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[Music] speak the word [Music] you see this is the proper order for speaking the word or what we call confession homology just blindly speaking i shall not die i shall live my life is blessed it doesn't happen that way it is out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks your first assignment is not your speech your first assignment is your heart is that true yes when your heart becomes full of that reality you cannot speak mark 11 and verse 23 and 24 mark 11 23 and 24 verily i say unto you whosoever shall say to this mountain mountain there means anything at all that can limit you be down removed be cast into the sea and shall not doubt what is now shall not doubt in his heart but shall believe here it is again that those things which he saith not just he believed from believing he saith it is what you say believing you see that that shall come to pass he shall have whatsoever he saith the law therefore i say unto you what things so ever ye desire when you pray believe that thou receivers them and thou shalt have them you must learn to speak the word of god see let me tell you this is not a word of fake thing this is the way believers live this entire world is activated by words spirits demons men they all walk by words even god himself walks by words listen when you read the same story of esther you will find out that before a man died he had manipulated the king to make a decree that decree was going to bring a total articulation of the jews is that true now her man had been hung up over the gallows that he built but the decree still stood esther's next assignment now that her man was gone israel was still in trouble he had died but the world had come forth so esther had to find a way of meeting the king to say oh king what do we do now the king said i've made a decree okay i know how to cancel that i will make another decree it takes words to kill words [Music] i will make i can't change the decree i said but i can use another one to superimpose it i said yesterday i'm a failure i said yesterday i'm defeated i said yesterday i'm weak i said it in ignorance or in spiritual laziness whether you like it or not those words have gone they are in your future waiting but you can do something about it you can send another one send another one things change decrease by making order decrease so i said i am a failure i said i am weak i said my life the glory of god is not seen in my life but now that i know that words carry implication it does it does words carry more than emotional implication emotional implication is the least level of their impact [Music] let the redeemed of the lord say so let the redeemed of the lord say so [Music] is that true yes please if it's raining and for any reason there is no place if it means just squeezing into the canopies we sincerely apologize please push us pr just help them walk i believe that there should be more canopies overflow three all of them just squeeze if there is need you may need to bring some inside it's not the best what we may have to make do just make some sacrifices for tonight is better than leaving god's people in the rain so let's have to manage that please hallelujah are we together if there is need for that we may have to make just shift a bit shift the chairs even if it means to add a few more chairs please apologize but it's an inconvenience that we have is a season and there may not be anything we can do about it so please do well if you are beckoned on to make that arrangement i think we should just do that in one minute we'll be praying in the spirit while we're doing that let me be patient and allow [Music] you are causing light to shine [Music] [Music] every day [Music] [Music] every day [Music] go ahead [Music] we lift your name [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] a [Music] [Music] i am [Music] hallelujah thank you for your sacrifice reminds me of reinhard bonker crusade when i went there and the crusade you don't see it from opening prayer till the grace your prayer is to find where to stand you've heard my story i stood for six hours from 3 pm in the afternoon till 9 where excellent people got when times of sacrifice calls like this we must obtain grace to do our best please just cooperate with the protocol and the ushers will just be here if the reign subsides then the crowd is much so the canopies can only do so much hallelujah [Music] i'm being patient because i want at least let's get a bit of our attention and then training seriously whatever sacrifice you make no no no sit down guys don't worry [Music] sir mommy our mother can come and sit on my seat she can come and sit less there's no reason why we should allow just carry her gradually she can come and sit and then maybe one other elderly person can see make sure it's one the the pastor pastor you may come and sit in front so that there will be space please come help her hold her back my friend be a responsible gentleman she's holding her bag [Music] [Applause] if the rain gets too much we all stand i'm standing that's all i do [Music] the rain will not be forever i assure you it will subside and then we'll walk but that's that's the whole idea [Music] hallelujah it's good you have these experiences sometimes you will add it to your spiritual work so that tomorrow you can say i remember when i was passionately seeking the things of god i stood in the rain [Music] i hope there are no children outside or at least safe within the canopies [Music] if it gets bad we're going to send the men if it gets bad we'll send the man of course of course because you should know me already [Music] these are some of the benefits of masculinity when duty calls you go out there's a canopy please just be patient still a miracle service [Music] please don't leave our children outside everybody cannot come in there is a limit to which when rain falls on you it doesn't kill you [Music] oh [Music] my rising has come [Music] i [Music] is [Music] is if you are among those standing whether