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[Music] very carefully the holy ghost when he began to teach me about encounters he taught me four cardinal encounters listen carefully don't assume you understand what i'm saying there are four foundational encounters and the holy spirit taught me that these are the major encounters every believer must have if you do not have these four encounters no matter which other encounter you have there will be trouble i'm going to run through them because of time why am i teaching you this so that when you begin to have extraordinary encounters because you see soaking yourself in this glory is exposing you to the realm of the spirit and you must be guided by scripture so that we do not have all kinds of error that come and then you connect the arrow to coinonia you say it was when i came for koinonia i fell under the anointing and i was in the realm of the spirit this is what i saw this is how i came and you see the way the devil does it is he will take advantage of this atmosphere to mislead you when you now tell someone it was incarnate that thing started you will usually believe you and respect you but hope you go into the realm of error are you blessed i have kept these four encounters and i pay attention to them my entire life these are the encounters that have become pillars that guide me as i approach the realm of the spirit and i'm introducing you to this and this is also a message to the body of christ these encounters that i'm about to list and maybe briefly just touch they supersede any other encounter listen if these are the only encounters you have in your life and you never have any vision again in your life you will still fulfill your god-given mandate the foundational encounters that every child of god or everyone on earth should have are you ready for this have you understood everything i've said so far yes i want you to appreciate these things that we teach because number one they are consistent with scripture but number two some of these trainings came from a standpoint of pain blood and tears i'm praying that you will place value on them some of you what i'm saying you may not need it now until you keep rising one day you will see and thank the lord that you got this doctrinal balance even as you approach the realm of the spirit some of you as i share this with you the lord will use it to give you hope and give you confidence as far as your christian experience is concerned four encounters the lord taught me number one the first encounter that every believer must have is encountered with jesus the son of the living god please write it down it does not mean a visionary picture of jesus you can have an encounter through scripture and encounter through the word of salvation with jesus the son of the living god please write it down just be patient and write it down the bible says in john chapter 3 and verse 16 for god so loved the world that he gave his one and only begotten son he says that whosoever should believe in him should not perish but have everlasting life can i tell you this no matter how many visions you see in your life if you do not have an encounter with jesus the son of the living god you are going to hell it's as simple as that encounters don't redeem people it is jesus that redeems people encounters don't give people eternal life it is the son of the living god so if you have 30 encounters in your life and jesus is not part of them you are on your way to hell ladies and gentlemen please hear me this is this this are safety nets an encounter with the son of the living god the first encounter that the hunger of any living being would push him to in that order is an encounter with the son of the living god it is a foundational encounter you must have you must pray that everybody around your life your church they must have that encounter what does it mean to encounter the son of the living god that the holy spirit through the ministry of the gospel will furnish the reality of the love of jesus the love of the father to your heart and bring you to a point where you accept the truth of his substitutionary sacrifice are we together now to the end that you receive of his life eternal life the bible says it's an encounter this is the record that god hath given us eternal life and this life is in his son he says whosoever hath the son hath life eternal everybody say encounter with the sun there are many people today i'm sorry to use this expression but even people in who operate the prophetic but have not had this encounter i hope you know that yes there are people who came just from tradition and then they came into the city and just continued what they were doing an encounter with the son of god i know people who started having visions and had prophetic inclinations even before they got born again yes that is a possibility your very wiring your very prophetic wiring can tilt you to the prophetic and people can begin to recognize it some of you know people like that in your villages they are sincere people they don't practice any evil that you know but we call them seers they have eyes that see they can tell you be careful and what they say will happen exactly so can i tell you those same people need encounters the encounter with the son of the living god this is doctrine if you do not have an encounter with the son of the living god you are in trouble why because no other encounter sustains the power to save you and translate you from the kingdom of darkness to the kingdom of god's dear son my brothers and my sisters no matter how long you fast no matter how long you pray no matter how many realms and dimensions you step into even if you go to heaven even if it's a true heaven and you come down if you don't have an encounter with