How to Quickly & Effectively Build Your Vocabulary

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all right so welcome welcome welcome if you are joining us in this live lesson or even if you are watching this in the future welcome we're glad to have you here we have an amazing incredible super fantastic trying to think of how many more adjectives I can use to describe this lesson we just have a really great lesson for you if you're joining us please write your name and tell us where you're from in the chat also like I said if you are watching this later again use the comment section write your name tell us where you're from we want to hear from you because we want you to interact this is interactive English and my name is Wes from interactive English awesome hello pearl from India excellent welcome and again we have a great lesson so let's just get right into it today we are going to talk about building vocabulary alright and how to build how to effectively build your vocabulary and do it quickly and this is something that I think many of us are working on we all would like to expand our vocabulary and improve our vocabulary because that just helps with fluency so again if you're just joining us in the chat write your name tell us where you're from Russia from Iraq welcome Brazil is here Frances here awesome excellent we're glad to have you Jordan living in Jordan and Mongolia we got people from everywhere that's awesome so as I said we are going to talk about how to effectively build your vocabulary and do this quickly all right and the reason I say quickly is not that you're going to do it faster but the key here is remember what you learn I think too often we learn new words and we learn 10 words and we forget six of them the next week so then really we've only learned four words but if we're able to remember everything that we are learning all of those words then that is going to help us build our vocabulary much quicker than most and the way we're gonna do this is right there we are going to learn phrases and not words okay I know we all study vocabulary we do it differently but today I want to focus on learning phrases and three things that you can do to effectively build your vocabulary so let's go ahead and take a look at different ways to enhance your vocabulary so if you are in the chat right now what I want you to do is tell me a vocabulary word or a phrase that you have recently learned okay I want you to tell me one that you've recently learned because if you're here if you're with us that means that you are studying English you are trying to improve your English so I imagine that within the last week or within the last month you've learned some new word or phrase so write it in the chat let us know again if you're watching this later write it in the comment section tell us what what word or words you have learned recently so here first before we talk about how to enhance our vocabulary we need to really understand well what is vocabulary vocabulary is all of the words that are known and used in a particular language I think one of the things that is difficult is that when we think of vocabulary I think a lot of times we think of just these single individual words and I think that makes sense why people think that way because when you learn a new word most of the times we go to the dictionary we want to know what that word means and it's a vocabulary word but vocabulary is not just a single word it is a collection of all the words so again in the chat hi new people are joining us right a word that you have learned recently what's a new vocabulary word or what's a new phrase or expression something that you've learned yesterday we have somebody yesterday I heard the new phrase take part take something apart yeah to disassemble something to take something apart excellent thank you Russia again right some other words in there what are some new things that you're learning I think again other people would like to know the new vocabulary that people are learning so the ways that we are going to enhance our vocabulary your vocabulary today how we're going to handset and you are going to learn new words and you are going to learn them quickly I want to talk about three things and they're right here in front of you collocation z' expressions and then this idea which I want to toe it tell you about is called chunking and this is more of a way of studying vocabulary that I think will help you in the future especially if you are at an intermediate to advanced level this will be very useful in other words somebody wrote repercussion excellent awesome so we are learning all these new words and I want to start with collocation okay and I want to talk to you about that this is something that I think is becoming more popular in language learning okay so collocations are words that are frequently used together and I think people are using this more often in the classroom or studying a language because again it makes sense if words are frequently used together why would you just want to learn one individual word why not learn the words that usually go before it or why not learn the words that usually go after it so here a lot of times the collocation czar used with common verbs so here I have an example I have four very common verbs in English take have make and do and words that are frequently used with them so again if you're joining us in the chat just tell us tell us your name where you're from also what I want you to do right now is we're looking at these collocation z' okay can you think of any others with these verbs take have make or do okay what are some other collocation z' words that we frequently use with these verbs so for example I gave you let's look at take right now so we can say you know take a rest you can take a shower you could also take a bath and you could take a chance so these are words that are frequently used with take and there's a whole bunch of them it's not just these I've just chosen three as an example so if you could think of any other collocation z' with take just write them in the chat let's see how many that we can come up with what are other things that people take and how do we use that verb let's look at half okay again you can have fun you can have breakfast you can have lunch you can have dinner you can also have a drink so the reason this is important is because nowadays instead of just teaching people one word of o Cabul a word like breakfast it's more important it's more helpful to teach the teach learners the words that go with that okay you have breakfast so that you're building your vocabulary you're learning two words instead of just one and they're associating breakfast with the verb have okay what did you have for breakfast all right other ones that we use make okay you can make a mistake you can make some noise you can also make a wish all right and do what are some things that you do you can do homework you can do business you can even do nothing or you could do your laundry all right there's a lot of different things that you can use with do so again if you have any if you can think of any right now just write them in the chat what are some things more things that you take what are some things that you have what are some things that you make and do and again if you're watching this later on write it in the comments we want