How to use Polycrylic for Sublimation on Tile, Wood & Canvas - Part 2

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[Music] hey guys today we'll be doing a follow-up video for the polycrylic you guys had a lot of suggestions on what i was doing incorrectly so we'll go ahead and uh we'll go ahead and put some of those as a test that we come up with we'll be doing a photo frame that's covered in poly acrylic we'll be doing a canvas in poly acrylic from walmart a one of these guys just a wooden slat that's uh i forget what it's called but yeah and also we'll revisit the towel and see what we can come up with on that [Music] uh so we're gonna be doing four different substrates today we're gonna be doing uh some of these little basic plaques that you can get at walmart they're just wooden plaques we're gonna do some canvases just the three pack of canvas we're gonna try one of those uh the little heart picture frames i've done these previously with laminate they look fantastic we're gonna try it with polycrylic and we're going to tackle probably the hardest thing to do which is a standard white tile from home depot so we'll go ahead and get cracking we'll go ahead and start on this picture frame right here so we'll go ahead and get this opened we'll see how smooth it feels first then we'll go from there and see that just goes just like that and that's how the picture frame stands up very simple it doesn't come with glass or anything but yeah that's actually not bad like it's not smooth but it's not bad for sanding what we're gonna try to do is just use some of this uh imperial wet and it's 400 grit so we're just going to take that and just kind of give it a quick quick go around yes go ahead and move these brushes out of the way just trying to sand in circles and just kind of nice and smooth now all right we'll take our cloth give him a quick wipe down there we go not bad oops sorry about that so we'll go ahead and get us a little polycrylic and we'll go ahead and bust this on the frame and we'll use we'll use that guys just a standard chip brush nothing special we've already kind of stirred this and opened it so we can just throw down a couple layers of polycrylic on it and i expect this to actually be pretty good there's some fuzz in it we'll go ahead and get that fuzz out it's really watery poly acrylic is but you just kind of brush it on there get it good and smooth nothing special it holds it really well i don't know if this chip brush is the best applicator for it a foam roller probably would do a little bit better but you know all right let's try a foam brush too on something different just to see if it's any better i feel like a foam brush might be slightly better for applying it yeah the foam brush i feel like does a better job there we go get into the pores good and you don't have these annoying little uh this might be a crack frame that's okay though we'll go ahead and get a good coat on it and let her dry nice thick coat i think the foam brush actually does a better job and it sounds annoying as far as leaving uh the hair the uh bristles behind so yep there's that guy we'll go ahead and put him out of the way over here let him dry uh next up we'll go ahead and do this tile get him out of the way we're gonna do the same thing just a quick sanding i don't know that it's gonna take any of that material though that's ceramic oh yes getting stuff it's noticeably affecting the texture so this might actually do good so we're just going and it's worth mentioning that we're going to leave everything overnight to uh to cure before we do any kind of printing and you can see we did get some stuff off of it i'm just wondering if it roughed it up enough it feels rougher mean it feels a little rougher we'll take this a nice lint-free cloth and go around it there we go we'll go ahead and add the poly acrylic to it with the foam brush going over sandpaper we'll go ahead and paint it we're not gonna be stingy with it we're gonna put a decent amount on it we're going to work it into the pores got a hair in there there we go there we go all right there's that it's hard to see probably in the camera but you can tell exactly where you put it because it's just a noticeable gloss difference and it'll be like that until it dries and we're going to go over the edge slightly and try to lock it in because otherwise the coating will peel up and it'll be bad there we go and that is a noticeable coating on this guy a polycrylic we're just going to wipe it down one more time we'll try to get that hair out the way there we go there we go there's just a good coat of poly acrylic on it i'll go ahead and move that out the way too oh oh partner go ahead and move that out the way all right now next is a canvas canvases do extremely well like i don't foresee it being a problem at all we of course you don't need to sand canvas because it's already such a rough surface that you know sanding does no good you're just actually going to smooth it out so we're going to take one of these guys out again these are available at walmart i'll put the other two over there for for later projects use our nice foam roller from brush i mean and we'll throw the polycrylic down on it i still think laminate works just as good on canvas okay so foam brushes chip apart on canvas i don't know that i like that the roughness of the canvas is actually tearing this up turn this cheekbone brush up yeah i don't