inside or outside if you are from 60 years and above just lift your hands somebody will stand up here for you to sit down please [Music] make sure if you are not 60 years god is we know you can see 60 years our fathers if you don't look like any of our fathers yet don't embarrass yourself please if we have any elderly person who is standing were people of honor [Music] please don't come arbitrarily i didn't if 60 years and above [Music] we'll manage it for a while once the weather is fine we'll go back huh don't forget what i'm teaching can i continue are we good let's recap on all that i've shared point number one [Music] study and meditate on the word of god number two [Music] believe the word believe the word number three speak the word speak the word speak the word is one thing to believe but you also have to obtain grace from god to speak speak the word speak the word speak the word how do you speak the word number one in prayer to god and number two you speak it over negative situations and circumstances you can speak the word returning god's word to him bringing it before him presenting your case but you can also speak the word over negative situations and circumstances the bible says to say to the mountain so we can speak to negative situations and circumstances the lord [Music] those with children you can you can just sit in front at least for the time there that's all right are we blessed praise the name of the lord i hope those of you who are in ministry the younger ones you are learning when duty calls leaders stand up there is no organ you stand up you move learn it praise the name of the lord so that you don't do ministry and sit down and know when you are a leader you are called to serve it is the burden of service press the name of the lord number two no matter what happens in your life always learn or not this is a house of honor praise the name of the lord yes you want to be able to have the privilege of living like our elderly ones you must respect them please let her come mama come and sit down don't say i am a big man i am rich keep all of that these are spiritual principles honor your father and your mother in the lord the bible says that it may you may live long and that it may be well with you this is not a teaching weekend otherwise this is one of the reasons why it is not well with many young people [Music] no matter how high you rise no matter where you get to never forget that these elderly people deserve your honor for life [Music] hallelujah praise the name of the lord speak the word how do you speak the word to speak the word means to lift scripture and speak it over situations leave scripture from the bible not opinions to speak the word does not mean to just talk anti-talk when satan came to jesus jesus would have said satan i am not your mate there's one song they used to sing as a devil i see near you that's just a song that's not scripture you don't tell the devil devil i see near you and he leaves there is no record in scripture where that is a weapon of victory you see many times we are speaking look up please let me have your attention many times we are speaking but what we are saying is not scriptural that's why it does not work it's not just to open your mouth and say something what you are saying is it consistent with the word speak the word [Music] so let the weak say what let the poor say [Music] let those trusting god for a job declare that in the name of jesus favor is locating me based on scripture i shall not die but live and declare the works of the lord you see that i have set before you life and death and you declare i choose life as a man of god you declare i will never be frustrated in ministry because the bible says the lord walking with them confirming the words with signs following there's no barriness in my hands because a command was given to me be fruitful and so i declare according to god's word i am fruitful this is how to live it's not what you do on sunday the trust shall live by faith and one of the major portion of the fake equation is speaking consistent with scripture not consistent with feelings is not fair all those things only control you they don't provide solutions when satan came to jesus he said it i've taught you is written he found luke chapter 4 what was written concerning him the messianic prophecy listen to me you see why it is important to know the word because if you do not know the word you would not know what to speak what will you say you can't speak the word in ignorance my organs are functioning perfectly from the crown of my head to the souls of my feet as i grow in age i grow in strength i grow in wisdom you must speak it and believe it the favor of god is upon my life i'm like a well-watered garden in the name of jesus my coming out is blessed this is what you do when you wake up in the morning it's not what you do when you're in trouble if you speak only when you're in trouble it's too late already you send the words in the future like protocol to wait for you you wake up in the morning as you are stretching this is the day that the lord has made i decree and declare that i rejoice is god that made the day not the devil so god made the day factor in my interest i decree and declare i rejoice in the lord always again i rejoice nothing annoys me i live a life of joy and peace [Music] i'm going to the office today i declare and declare by the hand of god favor is waiting for me i go forth with joy and i am led forth with peace in the name of jesus christ a thousand four by my side ten thousand by my right hand none will harm me while you are speaking you will look like a fool until your life starts obeying you you are a preacher in the name of jesus i'm going to trust today the lord himself jesus is drawing as many who would receive the word who will be planted in the house of god who will grow you are declaring it by the spirit this exam i'm about to write in the name of jesus i have supernatural intelligence there is a spirit in me and the inspiration of the almighty is able to make me