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hi everybody well we're here we're here come back if you last come back yeah um we were scheduled we had a different live schedule for today but we've used this one last week and I feel like this has been like these Arabesque ornaments are so like hot right now ever even last year yes I think it must have started the last couple years I missed the memo um but we're here and we're going to show you all how to do this I'm using sublimation and we figured y'all be a little bit more excited about this than like the other ones yeah we can do the other one it's really cool we'll do it at a later date though so we're gonna be doing the sublimation tile today um these are such a cool this is a cool craft it is a very cool craft it did take me I will say this it took a lot of trial and error yeah to really get it down um Pat with the sublimation right so if you are going to sublimate on these using that this technique that I'm going to teach you you're going to be like what like all that extra stuff why are you doing all the extra stuff why is it so hot why are you some waiting so long this doesn't make sense well it will once we get into it because it's really going to working with tile and working with the laminate sheet is going to be a little bit different um now this is something that you can do and we actually are going to do come boot camp yes that you don't have to sublimate on right so the good thing about it is we do have a template in on our website for this specific tile already you pull it into design space it's already to these specifications like to the size of this tile right so it works great um so you don't have to have you don't have to do any sublimation you can do these um with vinyl it's going to be you would do like a little bit of a different design yeah um you're probably not going to be able to work with the print that we're going to be working with but if you wanted to do like the banner across it what if we did a variable HTV for the pattern if they had printable or not printable it should be printable vinyl and did the pattern on it printable vinyl yeah and slice it out printed this um and then did the print and cut because we are going to be doing print them to cut even with sublimation yeah um so yeah that would work out I love that um that would be great yeah so we are I feel like we've got um not a lot of people watching because they all thought that we were it's just a couple just a couple Gail and Tracy they're here all the time they'll come back um excuse me I'm I'm gonna let me grab my water yeah Lauren has been having her cough still from you all know last week we were on Struggle Bus yeah we're not as much it's like on a different bus um we're same bus we're just not driving it this time we're still sitting on the same bus we're just not driving The Struggle Bus right now same road we're just you know maybe a couple seats behind the driver but we're making it and we're really excited to be here I am just I haven't actually seen the full process of this so it's going to be kind of a learning experience for me and Lauren when she was doing it she all those questions she was saying y'all are going to be asking us because she was like why would they do that this is ridiculous I can't believe I have today yeah yeah so I'm I'm excited to see like actually how you do it all in totality like the whole thing yes so it's going to be really cool um we are running a special on the sublimation course no code needed and it's 70 off so if y'all see this sublimation and you're like dang like I want to do this sublimation is such a fun cool craft it really is and it's a sellable craft which is very sellable yeah and we are all like I think we have talked about this before we are in the process of up we're really really like literally in the midst of updating this this will be going live especially for those that have already that already have a sublimation course the updates will be going live very soon if you've not received if you don't have a sublimation course but you still want to jump in and get those updates um do that now because this is a really great way to get started I mean the holiday seasons are coming up you could just be like hey um can I get my Christmas present early so I can make money with it I mean why not yeah and you can make all your Christmas gifts this year I mean you can make something for everybody with celebration no this is not for the word search we're doing the live with the Arabesque we're doing we're sublimating on just your regular bathroom tile that you can get from Lowe's pretty cool it's a really cool we're using a little hack today so I'm really excited to show you guys that yeah um I guess no this is not the part like like I said this is not the personalized word search frame um we may add that back in later yeah we're going to try to plug it in later on um we just we missed this one last week we had a lot of sickness and we weren't able to do this project last week but we really wanted you all to have it before Christmas so that's why we're doing it today okay I think we're ready to just go ahead and jump in let's do it let's do it let's do it okay so now that we are over here I was checking the heat on my heat press um because I'm gonna start we're gonna start the process I'm gonna go through the um materials really quick and then I'm actually just gonna throw this towel in here because it does take it a minute so um we have quite a few things here on our table do not fret don't worry like it's going to it it'll all work out together yep I brought in the ones that you tried to see so you could so I can show them yeah I thought you might want to okay so let's go overhead and we're going to go over all the supplies that we need for this project so obviously the base of our project this these are the Arabesque tiles that we are using now these are the Satori tiles they do come from Lowe's this is a um this is a low special like this is you can only get this specific tile from Lowe's that I have seen um it is linked down below now one thing I want to show you guys I'm going to pull this one off this tile has like a little bit of a edge on it so it's not like super I don't know this middle part is not super raised but it's still like kind of goes off it's like beveled a little bit it's still beveled so yeah I do sound a lot better than I did last year but I'm still trying to work through that but we're getting there um it is still beveled but I was all I was having issues with figuring out how am I going to get the sublimation to the edge of this tile so let me show you the first one that I did does it look bad no it doesn't look terrible does it look great no no it could be better it does not look great it could be better so this is the issue that I ran into first when I was trying to recreate this tile um and I will show you exactly how to get this look and it's just I promise you all it's going to blow your mind are you going to show us your nails today because I'm girl they look good oh do they they look good they're spider webs they're French tip spider website oh my gosh and they and they have flash like the they're glitter too oh I'm obsessed with it yeah I'm obsessed okay we have to have a moment we have to have a moment for the nails always so this is going to be the base of our ornament is obviously this Arabesque tile now the next thing that you have to have for this are your lamination sheets now we did have somebody ask us earlier do you have to coat the tile with something to suddenly on it so you cannot sublimate on this towel like directly to this towel it does not have a polymer coating on it so what we are doing is we are adding a lamination sheet to the front and then that's what is going it is going to sublimate on okay and you can use those laminated sheets for like canvases you can supplement on canvases with them lots