Dye Sublimation On Clear Vinyl

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[Music] [Music] disuble dye sublimation onto clear vinyl on glass had a lot of questions about it if it's possible what it's like i've got an order to run so i'm going to do a couple of these i'm going to show you how it works coming up i'm roger welcome to the loft above the shop because it's warm up here and it's cold outside it's kind of cool down in the shop and the shop's a mess okay we had a lot of questions on can you dye sublimate onto clear vinyl oh yes of course you can i'm going to show you the steps here and how it looks and okay why would you want to do that uh what i'm going to use here is clear glass well this one's a little dirty but we'll get that cleaned up before we put the vinyl on it so what i'm going to do is apply clear vinyl oracle 651 clear premium outdoor so this piece of glass and i've got some graphics printed we're going to sublimate that okay the reason you would want to do this is if you had a project where this would be backlit that is you have some type of light that's going to be shining through from the back perhaps this is going to be in front of a window you could use a photograph you could use pretty much any graphic you want to use i'll demonstrate that here in a minute i'm going to do a square one i'm going to do a round one of course these are dollar tree cutting boards because it's cheaper to use this glass than it is to go buy you know this is eight by eight roughly this is a dollar twenty five at dollar tree if i went to the home store to buy a piece of regular window glass eight by eight it's gonna cost me about four dollars so if that and this is tempered a little bit harder to break you can also do this on picture frame glass uh i was going to do that but i didn't have any picture frames here right now the dollar tree picture frame glass works just as well just keep in mind that the glass in a dollar tree picture frame is only about half the thickness as normal window glass it will break very easily so you have to be careful with it so what do all i need to do well first you know i'm gonna have to get the glass clean and we'll do that over here on the counter in a minute i also pre-cut my vinyl using the cricut here and i'll show you how i do that this is kind of an overview i'm not going to go into great details i did do a video here a little while back on dye sublimation step by step which will take you through every single bit of the process but for here i'll just going to do a quick overview and that and how i apply it to the glass and i'll show you a little trick about how to get curled up vinyl down on your cutting mat okay so i've got my cutting mat here and i have a piece of oracle 651 this one here doesn't happen to be clear this is uh our matte white we use on regular boards but it's it's going to be the same type of process so what you want to do when it's curled up real bad like this to keep from getting bubbles underneath it start with one corn one side and set it down in your mat and get the corners stuck and then kind of run your finger along the edge there then pull this up and just kind of lay it down as you go and then use something to make sure you're adhering down well so that's how you get it to lay flat now we'll get this here cut i'm going to cut it to a seven and three quarter inch square because that's what i use on our square glass boards okay i have a pattern already set up in uh in qriket design space there's my vinyl so i'm just choosing premium outdoor vinyl and since my blade has had a lot of heavy use we're going to go for more pressure over the default you could also cut this by hand manually if you don't have a qriket maker but because we do so many of these this is a quick way for me to be able to make up a whole bunch of these ahead of time and i do have a whole bunch made i just wanted to show how i do this with just one of them here and i've done the same thing with the clear and it's just like that and it's pre-cut now we'll just go get the glass prepped and we'll get some vinyl on and we'll yeah go over the methods here i'm going to do a this is a not a completely clear one this is a textured one uh since i just cut a piece of white vinyl i'm going to do the the white vinyl on this one here first because this is actually part of an order so to prep this just take a paper towel you want to make sure that glass is clean and what i do as a pre-clean is i use alcohol no not rum but isopropyl alcohol the higher the content the better this is 70 percent and keeping one of these little pump deals here just give it a few pumps there get some alcohol on the paper towel make sure that it's completely clean and incidentally for your paper towels when you're cleaning glass the cheaper the paper towel the better you don't want to have anything with any type of chemical in it you want to have it just being pure paper so there is a textured one prepped and ready we'll take one of the clear ones here get it prepped and ready get clean i'm also going to be doing some round ones i don't have enough room on the counter here to have them all here at once we have to set these off on the other table this will also give you a comparison between the clear and the textured so i'm going to do a clear one on the textured one too i'm not too concerned about the other side of the glass right now i can clean that later just want to make sure when i put my vinyl on i put it on the right side put it on the clean side clear glass it's a little you got to remember which is which and the texture you always apply your