WHY YOU NEED TO BUILD AN ALTAR OF PRAYER :It's Time To Seek God|Apostle Joshua Selman 2019

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[Music] [Applause] the body of Christ is full of a lot of ignorance when it comes to the issue of prayer when it comes to the issue of warfare when it comes to the issue of the interaction between the realm of the Spirit and the at RAM there is cross ignorance in the body of Christ as to the mysteries that are responsible for these operations that's what I've been seeking to do to teach us and help us understand how men can contact the realm of the Spirit because man by design is the only entity that on legal grounds has the authorization to make contact with the RAM of the Spirit and make contact with the physical RAM at will every other entity meets his system of authorization and alka is a system of authorization I want to share a few things with you about altars an altar is a system of authorization an Ulta is not just a monument it is a system of authorization [Music] an Ulta is a platform write it down where the rim of the spirit makes contact with the physical realm on legal grounds an altar is a platform where the realm of the spirit makes contact with the physical RAM on legal grounds I'm taking our time for us to write this because I want us to understand it a spirit or an entity cannot enter another entity and not a territory without the configuration to suit that territory for instance a spirit should not be in the ED without a body that's against the law of territory if you must function in the edram as a territory you must have a body I will together now so every spirit including God is at the mercy of a body or an altar to find expression in a territory the first death recorded in the Bible happened on account of altars two men brothers went to offer sacrifices and all of them created platforms that was way before the Old Testament Adam had access to mysteries and he taught his children how to invoke the presence of God and it's not the way it is today bear and then you will know whether what you did worked or not and the Bible says Abel did something and came did something - and all of a sudden the sacrifice of a bell extended the heavens I will together now and then for Kim nothing happened and then Kim healed his brother and blood spilled upon the earth and he thought it was over but the Bible told us that discussion continued in the realm of the Spirit something about that activity called the presence of God and God said Cain there is a discussion going on in heaven but this discussion is between me and blood so what is going on am I my brother's keeper I don't tell lies there is a witness standing in heaven here that blood a symbol of an altar is granted me authorization to probe you and because of that I'm going to cause you George men still happen even after a bell died listen very carefully to what I'm teaching you supernatural system of authorization an altar let me give you one more definition is where covenants are activated and maintained an altar is the platform where covenants are both activated and maintained a covenant cannot walk without an altar it is an altar that is life to a covenant it's impossible for altars to walk covenants to walk without an altar and all ties like the battery that powers this gadget for instance the potentials of this gadget is only seen when you slot in the battery that's what an altar is it gives life to a covenant now write this down please alters can be physical monuments all tasks can be institutions and altars can be people altars can be physical monuments like we had in the Old Testament they would erect stones altars can be institutions like the jerusalem temple that was built by Solomon instead of God if anybody faces this temple and prays hackin to that person's prayer not because of the rightness of the prayer but a covenant that was enacted here and an altar was raised to that effect the reason why salvation the covenant of salvation can walk is because there is an altar that was erected not just in the earth in heaven the book of Hebrews tells us that Jesus a high priest carried his blood to the most holy place in heaven and put it upon an altar that is still speaking today that is the basis upon which whoever calls upon the name of the Lord where that in you are sleeping whether you are awake it kicks that reality you will be saved because there is an order that eternally secures that there are many platforms that God has created to allow spirit entities to find expression in the a dream to come an assist man to come an empowerment but if we do not understand those platforms then we'll not be able to take advantage of it and one of it is what I'm talking about tonight an altar of pray as his system of authorization an altar of Prayer as a mystery that on legal grounds authorizes the realm of the spirit to influence the activities of men here in the earth realm please write this down the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life the most accurate measure of the health of your spiritual life is your prayer life not Bible study Nosa the most accurate measure of how healthy your spiritual life is is your prayer life no matter what else is working in your life if your prayer life is dead then you are not spiritual [Music] are we together anyone can preach anyone can teach but not everyone can pray never forget this very easy to preach very easy to teach but it is sacrifice to pray any and everyone can preach any and everyone can teach but not everyone can pray because price is sacrifice is a mystery [Music] let me tell you something God is so meticulous about the revelation of altas that he rules the wall sitting on an altar the very throne room