the son of the living god you are going to hell it's as simple and honest as that are we learning the first foundational encounter that every believer must have encounter with the son of god number two very quickly the second encounter is an encounter with the person and the ministry the ministry of the holy spirit in that order second only to your encounter with the son of the living god you need an encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit please look up the ministry of the holy spirit is not for pastors the ministry of the holy spirit is not for preachers it's not just for some supernatural people the ministry of the holy spirit is for everybody jesus told us that he is the only shorty to have been guided he says when he the spirit of truth is come he will guide you into all truth satan can use truth to destroy it's not only a lie that destroys the truth can destroy you many believers have not been introduced into this encounter with the person of the holy spirit an encounter with the holy spirit is more than praying in tongues no just because hands were laid on you and you are praying in tongues when we say have you met the holy ghost you say yes no no no just because you have eaten someone's food does not mean you've met the person no you benefited from the person but have you met the person can i tell you this especially for those of us who are called into ministry all those who have been mightily used by god from scripture and modern history and even today will tell you they can trace their exploits to this one encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit we've dealt with that here so i don't want to go so deep into that the holy spirit realize the holy spirit is god the holy spirit is not an archangel the holy spirit is not one of those winds flowing in the realm of the spirit no the holy spirit is god you can encounter his office when you are encountering the son he plays a role there but you can encounter the passing of the holy spirit it is true the benefit of that encounter is guidance i've taught you the benefit of that encounter his empowerment direction the holy spirit so that whatever you see and whatever you hear you can trust him to guide you he will tell you what is from him and he will tell you what is not from him you do not use the purity of what you are seeing to know whether it is from god or not no it is the voice of the holy spirit that will help you decipher you will see many good things in your christian experience but they are not from god it's not in this kingdom is we don't deal with good or bad we deal with whether the holy spirit is involved or not no matter how good it is if the holy spirit who is the spirit of the father is not involved in that process stay away no matter how good encounter with the person and the ministry of the holy spirit crinonia is god helping you tonight so there are times while i'm having several visions maybe in the miracle service and all of that you see it happen i can have the vision say of a coughing and i can see death now i don't just announce the holy spirit listen all of those visions will pass through the sieve of these foundational visions these foundational encounters are we together now any vision i see that does not glorify the sun i will never announce it i will throw it like that the same way you are passing the street and you see a madman you just know that somebody was there and you passed you are focusing on what you are looking at there are many other things you will see other than what god wants you to see but you must first ask yourself a question this is why i'm teaching you this because i have had this encounter with the son of god every other encounter i have i must ask myself does this encounter reveal jesus and does this bring him glory either in my life or the life of those i'm about to minister to if it does not capture the revelation of the son and the glorification of the same no matter how spectacular the vision is i would dump it if someone learning now an encounter with the sun gives balance to every other encounter you have if it does not reveal the son and does not bring him glory throw it out of your life number two an encounter with the holy spirit the holy spirit gives you direction the holy spirit gives you guidance let me tell you this i wish we had the time i hope you know that in your christian experience you will get to a point where you will meet a lot of people with influences that produce results but if you have a rich ministry with the holy spirit you will be able to know that this is not the holy spirit and you may even be able to help them listen in my life and in ministry i've had the opportunity of praying for people especially kids kids that they brought that were demonstrating superhuman abilities it was because of this relationship with the holy spirit are we together remember in the book of acts the experience of paul remember the little girl who was using divination many of us now would have entered partnership with her in ministry many of us you can't allow that opportunity to pass you by like that that is a rich opportunity for strategic alliance she even volunteered this is a great man i mean what else would you for someone to announce you using her credibility but he looked and looked and said no something is wrong the holy spirit i have met people in my life this is a true story i have met people in my life who called my name and prophesied to me and they were not christians they've not given their life to christ not it's not something hidden i remember one time i think it was niger i was going to have a meeting i think it was nigel republic or so and we were going we went we flew to lagos and then went by road somewhere when we're doing just the