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hello qriket sirs and welcome to qriket with delonda it's me again delonda and thank you so much for joining me today if you join me last night then you saw me as i sublimate i converted this epson 7820 printer to use for sublimation so hopefully you you saw that you saw me unbox it you saw me convert it and last night i showed you two of the printed images that i was able to print from that um printer these are the two printed images right here now be uh not like that like this these are two of the photos that my family and i took this past weekend when we did our family photos and i am going to show you how they look being printed from this printer with different sublimation presets now the sublimation presets that i use in my epson 2760 i don't know if you can see that one i was able to make this canvas i did this one a while back and i know a lot of people love the vibrant colors of it i love this one these this is our family photo from last year but i changed the settings and i am going to see how this ink with this setting comes out but before i do that you know what i need you to do the three things hit the like hit the subscribe turn on the bell for notifications because i do upload new content every single week without fail alright so this was my first image this is from my epson 2760 if you haven't seen that uh tutorial i'll make sure to link it below but in this one we're going to see how this ink does the same ink that i've always used we're going to see how it does in this printer okay so the materials that i'll be using i'm going to use an 8 by 10 canvas so it still has the plastic on it's the same thing same size as this one okay i am going to use my same ink that i love that i swear by the hippo sublimation ink i printed those images on a sub sublimation paper which is you know my go-to my favorite and i am going to i'm not going to follow the same process that i did last time when i put the polyester fabric on top of the canvas this time i will be using these um letter size laminating pouches and if you're interested in getting these this is the um it says they're glossy they work with any thermal laminator so i'm going to put the laminating the laminating sheet on top of the canvas and i'll add my photo to that but i'll show you my whole process all right so without further ado let me show you what my sublimation preset is just in case this works out i even named it test okay and then we'll get started with the sublimation process i'm not going to use my big heat press for this hopefully you can see i will be using my qriket 9x9 easy press for this tutorial alright without further ado let's get into it i am in microsoft word and this is the photo this is one of the photos that i printed out before i get into the tutorial i'm going to show you my sublimation preset that i'm going to see just try for this video so i haven't used this sublimation preset before but we are going to learn together i'm connected to the epson workforce 7820 i already have my images printed but i'm going to show you how i got to the preset okay so the first thing that will pop up is the main box or the main screen of your printer settings and right now if i just go to just a regular document the default settings this is what it would look like okay but i'm going to change that up a little bit and i'm going to create a new preset okay so i'm looking at it here for paper source i am going to choose paper tray okay document size i selected eight and a half by eleven the orientation of this um photo is actually landscape so i'm gonna choose landscape paper type i wanna choose premium presentation paper matte for the quality i'm going to choose high i'm not going to do anything to the color two-sided printing is off multi-page is off i want one copy i don't collate and reverse order are fine i like to keep my print preview on because i just want to see it before i actually print okay so then i'll go to the more options tab so at the top is a main tab there's a more options tab and there's a maintenance tab i'm going to go to the more options tab okay so document size is still eight and a half by eleven the output paper is the same same as document size for color correction i'm going to choose custom and then i'm going to click on advanced okay and then i'm going to go to color controls and i am going to keep it i kept it on epson vivid and i chose the slide bar option okay so on for brightness contrast and saturation i left them at zero for cyan i change that to two so i'm just going to go up you can slide it um and then for magenta i went down to negative 20 and then for yellow i went down to negative 15 okay and i then i clicked okay okay then when it got me when i came back to this screen which is still under the more options tab i deselected bi-directional printing because i do not want that checked but i do want mirror image checked okay so i want it just like this all right and so now i will click okay let me go back and i want to save that preset okay so i'm going to click um add or remove preset and the one that i have it on right now and make sure color color color copies 2.2 by directional printing okay i'm going to click close let me make sure i have it saved the right way landscape hi settings okay okay so i'm gonna click add remove preset i'm going to name this i want to just call it um test preset because i might not like it right and then these icons right here with these icons i can just choose one to save it under and since this is a test print um i think i'm gonna go with this lamp i like that one okay i'm gonna choose that the little lamp icon right there and then i am going to save it okay so now i see it says test pre preset and i am going to click let me double check double checking click close and look at my options one more time to make sure they are saved perfect perfect perfect perfect okay and then i will click ok and then if i click print remember my preset is saved to have a print preview it's not going to actually print because it's going to give me a preview of what my um picture will look like so here's my print preview that um it is mirrored i can tell that it's mirrored because if i move my photo down see our our picture is mirrored okay so then out in this case i would choose print and then i will let my epson 7820 print it out but as you saw in the video last night hopefully i've already printed my image so i'm going to move on to the next step in this tutorial even though i printed my images last night i am still going to let my heat press hover over them just to get that good i just think it just gives me good results so i'm not you know i'm not pressing down it's just hovering over it i know it's already dry but you know in my mind this makes the colors vibrant so i know it works and i am going to continue to do it until someone tells me otherwise all right i have a piece of parchment paper on my cricut heat press mat the next thing i'll do is get my canvas open and the reason why i'm using my cricut 9x9 instead of my bigger heat press is because i'm kind of concerned about this wood getting warped under the pressure of that big heat press and i can give it you know i can control the pressure better from my 9x9 okay so if you haven't gotten started with sublimation you know it's no time like the present okay so the first thing i'll do is now i have it open there's no plastic on it i'm going to put it down here on my parchment paper and the parchment paper really isn't doing anything for right now i will grab a sheet from the laminating pouch okay when they when you get them they come like this you just need to open it up because it's kind of like make sure you can see what i'm doing okay and you're to take it apart you don't have to do it with