Clear HTV Hack for Sublimation - Printing Dark & Cotton Shirts using Clear HTV!

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what's up guys in today's video we're going to try a sublimation hack this is coming to us from HTV Ron and it is the clear uh sublimation HTV vinyl and it's it's a matte clear that you put over something and supposedly you're able to sub on it so we're going to try it out on both black and white shirts we're going to try the uh try to put some white HTV down and then put the clear over the top of it for the black and we're going to put it right on the uh put the clear right on the white and see if we can get some uh submission on Cotton going will it work will it fill up quickly we don't know we're gonna try it out we'll start right now [Music] [Music] all right [Music] all right Gus now you've probably seen this design before and the reason we're doing it is I have a project in mind and the on in the future we're going to take all these different uh ways of printing on black and printing on cotton and we're going to put them to the test on durability washability things like that so that's why you keep saying this design on these kind of shirts um I do have a long-term strategy [Music] all right guys now we're going to cut the uh the white wall of cut to go underneath as a sub layer for the black um so we'll go ahead and get the instructions for that and the Silhouette Cameo heat transfer smooth blade three speed eight four six transfer blue uh let's see heat transfer smooth blade three what was it Force eight speed or four six uh let's see speed eight so three six eight three six eight okay we'll go ahead and do that and we're gonna go ahead and just do this [Music] all right guys first things first turn uh the registration marks off since we're not doing a print and cut since we're just simply cutting it directly into the vinyl we're gonna go ahead and get our settings uh with the package they send a they send instructions based on your your which your cut setting should be and then you need to have the blade at six which is really deep way deeper than I considered uh four Force four speed we wanted it five according to the um things including the instructions in one pass so six four five one that's a lot of Blade depth that is a deep cutting blade but that's what it says so we're gonna go ahead and cut it into the clear HTV and we'll go ahead and get the white shirt going all right guys next up is weeding this stuff it usually weeds incredibly easily see just how easily it just uh it just comes right up comes away pretty easily just like any other HTV [Music] now we're gonna do the print and cut on the sublimation paper so we're going to go back uh we're gonna go to layout we're gonna go ahead and turn registration marks back on we haven't moved anything if you move anything it's completely messed up go ahead and try this again we're going to do copy paper medium and we're just we're just cutting these sublimation papers all we're doing um so we're gonna go ahead and hope it registers um wouldn't have made sure our uh cut lines are back on and should be good to go [Music] yeah as you can see when it starts doing that um it's usually good to go and it should go ahead and just cut it for us and we should be good to go three clicks and it looks really good so what we'll do is we'll move our machine back and we're going to use this little guy um just a little spatula we're just gonna get it underneath and we're just gonna work the paper loose see that um everything is pretty much as we expect it just peel it and if it's cut right see everything will just come right off nice and neat we can just discard that paper and then we can take our spatula and not mess up our edges and just kind of work around the paper because I'm using I'm using the light grip sheet and that's the secret to actually cutting sublimation paper you can see it cuts beautifully super duper easy [Music] all right guys uh first things first we're going to do the uh the black shirt actually because we're gonna because it requires a lower temperature so we'll go ahead and knock it out of the way um we'll go ahead and pull this off a little bit put this guy on there we're doing a tool text Medium 100 cotton shirt I'm just gonna place it on there not sold on the growth side so we're gonna definitely let all the crap out of this because it is it has been here been in the shop for a minute meanwhile our press is heating up to 302 degrees which is what heat transfer Warehouse requires for that uh the HTV and you can see it's really that shirt's been in here for a long time because I've been finding this project for a minute so we're gonna just keep rolling it foreign we're going to go ahead and just kind of get it uh get it nice and centered up that looks about right there we go now we're preheating our press to 302 degrees Fahrenheit and we're pressing this for about 10 to 15 seconds we're just going to do the regular old uh regular old white and then we're going to do clear and then we're going to do our sublimation on it all right guys I guess uh to get a time of it you go ahead and pre-press the shirt we're sitting about 230 degrees I'm gonna go ahead and give it a quick pre-press just to get all the wrinkles and everything out as well as getting moisture out we got a little too much pressure there we go now we don't have any wrinkles or anything it should be really easy to press all right guys coming up to operating temp let's go ahead and pull it um the orientation doesn't matter based on the design I know granted a lot of designs you do it will matter but not this particular time so go ahead and place it placing about four four fingers down from the thing from the collar should be just about centered um go ahead and put our paper on there I'm just using parchment paper or go ahead and press it so we'll go ahead and hot pill it and as you can see turned out really decent go ahead and bump our heat up uh to about 380. now for the clear HTV um since the submission it'll do up to 380. so we usually just do it about 380. okay and we're gonna press it for about uh 15 seconds so we'll go ahead and set that and we're gonna let that go now it doesn't actually look clear but it does actually press clear when it's when it's done and what I'm going to try to do is I'm going to use that little guy to line it up so we're going to be able to line that guy right up on there and it should look really close there we go and as you can see there's a little Shadow but overall we did a really good job lining it up so it should be pretty good so we'll go ahead and let that heat up and then we'll uh we'll go ahead and press this and we should be good to go after that so we'll go ahead and again put our uh our protective paper down now this is a cold pill so once we once we press it we're gonna have to wait for it to cool