immigration formalities i remember some of you go to the market and you see these people they are there they can call your name with uncanny accuracy if you do not have an encounter with the holy spirit your search for visionary solutions will lead you to delusion joshua salman ah who are you well i'm not exactly an evil person but i'm not by everybody's visionary experience is powered from a source what source powers that vision it is not the correctness of the information is the source that powers it and listen you have no right to just look at people and begin to judge them if your own relationship with the holy spirit is not alive by what parameter you will become judgmental and you will mix both good and bad and call everybody fake it is on the strength of your relationship with the holy spirit you can decipher [Music] are we learning now yes sir there are times that i've shaken hands with people and i look at them sincerely and you see them manifesting a semblance of the anointing and i know this is not god sometimes i make one statement and they are delivered there and they themselves will be surprised i know a woman one time that i prayed for this woman would have visionary encounters people would come to her house she can pray for you she said she had testimonies of people who were buried who god opened their wombs but she knew something was wrong because when she lies to sleep she will be tormented by evil spirits yet this gift supposedly was working in her life the day i met her she came thank god she was a sincere woman she was honest and she told me she said this is a gift that has been working in her life people have sowed into her life she's had results but i knew this was not the spirit now it didn't mean the woman was bad i have a relationship with the holy ghost i know how he operates i know what is not him and i held the woman's hands and i prayed for her why did they flock the apostles in the bible because they tampered with somebody's way of getting money there were some evil men who saw that young girl and when they saw her instead of them to lead her to someone who helped her they decided to cash in on the opportunity while those demons continue to torment that girl i love the apostles when they came they didn't have time for rubbish they rebuked that spirit even though they flocked them later on but at least jesus was glorified [Applause] are we together encounter with the holy spirit listen to me until you cultivate your relationship with the holy spirit you will never step into the realm of discernment and sensitivity and in this end time brothers and sisters you need sensitivity there are many things that look like god that is not god there are many things that look like god speaking to your destiny i can prophesy favor upon you now and say in the name of jesus christ be favored you will say amen the moment you say amen you will see a text in your phone after service and it's 419 people they will tell you give us your account number give us something and um there is some money that you want somewhere you have you seen those kinds of people and the devil will now connect it to the prophetic word of favor and that begins your destruction for instance but when you know the holy ghost you know how he operates you know that this is not god and you dump that nonsense out of your phone and give yourself rest there are times you sit down and you are doing you are talking with people you are about to do a business with them they are so articulate they are intelligent everything is right but here comes the holy ghost again it tells you no no i know i told you that i will bless you next week but this is not it the blessing is coming but this is not it and there are times that many things will not look like it but it is it it is still him that will tell you you see that is a strange thing with the holy spirit you will see a job that does not look like it and the holy ghost will tell you take that job 50 000 when i am waiting for one that will give me 250 and the holy ghost will tell you take it but this does not look like the vision i saw because you have an encounter with the holy ghost he will say take it once you are in that job your uncle will come and it is through that job you will be sent for a training and you will meet your destiny helper and within five months you will leave that job into where god showed you now have you not heard god you will not even know how to navigate to that realm [Music] are we learning now number three very quickly encounter with the word of god it would never tire me to teach you this you have to learn it the third foundational encounter you must have superior to all other encounters is an encounter with the word of god please look at me if you are not sounding scripture you see deception will be the devil will take you for a ride you have to be sound in scripture encounter with the word of god what is the word of god the word of god is a compendium of the mysteries of the kingdom god's modus operandi the word of god reveals number one god's character number two the word of god reveals how god operates when you encounter the word of god you know how god operates and you know how he does not operate there is a way the god of the bible never operates never operates never operates most believers are not sounding scripture that's why it's easy to fall into the trap of deception the devil comes and markets all kinds of lies and just sways us like that listen in this end time we need high level illumination knowledge of god's word to know what to do there are people who have no business relocating abroad but because they do not understand the character of scripture someone just tells you i want to lift you you have to go back to that encounter how does god lift