How to Use Windows 10 FREE Video Editor

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hi there Jamie Keith here today a teachers tech hope you're having a great day today today I'm taking a look at a feature in Windows 10 that is overlooked quite a bit and a lot of people don't even realize it's there and that is the video editor now before there used to be Movie Maker which is a great simple little way to edit movies and get the job done very quick very easy to learn now video editor is very easy to learn too so I'm going to go through today and show you how it works and you'll be up and running in no time if you want to be using Windows 10 for editing videos you can do things you can trim you can add titles you can add effects and a lot more to it too the other thing yeah is if you want to up your game a little bit in video editing take a look at this video I put together of the top six free video editors that you could try out from very simple ones to more of the professional level ones if you wanted to go a little bit further with it so I'll put the link down below and up top in the cards but do to check out the description down below and I'll put links to different parts of those videos so you can jump around but right now let's get started with Windows video editor so there's actually a couple different ways you can open video editor I'm just going to go down in search here and I'm just gonna start typing video and you can see this is what it looks like right here video editor and you get the options right away if you are using it right away you want you can pin it to start or taskbar so if I pin it to the taskbar I have it right here the other way if you were looking if you're going to go if you just go to photos it actually is connected with photos on this one so you can see we have new video so there's two different ways you can get through it now if I was just entering in from my quick launch from my taskbar that idea started you can see how it's the new video up here so right away I'm just gonna go ahead and start a new video project you can see where you're prompted right away and I'm gonna click on it and now I'm gonna name it in this one I have some videos about dogs here today so I'm just gonna hit okay now the first thing what I want to do is add my media and so by media I'm gonna be adding my videos and pictures and I have them in a folder on my on my desktop so I'm just gonna click Add here and I'm gonna say from PC but you see the choices you can go from my collection in your photos and everything or you can actually go to the web but I'm just gonna go from PC today these are I could bring them in one at a time I'm actually going to bring these all in there's some pictures and some videos so I'm just gonna grab them all and select them I could drag them right into here too so if I had another window open I could drag just like in a lot of their applications you can just drag things over that would work too so you can see I've brought these in now they were all selected I'm just clicking off these are videos over here and these are pictures represented with a place line so right away what I'm gonna do is go and start a title slide here a title card and I'm just gonna go down at the beginning down here now this is different than some of the other video editors that you may see because it's working more of a storyline storyboard mode rather than timeline with channels and everything this is a easy way to we're out to begin with video editing so this be a great start if you haven't done any video editing before but I'm just gonna add a title card to start with so now with the title card you can see where it just says title on this one but I'm gonna right click on this and you can see I have some different options I can change the duration right now the duration is at 3 seconds that's what that 3 means down there I'm gonna go to edit and I want to edit some text so I'm gonna go to that and I'm just gonna go and write a title up top here so I'll just write I'm gonna say about dogs like that and you can see as I click on different ones how quickly it changes so you can go through and pick different ones that you like I'm gonna leave it at joy right now but there is a long list if I scroll down you can see all the different ones and you can change the location where you want but since this is the title what I'm gonna do is just leave it right here and I'm gonna go ahead and hit done and then I have this beginning so I'm gonna go I can play it up here do a preview you can see there's some movements to it so next thing what I want to do is bring in some video I'll bring in some video and pictures I'm gonna take this one right here so I'm just gonna drag it into the second spot so you can see this is 14 seconds long if I could go ahead and you can see I can start playing the video and it goes through so maybe I don't want things that long 14 maybe I'm only on a 4 or 5 second clip now what I can do you have all these options up here you notice or it says trim and split so what I can do with trim if I go ahead and click on it I can move my markers to a certain spot so if I wanted it to be started at 5 seconds and and at 10 seconds and then when I hit done you can see now the time that was left in it is just of the one that I selected to it now another thing that I could do and I'm going to bring down another video right here you can also use a split tool so what the split does so if I go to it Handt split I can find a spot where I want to split it and when I get it I can hit done and then you notice I have the first 4.7 seconds and then the 7.03 seconds on it so it's just some different options to have what I can do is I could just say delete and leave that part so I have this little video now I have a title slide and then it will just go over to the 4.6 seconds and then over to the other one there now I just add in I'm going to add in this picture here drag it down so this is just the picture and some things happen I have a few different options because with pictures I can change the duration so do I want it to be three seconds I can click on duration you can see how I can pick if I wanted it to be a different time or I could do a custom one if whatever I put in here you notice how it changes like this and now the other thing I want to point out notice the black lines here you might not want the black lines showing and we have resize on this so if I go to resize if you ever notice those black black bars just go ahead and click this and it just makes sure it's sized it and so now as it plays through this we can go through and then it's just gonna play it as normal so so far it's very quickly all I'm doing is dragging things down I'm just editing I can trim very easy I can change durations of pictures and I'm just putting them in the order that I want any individual clip you can add titles to so our text so if I go to any of these and click on them and then I go to the text I can go ahead and write something up here so if I was gonna write beach I could stay with the theme that I was on before or pick a different one you can see and the other thing to point out so if I was gonna pick well we'll go with this