and then we can uh and then we can peel it and then we can sublimate it we're current upon temperature uh once again they give you good instructions they say uh heavy pressure for about 10 to 20 seconds at about 380. it says about 200 degrees Celsius we're just going to do 380. that's just about right and and usually that doesn't discolor any shirts or anything at 380 anything past that you start to potentially get it um should be going off any second we already have our design lined up so we're going to press it for about 20 seconds now since it's cold peel so we're gonna give it a minute I'll let that guy cool down all right now it's cooled off enough we can I feel pretty comfortable peeling should peel right on off no problem as you can see there's a little there's a little residue but overall it should do pretty well so now since we know we're already at 380 we can go ahead and put that guy right back on there and go again so here's here we go this time we're actually going to try to sub it and see if we can get it we're not going to burn our hands for one thing so we're gonna go ahead and get it good and flat we're going to take one of our pre-cut sublimations and since we didn't since we didn't Merit we did the exact same thing it should line up this perfect so we'll go ahead and put some tape in just a couple spots just to hold it right there that's a good spot maybe a little bit right maybe a little bit right there there maybe a little bit right there maybe a little bit up top should be good to go we'll go ahead and put our paper down and we're gonna give it the final press and see if we get sublimation on this guy once again we're doing this at 380 um and we're doing it uh for we're gonna do it for 50 seconds so yeah let's go ahead and do that there we go and see if we get any sublimation out of this all right guys Moment of Truth did it work we have the White sub wait white HTV clear HTV sublimation print so let's see if that actually worked wow a little warm there we go it totally did work boy did it my lot my lineup was not good because I had all my camera equipment in the way but let me tell you the colors look nice a little hot hot there we go that looks really good let's go ahead and pick that off overall that looks that looks kind of killer like look at those colors that's kind of insane that's better than the easy Subway to be honest like all right like uh well I have a reason for this I'm going to do this eventually I'm going to compare all these this is the sublimate like and then this is the easy Subway like it looks every bit as good as the easy Subway [Music] like that's the easy Subway compared to that that's crazy how good that works so this is definitely a pass we're gonna go ahead and do the white one and then we'll do a final review on this my heat press by trying to do it I need more room to work okay go ahead and do that go ahead and get it going go ahead of your parchment paper go ahead and press them just give it a quick 10 second PR or five second pre-press just to give us a nice flat area to work with and what we're going to do we're going to try to put that little section going up like we did last time and this is the clear HTV and we're pressing this 380 for we're going to do it for about 20 seconds cold peel so we got a we got to give it a minute all right guys we went ahead and cold peeled it we have the clear HTV on there now this is the hard part when you're doing it on white is lining everything up because you can't really tell what you did it's almost impossible to tell where your actual design needs to go on black it's easy because you got you got the white you can kind of feel it but I mean really you're just you're almost just guessing you are almost just guessing exactly what you're trying to do so we're gonna try to get some light up over here let's see if that works see if this helps us at all oh wow that makes a huge difference you can kind of see what I'm doing there that's actually reasonably close I think so yep let's go ahead and do that um yeah that's not bad that's as good as I'm gonna get I think so we'll go ahead and do that and we're gonna press it at 380 for about 60 about actually 55 seconds foreign 10 seconds let's see if it uh see if it actually worked she had some extra light we can go ahead and turn heat press off because that's all we're doing for tonight [Music] what we got you can see just how good that actually prints on the clear HTV on Cotton that's kind of insane actually like it's insane just how good colors look [Music] on Cotton the hard part's actually just getting a lot of getting the clear HTV lined up once you do it and it doesn't feel bad it doesn't feel that stiff I mean yeah I guess it feels like a layer or two of HTV but like it doesn't feel that bad so yeah we'll go ahead and let this cool and we'll do a final review real quick [Music] sorry guys and girls that's how you do it um final thoughts it's kind of insane how good this stuff is clear HTV is it's definitely a contender if if it holds up at all in the wash test which we're gonna do in a future video but you cannot argue with the results in the color vibrancy I mean look how vibrant those colors are I mean that's absolutely insane um even on even on white this is white cotton that we did and look at those colors I mean look I mean granted that it may it may chip or something when we wash it but I think I think it's in good shape I think it's the best thing I've tried with uh printing on either black or cotton um overall I give it a big old thumbs up it's pretty awesome stuff I highly recommend trying it um I'll link in the description where I found all this stuff uh I used HTV Rod but also you can get like the heat transfer Warehouse has some um a bunch of places has clear HTV for sublimation uh so definitely give this hack a try uh it may save you some money over messing with things like easy Subway or all that good stuff but guys once again Jeff Southpaw Studios um if you found this video helpful for feel free to give it a big old thumbs up uh subscribe to the channel future content and love you guys peace
Channel: Southpaw's Studio
Views: 37,664
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: sublimation on cotton, sublimation on clear htv vinyl, sublimation on htv, how to sublimate on cotton, sublimation htv, htvront heat transfer vinyl, htvront clear htv vinyl, htvront auto heat press machine, sublimation hack, sublimation 100%cotton beginner, sublimate on cotton, sublimation on cotton with htvront clear htv, sublimation on cotton with clear htv, clear htv for sublimation, clear htv vinyl for sublimation on dark shirts, clear htv sheets for sublimation
Id: ooX0OcGS_Hw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 51sec (1191 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 08 2023
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