of things so the lamination sheets are the hack that we're going to be talking about today when it comes to sublimation you can actually use these lamination sheets on I have used them on canvases I've used them on wood I've used them on notebooks that I wanted to generate on I've used them on tiles there's so many different things really anything that you can adhere this lamination sheet to you can supplement you can sublimate on right okay so that's why this is the key to today's project is the laminate the key or the hack to today's project is this lamination sheet so we have our tile we have our elimination sheet the next thing that you for to get this absolutely Flawless look on this beveled Edge the next thing that you absolutely have to have and y'all are going to think I'm crazy a sublimation pillow Lord she says that because she's thought that when she left I thought I was like this is insane why do I need that that's not something that I'm going to use yes it is yes I do yes you will yes you will and I absolutely love it now this is um yes the lamination the laminating sheet does Turn It Glow I mean it was it's glossy to begin with right so it doesn't turn any more glossy yeah it looks good you can't even tell that lemonade sheets on there yeah like I didn't realize that you had put it on the final product I didn't know that there was like I mean it looks good yeah you can't own it yeah but the sublimation pillow is going to be key with this specific um this project now I did do this smaller one without the sublimation pillow it is completely flat all the way across this tile though we don't have the file that fits this tile exactly as you can see the Arabesque is a lot different it's not as noticeable and I think this tile may have came from Home Depot it did the little baby one the baby one came from Home Depot and it is flat it does not have a beveled Edge so if you want to try it out on this one you can if you don't have the pillow and you want to test it out on this one um then you can try it out on this one it's going to be a little different you're just going to make want to make sure that this fits inside and you'll just have to have a square like I wouldn't try to size this down the way we're going to do this one today and you'll understand why in a little bit so the sublimation pillow is a must for this um beveled tile so before we go any further if we can go to one what I'm going to do now is I've got my heat press set at 400 degrees cray cray I know y'all are gonna think I'm crazy um but you have to set it has to be a very high temperature because the ceramic tiles stay cold they don't it takes them a while to heat up so what I'm going to do right now I'm going to actually close my press on my pillow because I'm wanting to heat this pillow up because what I'm going to do you'll see here in a minute like it's this pillow is going to be what changes the game so we're just going to go ahead and close this and I'm going to have to readjust my pressure pull it up some say even that's a little bit too tight you're gonna your pressure's gonna be you're gonna have to bring your pressure up quite a bit there we go so you want it super tight on there you want it tight but not really really tight I'm just saying you're going to have to adjust your pressure up okay because the pillow is going to give this as you can see there's a gap yeah in between this so you're just going to um let this heat up so I'm going I'm letting this heat up and then we'll go ahead and get into it um so obviously we have to have our butcher paper for this we have our sublimation printer that is loaded with our a sub paper now I know we've said you can supplement with copy paper um and you can I have found that it works better if you are supplementing with textiles on copy paper um when you are doing like a harder rigid surface I personally have just gotten better results with the Ace of paper yeah and that may be different for everybody um but for me personally I've gotten better results on a hard or rigid surface with using Ace of paper we do have our heat glove um you all if you've been around with sublimation I am obsessed with the die Trans Pro spray this is our adhesive spray I'm obsessed with this so we do the I do this instead of tape now um and then of course I have my um I have my your cutting mat my cutting mat because we are going to be actually cutting the shape out of the ornament and you will see this in a little bit so we are going to go ahead and get started because you actually have to put your tile in here um and let it heat up for about five minutes so this wouldn't really be a great project for Cricut press would you say no I would you would recommend a heat press I would Rec I would recommend a heat press for this just because it takes so long to heat that tile all the way through okay okay and heating the tile all the way through really is key for this project so now that I've let this heat up very hot very hot I'm going to take some butcher's paper and actually if you'll run grab me a couple sheets of copy paper that's great and I'm going to place my butcher's paper down over my pillow just because I don't want anything to ruin the pillow and then the next thing I'm going to be doing this is the price pork guys if we'll go overhead you're going to use so the side of the laminating sheet that you're going to be using is the matte side as you can see there this is kind of like a more of a matte this is your shiny side so the matte side is the side that's going to have the adhesive on it so you're going to place it with a shiny side down matte Side Up ornament with the white facing down okay then I'm going to take a sheet of copy paper and I'm actually going to put the copy paper we're going to place our ornament like we just had it so it goes pillow butcher's paper laminating sheet ornament and then we're going to take a piece of copy paper and place it over top of our ornament now if you wanted to do another layer of butcher paper you can I'm not going to we are going to be pressing this at 400 degrees okay 400 degrees for 330 seconds very specific very specific and trust me when I say this is going to be what you need because I have tried um less it's 330 not 333 330. um which out of the three seconds isn't going to make it's not going to make or break this project um but that is what we are going to be pressing this to get the laminating sheet stuck to the tile so what's going to happen is the heat press is going to heat the tile all the way through and then the pillow remember we preheated our pillow so it's hot as well it's going to hug up around the tile and that's why you're putting the tile with the laminate sheet face down that's why because the pillow is going to like give it a hug yes it's going to give it a little the pillow is going to give it a hug how cute so now we're just going to let this go for 330 seconds I'm going to move some things around on my table and then we will go ahead and get started with the um you know the design that part of it um someone asked to buy a cricket Auto press I would say I don't know how much you can alter the pressure with the auto press um if you can adjust the pressures on it I think you would be fine to use the auto press for this um but let me know let me know if you can how much you're able to I feel like it would be like the um easy press where you just kind of bump it up to low medium or high for pressure settings do you think I don't know I don't know I I we have we don't have the auto press we've never worked with the auto press yeah just um anyways I mean it's a heat press so yeah it would it should work yeah because you're going to be able to hug it so that's why the easy press wouldn't work um but like an auto press or a big heat press would work this is a not this is a um heat activated laminating sheet it's just like a basically laminating sheet that you put through like