from the home page so you didn't have to actually go into advanced and actually try to find where they're located at but you know it is what it is so that's just a short overview of what to expect with windows 11. it's definitely changed a lot from windows 10 but honestly it still comes down to a fresh coat of paint a lot of the core operating system is still windows 10 and it just kind of has a more refreshed look i actually really like the way windows 11 looks but unfortunately there's a lot of bad things about windows 11 too some of them are bugs some of them i think are by design like for instance the default browsers i'm sorry microsoft but i know you did that on purpose and you need to change it it's just wrong but i do hear that mozilla is actually working on a way to be able to change defaults with a single click and hopefully chrome will get that soon too so that'll be nice to be able to change browsers on a single click now instead of having to go into settings it's definitely something that we've been missing for a long time the other thing is is hardware support unfortunately i installed windows 11 on an unsupported system in fact i found a system that literally failed on every topic when it came to hardware support but i did get it installed and it did run however it didn't run great there was a lot of functionality of windows that were missing and i honestly think this was by design i think microsoft is serious when they say these systems aren't supported and why are they not supported you know i don't know personally i think it's financial i think microsoft wants to help boost the sales for their third-party oem partners and you know like this system for instance this microsoft surface is a sixth generation i5 and this is perfectly capable of running windows 11. unfortunately it's left out because it has an older processor you know it might make sales for surfaces go up and i think that's the only reason they're doing it i hope i'm wrong but i really think that's what it is but when it comes down to systems that are in support should you upgrade to windows 11 personally right now i wouldn't recommend upgrading and the reason is is because for one there really is a lot of bugs right now for instance i had you know a lot of random freezes just here and there while i've been using this system here as well as just really bizarre bugs like for instance the colors of the icons change dynamically with the theme that you're using so if you're using a dark windows theme the icons will be light and if you're using a light windows theme the icons will all be dark but i actually had some instances where i would change from a light to a dark theme and the icons wouldn't change so they would just blend into the taskbar and they were really hard to see and that's obviously a bug and hopefully it's something that'll get fixed soon but there's other things like the default browser issue that honestly i don't think are bugs i think they're by design and hopefully third-party people will be able to fix that in the future there's also features in windows 11 that are simply not available right now for instance windows 11 is supposed to come with the support to be able to run android apps and that just doesn't work yet also there's direct storage in games which mimics the way that xbox handles nvme drives and that's not only not available in windows yet but we don't even have any games that support it yet so we're going to have to wait into the future to find out how that works out so honestly right now i think unless you have to upgrade to windows 11 for some reason like if you buy a new computer that comes with it i would hold off windows 10 is still going to be in support until october of 2025. so we have four years still of windows 10 being under support and you know if microsoft doesn't change their tune when it comes to hardware requirements hopefully it will stick around for a little bit longer or we'll have better ways to be able to run unsupported hardware on windows 11. either way the community will definitely figure that problem out when the time comes however if this was helpful to you then please hit the like button and don't forget to subscribe to my channel and hit that bell icon so you can be notified of future videos i post a new video every week and hey before you go check out a couple of these videos have a great day
Channel: CyberCPU Tech
Views: 104,636
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: do not upgrade to windows 11, windows 11, microsoft, windows 11 upgrade from windows 10, windows 11 upgrade, upgrade to windows 11, upgrade, how to install windows 11, windows 10, windows 11 update, windows, win11, win 11, windows 11 download, update to windows 11, microsoft windows, windows 11 review, 11, install, installation, how to, iso, update, desktop, how to upgrade windows 10 to windows 11, windows 11 features, windows 10 to windows 11
Id: s2fVWXoLk0E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 11sec (1271 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 25 2021
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