vinyl to the smooth side okay those are nice and clean no type of residue or anything on them and you can kind of hold it up to the light and rotate it and no there is a spot on there yet you can also feel that if there happens to be some adhesive from the old uh you could feel that after happens to be some type of residue on there from when you took off the uh feet that come on it unless you happen to get a few with no feet on them which i did which uh it's actually an advantage for me okay set that one off to the side now we'll get to applying the vinyl another paper towel here here's a product called rapid tack to apply my vinyl and i do it two steps one it puts kind of a base coat and kind of double checks to make sure everything's clean and then i use it to position my vinyl on and squeegee it down i'll show you how that works here and once again watch our step-by-step video this will really go into great detail on it so i just apply a little light coat wipe it down i'll put another light coat on there and i'll get my vinyl here so i'm starting out with the white vinyl because it's one we just cut and it's on the mat and i just use a weeding tool to grab the corner and depending on how much humidity you have in the air or lack of it will depend on how much static you have and i have a bunch of static here i've set it in kind of a u-shape lay it down on there and then the nice thing about the rap attack is if it happens to go wonky like it just did you can move it around get everything centered like you like it that's just a matter of squeegeeing out from the center i use light pressure at first make sure everything's where i want it and just dry off any excess and set this off to the side for a minimum of 15 minutes make sure any residual moisture has gone away otherwise you'll end up with blisters when you do your sublimation now do a round one here same process okay i've discovered i didn't have enough of these prepped so i'll show you the prep on these again i use a weeding tool a little feed on there if you get under the weed the feet with the weeding tool most of the time all the adhesive will come off and sometimes it doesn't like there it didn't alcohol take that off and where do i store these i put them on a piece of vinyl backing and if they have all the adhesive on them yet i'll reuse them if they don't i'll put new ones on just like that got a couple little things to clean off not a big deal okay these are textured boards and i'm going to be putting clear vinyl on one of these as well so you can kind of see what results you get depending on the look you're aiming for okay i have my graphics pre-printed printed those yesterday so if you're just printing your graphic make sure you give it time to let that ink dry before you apply your project to it and i've let these dry and of course you can't see through this so you're going to have to either make registration marks on your print ahead of time or in this case this one is pretty much exactly what we need so one thing you can do i'll point this out even though i do know where the graphic falls is take a clear one or do this before you put your vinyl on if you're doing white vinyl lay this on your graphic like so get it just like you want it then with a pencil draw around the outside and i'll leave you a mark this is the one with a clear vinyl on it and the vinyl goes towards the graphic so the graphic is up vinyl is down get a lot of questions on that too which one goes up and you just line it up with your pencil marks and with some heat tape keep it in place and that product could have got away with just two pieces on this but we'll do we'll play the safe side here so that one's ready to go i'll do the clear one here there again you want the vinyl side towards the graphic if you put it on the other way this isn't going to work so you're going to have to keep track of which side is clear side because it's kind of hard to see once it's on there tape it in place that one's ready to go okay you'll see on this one i made some registration marks because i obviously i cannot see where this is this here is one with white vinyl and that one's ready to go okay a little something you're going to want to do if you're not familiar with using a heat press for that's glass sublimation and i've mentioned this in my previous videos when you're going to do your first one and you first turn on your heat press you've got to warm up the temperature we do 385 degrees and we our presses are for 190 seconds i will run a press with no glass in there just parchment paper for the full 190 seconds to preheat that bed if you don't your first one will not come out the same as the ones that follow afterwards because the bed is not warmed up and if you're putting that down on a cold bed you're going to have a hard time getting that to come up to temperature and that a lot of time of 190 seconds and you won't get a good diet transfer so we always preheat it with the bed clamp down okay i'm gonna set our first graphic on here and we'll start with one of the clear ones here right there so when you put this on the heat press the paper down the glass up the vinyl pointing towards the paper don't do this or you're going to melt your vinyl and it won't it this doesn't come out well so make sure you got your heat tape on there good and everything is square swing this out of the way lay it on that preheated bed a piece of parchment paper over the top 385 190 seconds okay timing's up check this one out parchment paper this is hot by the way and i'll lay it here i've got a easy press mat sitting right here in front of it just set that