How to use Polycrylic for Sublimation on Tile and Wood

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[Music] in today's video we'll be using polycrylic to make our own substrates with tiles and also wooden coasters so stay tuned all righty um make sure i got the right paintbrush that is not the right paintbrush this is what i'm using i'll be using just a regular old uh chip brush nothing special got him at harvard freight for a couple bucks um using my poly acrylic and we're just gonna generously coat this uh this tile here so what we do is we just lightly pry on that with the screwdriver pop it right off i give it a stir when i did it yesterday so we'll go ahead and roll with this and what this does is you just get a little it's really milky as you can kind of see i'll show it on the camera oops you can see it's kind of kind of milky we'll go ahead and dip some on there and just brush it i usually do it on top of uh on top of paper we're just going to kind of mix that on there don't be stingy with it give it a good generous coating good generous coating and there we go the smell is not too bad for working indoors um it's a water based so it's not it doesn't smell that bad and we just work it and get it good and smooth and even and you can tell which which areas you've hit because of the the difference in the levels of gloss but this stuff dries to a it's a satin finish get that in there and there you go it's that simple um next up we'll go ahead and we'll let this dry overnight and we will we'll die sub it tomorrow and see how it does all right guys um we have our tile and everything ready um we let it dry overnight and then a couple more hours to be totally honest so we'll go ahead and clean that off but as you can see it looks pretty good with the coating on it um this this is what we'll be doing since i don't have any 12 inch paper because i've been out for a little bit we're just gonna do a 10 uh 10.75 by 10.75 with the edges kind of faded to see how it works so we'll go ahead and cut this because that way we don't the edges don't mess up what we're doing because you know how edges are in dice up and paper edges can catch all kind of ink and we're not about that we're just gonna go ahead and cut them and be done with it is that dirt on the edge no all right so what we're going to do we're going to do these at uh at 380 degrees and i'm going to get my initial guess is about eight minutes to get the towel heated up and everything so we're just gonna try eight minutes all right i'm gonna go ahead and heat the heat press up and i will see you over there all right guys our press is almost ready so we'll go ahead and get everything prepped uh first things first we go ahead and put down a piece of protectant that protects uh the bottom piece of the platen from from messing up or anything we'll go ahead and put our tile down today we will be covering it with uh both regular white paper two sheets of that and also some more butcher paper we'll go ahead and put the butcher paper make sure we got the right pressure because you're supposed to have pretty medium pressure on these things that's way too much pressure still too much pressure still too much pressure that's probably about right that's probably just about right you can feel it tacking in some spots so we're not really gonna pre-press it we're just gonna throw that on there and roll with it uh we'll go ahead and get a little bit of water too all right we'll get your up there we go get that shut up we'll go ahead and get some water and the reason you have water on standby is if uh if your press decides to if your print gets stuck on there you can use a little water and get it off real quick so let's go ahead and do this see how our transfer is go ahead and center that up the best we can nice and center but we'll go ahead and put this on there and then we'll go ahead and put our paper on there and we will go ahead and press it and we're pressing at 380 for eight minutes which is 480 seconds all right guys i don't know if y'all can see the timer on the heat press but it's got about 20 seconds left and it's just chilling right there it's been eight minutes already um i haven't tried this yet so i don't know what it's gonna do hopefully nothing's on fire that's always a good start but we'll go ahead and get ready to uh do this i'll go ahead and put my heat resistant gloves on these will be a link for these down below definitely there'll be a link for everything that i do shoe it smells burnt oh man it smells burnt like it smells kind of nasty for being totally honest why it smells kind of nasty all right let's uh let's try to get this off might have to just take a glove off and try to get it there it is all right good god it's on there good all right oh my god it's tearing chunks off of it this i don't think this went well i don't think that went well at all let's uh let's take the rag and see what we got yeah part of it tore up in chunks i don't think it quite cured well so i think this is a busted failure i'll clean it up and see what we can get it looking like real quick all right guys even after letting it cool the color looks really good but the the coating has chipped up in spots so we're gonna have to work on this a little bit more i don't know whether the answer is less time the answer might be sanding the piece before i put the poly down to give it a little more adhesion but somehow we have to uh we have to get more adhesion between the the uh the clear coat and whatever you're putting it on so we're gonna keep trying this but i'm gonna go ahead and uh publish this video but but we will get this as a doable thing because the color sticks good it's just and the ink will actually dye that surface but we just have to get it dialed in all right guys uh we're actually going to give it another another try with uh we're going to try a coaster i wasn't really thrilled with the way our uh the way our tile come out so i think the application method is the problem with that we'll so we'll try some different stuff but what we'll do is we'll go ahead and uh we'll go ahead and try this also because i'm curious but this is the subside that's the side we're subbing on and we're gonna want the baby's head and make sure we got this that's the right side we want that to go up there so we want something like that we essentially want that and we're gonna do these at 380 at 75 seconds and we're gonna have our water ready and we'll see how it goes all right guys approaching five seconds left we'll go ahead and get this guy out go ahead and check and see how we look paper is a little bit warm as expected all right cool it doesn't like we lost any coding that time so based on that i think i think simply wiping this with a damp cloth is going to give us the results we're after and just getting the paper residue off of it and sure enough sure enough to be printed on wood that looks pretty phenomenal i mean that looks really good to be printed on on on that i mean i'd say that's definitely a success it's just a matter of getting the coating to stick i think is your your issue this will make an awesome christmas ornament um granted i probably wouldn't do it in color i just wanted to see how the colors would pop i would do a nice black and white photo but a black and white photo on this will be nuts it would look great um but yeah that's uh that's that does it for the video today i'm gonna refine that tile until i get the application right i think it's just gonna be a matter of sanding it and reapplying the coating and thinner more thinner coats i think and try to go over the edge with it and maybe give it some adhesion um but as always uh if you like what you see go on and uh subscribe to the channel like the video for future content i really appreciate it guys y'all have a good one peace
Channel: Southpaw's Studio
Views: 105,019
Rating: 4.686007 out of 5
Keywords: sublimation, dye sub, printing, crafts, hobbies, cosmos ink, heat press, diy, dye sublimation printing, dye sublimation, custom canvas prints, how to do sublimation, how to sublimate, epson sublimation, sublimation how to, sublimation printing, sublimation printer, sublimation paper, sublimation canvas, print anything, sublimation on wood, sublimation on canvas, sublimation on cotton, sublimation transfer, sublimation polycrylic
Id: mk5re29F6A8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 49sec (769 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 29 2020
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