the things that are written at fourth time the bible says they are for our learning so that we through the comfort of scripture might find hope many things that we have called greener pastures are not greener pastures greener pastures is the word of god you see that i'm not saying there's anything wrong having all these experiences but the word of god must be your guide can i tell you this as powerful as supernatural encounters are if you start ministry just because you saw a vision you will suffice if it's not god that called you there are people today who are frustrated and sometimes sincere people when they come they say apostle i can't understand they will show me a documentation of their vision and i know truly that vision came from god but it is the principle of scripture that controls your success the visions are only support systems to help guide your conviction when jesus came and walked upon the earth is he not heaven that he came from why did he need to learn scripture why would you come from heaven through the womb of a woman and submit yourself to the learning of scripture from heaven jesus did not come from the realm of the spirit he came directly from heaven not even heaven from the throne he came to the earth and submitted himself to this encounter so when satan came he didn't say satan you are stupid you forgot i am god he said it is written he had a right to say i hope you know i am god satan i know this is you my discernment is still in place the holy ghost is in me leave this place no he wanted us to learn so he said it is written for every temptation the devil brought jesus did not use his encounters for defense he used scriptures it is written you don't tell the devil you are joking god called me that is nonsense the realm of the spirit does not care what has the bible said as your system of defense [Applause] i can never fail why i know what i saw you are the only one who saw it the realm of the spirit is asking you why should we stop oppressing you i saw a vision in that vision i saw a plant and it was bringing oranges that's a vision my brothers and my sisters what will give you fruitfulness is it is written i had many visions about koinonia in abuja i would have been surprised and shocked disappointed and frustrated if he was the only thing if i placed my vision on a billboard with my name written hello abuja i am joshua salman it happened on a thursday night when i was sleeping i saw the heavens open and i saw the map of abuja you just laugh and say all these stupid people listen to me this ministry thrives not just because of visions the visions benefit us and add to our convictions but everything works because it is written one more time shout it say it is written one more time say eat that means anything you tell me that is not consistent with what is written i can change it because this foundational encounter is greater than any other encounter a genuine man of god even if it's me i can look at you and say that based on the vision i'm seeing i saw an obituary this is the reason why you see many times when i prophesy to people i tell them what i saw but i'm quick to tell them no no i'm not a prophet of doom we have this encounter also we have the power based on what is written to veto whatever it is that we have seen this is what brings perspective to the orchest the operation of the prophetic imagine that you come and i leave you i say ah you came for koinonia i don't know what brought you here today because with what i'm seeing i saw a coughing may god show you messing no i didn't i didn't know koinonia why do you think you are going to succeed in life why do you think you will see the end of this year listen listen listen listen why do you think the dream you saw you saw them dragging your trousers in your primary school in that dream why do you think you will still succeed in spite of it [Music] listen to me it was written so that it cannot be changed [Applause] i believe this no matter what my eye sees no matter what my ears hear no matter what encounters i have i only believe those encounters if i find them consistent with what is written if that encounter is not consistent with what is written i use what is written to change that encounter listen this looks like i'm just joking with you if you don't learn this you will live a defeated christian life having visions and you'll never succeed this is the reason why many people have notebooks full of visions and there is no there is no progress in their lives because they ignore this they throw it away and they begin to move according to what i saw i saw what's today's date i saw 15th of august and then i saw dollars and that's a vision that will not give you favor it may be that god is telling you through that simplitude that i want to bless you but whether it will happen or not depends on it is written what you do with that vision is you now open your scripture and you now find scriptures that are consistent with that vision that vision now supports your confidence but the real producer of the results is not what you saw is it is written one more time shout it it is if i didn't believe this i would have died since since i would have died since you don't know the kinds of visions you know as a man of god people send you all kinds of things i've had well-meaning people send me text messages apostle be careful i saw a ghastly motor accident and they are not wrong some of them are accurate prophets of god i'm not this is not sarcasm sincere people and i know that was the plan of the devil so when you wake up in the morning and you have a dream don't wait for miracle service no open your bible and let it is written collide with that vision [Applause] listen what i'm teaching you will give you confidence so that you are