the laminator it's heat activated so you have to have the heat um so now that I've kind of got everything cleaned off we are going to hop over into design space so there will be a replay on on this so if you miss the beginning you can go back and check that out after the video is done so the pattern that we're going to be using today is the Holly pattern that is on makers going to learn website you can go to cut files and you will find this under if you'll just type Holly you can actually go to patterns and you could type Holly pattern and you can find this we are using the Arabesque tile once again this is a cut file with makers going to learn if you'll just go to our cut files and top um in Arabesque you will find this file that is specific to the Lowe's Arabesque tiles and then of course we are using this one you would think if you search Marion bright that you would be able to find it it is actually named trees so you will have to search trees for this one um but we are going to just be using the merry and bright portion of this so three cut files that we're going to be using are three files on the makers going to learn website is what we're going to be using so we're going to start out with this file now I'm going to take one of the tiles that I've already actually listed this one that I've already sublimated on and we're just going to double check the size of this to make sure that the sizing and Cricut design space is correct so I'm just going to we're looking at about three and a half and I think we're like at 3.6 there by a little over four and a quarter and that's what we're at so I'm actually just going to leave it at that or if you wanted to even the good thing about this is if you bump it up just a little bit that gives you a little more wiggle room on the outside um edges so you can make sure it covers the whole thing so we'll just bump that up to 3.7 and 4.4 based on the measurements that we have um and from there what we're going to do is we're going to pull over our pattern our Holly pattern we are going to place it in front and you can kind of move this around to where you want it so if you wanted like holly leaves the holly berry showing up there I'm just kind of moving around to where you want it on the pattern and what you all what you could do is actually click that pattern we're going to bring it to front if you could change that shape to a guide and then move it around on top of the pattern and then change it back to the cut okay so we'll change this to a guard and we're going to bring it to front and see where we want it now remember we're going to have that Banner going across the middle so we'll do let's do luck right here I think I like this then I'm going to change it back to a basic cut select both of them and then we're just going to slice that and or you can use one of the new functions also if you guys have played around with them you can use those in this instance for them I actually was going to but then when it did not give me the option so like let's just say I've got this and but I think it's because one is a basic cut and one is a printing cut I selected both of them it doesn't give me the option here oh interesting yes that's interesting yeah so it's just slice with that still yet everyone learns something new every day dang okay so we're gonna move that over to the side we're gonna leave this here now let's go to camera one because we are at about 30 seconds left and I don't want you guys to miss this part because this is going to be cute I forgot about it it was time for so long I know this is why you can kind of um sit it and forget it you can do multiple of these at a time um do we don't have a true control knife in here surely I'll grab one for you yeah grab me a true control knife if you don't curve oh wait there might be one here we're going to go ahead and put our heat resistant glove on because this is going to be so hot y'all I don't know if you can see this but it it gets crispy it gets very very crispy like it's crispy so it is going to be stuck to the paper do not touch it however with your heat resistant glove I don't know if you all can see these bubbles take your finger and we're going to just kind of move those bubbles out while it's hot okay so you're just going to make sure and we're going to press it down make sure it adheres around everything and move this around while it is hot okay however I do not want you guys to one thing that I have discovered where it works so much better is if you leave this alone let it cool down before you trim the edges because what happens is this laminating sheet is still malleable like it can still it's still movable it's not stiffened up yet because this is still hot so what you're going to want to do we've pressed all of our bubbles out one thing I did learn when doing this do not take one of your squeegees and try to squeegee it out because the aisle is so hot that it will um take off edge of pieces of your squeegee I was about to ask you why don't you just use a squeegee because I can't believe that I tried that I tried that and then there were blue pieces of my squeegee left on my tile it melted it it literally melted it yes Tina I would not try your burnisher I mean your but well the burnishing tool is rubber so I don't know I would still just use my heat resistant glove I can't feel the heat through here because it's so thick and I would just move it down Okay so we're going to set this over to the side we're going to let that cool down we're gonna move and I don't know if you all can see lock how this left an indention she's crispy but look how the you can see the indention in this butcher paper that the pillow left which is how I mean that's how well that pillow works it gives it that nice hug and I like that's why this is very that is very important okay so back to design space we have sliced out our pattern so now what I'm going to do is I'm actually going to use I'm going to leave this guy here because I don't want to mess with him I'm actually going to work with this guy I'm going to grab a basic shape we're just going to grab a rectangle we're going to bring the rectangle down we are going to unlock this and we're just going to stretch this like a banner across our tile okay so you want it to cover both you want it to go overlap this Dot and this side because you want those rounded edges now you can make it as skinny if you wanted it to be skinny across there you can make it as fat really this is going to be your preference maybe you don't want to use Marion bright maybe you want to do something different just one word across it then I would probably go more skinny I really think the skinny would look good um but anyway we are going to probably do it about like this and then once you order your sublimation pillows from Amazon okay that was something that's not linked down below and I forgot to add that to the links because that was actually something that I added um more last minute like I tried and tried and tried without the pillow I tried to figure it out without the pillow we did get it done um as you can see this one was done without the pillow it's still not the best I don't feel like um I don't know if you guys can see um it doesn't it sometimes it'll pick it up in a lot but there's like little ripples like right in here and I think it's because the pit like it didn't have anything to hug it yeah to get it taut um so anyway I did it worked but it wasn't great so back to our share screen um you I've got those both selected we're going to a um a line and just Center these make sure they're centered and then from there you know what we're going to try to use one of the new tote tools do it one of the new tools so I want to intersect I think subtract intersect right there it is oh yeah because you're just wanting that middle portion okay okay okay so if you want to before you do this if you want to just be on the safe side go ahead and