one I'm gonna just stretch that change the distance on here like this I'm gonna hit done and now if I go back I'm gonna hit play and you'll see as it goes through goes through it doesn't come up until I told it to come up when we have the title that goes through so it's very easy to add those titles some other effects that you can add to these ones I'll just you this if we go to filters here we have some filters we can quickly add just by clicking on it so that was pixelate you can see arcade and you can just go through there's not a lot of effects but if you want to change it slightly you can see when you get it the way you want you can just go ahead and hit done on it and then that effect is added to it then there is also motion here so motion I'm gonna go to this one you don't notice it a lot so if I click on the clip the motion if I was going to go to it tilt down and tilt up so what it does is move the camera slightly so if I play it through here there's a slight tilt down if I go and play it this one now there's going to be a slight tilt up so you can see kind of differences of what's happening and when you get what you want just remember to hit done on it if you need to go back and change them at any time if I go back to motion you can see how I can go back to none and then I can go and hit done on it like so let's move up to adding some music or custom audio and all I need to do is go right up top where it says background music and they have some that's already built into it that you can use so if I was going to pick this one you can listen to it no I'm sure if that sounds like dog music but I'll use it as an example you can see some options here with sync your video sync your video to the music's beat in this controls the volume level I'm just gonna leave it at max and one thing I wanted to notice these times are gonna change the duration so if I hit done then the duration is changed to match the length of that so now if I go ahead and play this let me just make sure I'm on the first one I'll hit play and you can see now how it just adapted very quickly just by using that across the slides so I'm gonna go back and actually take out fat so go back background music and I'm gonna go hit none and done like so now there's also custom audio so maybe you're doing a voiceover and you recorded your voice you wanted to add it in it or you had your own music you can go and add the file from here so if I go to this one I just have some music here you can hear it now this is where sets where you want it to so if I want it to be across I just moved that white one back first and then I could bring this to actually bring this to all the way to this and then I can stretch it out if I wanted to play it during that for a full 14 seconds so you can adjust where you want to play it on that but now if I go ahead and play it you can see how it's added to it so you can add your own music too now let's just move over to a couple of the other effects the 3d effects that you can add so I'm just going to go ahead and add another video when I show this last example with the 3d effects here so if I go and click on this video that I just brought in and went to 3d effects I'm just gonna it takes a moment to load this up not too long and then you have all these different options through here you can see so you can kind of scroll through you can see there's some dust explosion - just a normal explosion so if I was gonna put a confetti blast here so I'm gonna drag this over here and you can see I dragged it on there's volume associated with it associated with it so maybe you don't want it or do want it but you can see how I can adjust I can have them move effect of this one I can actually increase the size and move it to different places here and this that tells me where this is going to be placed in here so I'll just put it fairly close to the beginning and I'll hit done and then when I go done and then if I just play this here from the words on this one here and hit play you'll see that the confetti came out like so now just like all the other ones if you go click on it and then you go back to 3d effects you can get rid of this one by clicking the X and then it's gonna be xed out but you do have to hit done after that too or else it won't save it so there is a lots of different effects that you can play with that work the same way there's also the 3d library in here where there's lots of different ones that you can kind of go through that so you can go through and search and pick different ones so if I was just gonna quickly and I'll just quickly show you how you can make some adjustments here maybe if I wanted to put another dog into the video I can click Add add it to it so I'm gonna go ahead and just click this and hit there we go and it's adding it in and then we have this in here and again I can change my location of it in this size and you can actually add some quick animation so right now it's not really doing anything so if I hit play on it it's just gonna stand there like that but then if I add let's say jump in turn to it there's gonna be some different animations that you can go through so you can see how it adds it to it just by adding those simple effects and if you like what you want you hit done so let's say you're done your whole project now you've added music added some effects got everything edited the way you want all you do is go up to finish video and you can you can see the different ones you can go from 1080p 720 and 540 I'm just keep it at the 1080 here and then you can go ahead and hit export and that's all there is to it so you tell it where to save so if I was just putting it back onto my desktop and then it's exporting it and I'm gonna have that video in 1080p so that's Windows 10 video video editor on it so you can see very simply use it's not going to have all the bells and whistles that other video editors but if you want to do some quick trimming of video adding pictures working with video or at working with pictures in there and creating a kind of a slideshow it works very good and there's our final project do take a look at the other video if you're looking for a little bit more take a look at the video that I mentioned that just goes a little bit extra with all the different options you have with the free video editors so I hope you like this today this the this tip on Windows 10 in this tutorial thanks for watching this week and I'll see you next time on teacher stack
Channel: Teacher's Tech
Views: 706,228
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: windows 10 video editor, windows 10 video editor trim, windows 10 video editor tutorial, how to use windows 10 video editor, free videoing editing software, free videoing editing software for pc, teacher's tech, edit video in windows 10, free video editing software, video editing software free, video editor free, windows 10 free video editor, window 10 video editor, best free video editor, video editor, best video editor for window 10, free video editor, windows 10
Id: edKDxJ7C8HE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 19sec (859 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 23 2019
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