not you don't you don't become a victim is good to be blessed by men of god but be careful so that we don't turn you into spiritual slaves we are supposed to help you not trap you this is it you need this more than joshua salman can i tell you if you pay attention to this even more than joshua selman you will succeed this predates my arrival here many have come and gone this remains written many have said many things and have had to cancel it many people have made prophetic statements on how to honorably withdraw it but this has not been changed [Music] third foundational encounter encounter with the word of god is an indoctrination this is the reason why my spiritual experiences profit me and they profit the body because i will never exalt any vision i see no matter how many days fasting no matter what it is if a demon spirit appears to me right now the first thing is i'm going to why is it there you see if it's there to oppress me it is written can take care of it if god is trying to send a message to me for the body of christ i would descend the message when i'm done the demon will go but your confidence is it is written yet though i walk through the valley of the shadow of death i fear no evil why because thou art with me listen thy rod and thy staff that's what comforts me thy road and thy staff thyroid and thy staff so i want you to if you don't know what is written it means you are in trouble imagine if jesus did not know what was written and satan says turn this stone into bread he says don't disturb me i am jesus you'll be surprised satan will still be standing there that's why he has not left your life because when you came to him he said i'm a member of koinonia he's a nonsense what is that what is you a member of calinonia before you were born i knew about calinonia i was in heaven what is the basis why should i leave you okay what else do i say now [Applause] listen why should you rise in life apostle declared over me you are joking apostle declared according to what i prophesied but i did as i was commanded i didn't prophesy as i wanted john said i am the voice it is not the voice that brings the power it is the word that the voice is echoing are we together now please lend what i'm telling you some of you by this there are papers you need to go back home and tear into pieces and sit with confidence and sleep like a baby and wake up it is written harley bakarowski atabata it is written my 2021 is blessed it is written it is written it is written [Music] it is written why do you think you'll be exempted from all the limitations that come i am a member of koinonia that that is wonderful when you understand it to be that i am prophetically connected based on what the bible says but if it's just blindly i'm a member of cornelia you will you will be surprised i'm saying this because there are many believers who do not have a scriptural basis for confidence satan leave me alone why i know the apostle joshua sermon and the demon who said jesus i know me too i know jesus me do i know paul me too i know joshua salman you have to stand and say you better know me too it is written legislate in the realm of the spirit but it is written [Applause] this is why i know that i will never fail in life thank god for the many visions that i have but depending on those visions for success is deception the visions are only guides they are support systems i tell you the truth by the god of heaven the basis for the victory of my life the basis for the victory of this ministry is this immutable council of god it is written it is written it is written so when i tell you you will rise say amen but don't just go back and say i will rise no when i say you will rise quickly resort to this foundational encounter find the scriptures that support what i said then you will rise indeed but if you just believe that just because i spoke to you no [Music] are you seeing the balance now this is why many of you do not profit from the prophetic ministry the prophetic ministry is not fake it is a genuine spiritual ministry but just because an anointed man spoke over your life just because he revealed and what he revealed was true when he blessed you your spiritual life went down because you had confidence that this man knows god his word does not fail but you ignore it is written it is written khali bhagata it is written when men say there is a casting down for me i will say there is a lifting up so based on that when i say in the name of jesus you are exempted from evil as you are saying amen your mentality is connecting that amen with peace that's what plugs it into the power line to produce results anything i tell you don't just say amen connect it to a scripture then you can now say amen are we together now when you wake up from a dream and you see me blessing you i'm praying for you don't just dance that you saw me find a scripture when you connected to that vision you have given it life to manifest anything not connected to scripture does not have the life that brings manifestation you can have an encounter be in the realm of the spirit watch promotion and you return back and it will never manifest in this realm but when you connect that vision to it is written some of you is a few days after now you will really get all that i've taught you [Music] maybe i would just stop at this third encounter so anything i see i pass it through the encounter with the sun does it pass the test i pass it through the encounter with the holy ghost does it pass the test then i pass it through the encounter with scripture if it passes the test then i receive it if it fails that test no matter how accurate it is i dump it in peace and i don't feel bad if you tell me apostle your life will be destroyed for instance i salute what you are saying