duplicate this guy over here have him over here okay so because we just want what's inside this ornament what you're going to do select them both down here on the bottom right hand corner there's this new button this is on the beta version of um design space you are going to click that now it's going to come up all of these different things you not means it puts those two together it's a lot like weld but you can undo you not subtract is going to mean that it is going to leave out one of them so subtract is going to subtract this out over images on top it'll subtract that yes the image that's on top it will subtract that out like I said we want where the two images are touching and nothing else yeah so what that is where if you want the where the two images are touching and nothing else that is the intersect now if you wanted where the two images are not touching then that's going to be exclude and it's going to exclude out that middle portion so we want the intersect so now we're just going to hit intersect and that gives us the perfect placement here gorgeous gorgeous so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to come up here to my colors I actually just messed around with the colors a little bit design space doesn't have the the Picker tool does it um it's just canva yeah I don't think that you can do the Picker tool man I wish it did I know so you can put a hex coat in I mean yeah you can click on that green that you did previously and get that hex code oh it's already up I mean it's already in there I just wanted to kind of show them if they wanted to get a color that was in here um to move it around how I got this color is if you just come up here to advance you can just move this around and kind of play around with it get a color that matches I'm just going to go I'm just going to use the color that we had previously used previously used so now what I'm going to do is Select both of these once again go to align we're going to Center them both now with the Marion bright um what I'm going to do is I am so this doesn't give you the option to um ungroup this is still I think this is actually a PNG so it's not an SVG you can't um ungroup this so what I'm just going to do is I'm going to grab a shape once again we are going to cover up these trees we're getting a lot of questions about the qriket easy press this project is going to be a heat press project you can try it with an easy press um I'm just going to say you're probably gonna have to be sitting over top of it holding it down putting a lot of pressure on it um so you could do it I don't know that I would recommend a full design like a full Tile Design if you wanted to like do a monogram on it and then you wanted to use your easy press for that but but still but still when I so the issue with using the easy press is if you all were listening I said we are doing this at 400 degrees the easy press can do 400 Degrees no problem the problem is going to be holding it down for five minutes like hard 330 so 330 seconds 60 it's actually five and a half yeah it's five and a half minutes but this is on there yeah um okay Tina she so let's go before I answer Chinese question back with back to the easy press it can be done if you want to sit there and put that pressure on there for five and a half minutes try it out and show us what your health are I would be curious to see like how it would come out right yeah um because you do have to have that pressure like I said the key is heating it through the tile um so that it heats the whole thing up now I tried normally so I've done some research with laminating sheets because when I was doing sublimation on um some they were just like paperback notebooks that I got from Amazon cheap notebooks um what happens is the laminating sheet uses the tension and it kind of pulls it in so what was happening is I was doing my laminating sheets at a high heat um for like 30 seconds and it was curling that so really and truly after doing my research a laminating sheet will adhere to most surfaces at a lower temperature so normally it will adhere at about 250 degrees or so and it doesn't take it very long so if I was sublimating like on wood I could take a Cricut Mini press on two or three and run it over that and it would adhere to the wood and be fine because the wood heats up a lot faster what happens are these tiles stay cold so it takes a long time for the tile to heat up as well as a laminating sheet and if you don't heat it for that long trust me I did it the laminating sheet comes off and it just does not work yep okay so um now to address Tina's question about the beta version of um design space if you guys didn't know um design space is currently they have a beta version that you guys can try out now if you're not sure what a beta version is a beta version is like the second trial run of a software so they have an alpha version the Alpha version was tested in-house at the Cricut headquarters whatever they tested it so the beta version is not the live version um it's actually one that's still being tested so these functions are things that can change in the future once it does become the live version so to change this to the beta version let's go to our share screen what we're going to do is we're going to come up here to the three lines in the top left corner we are going to come down here to our settings and then here you have General canvas low top notifications just in your general if you go to application experience then you can click the beta or the live version now if I went back to the live version that combined feature would be gone right like it's going to go away um I'm not going to because we're in the middle of working on something and if you do that you're probably going to lose all the stuff that you haven't saved yeah um but you're just going to click beta and then you're going to click done okay and we're putting we just did a whole detailed video on how to do all of this yes and that will be coming out very soon yes um but just that's just a quick snippet for that for those that are here um now if you wanted share and ask is the tile upside down yes I heated the tile upside down because we're using the pillow and the pillow is hugging our tile okay nope there is no pressure setting on the easy press because it does come with um pressing with your body um could you slowly heat up the tiles before um I personally I didn't test it that way I just preheated the pillow because I still wanted to be able to handle this tile to move my lamination sheet around to make sure it was in the right spot so if you want to try that you can this is how I tried it and multiple times tried this and this is how I was successful okay so back to our design with the Marion bright because this Marion brought is a PNG you can't separate this out now I'm pretty sure we do have the SVG version of this file you can just start out using the SVG version either one of them will work so what I did I placed a square over the trees and I sliced that remember because one is a PNG and one is an SVG you cannot use the um combine features so I'm just going to select that delete it out and we are going to delete out all of our trees and I actually think I see a little tiny um a little tiny top of a tree there but I'm not even going to worry about that okay so now that we're here we are going to size our Marion bright to fit within our Banner um that's another thing someone just asked us let's go back to one Marina said I use the HTV wrong clear HTV for sublimation instead of using laminating Pockets um I actually tried using the HTV rod on the um tiles maybe I didn't heat it long enough but on the tiles it did not work for me I really it really did not well but once again it it what happened was it was like because it has to be on such a high heat that HTV just wasn't for because it has to be on such a high heat for a long period of time it didn't is too much it was