is like a shrine surrounded with mysteries the epicenter of the throne room is the very throne that he sits upon that throne you see is an altar is what makes him the Ancient of Days he sits up on that altar and manipulates things according to his pre determinate counsel doesn't have to walk around heaven to find out who is rebellious there is a system that has been designed to ensure order [Music] anyone who will walk in truth Dominion must function from the standpoint of an altar everyone who seeks to walk in truth Dominion most function from the standpoint of an order tonight were particularly looking at the altar of Prayer the minister of pray is one that is largely hated by many either because of the spiritual energy that it involves or because of the sacrifice and the discipline that is involved in the ministry of prayer but scattered around scripture all through the Bible and scriptures that encourage believers to pray and it makes them understand that their lives and their victories dependent on it in Luke chapter 18 verse 1 the Bible says he speaks this parable to the end that means the goal of this parable was to teach many lesson and the lesson is that men ought always to pray and not to faint always always not a circumstantial activity men ought always to pray and not to faint in Matthew chapter 21 when you read from verse 13 the Bible says Jesus entered the temple and in saw people buying and selling and doing all kinds of things in a temple and he was angry and in verse 13 chapter 21 he scattered everywhere and said my house shall be called a house of prayer my house shall be called a house of prayer is impossible to be a man of prayer and ignore the word what is possible to be a man of the world and ignore prayer when the devil wants to deceive you he makes you look like you have an option to choose between prey and the world and then he indoctrinates you and carries takes advantage of your passion for knowledge and gives you to be cold and dry and lukewarm and all of a sudden you begin to such scriptures like a philosopher and there is no power no grace no efficiency every great ministry starts from the altar of prayer any ministry that does not start as a prayer ministry will not last is impossible the Ministry of Jesus started as a prayer ministry the moment he was filled with the Holy Spirit he was driven of the Spirit 40 days and 40 nights traveling in prayer and the Bible says he returned in the power of the Spirit all of a sudden his fame began to spread Devils will fly around and say no no no no no you have come to destroy us before our time the ministry of prayer in James chapter 5 verse 16 please give it to us James chapter 5 verse 16 I wanted to understand this tonight is an admonishment and then we're going to pray James 5 but 16 he says confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that he may be healed then it says the effectual prayer of a righteous man it says availeth much availeth much amplifies as it is dynamic in its working it can produce results and we're going to examine these results that the prayer of a believer is not just an empty talk it's not just an exercise in futility it's not just a religious system to feel spiritual that every time men pray there is an effect now theologically speaking the classic scripture that is used to represent the activity of altars is Genesis chapter 28 we're not on in there for times sake but many of us know it I'm just giving a little theological background Abraham had passed across a region and the Bible says that he set up an altar there and many years later Jacob his son I will get a noun of son in the flesh now a generation now was passing that place and the night time came and he felt Luke let me just lie down and sleep and the Bible says he put stones together and laid down to sleep he didn't pray for an encounter he didn't beg for an encounter the moment he slept the Bible says his eyes were opened and he saw strange activities happening the angels ascending descending it was like a a portal a ladder another top of it was God himself and he was surprised when he woke up he said Wow this is a portal this is the crit of heaven I saw something that happened a portal and all that the Lord was in this place and I knew not now watch this is because Jacob's left there and recorded his experience that we know that that place had an effect do you know that whether or not Jacobs left there you can be passing peacefully and for whatever reason cross across that place and something happens to you all of a sudden you find out that the sickness just disappeared you didn't pray now you are wondering what happened now you don't know it was Jacob's experience that helped us to understand that there was such a thing the same way Elijah when he was about to leave we knew that there was a an exact portal that can take men physically he went beyond the Jordan and he said Elijah as I'm about to live and right before his eyes he saw chariots when Jesus was about to levitate to go to heaven he knew exactly where to stand when he they watched him and he began to rise there are physical portals in the end that open up to the realm of the Spirit not visions physical places a man can stand here today and have encounters when I write the prophetic or not which is understand this many people understand this I wish I had time to teach on altars because I will teach you that one of the natural ways of establishing an altar is consistency of a practice within a region it opens up an altar consistency of practice within a region that that atmosphere is spiritually acclimatized the moment you practice something consistently you attract the spirit dimension of that thing to come and find out what is going on so