but i go to it is written until i find the same thing you said here there is no reason for tears whip not for the book is opened you only weep when the book is closed hear me there are arrows that fly by day you don't need a prophet to tell you that there are no some pestilences there are destructions that waste in the noonday so if someone tells you he's not telling you anything new are we together now he's only revealing to you something that the bible already says what today will someone tell you that the bible has not told you generally speaking if someone tells you there is evil on earth in all honesty is that new it is written already told you if someone tells you there is a possibility for failure is that new no the bible already tells you most of the things we seek for in encounters scripture has already told us i want to succeed okay so how do you succeed if only i can see joshua salman i know my life will change you are right because of the prophetic dimension as written in scripture however you can sit with scripture this book of the lord shall not depart from out of your mouth but thou shalt meditate during day and night that thou mayest observe to do to do to do to do not just to read to do so it may be the doing part you are missing [Music] man of god what gives you confidence that you will thrive in ministry i know my mentor i know my father think again i know the spiritual tribe i'm connected to think again what makes you believe you will prosper i got a first class and then somebody prophesied to me and said i would never fail think again [Music] an encounter with the son of the living god you see because we have ignored these encounters many people keep meeting the apostolic and the prophetic ministry but they are never saved do you know that do you know that you can be in church for a long time you can't even be part of the eldership and you have not met the son like it's happened to many people i'm not preaching from a standpoint of sarcasm this preaching tonight is coming from a heart that desperately loves the body of christ and god's people generally speaking these were the things that the lord taught me that have given me stability in my life today more than my visions listen if i come for miracle service today and i never see anything i never hear anything i can pick my bible and read for you a scripture about healing and say the sick begin to be healed based on it is written don't tie yourself to just listen visionary experiences and all these supernatural encounters only become useful if they submit to these foundational encounters if you're a man of god here learn it and put balance to your administration of encounters people may clap for you while you are announcing visionary encounters but sooner or later you'll find out that there is no growth because it is not the encounters create convictions but their convictions are only strengthened by these foundational encounters when i learned this i found rest i travel for meetings and people expect to see the power of god people expect to see the grace of god and you would ask me apostle what makes you think that people are going to be blessed i will be stupid to tell you i hope you know that this is an apostolic call i hope you know that there are visionary experiences i will be surprised that i will stand and the heavens will be closed the basis of my confidence is it is written what was written the lord walking with them confirming the words so every time i walk i do not walk alone you invite me but it's not only me that came i came with a battalion [Music] so when i came here and i began to speak and you saw the power of god manifest it's not just listen it's not just because i am anointed it's not just because i saw it's not just because something was told my ears more than those encounters i know that what i saw submitted to the truth of scripture it is consistent with the character of the son consistent with the ministry of the holy spirit consistent with the character of scripture and i know that god will honor it let me tell you this you walk in this you have received the vaccination for errol now god can trust you with visions over nations and you know how to administer the prophetic with accuracy why because you know how to pass it through it is written apostle jesus prophet jesus look at the respect he had for scripture every time they asked jesus a question he seldom spoke about his encounters it is written there are few times you will see jesus talking about his encounters yet he was the fountain of all encounters it is written it is written they say this in your law but this is what i say they say this but this is what i say his first salmon was not encounters his first salmon was the spirit of the lord is upon me because it was written by the prophets because he hath anointed me when he was done he now said this scripture has been fulfilled this day let me prove to you that what is written is now manifest man with the withered hand stretch your hands now if you call him a fake man of god he will refer you to it is written let me teach you something before we pray if you're a man of god here if you know that god has granted you grace for extraordinary manifestations of the spirit don't take for granted that the people who you are ministering to understand what you are saying show them the scriptural basis of that operation before you begin it or at least before the end of that operation you see me do it most times because if you do not see it from a scriptural standpoint the devil may deceive you into thinking this is just superstition are we blessed i have taught you an encounter with the spirit of wisdom with favor my life today is full of convictions i don't teach things i don't believe i don't teach things i'm