of understanding oh but where will your supplies come from your father has stopped taking care of you your mother is far you are alone no i'm not alone in the name of jesus what thou art with me it says goodness and message you follow me how come i mean i can't be alone there are spirits following me they are not just following me for nothing goodness is a spirit mercy is a spirit you will never get stranded when these spirits follow you [Music] hallelujah you hear for instance that there is crisis somewhere the first thing you do before you begin the ministry of intercession is to declare in the name of jesus christ i'm part of the body of christ i'm about to intercede for those who are hurting but for now i declare there is a wall of fire around me i am fortified supernaturally i never go where there is trouble my steps are ordered by the lord in the name of jesus christ i am delivered from the scourging trunks of man no divination and no enchantment against me will prosper while you are saying this the realm of the spirit the angels are saying we hear you we have been commanded to manifest the things you are saying [Music] can i tell you this medical people will tell us that part of the primary assignment of depression is to bring you to a point of silence [Music] depression brings you to a point where you no longer can speak i don't know how this life is life is unfair they just sat me like that what kind of thing is this if life is unfair you make it fair by declaring the word are we together yes the name of the lord is a strong tower i run into it and i am safe i declare that i'm supernaturally protected no weapon fashion against me shall prosper and every tongue that rises up against me it shall fall in judgment you are speaking that's your miracle service every day you get up in the morning and you're declaring and you step out and someone says i've been trying to reach you of course you have sent words already when a man's waste pleases the lord he makes even his enemies to be at work in him the devil now says what makes you believe that out of the 10 000 people that apply that job you will get oh the grace for honor is upon me there is a grace that distinguishes me [Music] do you believe what i'm sharing with you [Music] [Applause] learn to speak the word every believer is a talking spirit this planet is voice activated you activate possibilities in this kingdom through faith-filled speaking faith fields speaking when you begin to speak it may look like nothing is happening yet but listen to me bless people of god keep speaking you are a man of god in the name of jesus one day the nations who honor the name of the lord upon my life i declare and declare though my beginning be small i declare that my latin and though my beginning be small my latter ends also past this beginning while you are speaking it you are having pictures of your village pictures of where you are coming from pictures of the fact that you cannot speak english very well because of the fact that you did not have the opportunity to go to a good school you keep declaring by the spirit of god and watch god honor you everybody says speak the word i'm going to give you one minute it's part of the miracle service i'd like you to begin to declare once you are sitting or standing inside or outside once you can hear me those following online declare declaring that thou my test be justified the lord is my light and my salvation in the name of jesus kept by his word lifted by his grace [Applause] my part is as a shining light it shines ever brighter onto the perfect day don't be distracted everything i lay my hands to do is blessed in the name of jesus when men say there is a casting down i declare in jesus name that there is a lifting there is a rising up in the name of jesus pretty much your death will never never have his fall on my life the fullness of my days i fulfill i shall not be a victim of the arrows that fly by day the noise from pestilence the destruction that was said in new day are you speaking declared by those [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] fortified by the power of god fortified by the power of god fortified by the power of god 45 pray pray don't look around 25 by the power of god in the name of jesus christ declared by the spirit i refuse to be a victim in the name of jesus i am victorious even by the spirit of god i am victorious even by the spirit of god i am victorious even by the spirit of god [Music] every tree that has not been planted by god is uprooted from my life uprooted from my destiny every tree that is not the planting of the lord is uprooted from my life uprooted from my destiny every tree that is not the planting of god appearing as ill health appearing as this ease is rooted from my life [Music] i reject failure i reject failure i reject failure in the name of jesus christ my life is full of victory i reject failure by the power of the holy ghost in the name of jesus the word of god is lifting me in the name of jesus christ everything i do is blessed everything i do is blessed everything i do is blessed i am blessed in the city i am blessed in the country in the name of jesus my going out is blessed my coming is blessed in the name of jesus christ [Music] the word of god is working for me he's producing supernatural results in my life in the name of jesus i have a sign and a wonder by the power of the world i am a sign and a wonder i declare by the spirit i am a sign and a wonder in the name of jesus christ declared by your children declare over your family declare by your job declare by your business declare over ministry [Music] declare by your finances the wisdom of the spirit is at work in me in the name of jesus supernatural ideas everything i lay my hands to do is blessed i prosper in the name of jesus i prosper even as my soul prospers i am growing in the saving knowledge of jesus christ growing in the world growing in power growing in wisdom throwing his lips and bound never a worse tomorrow in the name of jesus [Music] you'll be tired