know that i like that i don't know if there's anything i can do about it at this point but i don't like it make it a mess but you know here's what it is that is definitely you can see a little black spots in it you probably can't see where you're from there but the foam brush is like losing chunks of foam and it's uh it's on there okay that's a pretty generous coating of the poly acrylic so i'll go ahead and put that out of the way and scoop this guy up put him over here out the way again we're just coating substrates alright last thing is a rectangular plaque from walmart plaid brand same thing is that uh that picture frame just just basic little i don't know it's some kind of cheap wood i don't know man but we're gonna take our 400 grit and just go over it it's probably smoothing out more than anything but got me a little poly acrylic on my hand all right quick wipe down let's put our coating on there that looks pretty good i felt like the foam brush does better on wood so we're going to roll with that again just on the really coarse uh canvas it missed part of its uh the foam started to follow flake off a little bit well i'm just we're going to add that area too we're going to get it make sure we get it into those pores we'll put a coat of polycrylic on it and later i'll give everything a second coat um just so we know you can just uh to help fill any voids i may have missed with the first coat that actually makes that wood look actually way better like so much better with that than it did before with the pot with the poly acrylic it makes it look a ton better then again that's what it is it's a it's a finish so that's what it do there we go not bad not bad okay so we'll go ahead and let all these set and we'll go ahead and put a second coat and we're gonna let them uh let them dry overnight and uh and we'll try something on them tomorrow appreciate it guys [Music] first first thing we're gonna do we're gonna go ahead and try this picture frame uh we'll go ahead and get it measured so we know what it is looks like eight by looks like eight by eight will work and we'll just have to keep stuff out of the middle where it'll uh where it'll be right all right guys so we're just going to do a just a photo and we're going to resize to 8x8 and see what we can come up with that'll be good enough for what we're doing um i greatly prefer this side of the photo so we'll uh we'll crop it to a square there we go like that parts pretty good so we'll do it uh let's see we got 300 dpi do it eight byte there we go and we'll go ahead and print that real quick we already have our a sub paper loaded in the epson so we'll go ahead and print it and then we'll dice up it all right guys let's go ahead and get this uh get this thing set up and pressed so first thing we'll do is we'll go ahead and get some uh some butcher paper ready once again i usually do this with this sitting down so we'll do that way easier to do one of these things i'm gonna make me something that'll it'll do this but until then like that might be legit enough to do both if i cut it really well like if i get that reasonably centered that that'll actually work like that kind of works um to be honest that makes me a little nervous we're just gonna we're just gonna you know i don't wanna risk my heat press on a piece of paper so we're gonna uh we're just gonna go ahead and cut another piece i tried so for this we'll need a butcher paper times two and then two of these guys and we will go ahead and cut our transfer paper too make sure that's in frame yep okay and do that we just take our paper cutter and just hold and this just makes it a little more manageable and there we go so we'll go ahead and press all it guys here's our heat press let's go ahead and get all of our stuff set up go ahead and get this on the bottom go ahead and get our go ahead and get our frame set up in position and we'll go ahead and do this all right so we'll go ahead and give it a quick pre-press for about 10 seconds just to get some of the stuff out i'm just giving it really light pressure just just to do that so there we go and you'll see a little bit of magic smoke and hopefully it didn't stick it looks like it may have stuck though nah it didn't stick bad it didn't stick bad what we can do is we can take a little water and clean that off real quick the paper maybe chill for a minute so we're going to take a little bit of water and put on it i'm ahead and just knock that on off there we go peel right off so there we go now i think we're ready to actually press it so i'll go ahead and get that set up real quick all right uh so let's go ahead and get everything lined up and ready uh first things first butcher paper still in there from earlier go ahead and put another piece of paper just as a barrier put a picture frame down take our print actually let's do this let's do it this way line it up a little bit better there we go there we go and flip it keep pressure bam a little bit of that and then that's not the right piece is it yeah that'll work we're gonna go ahead and loosen our press up a little bit so we can actually get pressure on it and we're gonna do this at 400 degrees for uh for 60 seconds and see how it goes i assume it's gonna stick and usually i would do a black and white image but we'll go ahead and press it with fairly light pressure we don't want to crack the wood so we'll go ahead and let that bake and we'll get back to it