How To Use Pinterest For BUSINESS In 2021 // Pinterest Marketing Tutorial

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if you're not using pinterest to grow your traffic and sales in 2021 you are missing out in this video i'm gonna share with you an up-to-date tutorial of how pinterest works for business step by step even if you are a total beginner but before we start make sure to give this video likes that more people can find this video and with that let's dive in so pinterest is a social media and mobile app designed to enable saving and discovery of information on the world wide web now the focus here is on saving and discovery of information this means that pinterest is not just about you know connecting to people or connecting to your friends it is about actually finding the information that you're looking for as well as discovering it and saving it so that you can share it with other people in this context you can kind of get the idea that pinterest is not just any you know not just a regular social media platform which is all about connecting with people it is actually about bookmarking things that you love and it's actually about discovering things products and information on the internet all right so when we talk about pinterest by numbers this is just to give you an idea from a marketing standpoint how important pinterest is for your business so first things first as of the last quarter of 2020 there's over 442 million monthly viewers on pinterest now this has been rapidly increasing and the pandemic has only increased the the viewership even more on pinterest and we see a continuous increase in the number of monthly visitors that are logging into pinterest and checking out everything that you know is going on in pinterest and not only this you know the way that pinterest has been growing is not just within u.s and canada which is presumably a large market about 20 of the users on pinterest are from u.s however 80 of users are actually from outside of u.s which means that even if you are from a different part of the world whether you're in europe asia africa wherever you are there is still a lot of scope for you to use pinterest especially if you have a global clientele and you have a large amount of people that are coming from high income countries such as us uk canada etc now pinterest is also very very essential in the in the context of who is using pinterest so not only are you know older demographics using pinterest such as in the age group between 35 to 50 millennials which would be you know people who are a little bit younger than that are also using pinterest and the funny thing is that they use pinterest just as much as they use instagram so in case you were wondering if you're gonna find your target audience on pinterest if you target millennials or you target people who are a little bit older than millennials then pinterest is actually a fabulous place for you to get started and to grow your traffic as well as your income not only this half of pinterest users make fifty thousand dollars or more every single year it tells you that they have the amount that you need to actually be able to buy products and services so these are not just students you know who are not able to afford anything but actually pinterest has people who have a high disposable income or at least a higher household income so that they can actually buy products that are showcased on pinterest and afford to spend more money than let's say us you know an average college student could not only this statistics show that 87 of pinterest users who are active on pinterest every single week have bought a product because of pinterest so they were not really introduced to this product before it wasn't you know something that was a huge brand or a huge company but they have bought it because they either found a review of their product or they found something related which was interesting to them about that product as well and lastly 97 of searches on pinterest are unbranded now unbranded means that they are coming from accounts which are not necessarily big brands or companies this tells you that there is a lot of scope to actually get discovered even as a small blog a small business owner on pinterest compared to other channels such as let's say facebook or google where you need to have a large presence already or a large let's say followership already to actually get some kind of traction on search now here's the thing these are the numbers which are growing consistently every single month and i'm sure based on when you watch this video these numbers have already skewed a little bit more but the bottom line is this pinterest is different from any other social media platform or search engine out there and the sooner you get started on leveraging as as that the sooner you will start to benefit from the results that you can get from pinterest now before we dive into you know what are the different things and aspects of pinterest let's talk about some of the most common terms that you will come across on pinterest so what so first things first what is a pin now a pin is simply an image like you can see on the right hand side um that is posted to any account so it could be your account it could be anyone else's account now pin can also be used as a word when you say that i spend my time pinning that actually means you know that you were actually sitting on pinterest and creating pins or saving pins and that would then be used as a verb however the main context of this word is that it is any image irrespective of whether it is a graphic or it is something with text or it is a product image any kind of image that is uploaded to an account on pinterest constitutes a pin next a pinner is simply a pinterest user so if you are using pinterest that makes you a bitter if anyone else is using pinterest that also makes them a pinner right and lastly another thing that you would come across a lot is repins now repins is every time that you go on the top right corner of the pin and you save that pin uh whether that is you know your pin or someone else's bin then it is called a repin so you could save your own bins um when you want to let's say save your pins to different balls or categories or even just save it to show it to your friend or anyone else could save your pin as well which would also be called as a repent so that brings us to how does pinterest function and in the sense that how is it a little bit