is part of the miracle service you are declaring spiritual realities you are commanding them to be you are commanding them to happen [Music] hallelujah hallelujah listen to me listen to me this is how it works in this kingdom you are in business get into your store close the place and begin to speak in the name of jesus i called for customers i call for helpers i have put all you are a ministry you a man of god don't sit down and let your ministry go down don't sit down and let the devil triumph over you go and lock that church only you inside or you want your prayer partners or prayer warriors and begin to speak in the name of jesus the spiritual gate of this church is open open to receive souls open to receivers many who will be changed who will be saved whether in syria or whatever nation there are still enough people seeking jesus [Music] is bishop who say a closed mouth is a close destiny it's not a cliche it's you [Music] don't keep quiet and then complain about what is happening to you never outgrow speaking the world never say i am too big never outgrow speaking the word believe me never outgrow speaking the word never those who already have results are still doing it don't outgrow it never outgrow speaking the world every time you are faced with negative situations before you start calling people who cannot help you the first thing you do is make sure your voice is registered in the realm of the spirit i'm coming out of this you are in a financial situation in the name of jesus he will not have the best of me the wisdom of god is not working me i'm coming out of this situation how will your school fees come how will your rent be paid how will you complete the house in the name of jesus one thing i know is that the wisdom of god is not working me the ministry of destiny helped us at work in my life hallelujah listen nobody is blessing you nobody is coming by god to help you everybody is leaving you to suffer alone don't be quiet you may not have money but is to praise not you don't need money to pray lock yourself in the name of jesus father i am not lazy while i am trusting you to give me ideas that lift me destiny helpers are real i call them by the spirit you are praying faithful prayers many believers sit down and live defeated lives and yes scripture is here to guarantee your increase for as long as i leave my mouth will not be silent over my destiny i will speak and what you speak must be scripture for it to walk if you speak what your tribal people believe it will not work if you speak what society says it will not work the voice of lamentation does not produce results it is a word [Music] are we together all of a sudden you sense that a pain is coming here and the devil starts lying to you it's mid-life crisis something is already beginning to happen oh you are a man maybe prostrate cancer oh you're a woman maybe something is happening in the name of jesus if the spirit that raised christ from the dead my brother my sister if you don't begin to declare don't wait when it's too late and you don't have the energy in the name of jesus this body is prepared to serve the lord a body has now prepared for me therefore i declare that infirmity has no place to stay in my body in the name of jesus christ [Music] supernatural strength is working in me you lay your hands on your mind i am not dull in the name of jesus understanding is not watching me the spirit that gives understanding sometimes you can be confused as a leader quite honestly you don't know what to do do i go left or right instead of misleading people in pride go to god the bible says then the secret was revealed unto daniel lord there has to be a way out of this there has to be a way out of this i obtain graves how will i pay the scooches of five children and as it is right now there is nothing in the bank there has to be a way i tap into the wisdom of the spirit [Music] [Applause] hallelujah let me give us the fourth one so number one study and meditate on the word number two believe the word believe it number three speak the word believe me speak the word and then number four obtain grace to obey the word to the latter [Music] on the line to the latter if you start and you stop is the same thing that's not starting you must obey the latter deuteronomy chapter 28 and verse 1 please pay attention deuteronomy chapter 28 verse one give it to us media do we have a problem [Music] it shall come to pass look up please if thou shalt diligent hacking diligently to the voice of the lord thy god to observe and to do someone said to do please say it again to do speaking is important but don't stop there there are always conditions that are tied to the manifestation of victory through scripture you must find those conditions and obtain grace obtain grace to do obtain grace this is where the incomplete activity of faith has affected many people because most of us stop at speaking the moment you speak yourself all right no you are not all right no you are not all right when you speak the speaking sends the word to your future but there is always something to do i've taught you this i will keep teaching you this is how to make the world work for instance if you are a young man and you are trusting god for establishment you find scriptures that tell you you are blessed because you are the seed of abraham step one you believe it i am the seed of abraham therefore what was will to abraham through christ has been given to me you have done well you believe it you speak it but if you stop there you will still struggle the bible says a diligent hand shall be made fat so you don't just stop by speaking and say i prosper i remain in the room waiting for money to come and meet you know in the name of jesus i have ideas i obtain grace and you stand up by faith you apply for a job here and there you write businesses here and there ah what is the next step then the holy ghost speaks to you in the multitude of counsel there is safety with wise counsel wage war you go meet someone who is succeeding how can you help me to get