too much and it was like completely I don't know did it like melted it was melting it yeah okay I think the laminating sheets just hold up to more heat obviously they do hold up to more heat and with this tile like I said I did test the um clear hcv for this it just wasn't working for me so if you want to test it and try it more power to you right um could use the easy press pillow in the heat press instead I'm sure you could I just wouldn't want to test my I just wouldn't want to take the possibility of ruining this because this is covered so let me not use that one because it's hot so this um the heat press pillow is this is actually covered in a Teflon sheet right so it's meant for high heat it is meant for a very high heat for a long period of time so it is covered in the Teflon sheet once again I'm not saying to go that that would work because I've not tested it if you all know me you know if I've not tested it I'm not going to say if it works or not right until that's a lot we've tested I mean we test a lot because we want to know you know we want to know exactly what's going to work and what you guys are going to be have on hand to use already and so we try to test as much as we and that's why if you don't don't just I think the the pillows they were not very expensive I was 19. were they 19 but that could but that would keep tape and like that was a cool kit like that was because we needed a new Teflon sheet that was with different size pillows and the heat tape you can get them cheaper yeah oh yeah like if you just wanted the individual like pillow you could get it for much cheaper okay so back to our design what I'm going to do now I'm selecting all three layers and we are going to flatten all three layers okay that's it that's all you have to do so now I'm just going to delete this out I'm just going to hide this little guy we're going to delete this one out and we'll delete this one out too because we're not using it so now we just have the one now if you want to go ahead if you're making multiple of these ornaments you can duplicate I think I was able to fit three or four on a sheet let's go ahead and duplicate this four times is that four yeah okay so we're going to go to make it now this is going to obviously this is telling us like it it's not going to fit but watch this so we're going to move this one over to this guy it's going to pull up there I'm just going to tilt it a little bit it should honestly just do this on its own I know it should do this on its own but you know what but this is a good little hack for to fit more on a print and cut sheet and then we're going to move this guy over here gonna pull up there whoops oh goodness move this guy up here we want this one in the back oh I want this one this one was fitting here and then if you turn this one this way I swear I got four on here is that take some finagling maybe this is what I did I think this is what I did oh yeah there we go so you can get four on a sheet Joseph FYI okay now we're gonna go to continue I'm going to send this to my printer I'm going to be using our sure color f-170 today I am just going to go ahead and add the bleed just to because why not I have a question I'm looking at when I'm lagging over here but the when it's on the print and cut sheet one of them doesn't have lines around the Marion rot and one does and it makes me feel like it's going to cut out that Marion Banner or is it just showing the original image well let's go back let's just double check I'm just curious why it would do that do you see I see it's actually on all these other ones right and I don't understand I guess we'll see how it cuts because we'll have one of without it and then the other ones have it so we'll see how it cuts on the machine I'm thinking it's going to cut right through that Marion bright but I don't know why because you flattened the whole image so it shouldn't I did okay and I didn't have mirror on either so actually let's just go to cancel we're gonna go back because I see that now and I've the original one was flattened it says it's flattened all of them say they're flattened so we'll see I don't know if it's because this was the original I just duplicated it what I think maybe that's why it looks like that so if I unflatten it it looks the same but if I select it and flatten it again it goes away so it's flattened unflattened looks the same it must just be like it could be it could be because we're in the beta version and not the live version it might just be something weird like that we're going to leave this one like it is just to see yeah gonna go back to make it but see it's well that's just that one so we're going to turn this one mirror them actually remember we don't have to on the sheer color oh yeah sure color printer it mirrors it it mirrors it for you so we're going to move this one over here so much easier it is I want this guy back in the back you know what um sometimes it really sometimes it really irritates me sometimes it be testing my patience uh so move this one over here this would be such a cute Christmas gifts you could put them like with some hot chocolate like a hot chocolate mix or something oh yeah really cute for goods so we're gonna go to continue once again we're going to send to our printer we are using the sure color f-170 today I'm going to be using system dialog we're going to select print remember when you print and use system dialog it does pull up back here in the back so we're going to pull this forward now um with the sure color printer so let's talk about let's talk about this printer real quick so this is epson's um sublimation printer that they come out with after they realize that everyone was converting Eco tanks they come out with the sublimation printer theirself um I'm obsessed with it I love it I love it too um it works so well um so well in fact that it automatically mirrors everything for you everything that you print on it is automatically mirrored um now one thing that I do want to show you guys is when we go to we're going to talk about color matching real quick so there are two options you can go with this you have the Epson color controls which is going to be give you more of a deeper color and then you have your color sync which looks more like what you see on your image right okay so this one if we go ahead I used the color sync so I it's what looks like this is what looks like on the um computer on the computer so I think I want to leave it on the Epson color controls just to show you guys the difference today okay so the one we're going to be doing today is going to be a little deeper I'm just going to go ahead and warn you tell you this the one we're doing today is going to look a little deeper than this one so now we're going to go back to our share screen and I'll show you if you go to print settings you can see it always mirrors that image okay so now we're going to select print it is going to print our image while that is printing um I actually have one already pre-cut because I don't have my Cricut out but we'll we'll go with it so while that is printing this has now cooled down what you're going to do I want you to take your true control knife and you can cut the excess off if you want to but you're going to take your true control knife and you're just going to run it along the edge of this tile to get a really nice clean cut and like you could even angle it kind of outward a little bit to get an even better cut actually I think what I'm going to do I think I'm going to take my scissors I'm just going to cut all of this off get the bulk off of it get the bulk off of it yep and then I think I'm going to remove the paper from the back as well that's another thing is you need to wait to let it cool down otherwise that paper is going to stick to that back really really bad okay so it comes off better after it's cooled down yes it comes off better after it has cooled down okay so now where did