different when it comes to using these pins and images right so pinterest users contrary to other social media users are more likely to click through share and consume your content and the reason why this is the case is because pinterest by design is a platform that allows you to click out instead of stay in and when you think about it facebook instagram youtube twitter all of these platforms want you to stay in within the platform instead of leave and go somewhere else right however pinterest is completely different the way it has been created for saving and discovery is that it actually encourages its users to go out shop on different platforms to go out and read other blog posts to go out and find awesome information which means that in that sense it is a very very unique platform and can be of a lot of help to you especially if you have a website or a business that has a website right now one other cool aspect of pinterest is that it actually does not discriminate this means that it doesn't matter if you don't have 10 000 instagram followers or pinterest followers in this case it doesn't matter if you don't have enough videos or subscribers like you would need on youtube pinterest you know you just have as much a chance to rank on pinterest as any other user with just 200 users as well so in that sense whether you have a large following or not is irrelevant on pinterest you can still get discovered you can still drive traffic you can still increase the amount of leads and income that you're getting from pinterest not only this pinterest users are specifically on pinterest not to talk to their friends or share cute photos of them you know getting married or whatever although that does happen but it is a it is a minority when compared to people who are actually looking for infor information or inspiration including but not limited to products so they might be looking for information such as articles or videos or cool content right or podcasts even or they might be looking for specific products and services so let's say that someone is looking to get married and they're looking for a wedding photographer in the region where is the first place that you would go into most likely you would go into pinterest to look at the people who you know are on pinterest and what their profile looks like what their portfolio looks like so in that sense pinterest is different from any other social media platform where the primary aim of a pinterest user is not social connection or networking but it's actually looking for information and discovering cool things another thing which we already mentioned is that pinterest users are growing worldwide so if you have a product or a service and or if you have a website that actually relies on a global audience then pinterest is something that should definitely be at the top of your list when it comes to growing your organic traffic not only this pinterest users are likely to share the love so they don't just read your blog and forget about it like people who come from google do but they actually go back and save that content to their account which is known as a repin as mentioned which then further boosts the engagement on your pin and makes your pin get visible to more and more people so it kind of has a snowball effect that once you share the pin on pinterest and someone goes through the website and checks out your article loves it comes back to their pinterest account saves it on their pinterest board and then all of their followers and friends get to see that as well so it's kind of like a snowball effect where you continue to increase your engagement over and over again and it is not dependent on the time that you have spent on pinterest so it doesn't matter if you created a pin today or you created it six months ago there is just as much a chance that someone will find your pin and share it again you know which is going to be super relevant and keep bringing you traffic even much into the future and lastly pinterest is the only search engine or social media platform where organic reach is possible now obviously i don't need to tell you this that when you when it comes to facebook or instagram um or even twitter organic reach is pretty freaking hard and they have been you know outspoken about this and pretty much made it clear that unless you pay for uh views or you pay for ads it's going to be hard for you to grow your account and no matter what the gurus out there tell you that's just the truth of you know the matter which means that pinterest is one of the last search engines slash social media platforms which are actually left where organic reach is still possible this means that the sooner you understand how to leverage this platform and the more strategically you leverage this platform the faster you're able to grow your traffic and your income as a result of pinterest marketing so now that we know what is pinterest how does pinterest work and exactly where it should fit in your marketing strategy let's go over to the pinterest platform and check out exactly how it looks like and how you can start leveraging it for your business today so first things first when you log into your account you're gonna see this sort of feed right so it's like an endless feed which you can just keep scrolling and it just never ends so unlike google which is also a search engine where you have pages and you can scroll back and forth pinterest is sort of this endless stream of inspiration and the reason why they keep it like this is because they really want their users to spend a lot of time discovering articles products shop on pinterest you know connect with people and all of that and that's also why pinterest can be a very very addictive app especially if you are a user who you know is looking for things on pinterest it can be very hard to pull yourself away from it and that is precisely what makes it such an amazing app or a platform to get traffic and to get leads and sales because you know when someone is paying a lot of attention and is very absorbed and is very interested in a platform then they're obviously likely to convert that much faster and pinterest users have been known to convert much faster they are known to be very not prone to shopping but they are more prone to spending compared to users let's say on google and also because people generally go on pinterest to find inspiration or information and what happens after you find information and inspiration is