out of this situation you are taking a step that is committing god what you are speaking as in the name of jesus i will not be poor you may get trickles or blessings one ten thousand someone who sent your destiny would need more than that you see why many of us don't get results yes you are a preacher in the name of jesus god is bringing me growth god is bringing me increase after speaking like that and you obtain grace there must be a strategy that you invent by the spirit foreign souls will not just come seated in there the holy ghost and angels are ready there but there has to be a system that you engage by the wisdom of god and there are many systems for in-gathering the principle system for inga doing is signs and wonders and then you can compel men and tell them come see a man that's what the woman did how did the man in gadara bring 10 cities to jesus how did they prostitute without a bible school gather people to come to jesus by word of mouth that means word of mouth is powerful when testimonies meet with verbal invitations they will produce levels of thing gathering beyond your imagination that's how and why many of you are here today are we together you are a father you are trusting god to end this drought in your family okay in the name of jesus christ lord i receive wisdom the times may seem hard but i obtain grace you cross your legs your children your wife your family will suffer and the bible says if you cannot cater for your family you have denied the faith and you are worse than an infidel so what do you do in the name of jesus christ there has to be a way out good understanding procured favor the way of the transgressor is not i don't have money but what is the cheapest spiritual currency i can begin to build relationships if you don't have money you should have relationships somebody should love you and like you or love your wife and children enough to say not when i'm alive i will never allow you to beg for bread i can't say i will give you a house and curse but i will make sure if it's food at least you can eat while you think [Music] if you don't have money and you don't have relationships you are already on your way to die money is not everything believers lend this money is not everything many of us would throw away god threw away the holy spirit threw away valuable people because of money are we learning everybody say obedience two more scriptures second corinthians chapter ten number six second corinthians chapter ten and verse six the bible says i'm having the readiness to revenge all disobedience when your obedience is complete perfected or fulfilled you don't have the right to judge disobedience and the spirit that works in sense of disobedience until your obedience is complete everybody say complete obedience [Music] john 13 and verse 17 john chapter 13 and verse 17 is projected if you can see let's read together ready one to read if you know these things happy ye if you do them there are many believers who don't do the word turn to the book of these verses they will help you complete it but there are no results in their lives because they are not doers it's important to believe of the heart it's important to verbalize you speak what is also important to obtain grace to do to do you want the anointing in your life you study from scripture what are some of the keys that control the manifestation of the anointing and the miraculous the word of god backed up by prayer and fasting building in the secret place spending time with god is that true just knowing it and you stop there and you say now i know i will be anointed no you have to now do and engage when you spend the hours alone with god building your spirit then you will find out that god will make good what he said now tonight we have come here for a miracle service look up please what is a miracle service is a service of signs and wonders primarily what do you expect in a miracle service number one you expect salvation it is important that men be saved it is impossible to not have one person in this place inside and those outside and those following online who is not willing to give his life to jesus because in the days of your power the people shall be willing number two what happens in a miracle service all kinds of miracles as much as your faith can receive healing miracles [Music] miracles of transformation miracles of deliverance from demonic influences spirits that tie the lives and the destinies of men restoration prophetic interventions impartations of grace so if we call tonight a miracle service it's important that you release your heart the rain notwithstanding the rain should not interrupt you at all open up your heart that within the few minutes we have you see i may not be able to pray for people now because we're congested here but we are going to pray there are things god can begin to settle in your life and as i give you those prayer points please pray passionately don't be distracted the power of god is here you can sit down if you want you can stand you if you want but make sure you pray is that true we're going to pray a restoration many of us have lost things in our lives listen many of us have lost opportunities many of us have lost certain levels of graces many of us have lost destiny help us you are going to lift your voice to heaven and cry the prayer of restoration are you ready say father one more time say father in the name of jesus i declare and declare restore to my life restore to my destiny restore to my family restore in my body everything missing everything lost open your mouth and begin to pray everything lost let there be restoration [Music] in the name of jesus christ [Music] [Applause] [Music] in your life you
Views: 11,565
Rating: 4.9005523 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, joshua selman, koinonia, koinoniawatchtv, koinonia watch tv
Id: tOwouKDLpjM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 16sec (4636 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 02 2021
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