we start it I don't remember okay we were over here we're just taking our true control knife and working our way around the edge of this tile so satisfying it really is it's even more satisfying when you're doing it because it slides yeah so smooth across this laminating sheet that's so funny Jacqueline's own I have that printer I have not gotten into sublimation listen open it up what is stopping you from getting into it yeah if you're really worried if you're really like I don't even know where to start we have a sublimation course it's 70 off right now Sadie can drop a link for you um basically in that course we take you through every single step so if you're like I literally don't even know how to print something out of design space out of canva we're going to show you what to do to print it and then that would be your first step and you can start with a simple project like yeah we're making a t-shirt sublimating an individual image onto a tumbler things like that but we take you through so that you're not like super overwhelmed by everything because I think sublimation to me even the name of it I'm like oh that's intimidating it can be intimidating but it's not it really shouldn't be sublimation once you've got your heat settings and stuff down it's really a super easy craft um you just have to learn like your settings for printing and all of that type of thing I see that what I think it is a beta issue because this is the one that um you didn't flatten I didn't it see when I duplicated them all it said it said they were flattened yeah but then they weren't okay so I went back remember and unflattened these and flattened them again and this one the banner did not print out I'd say so now it's going to cut the branner yeah it's probably just because we're using the beta version yeah I had to guess so before we go on I want you guys to look at the difference in the color just on this page right here so this is using the Epson color control which makes it deeper and darker and this is using the color sync which matches what you see on your computer screen yeah like that's crazy to me it is crazy it's crazy okay um now let me go ahead and move this out of the way real quick we're going to plop our printer in the floor maybe let me grab the you got it it's right here you want me to get that printer out of the way it's okay okay I'll just move it I'll just step around it I'll push it under here because I'm gonna need it later anyway okay so now we're gonna get our Cricut out turn this guy on well actually we're gonna plug it up first so does anybody have any questions so far in terms of like any of the steps that Lauren has showed us this is my first time actually seeing that it like fully executed I've seen I saw her like experimenting with it and stuff but I hadn't actually seen the whole entire project so it's been really cool for me to see how the pillow works and see how the limiting sheet works and all that I'm really excited to see the sublimation onto the laminate sheet yes I think that is such a cool thing I didn't realize that that laminating film was made of polymers and so that's why you're able to actually take the laminating sheet and put it on things and then sublimate onto that laminating sheet because it like puts a coat of polymers on whatever you're trying to sublimate on so now I'm actually going to I want to see okay so the one that cut out that ain't right oh it mirrored it merited I'm curious to see how the printing cut will work with a mirrored image it didn't have any issues the last time it should be fine because it reads the registration marks right we fitting to find did you print it from that printer let's do this real quick let's go ahead and mirror it in here and now we're going to right here oh no no it always does this oh no okay so thank the Lord I already have one printed out so it's gonna work so let me walk you through this real quick because what I because this was done I did this on my maker I forgot to go back and change to because we use a maker 3 in here um so before I started I forgot to um change it to a maker three but I already have one printed out so we're still going to get to finish it but let me talk to you real quick if you use the Epson sure color printer um and working with the sure color printer and a Cricut what you're gonna have to do I just now realized that um some of the images it's not going to matter like if you just printed one it's not going to matter because you know what it's the same here and here it's on the same position right but where I tilted it one way and the other way to make them all fit um you either after it prints have to go back and edit your mat and turn the mirror on so it cuts correctly or you have to turn the mirror on before you print and then in your print settings go and turn it off now if you just have an Epson Eco tank that you've been working with you already have to turn the mirror on anyway yeah so it works right this is just if you're using the sure color printer okay right um I have seen where people put polycrylic on the tiles however I do have a tile that I have poly acrylic on I've not sublimated on it yet um but it I can already tell you it has brush Strokes on it you can see the poly acrylic I mean you can see the bone strokes and the bubbles from the polycrylic on the tile whereas this one like you can't really even tell that there's anything on the tile you literally can't tell you can't do anything yeah you wouldn't and I mean laminating sheets are super cheap right I mean I personally if I had to if I was sublimating I would choose laminating sheets on anything over polycrylic if you can if I can if I can do it if I can put a laminating sheet on it so wood is another example I've seen people laminate using a poly acrylic on wood I would still choose a laminating sheet the only time I think I wouldn't is if I didn't want a glossy fan yeah if I wanted like to use a matte poly acrylic finish or like a satin but what's gonna happen is your what happens with the poly acrylic when you land when you separate on the poly acrylic the paper a lot of times will get stuck and you have to go in and wash it off oh okay yeah okay because it gets stuck and it doesn't pull off super easy interesting yeah so anyway we're just going to use what we have this was kick cut out really and truly you don't have to use print and cut you can hand cut this out this is just in case you want it to fit right on there you can even make this a square and just lay it on there yeah it's going to sublimate so what I'm gonna do now I'm going to take my die Trans Pro spray now if you want to use um tape you can this is where you would use tape and just tape it down this is all a personal preference this is just what I have been using and I have been obsessed over so I'm just going to shake it and we are going to give it a light spray that's all it takes no more than that and it gets really sticky y'all it'll get on everything seriously gets on everything like my hand right here is so sticky already so we are going and like it's crazy but it like gets on my arm hairs and my arm hairs I know and then it feels weird yeah that's so funny and we're just going to lay this down on our tile it adheres down beautifully we're going to come back over here to our heat press we are going to heat up our pillow again okay and then after that heats up what we're going to do you don't have to heat it up like the whole 330 seconds like I feel like that's a little excessive yeah because it is going to pull it all the way that once you sublimate that heat is going to go all the way through that towel so if you want to heat it up for 30 seconds 45 seconds either like that's fine it like I said it doesn't have to be the full 330 seconds so we've let it heat up um for about 40 seconds so we're just going to go ahead and pull this up now this time I am going to place another sheet of copy paper down here