you to be active active in our community in our classroom so please the more you write the better it's going to help you so okay we got an example tomorrow we will have a meeting please take note it exactly you can also have a meeting collocation or very important could also say get some rest excellent perfect great examples that you guys are giving so these are important because these are words that we use together and we use regularly we use them frequently all right so they are very useful when we're talking about building your vocabulary expanding your vocabulary and if you want you know collocations if you want to learn more about them just go into go to google and type collocation z' into the search English collocation z' and you will find a bunch of different webpages that list a lot of common ones in English and these are one good ones to study they're good ones to make flashcards out of again if you're just joining us we are talking about ways to improve and build your vocabulary and do it quickly so you can say hi say what's up in the chat and where you're joining us from let's look at the next one that I want to talk to you about which is OK expressions this is another good way to build your vocabulary alright so in the chat again I'm going to give you guys a little assignment with each one I want you to write what is your favorite English expression and an expression could be many different things it could be a saying it could be a proverb it could be an idiom those are all different types of expressions because what are we doing with expressions well we are expressing our thoughts and our opinions about something we are making them known so common expressions what your favorite expression somebody wrote what's up exactly that is one of my favorite expressions the way to say hello what's up everyone what's up if you're joining us in today the lesson right now write your name tell us where you're from in the chat so let's look at some of these expressions okay and again if you learn these expressions without focusing on the individual words it's going to help you with your fluency so again let's look at the first one it is just a saying When in Rome the the entire saying goes when in Rome do as the Romans do and this just basically means that if you are traveling somewhere for example if anybody some of you may be I think somebody's from Brazil all right if I go to Brazil all right then I should kind of try to do what other people in Brazil do I should eat at the same time that those people are eating I should eat the same things I should use the same form of Transportation okay you kind of try to do this not only to be polite but also to learn about different cultures so again I know one of you mentioned you're from Mongolia so if I go to Mongolia again I should learn about how people live and what they do and I should do this and if somebody asks like well why are you doing this yeah When in Rome you know When in Rome you need to do things the way that you should and this is a popular expression somebody's joining it excellent from I can't even pronounce that it kha'zix is that Calle Kazakhstan excellent awesome so my favorite idiom is struggle to get what you really deserve excellent awesome make sure take care you guys are writing some great examples of different idioms that people use so when in Rome is a popular saying the next one we're running late that's an idiom again I think many of you are studying idioms you're learning idioms because we use this in everyday English I think idioms are mostly important not really that you feeling like oh I need to use them it's more for your comprehension so if you're watching TV or movies or listening to a conversation then you understand what people are talking about the Rees I chose this one we're running late is because we posted on Facebook and Instagram and Twitter a question using this idiom about we're running late and mostly everybody didn't know it they got it incorrect so when if you're running late it means that you are running behind schedule so we were supposed to meet our friends at 7 o'clock but we were really going to get there at 7:30 so we were running late a lot of people in our question they thought it was getting late that just means it's getting later and the day the time this means you are actually behind schedule you're running late but if you learn these phrases and idioms again it's going to help you build your vocabulary running late another idiom so you're once in a blue moon that's another good one to know that you can use when something does not happen that often you could say hey it happens once in a blue moon the last one that I have there for you where there's smoke there's fire and this is more of a like a proverb there's many different types of proverbs the grass is always greener on the other side where there's smoke there's fire and the reason I think it's good to learn these proverbs again because you're learning a group of words you're not just focusing on one word in the grammar of like okay here's my subject here's my verb here's the noun you're kind of learning all the words together and you know what the meaning is so where there's smoke there's fire it basically means that if there is a issue a problem but the problem is kind of concealed it's hidden but you know it's there you could kind of say hey I see the smoke alright and if I see the smoke then there's probably a fire there there's probably a major problem that is taking place another one of mine another favorite one of mine is think outside the box you can see the picture there think outside the box means to be more creative to try to think in a new way and do different things to think outside the box this is a good expression that you can use and again you don't want to you don't want to just learn one word you want to learn the whole sentence the whole phrase the whole idiom the entire expression so that you can use this and not only that you will remember it we have somebody else mentioned another favorite clue love yourself first then everything will kind of everything is taking its correct place exactly everything will fall into place there are so many good idioms phrases expressions proverbs that are going to help you learn context and nuance and learn more about the culture as well so expressions are very very very I'm gonna add one more very important the last thing that I want to show you right now is this idea about how you can learn these vocabulary words how you can learn them and a good approach to do that and it is called chunking so here we have our next slide so what is chunking all right chunking is when you learn groups of words as one unit so you are taking a group of words and you are learning okay what does this group of words mean and then how can I use it with other words it's kind of similar to collocation z' all right we're collocations you're looking at words that are frequently used together this is kind of just expanding on that so look at the example look at the example that I have for you right here okay if you have a moment I was wondering if you'd like to grab some coffee if you have a moment I was wondering if you'd like to grab some coffee okay so some of you may be able to read that now okay I know what that means if I have time available this person wants to know if we can go get coffee