not confident but my greatest encounters brothers and sisters hear me my greatest encounters are not my encounters of jesus as wonderful as they are my greatest encounters are not the encounters where i saw a crowd of a crowd of people it's not an encounter with all of these saints of old i only say those things sometimes to encourage you the foundational encounters in my life that i respect and i honor that have helped to shape this grace and have produced this that is a wonder and a blessing to the world today is not just that vision is an encounter with the son of the living god his life that is at work in me an encounter with the office and the passing of the holy spirit giving me direction helping me and guiding me part time invest in the presence of god upon my life then an encounter with the word of god teaching me the character of the christ and the modus operandi of the kingdom the assignment of the anointing is to make sure the word of god does not look like a lie i've taught you this without an encounter with the word of god you don't need anointing you cannot truly operate the anointing in isolation it will mislead people the assignment of the anointing is to validate what was said so if nothing has been said the anointing has no ministry understand this if the lord says let the sick be healed and i declare it as his servant the anointing moves to validate that claim apostle i want to be anointed see how jesus anointed people in the bible he spent time teaching them doctrine he taught them scripture and then one encounter they had now they had the grace to validate these things many of you if i drop a bible here and i drop a bottle of oil you would jump at the bottle of oil even if it breaks on your head you will still be laughing with the injury on your head because you believe you encounter the anointing please return back to the place of scripture sit down with your bible start reading it like you did before i've hardly seen anybody bring me a bible and say pray on it i'm not saying there's anything wrong please don't you if you have your bottle of oil yeah no problem i'm going to pray on it but i'm saying we have to be careful i've not seen anybody buy a clean king james bible and say apostle please pray on it that god will open me up to the mysteries of the kingdom no but people have brought all kinds of things people have brought sticks people have brought water people have brought handkerchiefs and they they're sincere people i'm not saying they are wrong people have brought sand people have brought shoes people have bought photos people have brought food people have brought all kinds of things where is the bible here it's not necessary i just need a prophetic action immediately apostle i had a dream in that dream i saw myself coming with oil and now i have come with it physically i agree and i'm going to pray for you don't feel bad i'm not being sarcastic okay so what makes you think that this oil is going to work because you will anoint it no no no no [Music] the oil is not anointed because i lay hands on it the oil is anointed because i lay hands on it with the understanding that the empowerment comes from scripture so where you keep your anointing oil where you kept your sand where you kept your your candle or whatever just push it and put a bible there don't ignore those things put a bible first most believers would prefer to buy jars of oil jars of handkerchiefs and if you tell them okay what are you going through things are not working in my life listen to this message and then when you listen to this message get this scripture you see them smile at you and leave with disappointment as though god punish you i came and i stood here this is what you are doing because god anointed you but the moment you come and you say kneel down turn stand up ah what is this the now begins that something is going on ah goodness so my my case listen i'm not mocking the prophetic i'm only giving you wisdom there are times that i've prayed for people and i said it's done they didn't believe it they stood there upper is done with what i saw i saw these guys rolling up and down and you just touch me and say you are distracted just focus on me and pray for me with all your heart may god give us growth and maturity in the name of jesus christ we're going to pray i was glad when they said unto me let us go to the house of the lord now listen two disclaimers one you must be wise in communicating what you have heard tonight don't go around tearing down people don't go around insulting prophets and apostles i have a responsibility to tell you this because there are many believers who have not understood what i've said but they know how to use it and tear other people they are not going to listen to me all the while while i was talking they were not paying attention and yet they would go and say this what apostle was saying no no i have a responsibility to teach you truth as instructed by god but if and when i do communicate something that looks like i'm lashing out on people you must understand that this number one is coming from a standpoint of love and it's coming to a people who should be matured based on scripture are we together now so some of you maybe you have maybe your church or your pastor you find them operating in the prophetic and they may even make some of these mistakes don't point hands at people you remember that the hallmark of transformation is not just knowledge it is love if god grants you the grace and you can explain and expound scripture more perfectly that's fine otherwise stay in the place of prayer and communicate love do not carry revelation like a sword and go and begin to tear people and cause injury in the body of christ it is not maturity i have to put this disclaimer are