once again guys y'all are gonna think I'm crazy upside down we're sublimating we are sublimating this upside down okay so we're placing our towel with our sublimation paper not facing the heat Source it is facing down so you're going to place it upside down and then we're just going to place our copy paper back over top of it and this honestly like the butcher paper we you could add another layer put your butcher paper but it's fine the only thing is I don't I've been using copy paper and it's been working for me not on everything right so once again we're doing this 400 degrees 330 seconds the same as when we were adding the lamination sheet okay 400 Degrees 330 seconds now this is going to be a really good opportunity if you all have any questions to ask me your questions because we are going to have about five and a half minutes until this is done um Tina was asking how to emit mirror your image on Epson Eco tank which that's just something where you're going to go in whenever you print it you're going to go so you're going to be in design space and you're going to have a print and cut you're going to print it you're going to turn off the bleed turn on the dialog box send to printer let's actually okay yeah Lauren can show you I can show you let's go to our share screen and I can show you because I think we have the Eco tank that's already here so we're gonna use system dialogue this is already we've mirrored it in design space but you don't have to but if you're like working in canva or somewhere else we're going to go to print I'm going to pull the system dialog box up here we go so we're going to use the Eco tank I think this one is the Eco tank right here the 2760 is the one that a lot of people um use or have converted so you can go to um so median quality you're going to you choose your media top here turn it on best but then if you go to layout you can go to flip horizontally and that's where you can mirror it from your printer so you don't have to mirror so canva is go back to one so canva when you're working with the software with the canvas software you can't flip so if you design and you have text and maybe you have an image and text and whatever and you've created a sublimation design you can't there's not a place in canva that you can just go in and flip it all right you have to save it as a JPEG or a PNG and then re-upload it back into canva as one image and then flip it so this is a good place if you don't want to go through that whole process I mean you just want to mirror from your printer you can just go here go to your settings so once again for the Eco tank you would go to layout and then you're just going to click that flip horizontally you're either going to turn it on or off okay easy peasy is that okay so I think I just answered Chinese question can I mirror it in canva yeah I once again you have to download it and then re-upload it into canva as one image and then flip that whole image whereas if you just design it in canva you can flip it horizontally from your printer settings yes and if you just pulled in an image you can flip it in canva but if you add text anything you canva you can't flip the text which makes absolutely no sense no sense but that's why Lauren's saying you're gonna have to save it as an image and then pull it back in and then reflect it that way because it's just crazy um April asked if um this is heavy or light pressure I would actually call this about a mid pressure it's not super heavy um it's but it's not light now I had to adjust my pressure settings on my heat press because it was set up to lay completely flat down here so I did have to adjust it but with everything sandwich together um I would call this about a medium pressure with everything in here yeah yeah for sure it's not like super hard or super heavy but it's not just like easy to lift up right right so we're going with medium pressure okay how many you got 93 seconds left and then after that's done we will all show you guys how to just add the um the ribs onto that one I turn the hot glue gun in before we started that way it's nothing I appreciate it if you all missed it we were talking earlier that we're doing the 70 off the sublimation course and we're offering the thirty dollars off of our yearly membership so if you're brand new and you're like what is all this stuff what's makers going to learn well we're membership based subscription crafting community and we're doing the 30 off of our yearly membership which is like a huge huge deal and we are constantly here bringing you inspiration motivation and education to use your Cricut we're getting cracked and sublimate and everything else you guys would not believe how many times I want to say we want to inspirate we want to inspirate you we're going to inspirate you today Sue I'm pressing this at 400 degrees it's a little bit higher than normal sublimation normally I sublimate at about 385. me too that's like my happy 385 is my happy area for sublimation this is a little on the high side for me um so it does like your paper is going to get a little toasty yeah um but I I mean I wouldn't I would not something like anything else on 400 degrees because you take a risk of burning it right but the tile is so dense and thick like that's why we have to make it so hot so oh I'm nervous I'm excited I'm nervous okay well that see that toasty piece of coffee powder there it is Toasty so I'm going to before I pull this out because I want you guys to see how well this um just I mean literally comes off like when you use the spray everybody um everybody here in the office was always like oh my gosh is that going to leave a sticky residue on that like I can't believe how that works it feels like it would just watch oh boom that looks good girl and there's no sticky residue on it oh my gosh that looks so good I need to see what it looks like on camera I love it the name of the spray that we are using if I can find it where did I put it it's over here um this is the Condi die Trans Pro spray too um I've talked about it before I actually tried going um to their website um but it's like they have to ship this Freight I guess because it's an aerosol um I got this I ordered it from Bradshaw they are a small business um but that's where I ordered it from they were super easy to work with so I would go to Bradshaw I'm gonna go snag that link for you guys and get that on there I don't think you can put it in the I think Sadie might have to drop it I'll send it this is from Bradshaw blanks like I said you can go to their website but they were trying to like they were asking where is the best freight pickup location and I'm like um I don't know I want to sit to my front door okay yeah I find a freight location for pickup that's hilarious this is really really hot you're gonna let that cool down this would be great to put like pictures of people on oh for sure Buck baby pictures and things like that um I'm not gonna touch it I'm actually going to use this and I'm gonna move it out of the way this is the one that I had done so that I could show you guys how to put the ribbon on the back of it so what I'm going to do I'm just gonna take a piece of red ribbon this is just red um gross grain ribbon you don't have to use gross grain we used a satin ribbon for this one it's whatever you want whatever you have that looks best so what we're gonna do I'm actually just going to hot glue this little guy on um and how I made this Loop you can make it go to the front or the back so if you want it this way what you're going to do take the two ends pick it up pull both of them towards you so that leaves the um leaves an open in there or if you want it the other way you're just going to do it the opposite way do you all see the difference in the two or just so I actually would probably do it not this way I would pull it so pick it up pull it towards you that kind of leaves the bigger opening towards you okay I love