that you take action on it right so i so when you log in you're going to see your home feed this is basically an endless stream of ideas and as you can see the pins here are not really just random pins they are an assortment of different pins that pinterest things are items or topics that i'm interested in so basically these are different pins that are from accounts that i'm following as well as maybe things that i liked including sponsored content as well so for example you can see here there's a pin which says promoted by everdrop so that is again a sponsored pin in general you will obviously have some ads because that is common across most media platforms that are monetized um and for example here you can see another promoted pin on social media but in general these are pins from people that i'm following or basically interesting ideas that maybe i was looking at or you know checking out on pinterest so based on that history pinterest will continue to revise it so again this is a feed which is completely dynamic it changes all the time it is not something that uh for example it will be static like for example on google rankings are generally quite sticky and they tend to be there for a while however pinterest things are very dynamic and they move very fast which is also why new content and fresh content gets to rank pretty fast on pinterest versus let's say um some other platforms like google right so here is another tab called today which basically gives you an overview of what's trending today some inspiration again this could be customized to who you are and what you do but usually there are going to be certain things that will be common across the world so for example some recipe ideas um some articles some shopping you know things things that are trending like maybe a musician for example when harry styles released the golden video he was trending on pinterest so you know his hair was trending for some reason um in a lot of places so basically again this is dynamic and changes all the time and this i would say is more a tab for users on pinterest who are looking for you know things to read and to pin uh for you as a marketer or as a business owner or as a blogger um this only makes sense uh when you look at it from an inspiration perspective so let's say that you are a um you know a finance blogger maybe this might interest you it says cost saving ideas you probably never thought of you can click through and then you can just see what have they you know what are the pins that are showing up in this particular idea so again this can give you an idea of what the general mood is of the audience and if you are a broad let's say you know if you have a broad pinterest account you can really swap through for inspiration and see what are the things that are um popping out uh what is trending um so for example tinted moisturizers standing in skin care again this is very very niche specific obviously but what this does is kind of like an editorial section of pinterest so pinterest let's say editors or content creating directors are responsible for showcasing this and it of course changes every day but it's an interesting thing to look at especially if you're looking for seasonal content inspiration or just looking at what people are looking at and you know on a on a just a overview kind of thing so think of it as your daily newspaper for pinterest so this week right then you can go into your following tab which is all the people you do follow and let's see all of the content that they have created now this tends to be usually more chronological in the sense that the latest pins are going to be showing up on the top and then the old list at the bottom the reason why is because sometimes you are on pinterest just to follow certain influencers or brands and you just want to see what they've been up to so in that sense this is a feed where you can go and really dig into this whole you know um not whole literally but like to dig into this whole aspect of who are the people that you are following and what is it that they're creating again an excellent way to keep an eye on your top um competitors because uh you can also see what are the products that they're sharing how are they listing them how they're taking photographs for them right uh what kind of content your competitors are creating so again excellent way to keep a tab on things that are going on on pinterest as well as on your competitors so if you are a business owner or someone who is just has bigger brands or you know indus or influencers in that niche you can keep an eye on them by checking that out as well all right so this is your home feed scenario let's go back and check into your profile so so for example you can see there are different ways to navigate on the top here and there's also here your account where you can just click on this image here and it will take you to your profile so here's me on my profile um and pinterest is now changed so it experiments a lot with the layout and depending on when you're seeing when you're seeing this video there might be things that have been newly added sometimes features get tested for a long time before they appear in everyone's app sometimes they're very country specific or region specific and sometimes they just come and go as they wish so story pins for example have um disappeared and appeared in my account many times and it's the same experience with a lot of other creators so i don't take that too seriously because i know that at the end of the day it is a social media platform as well and they're always finding the best ways to create the best experience which means that there are going to be changes every now and then so as you can see i have my profile here my name of the website that i have the topics and categories that i talk about um some examples here of exactly what i do i've added a um call to action so i've added a pinterest checklist again something i highly recommend you do in your account you can also click here and go directly to the website if you're looking for that um you can look into my followers who i'm following things like that and then there are two different sections main sections that you will find here so here's the created section which means all of the pins that i've created recently on this account so including stories videos and all of that um so you here you'll see first my story pins or my video pins and then you will see all the other image pins right