if I keep killing people in a particular region I don't need to invite any spirit I create a portal the moment a spirit comes in partnership with me that becomes an ultra that's why in many regions many campuses they have different region some have prayer mountains some how we used to have years ago in the campus there somewhere they call the lawn tennis court that was a physical solid portal that's where you see people carry their rechargeable and their socks for mosquitoes and go there and lie down and say Oh God if you don't help me I'm dead and by the next morning there is a miracle you find people just mind their business standing and start shaking because activities over many years they were people making use of that ground and it became sanctified angelic activities became so much there it was it was like how you do home cell because there are visitations and many members are within a region you dedicate a place and say look all of you within this region you can freely find expression here consistency can open up a portal [Music] Sharples caliber indecision Akash are you learning something tonight [Music] that's how many of our parents made our homes certain portals every time they continued doing certain things and they did not know when they invited the spirit dimensions you see let me tell you consistency attracts the realm of the spirit consistent acts those who practice all the religions you know how they invoke spirits and gentlemens the same word repeated over a long period of time how do they celebrate traditional festivals in many villages the people keep dancing doing the same thing for hours and then it becomes like they're supercharged at a point the spirit component of that activity has come I likely to say Lord open my eyes eight open my eyes open my eyes [Music] there is a law in the dealings of God with men and he says whatever you yield yourself to he says you will become a slave of that thing have a view of you are we together if I practice obedience consistently I have yielded my members to obedience I become a slave to obedience are we together now you see what's this if I steal this handkerchief watch this if I steal this handkerchief out of my volition is not enough to bring the spirit of theft in my life no if I do it again and I do it again that I don't know I'm invoking a mystery by my consistency a time will come the spirit that operates on men will say and be invited within a territory it will look for the territory where the physical dimension of what is bringing it is the same way if I begin to pray I may not feel comfortable but as I'm praying I'm invoking a dimension of the operation of the spirit of the spirit of prayer and supplication it they will come in that place that dimension will be revealed in me supernatural are you learning something because you see not all of us were consciously built but they are still orders so it is when I say all tasks that are destroying you it doesn't mean you have to go to your village and relay your uncle and say if you don't tell us what you have done we'll beat you know he may be innocent this is where the prophetic ministry must be guided because every time we talk of alte they think it must be principled to a real experience know the mysteries that you do consistently are building altars and they eventually become invitations for spirits whether the Spirit of God or any kind of demon spirit [Music] have you had an experience I'm not saying you should do it but you've seen it in ministries where somebody can come no church service just enter the church and come and lie down on the altar row maybe for a child and go back and have triplets now question was anybody preaching but because the the power and the presence of God has found expression upon that ground for a long time you have Eve I pet you up in 40 dimension where the service is at work or not that portal remains open all that it takes is your faith once your faith me and does that atmosphere it happens to you samwell was an altar didn't have an altar he was an altar you never came here somewhere and went back to see no a young man cameras and wellas to naked prophesy morning till night that's an altar when saul went and met sam well they were looking for the donkey as soon as they saw Samuel they knew their lives were going to be altered I told you altars and not just physical monuments you can be an altar and that's one of the things that prayer does you don't do the monument your life becomes the activation of itself listen the beauty of prayer is not just for you to continue talking for the rest of your life but that you get to a state of consistency where even in your silence listen you have become an ultra spiritual activities can be happening around you so that is a living Alta I activate possibilities just by walking you come around me and something happens to you I didn't directly pray for you you didn't even know you had that problem but an atmosphere that I was carrying implicated you [Music] why is Priya important why do we have to build an altar of Prayer three reasons very quickly number one prayer is God authorized system of communion and fellowship with him write it down prayer is God's authorized system of communion and fellowship with him the Bible is very clear that the communion of the Spirit the fellowship of the spirit what we call Koinonia must be at work in the life of anyone to do business with God and that system of Koinonia is through prayer prayer is one of God's authorized system not the only authorized system but one of the major authorizes them for Communion and fellowship Luke chapter 6 let's take a few scriptures very quickly Luke chapter 6 and verse 12 please give it to us Luke chapter 6 and verse 12 