in a second all right we got five seconds left so we're gonna go ahead and glove up go ahead and do this lots of lots of steam now we're going to safely assume that the uh it probably the paper probably stuck pretty bad so we're going to try to do the best we can yeah paper definitely stuck bad um to the coating too so we're going to try to do something with it we're going to try to use a little water and release it a little bit because it's stuck really bad like really bad so we're just going to take some water and just we're just going to kind of spray it everywhere and hopefully that'll help us release the paper a little bit don't really have a good place for that water to go there we go and see see how much better it does with water like bam like that's a thousand percent easier with a little bit of water see it just peels right off and it doesn't look like it took much coating off either like it looks really good now i know you know what you're thinking like oh that looks like crap it looks like a build coating but actually then you can take it spray it and take an extra microfiber you have something around usually i do ones that have filled prints and just kind of just kind of scrub at it and you'll see let me take this other glove off it's kind of annoying all right we're just going to hit it with some more water be don't be uh selfish with the water and just kind of work it and you can get all that paper residue right on off go ahead and peel that little piece and you may have to spray it a couple times to really get your effect you're after but but i mean you can if you scrub it a little bit and get it you'll get there the more you do it the better it'll look like you can see the color is not perfect but on a black and white image this should look just killer so we'll go one more round to wipe and i can feel it getting smoother as i'm going but the image quality is not bad like it's not bad you can see a lot of the wood grain but i think for certain things that would be very desirable but yeah so this is the first one so we'll go ahead and move on to the uh i guess to the canvas i think that's the next thing [Music] all right guys for this one we're gonna be doing an 8x10 so we'll go ahead and just open the photo i have selected um that's just my puppy biscuit and we'll go ahead and do it as an eight by ten three hundred um oh uh yeah eight eight by 10.6 so what you do in photoshop whenever you have a an image that's not perfect you go to canvas size and then you can just crop it because we want to because this this top is the is a little tight so we'll go ahead and do it is and take everything from down here and you'll see there you go so we'll go ahead and print this guy to actually we need to we need to stretch it a little bit um so let's go ahead and go eight and a quarter by whatever yeah because we're gonna need a little bit more because the canvas is a true eight by ten so that quarter inch will give us just enough space to to maneuver all right so we'll go ahead and do that we'll go ahead and put a portrait and it should all fit on one sheet no problem go ahead and print that all right guys our print just come off the printer so let's go ahead and knock this out we'll go ahead and let it dry for a minute speed dry using the just keep it about six inches away from the heat press and roll with it so we'll go ahead and get this going uh of course butcher paper down first piece of paper [Applause] then we're gonna put this down we're going to kind of get our always leave a corner off so i got somewhere to grab it around shift it up just a hair that works beautifully let's get that a little better lined up on the paper there we go go ahead and do that go ahead and do this maybe even get one more let me get another piece you get another piece of paper there we go and we'll go ahead and double cover that and we'll go ahead and press uh we're pressing at 400 degrees 60 seconds all right guys let's go ahead and glove up and get ready to do this got my paper and what i mean got my water over there too expecting it to stick all right ooh that's a bad smell i don't know about that all right sorry the same thing we did last time which involves uh that back piece of paper off we're just going to wet the paper and see if we can get it to do right see if we can get it to peel off this time it's not peeling any coating off i don't think yeah a little bit of water water's a secret oh this is going to look so good once it's scrubbed a little bit and we know it's just little bits of paper in there so we can just spray it then rub it and it'll it'll turn out nice get our microfiber just kind of scrub it to get that little bit of residue not too shabby man polycrylics okay i still think laminate does a better job on canvas if you don't know the honest truth about it we'll go ahead and press this again to just get it flattened back out to get the flattened back out you can just uh actually just press it face down with some parchment paper but your paper and we're usually flattened right back out press it for about 10 seconds and that'll usually unbow it and usually it won't stick enough and it just you know it'll get some of the unbowing out but yeah not too bad i mean i wish there was more detail in certain areas i think laminate for canvas is infinitely better or you could just get printable canvas but i'll drop some links to that below printablecanvas is probably