which is usually the pins that you're probably most familiar with and then if you've connected your account to your rss feed you might also get images like this so this is my blog featured image which just sort of popped up because um i've connected my account to the rss feed which i will show you quickly as well um and that's why it is popping up it's not something that i uploaded per se most of these pins i've actually uploaded from this account or my manager has uploaded from this account and that's why they're showing up you will also see here a section of scheduled pins so as you can see when i click through you can see that these four pins are scheduled for later today or tomorrow um so basically you can shut your pins out for let's say the next two weeks if you want if you need to schedule it for more than two weeks you have to use a paid tool like tailwind which we also talk in a lot of other videos about but for now let's go back into the profile and just finish completing this section so when you go here you will see the saved section now the saved section is basically what i have saved to my account so essentially in other words this is all of the boards that i'm a part of because normally when you're uploading a pin on pinterest you save it to a certain board right and a board is essentially any category of content that you decide to name at so for example i have created boards like beauty and health tips um daily habits to improve yourself how to save money weight loss tips things like that and then i also have a ton of group boards that i'm a part of as you can see here which have multiple people that are contributing to that board so basically this shows you in your account all of the boards that you have and again is a great way to spy on your competitors if you want to see what they're up to what kind of boats they're creating what kind of content they're creating you can just double click and go and see what they're up to right so this is the board for example on france travel tips um it's a personal board it's not a group board but this can be one of the ways that you actually look at other influencers and brands on pinterest to see what they're doing essentially it's also a good place for you to see which boards you have recently pinned to so basically they show up in order of recent pinning so if you haven't saved a pin to that board it's not going to show up at the top so pinterest basically wants to show the most fresh content or the most freshly saved pens at the top so you're always going to find the boards where um you know where i've actually recently saved content to and not the boards where i haven't saved anything to so you'll see that these ones i don't i haven't saved anything for a while so they're not showing up in the top of my account another thing here is that you can also see if you want to check all of the pins of a particular account or your account you can click through and check all the pins that have ever been historically posted again depending on how long you've been on pinterest this could run into hundreds of thousands of pins for me i think it's almost 200 000 pins because i've had this account for a while now and i've posted obviously a lot i've even posted content from other people's um you know um profiles and things like that so of course you are going to see that as well so this is the overview for your profile and let's say the home feed that you have right so these are the things that you will see here the other thing that's very interesting when you have a business account is that you have access to a lot of insights and analytics and as you can see you have a business hub here so you have some shortcuts like if you want to create a pin you can just kick start and create a pin if you want to set up billing let's say you want to run ads on pinterest in the future then you can set up billing as well you can see an overview of some of the recent pins that i've created what they're you know um uh what their numbers and impressions look like some of the top pins that i've created what their impressions look like um i can see if i have any ads running what are the ads how are the ads performing and then there's a section for resources that is of course dynamically changing as well i generally don't read this or use this a lot because i'm generally reading directly on the pinterest blog or on the engineering blog about what's up but of course you do have access to those insights as well on the create section is of course the content creation tools that you have so you have create a pin as you can see here is where you just upload a pin you add your title you add your description you can add your destination link and then you can publish either at immediately in a certain board or you can publish at a later date as well very quickly just to show you how this works let's see that we add one pin um you know a quick pin that can be added it's not going to be something super specific but let's say that you want to add this pin which is a video pin and then you can just say eight self-care habits to follow so i'm just gonna say learn how to practice self-care daily to change your life yeah and of course this is a video pin so it's also showing me tags here so i can look at tags or categories that i want to add this pin to so i'm gonna look for self-care i'm gonna look for things like self-love things like that personal development maybe it also falls into that category so again since this is a video pin it's showing me tags if it's not a video pin this option will not appear i will show you that as well and here's where i will add the url um and then i will decide which board that i want to publish it to as well as the time that i want to publish it so let's say i want to publish it at a later date or publish immediately right if i want to publish it right now in real time i can click this option or if i want to schedule it for later i can click let's say i want to schedule it for 17 december at 12 p.m i can add the link and then i can take the board that i want to save it to let's say indian girling which is my black brand board and then i can just click on publish and then then it will be published right i'm just doing this so that you can see how that works i'm not really going to publish this pin but you can see that it will show up in schedule pins after it's approved now video pins usually do take a while for them to be approved so they