on there and i'll get my next one on this is the textured glass to clear vinyl that's set there parchment paper and you can reuse parchment paper if nothing transferred over to it and of course doing this it's rare that would ever happen so we'll do this one for 190 seconds and i'll take this over and let it cool [Music] okay so we've got all these heat presses sublimated and that paper already stuck on there so i i've seen a lot of people they'll they'll try scraping and everything else you don't need to do that what i've done is i just put them in the sink and run some water over them and let them set so after they've set there for a while and i've got a couple in here already setting grab a hold of one of these here say it's just wet peel paper off it'll leave a white film on the back that's to be expected and i'll show you how to get that off here in a minute to heat tape off of there so there's one that's on white vinyl another one here in white vinyl and i actually have made a mistake with my graphics i should have made that a little bit smaller so here we are in the clear vinyl but you see it's white on the background well i'm going to show you how to get that off of there with my coffee cup here so all we need is some water and a little scrubby and once you get the majority of it off i used to take a magic eraser and clean the rest so there we are that's on the clear vinyl and i'll get a couple of these here cleaned up you don't need to watch me wash stuff and then uh we'll talk about this a little bit and add this here when you first take your paper off and you end up with something that looks like this in the back don't panic it comes off real easy okay so what effect are you going for uh this is the way i normally do it we do cutting boards of trivets and this is on white vinyl and of course we had these questions of whether or not you can do it on clear vinyl and here it is whoops here it is a clear vinyl and is it crystal clear over here no it is slightly opaque so it still needs to be backlit if i hold these side by side you can certainly see the difference so the uh one of the questions i had was if you were to do like a photograph in the center would these sides still be crystal clear so you could see through no they'll be somewhat opaque as you can see here i don't know that i can get that any clearer i've messed with this before with picture frames but i've i've just done complete photographs and since i was running an order for someone today with photographs and i can't show those because it's somebody else's family and i don't think they would appreciate being seen on youtube so i used some of our other graphics of things that we sell and i like this like i say it does need to be backlit so like i say it depends on what effect you're looking to do i need to find something to backlight it with and we'll figure something out here in a minute so the ones with the eagles here it is on regular white vinyl and here it is on clear vinyl and it's not quite dry yet i see still got some water on the back and that one needs to be washed a little more because i can still see some white film on it but there again it depends on what effect you're you're looking for um if this was setting on a dark surface well i what am i gonna use for a dark surface here i guess my laptop hopefully you can see that there it's not things don't pop you don't get the color as you would from with the white background so it's going to depend in the background you have uh there again if it was backlit i guess i could hold it up to the window or hold it up to a light yeah let's find something and we'll back like this probably not the best example to use but i use one of my studio lights so if this was backlit like in a shadow box or something it could be quite striking it depends on your final use and there it is with the eagle so there again it depends what you're going to be using it for so how translucent are they well if i put this one turn it around the right way here i take this one and put it over this one kind of yeah there's a see-through thing going on there that gives you an idea what you can do with the clear vinyl uh another question i have is can you use laminate on glass and sublimate to the laminate yes you can but that laminate does not adhere to the glass very well and it will peel you're going to be very careful about where you would use that so again so we'll compare these again here there's the uh white vinyl sublimated the white vinyl get that out of the glare there and there it is in clear vinyl so once again depends on what your final use is for something that's backlit worked very well so if you got anything out of this little demonstration of clear versus white vinyl on doing dye sublimation on glass appreciate getting a thumbs up always helps the channel otherwise roger and the loft thanks for watching we'll see on the next one [Music]
Channel: Roger's Shop
Views: 53,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation on clear vinyl, sublimation tips, sublimation printer, sublimation printing, sublimation printing for beginners, sublimation printers for heat transfer, how to sublimate on glass, sublimation on 651 clear vinyl, sublimation on clear adhesive vinyl, sublimation tips and tricks, sublimation tips for beginners, Tusy heat, tusy heat press machine 15x15, tusy heat press, tusy heat press machine, tusy heat press machine 15x15 how to use
Id: G_NJmxW2tjk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 36sec (1416 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 04 2022
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