just the way to go [Music] all right guys uh next up we're gonna be doing the uh the little five by seven photo so once again same thing 300 dpi hope that's not gonna work it needs to be five here yep so we're going to do it five and a quarter um that should be adequate and we'll go ahead and trim the canvas size a little bit uh we'll go from the bottom and we'll go 7.5 that's going to cut it from up there and we'll go ahead and get this printed and go ahead and get this going for you too all right guys let's go ahead and get this one going too um same thing as always a little bit of that paper actually let's do the same thing i always do it's a lot of images i like to just hang a corner off make sure it's good and squared on there make sure it looks decent flip them on over bam put us another piece and our parchment our butcher paper down here in the floor so we'll go ahead and knock that out and we're pressing at 460 seconds just the usual that's way too much pressure way too much pressure there we go fairly light pressure but yeah we'll go ahead and let that bacon and we'll get our water and stuff ready and we'll get it out the oven in a minute all right guys we'll go ahead and get this going whoa that was very sticky very sticky all right so same trick as always we're just going to take some water and mist it on there pretty good get the paper fairly saturated and hopefully just like last time it just peels i think water is definitely it is the way like i feel just how much better that actually does and we have some paper residue on it but uh like you can see just when i get it wet it just uh it just instantly does better actually rub on it for a minute it turns out looking not bad we'll keep keep going at it you can hear my heart catching the edge of the wood that's not bad that's like not bad at all that's actually kind of cool like it has enough spots and stuff to look kind of distressed but it's really cool okay so we'll go ahead and do the uh the most difficult thing which is i consider the tile the most difficult thing [Music] all right guys uh for the tile we're just gonna do something a little kind of christmassy we're gonna we're gonna just throw this on the tile be kind of cool and we're going to do it at let's see the tiles are 12 by 12 so we're just going to crop it to uh 12 inches and that'll print nicely on 11 by 17. so we'll go ahead and get that printed as well let's go ahead and set that up this will be on 11 by 17 and there we go perfect okay yep we'll go ahead and get that printed all right guys so let's go ahead and get this tile cracking i'm gonna go ahead and trim the paper up a little bit there we go right there be fun and we're just gonna trim it because it'll be a little easier to work with and center on the tile perfect all right so let's go ahead and get everything situated all right guys so hopefully this works a little better than the last time i went ahead and set up my paper um we'll go ahead and get that knocked out there we go um and since we'll be doing uh let's go ahead and do it that way that'll work i just realized i made this a little too big that's okay make do with it right since uh i was gonna say since i did that way we can just uh yeah we got enough paper we got enough paper we're gonna do two coats of butcher paper because i'm some tile exposed and um scared it's gonna stick so we'll do two coats of butcher paper instead of the usual uh paper we'll do two coats of butcher paper put the bigger piece on we bottom and as you guys suggested we're gonna try to do this just for three minutes at fairly firm pressure at 400 degrees there we go so we're gonna do it for three minutes we're gonna let that bake all right so let's go ahead and get uh suited up and get this going now the next question is how bad did this actually stick there we go so we're gonna do our usual prerogative which is uh spray a little water on him and maybe then no it's coming right off it's like gooey it's kind of gooey dang still not quite there it's about like the last one to be totally honest yep so not uh not my best effort but you know is what it is everything else worked pretty well so but yeah that's kind of a bummer [Music] all right guys so let's just go ahead and do a wrap up uh poly acrylic on towel steel's gonna be a no bueno for me um however polycrylic on wood i think is still very doable it looks really good like it looks pretty incredible actually like polycrylic on wood is good and even on canvas i still think laminate does a better job but poly acrylics decent on canvas as well so as always guys if you uh if you like this content feel free to subscribe uh drop the video a like and all that and i'll see you on the next video
Channel: Southpaw's Studio
Views: 177,112
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation, dye sub, printing, crafts, hobbies, cosmos ink, heat press, diy, dye sublimation printing, dye sublimation, custom canvas prints, how to do sublimation, how to sublimate, epson sublimation, sublimation how to, sublimation printing, sublimation printer, sublimation paper, sublimation canvas, print anything, sublimation on wood, sublimation on canvas, sublimation on cotton, sublimation transfer, sublimation polycrylic
Id: qg0ilDwty4Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 46sec (2266 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 22 2020
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