can um take let's say up to 24 hours to show up and that's why it won't be automatically showing up in your account so let's see how that looks like for an image pin so let's say you have an image print really normal you're going to add the title so 12 s podcasts let's say and um you're going to add the description as well you are going to learn more about pin descriptions and hashtags in separate videos um in the later stages and then of course you can add a destination link um and you can also add hashtags if you want again something we talk a lot of details of in the later videos 12 best podcasts to learn and follow for women let's say and then like i said you can either publish it immediately or publish at a later date totally depends on you select the board that you would like to go it to should be the most relevant board here so let's say that i want to add it to tips for women because it is a you know it is a article which is targeting women and then i can go ahead and publish that as i want so that's when it comes to creating pins you can also create a story pin again something that you may or may not have access to depending on where you are based and what experiment pinterest is running at the time so simply you can upload images here and then you can create stories on it unfortunately right now you cannot add links to the stories so even though you can add an image and you can create a story so let's say that i create this as my story bin um i can go and i can go on next and i can you know pick a theme like i don't know blank list i don't really think that there's going to be a theme for this but let's go on next i can pick a title i can pick a board that i want to pin it to i can pick you know tag topics so i can tag like let's say some interests and then i can publish it as well right um and then it's gonna show up you can of course edit the design as well um and just figure out how to add some text etc to it you can crop it if you want you can add a title here and say hey check out my website or things like that if you just edit this here let's see how this editing works so check out my website so basically this is like story pins work on instagram as well uh but without the link up facility i think this could be a game changing uh feature if they could figure out a way to add links right now they don't have the option who knows maybe they're trying it on some accounts and it's not available yet to us right now story pins are just static images that you can upload um so especially if you're a food blogger or someone who kind of shows the behind the scenes like you're um having a business where you want to show the inventory and you want to show what's going on you can use this as a feature to upload videos and just show those clips right pretty much the same way that you use um instagram stories as well but in terms of driving traffic and conversions i don't find this to be the best feature so i would still stick to creating image pins or video pins normally and then using story pins as a bo as a bonus feature really interestingly enough you have a very very cool feature which is called analytics where you actually get to do a deep dive into what's working on your account what's not working out which pins are doing well what are your top boards right so you can swipe through and see your top boards you can see your top pins you can rank them by just your website you can rank them by organic or if you have let's say running ads you can do that by paid ads as well um you can even check conversion insights which is again a new tool i haven't really set up the stack for this insight but this is specifically for people who are running ads and i don't really run ads on this platform but of course if you do run ads you can add pinterest tags and see how those ads are performing but for organic users this is not really very very useful because you have access to this information within your normal analytics if you upload videos you're going to see the performance of those videos as well here so pinterest is heavily focusing on video um video pins especially for reaching more people because you know the whole world is moving towards video content so if you create video pins you will find specific analytics for those pins you can see it was organic how long the pin was how many impressions the pin had and so on and so forth and last but not the least you can also select days so you can see what's working in the last seven days specifically right so was there a video that did really well in the last seven days what that video was all about you can click through and see oh this is what the video was all about um and this is how it did right so i got video views saves and all of that again the challenge with video pins is that you can't really click through to them as of now maybe that changes in the future um and that's why they're great for impressions and engagement and they get you likes and comments and stuff but they don't really convert into traffic or leads that quickly right okay so you can also see audience insights another one of my personal favorite things about pinterest it gives you so much information on who is following you on pinterest what are the categories that they're interested in and you can use this information to create boards you can use this information to create pins you can do a lot of market research based on this to figure out what your next product or service should be as well you can also select it to be your engaged audience so people who are clicking through and interacting with your pins you can see what is it that's really striking um gold with them right so they're interested in finance and quotes etc percentage of audience is simply how much of your audience is interested in something and affinity is how likely they are to respond to a certain topic right so how much are they interested so the higher the affinity obviously the more let's say the more hot that topic is and the larger the number of audience again the more people that you can reach with that topic so the ideal combination for content should always be with a high affinity and a large percentage of your audience however this section is only limited to people who are already following you and not to other people so you can also click through here and you can see what is the total pinterest users audience like what do they like doing what are their interests and so on and so forth right