it and then you can just kind of push them together you're going to turn this guy over flip that over as well we're going to I think our hot glue got a little toasty too is it brown yeah add some hot glue on our tile place that down and then I'm just going to pop some pull it up again we're going to add some hot glue here on the inside you can use those Teflon pillows in between your shirts when you're sublimating yeah if you want to you can yeah I mean they are actually great for shirts to not leave lines like harsh lines oh yeah yeah that's a good yeah I didn't even think about it that way and there you go Tina we're trying to get a bow class coming very soon I promise actually I think I'm going to add a little bit more here so it doesn't like move around a little reinforcement a little reinforcements listen boot camps next week y'all boot camp y'all know we bring it at boot camp next Friday I want to say it's next Friday we're doing this look how cute that's darling that's so cute so we're doing this ornament but it's going to be with vinyl and we have a gift box it's so cute and so you can like see down inside of it so if you make the sublimation tiles you can make gift boxes for all of the ones that you gift which I think is so cute yes I love it so we are like Alicia said we are doing another version of the Arabesque tile ornament if you don't have sublimation um but you still want to work with those Arabesque tiles because they are very pretty they're and they're a super easy like DIY ornament and like how much is it for like the square of all of them for the whole sheet I won't say it was like five dollars five dollars you can give one to everyone in your family there's like people like said so many of them I was like we're gonna run out and we still have like five left we have plenty so you can gift it to everybody um but we're doing that we are doing Christmas sweater it's very cute it's very cute it's that we're incorporating sublimation and vinyl for the ugly Christmas sweater I'm doing I did an exploding gift box like an accordion money gift box and I don't know these are really is my little tray my quilt tray back there do you want to go get it you wanna go grab it I'll grab it I'll grab it since I'm over here I think the ugly Christmas sweaters back there too I'll grab it so they can see it too so um we got our tiles from Lowe's um that's where the bigger ones are and that's where the Arabesque shape that we have on our website that's the template that we used for that shape so we got them at Lowe's um the dates for boot camp we're gonna run it runs Monday through Friday right or is it Tuesday food through Friday oh I want to say it's Monday through Friday I think it's Monday through Friday I'm pumped for boot camp too oh no I popped my mic off okay you show them your sweater while I said organize myself so here is my little ugly Christmas sweater that my family has not seen that we are gonna I'm gonna wear I'm just gonna pop I'm just gonna come in wearing this on Christmas and there's you you're a reindeer I'm a reindeer I'm back in the back there's little Rudolphs and scarves and hats I love it it's so cute and Frosty and frosties and there's Santa it's Santa hat precious but yes I love it and then this is one that we're going to be making also this is like a quilt I don't know what you want to call like a quilted scrapbook paper Mod Podge hack that we did and then we added some HTV on wood so a couple we're going to be interchanging like different projects like you're doing sublimation and HTV I'm doing Mod Podge hack and HTV on wood so lots of really fun projects I love wise groov Moto is my husband if y'all see him and he says something means you tell him to keep his mouth shut get off Trey go get back to work oh my gosh Tina asked if we got I didn't see your question about um the elimination sheets I would do I mean you could mine is thin I don't know what thickness it was I just got the um it's like the um brand I think it's the Scotch brand that we have yeah but I've also used the Walmart brand too and they work just as good yeah yeah I've used the Scotch brand in that one too so um Kevin so you they said the URLs nearest Lowe's is three and a half hours away you can actually order those online and have them shipped yeah yeah totally yeah or like I said if you have a Home Depot um we did have other found other airbusk ornaments the only thing I would do is I would measure the largest part if I did if you didn't have the exact um tile that we used I would measure the largest part of my tile and then just do like a square right that way it goes around the whole thing so those little ones are from Home Depot I would do three millimeter I guess if I had to choose between um three or five I don't really know it wouldn't matter yeah it wouldn't matter it was five millimeter is going to be a little bit thicker but it's not gonna it just won't matter I but I think the three millimeter I think I swear I think the three millimeter is what we have because it's not super thick and I think it would work better when like pushing out air bubbles yeah that's like an earring around the sides yeah yeah because it's more bendy because it's thinner because it's thinner that's very true um you don't have to sign up for boots yeah nope just show up next we'll be here we will be here on YouTube yeah so if you're not subscribed make sure that you subscribe and excuse me sorry I sound like a barking dog she's almost done with being sick saying if I do not get over this in the next few days she will I literally y'all this is a confession I had such a bad coughing fit last night one I didn't think I was gonna have a voice when I woke up this morning and two I've literally sat and cried because I just wanted it to be over so bad we're here we're here we're having a good time oh so funny we'll be here at um noon noon or Eastern Standard right and then um we'll be on the YouTube channel what I was gonna say is subscribe and make sure you hit the little Bell beside the Subscribe button that way every time we post it'll notify you on your phone and so you'll know oh they're going live I need to hop on I need to hop on and make sure I don't miss anything so um but yeah let's see any I see we got another question so she's Penny said I have trouble with eliminating sheep pulling right off the wood maybe I have too thick of a paint layer I've never even tried to have a layer of paint and then I've only done it on raw wood yeah I've only done it on but no Tanner did it on painted wood okay he did um I mean if it's pulling right off then it sounds to me like there's not enough heat because that what was that's what was happening with the tiles is I was just doing it for a little bit of time and it was pulling right off so I would try it at a little bit higher of a temperature and see what it does or even let your paint cure for like 48 Hours yeah like two or three days yeah Okay so thieves tea is really good for the coffin lemon and honey y'all I'm trying everything I really am because we're in all the bases all right well we got lunch before we came on here so we're gonna go eat and make sure if you didn't you wish Tanner a happy late birthday he had a birthday last week and we love Tanner obviously he's getting old oh he's an old man it makes me sick disgust me disgust me okay you guys see y'all in the next one bye
Channel: Makers Gonna Learn
Views: 17,038
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cricut, DIY Cricut Maker, Cricut crafts, Cricut Tutorials, How to use my cricut maker, Cricut Maker tutorials, Cricut Easy Press, cricut design space, design space tutorials, how to use my die cutting machine, Cricut Beginner, Cricut Hacks, Cricut Tips
Id: kDbx5kISVS0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 72min 0sec (4320 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 25 2022
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