scissors you can just kind of pull it apart [Music] okay and there's a side that looks kind of shiny and there's a side that looks filmy put the filmy side down on the canvas okay that's what i'm going to do i'm going to just put it right there down on my canvas and i am not going to press this very long maybe 10 seconds or so the goal is to just get the laminating film attached to the canvas okay and you know really i could and i might even do that i'm thinking about going around this with my smaller press i think i'm gonna plug it up just to have it ready so when i did this canvas right here the reason why i chose to do it this way was because i wanted you know to have a clean image all the way around if i put just the laminating film on here and then when i get ready to cut it off to me it's just going to be weird to have this as canvas and not be shiny it's just my opinion so what i think i'm going to do is press this for 10 seconds and then go around the edges with my smaller press all right i'm going to use nonstick parchment paper instead of butcher paper because the butcher paper tends to stick to the laminating sheet and i don't want that okay so let me go over it [Music] my smaller heat press is warm i'm using a small mini press by htv rot and i love this little thing i'm going to actually put the parchment paper on top and just go around the edges with my little mini press just to get the i don't want to cut the laminating sheet away i just i want a smooth edge not a rough edge [Music] all right so far so good all right now i will take my image i'm going to start with this one first look how cute we look we'll be looking good and i will put the canvas down in the middle and make sure that it's as centered as can be and i'll get some of the cricut heat resistant tape there are multiple types of heat resistant tape i just prefer the cricut brand um i just i always get good results with it so we don't reinvent the wheel in this house [Music] i think we are good now i will put the same piece of parchment paper right back on top and i'm going to have to move this because it's not going to give me it's not going to cover the whole thing so we shall see i am going to i have this set at 400 degrees and it's set for 60 seconds but i'm not going to do 60 seconds i'm probably going to do 30 seconds before i move it to the other side [Music] let's see let's see let's see let's see oh oh y'all moment of truth moment of truth moment of ugly i'm going to press it more right there here's the moment of truth [Music] oh i don't like it oh don't like it at all i don't like it and i don't know if it's me i don't know if it's the ink i don't know if it's the look at that we look like green we look green not feeling it not feeling it since those first settings did not work i am actually going to go in and delete those settings and i'm going to show you how i have my sublimation presets set for my epson eco tank 2760 because i am definitely sure i will be using the same settings for my epson workforce 7820 so i'm going to go to printer properties i am going to go to paper source i just keep it for this one i'm going to keep it on auto select that is my mini press the document size is eight and a half by eleven uh the orientation is landscape the paper type is premium presentation paper matte the color is uh the quality is high the color i just left it on color the collate and reverse order can stay on print preview keep it on i'm going to go to more options document size eight and a half by 11 output paper same as document size for color correction i'm going to just keep it on custom i'm going to click advanced and i for color controls i keep it on the color mode will be adobe rgb the gamma is 2.2 all of these controls the brightness contrast saturation and density all kept to zero i'm going to click ok i want to click image options right here just for one second to see what this says okay i'm i'm not doing anything with that just click okay and then the in the additional settings bi-directional printing was checked before i unchecked it so i don't want that checked at all and i do want to keep my image mirrored so check make sure to check mirror image and click i'm going to go back and i'm going to type in a name for this i'm going to call it delanda's sublimation preset gamma 2.2 okay and i'm going to give it a little i like red so i'll use this red little icon and then i'll click save so now it's right here at the bottom and i will close this and i will click ok so those are my sublimation presets that's the one that i'll use when i print out the next image i have my design printed out i put it on my heat plate and what i typically do is i let it sit on the heat plate for a few seconds i don't close the heat press all the way i just kind of let it hover and this helps to make sure that the ink is completely dry before i start to press it okay i have the canvas i already have the laminate sheet on the canvas taking it from the heat plate and now i will get it lined up so that i can press it now what i'm going to do is i'm going to add a towel in that middle space on the canvas because it's just hollow right there and i want to make sure that i have good heat and good pressure good and even pressure so i'm just going to fold the towel and put it there right there in the middle and i will also make sure that after i get the towel folded and put down in the middle i will tape it down with the cricket heat resistant tape so this part you know if you have a book or a piece of wood works well in the middle of a canvas you need to have something there to make up for the open space [Music] now it's time for the reveal i'm nervous because i don't feel like i was able to get even pressure no i don't like it i do not like it and i'm not sure if it's the canvas that i don't like or the um i guess it's okay i'm not crazy about these wrinkles i'm not sure how to get those out i don't like it i can't see them from an angle so if i were to you know hang the picture up on the wall you probably wouldn't be able to see the wrinkles and i don't know if they come out over time but i am just i'm not crazy about it so my final thoughts about this i was very shocked to see this and i didn't like it at all but even when i saw this i still didn't like the way that it came turned out if i had to do sublimation on canvas or any photos on canvas i would stick with doing it the way that i did it on that one where i put the polyester fabric on top of the the canvas so that's the way i prefer my daughter said this looks nice i was not able to get those wrinkles out and maybe it was just me maybe the heat was the heat press was on too high i'm not sure but i just i don't love this but it's an option all right at any rate thank you so much for joining me today if you haven't already done the three things go ahead and take care of that hit the like the subscribe and turn on the bell for notifications because i do upload new content every single week without fail alright thank you so much for joining me today and thanks for watching bye
Channel: Crafting with Delonda
Views: 22,329
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Sublimation on canvas with laminator, sublimation on canvas with laminator, sublimation, heat press, sublimation printing, dye sublimation printing, dye sublimation, custom canvas prints, epson sublimation, sublimation how to, sublimation canvas, sublimation for beginners, how to sublimate, sublimation on a canvas, canvas, sublimation paper, sublimation on canvas, tutorial, sublimating on canvas, lamination on canvas, sublimating, sublimate on canvas
Id: izF2wrE7HQI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 59sec (1319 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 16 2021
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