so for example if you're a home decor blogger you can see that 68 of people on pinterest are interested in home decor right big surprise and nobody's really surprised on that and then you can see what are the specific sub categories of that interest again something very very interesting when you're doing market research let's say you are thinking of what should i offer uh from my web store you can see kitchen cabinets are interested in three percent of the people flooring all different things so again a great place for you to get inspiration create content figure out what are people interested in what is trending um so of course this is data that pinterest gives you completely for free with a business account and you cannot find this anywhere else on any other platform the way that you can on pinterest which makes it absolutely a stellar platform to leverage for marketing and for business again you can also see the age breakup so as you can see there are lots of people in the 18 to 24 age group then 69 is female again not a big shocker there um you can see the top metros um that people are located in so of course pinterest is quite us and canada heavy so you will see a lot of people that are from north america but that's actually not the only people that are there the people from all over the world that are on pinterest and it's growing by the minute right and as you can see about 25 are male which is pretty good as well for if you have you know a business or a blog that targets a male audience as well and then some people haven't specified their genders which is fine they could be um either in your in your focus category or not you can check the devices as well so again very very helpful feature to see um you know how things are going on what what you can do um you can also see where you rank versus the total pinterest audience so like for example how is my audience doing in comparison to other people's audiences so how much more interested my audience is in financial planning and things like that versus the total pinterest audience again excellent tool if you are a business owner doing any kind of you know trying to make money on this platform or through this platform by leveraging it excellent excellent information and insights for you to look into in your particular niche or category right all right and then you have conversion insights again tacked to your ads and to checkouts and things like that um specifically you can check video inside so we already i think saw that and spoke about that and then you can click through on trends and see what are the trends that are going on right now these trends are only limited to us uk and canada we are hoping that this will change and they will have more countries available in the future but of course pinterest is rolling it out step by step depending on the affinity of the country to use that so i expect this to get larger and we we will have more regional insights for brazil india all the bigger markets that pinterest is targeting however right now it's only limited pretty much to us you can canada but if you do have an audience in one of these countries or plan to sell to one of these countries or better yet if you're based in one of these countries you have access to so many different things that you can see on this tool so you can see all the trends you can see the week's top trends so you can see what is trending small business saturday was trending and then you can see trending ideas um you know everything in different categories that are interested you can also type in and see something that you're interested in so let's say you want to see what are people searching for in terms of gardening then you can click through and then you can see the results for that and then really see how that's working out you can even compare those terms and see which term is getting more traffic so as you can see gardening ideas have more traction than just gardening um growing vegetables you can keep adding these different things very cool if you're a data driven person you're gonna love this tool um as i do as well um i i'm not a data nerd but i really love analyzing data and understanding what it's telling me because i really believe in working smart and not working hard so if you can use this data to leverage what type of content you should be creating and where your customers are and what they're interested in then you already hit the jackpot right so lastly we have also ads we're going to cover all of this in the ads masterclass so i'm not going to waste your time doing this right now and then you can of course click through to your account and just get in and check all of your settings so you can also for example claim your websites you can update things here you can claim um your website if you have one if you don't have one that's also fine you can also claim your instagram account your etsy your youtube your shopify all of these things you can bulk create pins if you are someone who has let's say if you're an e-commerce owner and you have thousands of pins and you can create a csv file and you can do that as well they have some information for that you can fix your notification settings how often you want to be notified privacy and data security and connected apps so anything else that you have connected to this particular profile so that brings us to the end of this tutorial video if you want to learn more about how to use pinterest to grow your traffic and sales organically you should check out my free pinterest masterclass which is linked in the description box below make sure to give this video a like and subscribe to the channel if you're new here as always thank you for watching and i'll see you in the next one
Channel: Shruti Pangtey
Views: 9,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to use pinterest for business, how to use pinterest for business in 2021, pinterest for business, pinterest for business tutorial, pinterest for business how to use, what is pinterest and how does it work, what is pinterest marketing, pinterest marketing, pinterest marketing tutorial, shruti pangtey, why use pinterest, how to use pinterest for beginners, how to use pinterest app for business, pinterest for business guide, pinterest tutorial for business
Id: DDd7bedBcIs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 53sec (2033 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 22 2021
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