we blessed let's pray now now that you have learned this i can release the grace for encounters upon you and i know that i did not make a mistake because now you know how to decipher encounters you will be surprised that after this prayer as i speak over your life many of you will step into strange dimensions of the prophetic and visionary encounters but they would not mislead you and they will not mislead others because you have been taught the foundational encounters that every other encounter must rest upon please lift your voice in one minute and give god thanks for the word tonight father we bless you and we give you praise the mystery of supernatural encounters [Music] we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you we bless you we honor you in the name of jesus the entrance of your word gives light it gives understanding unto the simple we bless you for the power of your word for giving us understanding we open up ourselves to supernatural encounters knowing we are safe we have been pegged by these foundational encounters they become our boundary of safety and we will never walk in error because we have encounters with the son of the living god we have encounters with the spirit of the living god we have encounters with the word of god the modus operandi of the kingdom lift your voice and thank the lord no fear no fear no fear no intimidation because these three encounters are for all hallelujah by this teaching tonight find comfort if you have not yet been open to the realms of visions visionary encounters do not stand and feel bad don't let some of us that god has helped in that area intimidate you and do not use those visionary encounters as a measure sorry about that a measure of spiritual maturity are we together now now don't sit down and allow yourself to be misled that until i have these supernatural encounters i am not growing if you encounter the sun you encounter the spirit you encounter the world keep moving you will move enviably to the place of destiny every other encounter that comes is only a supporting structure but i tell you you have gotten it right if you get the sun right you have gotten it you get the spirit right you have gotten it you get the word of god right you have gotten it now let me pray for you father in the name of jesus my first prayer for everyone is that these foundational encounters will become true in our lives in jesus name for anyone here who is born again you already have an encounter with the son but i pray for you that the ministry of the holy spirit will become real for you i also pray for you that the ministry of the world especially because for many of us this is the area we have defaulted we love superstition africa loves superstition we love a lot of superstitious things but i pray for you the grace to settle with scripture till you have illumination understanding and confidence receive that grace in jesus name the grace to believe to respect and to exalt what is written above what you see above what you hear receive that grace in jesus name and now i pray for you to support all of these foundational encounters may god open you strangely to the realm of the angelic may god open you strangely to the realm of visions may god open you strangely to the realm of trances and dreams in the name of jesus christ god will reveal things to you through those platforms and then in partnership with these foundational encounters you will produce an excellent christian life in the name of jesus christ hear me for anyone here who has had anything or seen anything in form of vision that negates what is written concerning you i use the authority of scripture and i cancel that vision from your life in the name of jesus christ no matter what you have seen no matter what you have heard if it's not consistent with what is written in the name of jesus in partnership with the spirit of god we declared null and void [Applause] and for every vision you have seen every vision you have heard every accurate vision that came from the holy spirit that came from heaven and is yet to be manifest i connected to what is written i give it the life that makes it manifest in the name of jesus christ [Applause] if there is anyone here under the sound of my voice who is in errol and has become an addict of visions an addict of the prophetic and addict of the apostolic above scripture i declare let there be deliverance for you now [Applause] anyone who will have to depend on the prophetic or depend on visions for your confidence in the name of jesus i rearrange the basis of your confidence let the basis of your confidence not just be visionary experiences but let it be these tripartite foundational encounters in the name of jesus christ [Applause] hear me any pronouncement over your life whether through a dream through a vision or even to a man of god that is not consistent with scripture i stand by the ministry of the holy spirit and by that which is written i change it now concerning your life and every door that has refused to open the bible mandates us to prophesy the bible mandates also declare restoration the bible mandates us to declare that doors be open therefore i stand by the authority of scripture and i decree and declare every closed door opens now every closed door opens now [Music] hear me for many of you go back home listen to these scriptures or listen to this sermon find scriptures attached to it
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Rating: 4.8352404 out of 5
Keywords: apostle joshua selman, joshua selman, koinonia, koinoniawatchtv, koinonia watch tv
Id: 38OcW1yOX3U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 20sec (3500 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 16 2021
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