okay instead of looking at this and trying to think of all right where what what are these exact words let's look at moment and look it up and find out that a moment means okay a short period of time instead of just looking for that one word we can look at the entire a phrase a unit of words for example I have if you have a moment so we can learn all of that together and know that okay when we're when we want to ask somebody do you have some time do you have a little time we could say if you have a moment all right if you have a moment could you help me with my homework if you have a moment I'd like you to go to a movie with me if you have a moment you know asking somebody do you have some time available all right and learning that one set because once you learn if you have a moment there are so many ways to complete that sentence if you have a moment then we can break the next chunk so that is one chunk if you have a moment now let's take the next chunk I was wondering all right I was wondering a great example if you have a moment can we catch up yes perfect all right I was wondering it means that you were thinking about something that you wanted to know all right this is often a polite way of asking a question if you want to be a little more polite like you know I was wondering could we go out for dinner tonight yeah wondering what was your plan for tomorrow alright I was wondering is a way of saying you know I was thinking about something and you're asking so again we can know we know that phrase if we know that phrase as one unit I was wondering we can then add a lot more onto it so instead of just won't learning one of the words we can learn the entire phrase as a unit and then we can add to it and this is what chunking is and if you you've seen it probably in phrase books so if you travel abroad they sell these books that you can learn quick phrases and that's typically what they do is use chunking they give you the first part of the phrase and then you need to learn the words that you can complete the phrase so for example if you're out at a restaurant you always would say hey I would like I would like Mvula I would like a drink I would like the steak I would like a hamburger okay but you learned that one phrase I would like then you can learn a lot you could there's so much more that you can add to it and then the last one in my example I said again like to grab some all right this means to grab some means that you want to go get something and usually that's something is a drink or some food all right would you like to grab some coffee would you like to grab something to eat all right if you want to grab something it's talking about this is a this is an idiom that you're talking about you want to get something okay so we can chunk these sentences we can take these long sentences and break them into different units and then we can add to that so this is the idea of chunking and it is a great way to study new vocabulary a great way to learn new sentences because if you learn a sentence you can take parts of it and then use that for other things so if you've joined us a little late we were talking about ways to enhance your vocabulary so to review again the ways that we discussed in this lesson that you should try to study in the future and use if you want to build your vocabulary effectively and quickly you can use collocations again this is a lot of words that we frequently use together with verbs like I said you can take a shower you can take a bath you can take a meeting expressions which would include idioms or proverbs or any sayings and then this idea the way that you can study these words is with chunking where you are not trying to learn too much at one time you are taking these individual units and you are learning those and then you can add to that as you go along so these are all very useful and effective ways to build and expand your vocabulary so the last thing I want to do is to thank you guys for watching and joining us we have some great comments like yeah I'd like to grab some ice cream yeah I'd like to grab some ice cream too it's hot here it's summertime I'm sure everybody would like to grab some ice cream excellent great use of that expression all right so thank you guys for joining us again please like and share the video if you feel like you've learned something new if you enjoy learning new vocabulary the other thing I want you to do is if you have any questions write them in the comments the video will be published soon or if you're watching this later at a later date write your questions in the comments we like to interact with you we like to hear what questions you have and this is this is very important I think for for interaction the other thing you can join our social media class on Facebook Twitter Instagram snapchat we are posting new questions every day I saw one question that somebody had Romania asking about hey Marco what's up some vocabulary books out there honestly I feel like probably one of the best of resources for vocabulary at this point would be the internet because I don't know if you need to spend money on an actual vocabulary book I think a book that would tell you tips and ideas like what we're talking about today how to study vocabulary I think that would be useful but as for actually learning vocabulary I would just use resources online like I said you can go into Google right now and type in English idioms and you're gonna have a lot of different sites come up that you could then make flashcards and write those down you could type in English proverbs and it's going to give you a list of proverbs and what they mean you could also go to collocation English collocations and it will tell you a lot of different collocation z' that you should probably focus on and can study and also one thing that I wanted to mention go use the images if you go type in this and you go to images it it's much better I think because it's going to give you color it's going to break it down it's easier to read it's more fun too so that would be my recommendation if you're trying to study and learn more vocabulary use the free resource which is the internet and and just type that stuff into Google so again thank you guys for joining us if you join a little late sorry we're gonna publish the video soon again please like and share help us spread the word all across the world we love interacting with you guys and we appreciate you being here with us thank you very much I hope you enjoy the rest of your weekend and if you're watching this later I hope you have a wonderful day thank you thank you thank you and we will see you next time
Channel: Interactive English
Views: 34,886
Rating: 4.905983 out of 5
Keywords: Learn English, Interactive English, Practice English, English Learning, learn english ielts vocabulary, learn english toefl vocabulary, english vocabulary lesson, build english vocabulary, learn new vocabulary, learn english vocabulary, learning vocabulary, quickly build vocabulary, english collocations, english phrases, how to learn vocabulary, how to build english vocabulary, ingles vocabulario, learn english quickly, learn english words, how to remember words
Id: UIT0knqhmQ8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 40sec (1600 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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