then we look at Matthew 26 verse 36 and down to 39 is actually to 44 to stop at 39 quickly looks after 6 verse 12 look up everyone please it says I need him to pass those days speaking about Jesus now that he went out into a mountain to pray and continued all night in prayer to God communion Jesus was not just praying prayer requests like we do during miracle service remember he was God he still is God but he went to spend time all night Kamui communing give us Matthew Matthew 26 and verse 36 Matthew 26 verse 36 then comment Jesus with them listen this was his passion was about to start then commit Jesus with them on to a place called gethsemane and settled to the disciple seats yet while I go and pray yonder unless watch what the Bible calls prayer and he took from him pretend the two sons of Zebedee and began to be sorrowful and very heavy 38 then he said unto them my soul is exceedingly sorrowful even unto death tarry here and watch with me please continue quickly and he went a little further and fell on his face and prayed saying saying this sounds like a communication a conversation my father if it be possible let this cup pass of me when you read down to verse 44 he prayed the same thing three times prayer is God authorized system of communion not just a platform for petitions prayer is how Pais transferred to men is an authorized system of communion is your spiritual system of intimacy and intercourse in the place of Prayer that's where the exchange happens between divinity Jesus was filled with the Holy Spirit but never manifested the power of the Holy Ghost after prayer the Bible says he returned not full of the Spirit but in the power of the Spirit in Luke 17 don't turn Dear John 17 sorry Jesus himself began to communicate with the father as usual and he says father the hour has come what communion to prayer the hour has come glorify thy son that thy son will bring glory to you and then he began to converse look at all the platforms till today listen till today how Jesus advocates for believers in heaven is still to prayer the Bible says he seated at the right hand of the Father and he makes intercession for the sins why will you intercede when you are already seated by the right hand is his system is not about proximity is his system of Communion and communication if you are not a man of Prayer you are not a woman of Prayer you can be sure that the reality of Communion and fellowship with the Holy Ghost that reality you see let me tell you something if you are not open to prayer you will never understand what we are saying you would think is just am I'm not just talking of corporate prayer corporate prayer is great but you must have the secret place that's where he comes to meet with you that's when he tells you things he cannot tell any of that person the reason why you don't hear God is because you are not used to his voice in the secret place he has not trained you to hear him so you hear everything and you call it him I was counseling a couple some I think I don't know if it was last week and the mother was outside and the father came in with the daughters maybe they even here listening to me and they held a little baby as soon as the baby shouted from outside the mother identified the voice and came to check what was happening with the baby and I said Koinonia that's intimacy because there is a union that baby is talking from the same mother their interaction the mother did not train herself to hear the voice she was implicated by that Koinonia so anyway there were many people families with their children but when she had her own is my sheep hear my voice my sheep hear my voice meaning if you cannot ask hear his voice find out whether you are his sheep or not don't assume you are his sheep assumption is consoling the school of intimacy you must verify that there is contact between you and God there are pastors that don't pray so they get angry they think the manifestation of the power of God is magic there are dimensions impartation will not give you you must dig your well by yourself you must create an ultra system you must bring mastery in the realm of the Spirit you must be used to the spiritual communication that has been is like a tailor-made system of God reaching you God must know how to reach you on Sirius informations God must know how to reach you on trivial informations you must train your organs of interaction with the realm of the Spirit that place of training is the secret place I will never trade anything for my time with him that's where men are built that's where there is an exchange see let me tell you holding a mic and teaching is not difficult holding a mic and preaching is not difficult but communicating life that one is a derivative [Music] that's why we sleep in church that's why our churches are full of dry balls from the preacher to those listening all dry bones people stand and talk they said something that should bless you wonder why doesn't bless you because there is no altar they are standing on assisted by the realm of the Spirit [Music] [Applause] [Music]
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Keywords: apostle joshua selman messages, apostle joshua selman nimmak messages, koinonia watch tv, dr dk olukoya prayers, koinonia 2018, stewards of the mysteries, apostle joshua selman 2019, accessing the dee, an altar of prayer by apostle joshua selman, altar of prayer, apostle joshua selman, dealing, with, attacks, and, challenges, koinonia, apostle, joshua, selman, nimmak, prayer, spiritual warfare prayers, spiritual warfare
Id: PiThb8wtIGw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 24sec (1884 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 28 2019
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