Keeping Your Gmail Organized

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hi everyone welcome back to my channel so today i wanted to talk about some ways to keep your gmail organized to make it easier to navigate i got a lot of questions on the video i made about how to use gmail which i will link in the description box if you haven't seen it yet about where to put emails how to put them in different folders how to keep them separate you know if you're somebody who uses the same email for everything it can be hard to distinguish what's work related promotional emails and personal emails so that's what i wanted to cover today i will leave a list of topics that i'll be covering in the description box along with their time stamps if you're looking for something specific or you need to skip around if you like this video while you're watching it please give it a thumbs up and let's get started okay so the first thing i want to talk about are all the different inbox types that you have with gmail so if you click on the gear here you'll see that these are your settings and if you scroll down to inbox type there are a lot of different inbox types which can be helpful to change up your workflow but they're not helpful if you don't know what they do so let's start with default i'll just show you what each of these options do so default is going to categorize your emails chronologically from when they came in when you received them regardless if you read them or not so as you can see there's a mix of unread emails which are these like lighter colored ones and then red emails which are these non-highlighted ones and then there are these tabs up top social and promotions and these are just default by gmail so social is any kind of like social media platform like facebook instagram pinterest anything that has your email that's going to send you like notifications and then promotions are basically like coupon codes and things like that from you know various vendors like clothing stores best buy places like that important first like it says will categorize your important emails at the top and then as you can see everything else that's not important is here at the bottom and you might be wondering what does gmail categorize as an important email gmail uses who you email and how often you email them which emails you open which emails you reply to keywords that are in emails that you usually read which emails you star archive or delete so that's how they deem what's important and you can actually kind of teach gmail what's important by manually unchecking if something is important or not so for me the roku channel is not important so i'm going to just click that little yellow tab and it's going to be marked as unimportant and now gmail is going to start recognizing the more you manually mark things as important or not important that's how they're going to learn what to prioritize in your inbox if you have this option selected unread first is my personal favorite i leave emails that i need to get done as unread so if you have this section selected as your inbox type your unread messages are going to come up at the top and everything else as you see is going to be at the bottom i actually opt to collapse everything else as well so that i just see my unread emails in my inbox which is what i prefer starred is any messages that you have manually marked as a star will come up at the top and then everything else will be at the bottom so no matter how old these emails are and then again everything else will be at the bottom priority inbox is going to group your unread emails and your important emails together and put those at the top so anything that falls into the category of unread and important is going to be right up here at the top and then multiple inboxes is something that you can fully customize i personally think that unread first along with the tips that i'm going to talk about next is the best way to organize your inbox so now that you've chosen your inbox setting labels are the next most important thing and for me truly the key to keeping your gmail inbox organized so i'm going to show you how to create them and also of course how to use them so let's say for example you sent out an email invitation to a party and you sent it to a bunch of recipients and they're all sending you back emails that they're confirming that they can't go and you want to keep track of all of the responses so how do you do that so an example would be by creating a label called rsvp as one example so if you click the drop down for more and click create new label i could say rsvp i can create this label and as you can see it's now living on the left hand side and i can actually change it to a different color which again i think is a huge huge important factor when you're creating your labels is color coding them so that you can actually see your inbox easier and then another tip i have is i'm going to edit the label really quick putting an asterisk in front of your label name which i will show you why in just a minute so let's just save that and now any rsvps that come up i can label them as such so let's just say this was an rsvp i can label it as rsvp and as you can see anything with an asterisk is going to come up on the top of the label list which is why i recommend putting an asterisk next to at least like really important ones so that they'll come up at the top click rsvp apply and now that one is labeled as rsvp and i can see it distinguished in my inbox but not only that i can also go to the left hand side here and click rsvp and see all the emails that people have responded rsvp'ing to this event so not only is it easier to see in your inbox it does create a sort of folder for where all of your labeled items are kept so that you can view them easier and all in one place you can also select what labels you want to show up on the left hand side here by clicking more and manage labels and then if you scroll down to labels you can show or hide in label lists and also show them only if they're unread but if they're red you can choose not to show them i think it's best to just show all of your labels on the left hand side to give you the easiest access to seeing all of them you can also choose to hide any of these other items if you want to hide your trash you can just click hide and it'll go away you can of course just show it again but that's how you kind of customize the left hand side of your inbox to make it easier for you to view and process your emails if you don't want to manually label things you can actually set up email filters the only downside with filters is that you do have to enter the email address that you want filtered so you have to know where these emails are coming from i'm going to show you an example though of a filter that i created i'm going to go to my settings filters and blocked addresses bed bath and beyond i have unsubscribed from the bed bath beyond email list countless times and i still get emails from them it's really frustrating so what i've done instead is set up a filter i'm going to show you how i set it up it says from bed bath and beyond and then if i click continue here are all the options i can do so i opted to automatically delete any emails that come from bed bath and beyond i do not need them and they send emails all the time so i just immediately have them deleted but you can do this with obviously as you can see apply the label so if you know that you know you're on a list serve or something like that you know where your emails are coming from you can set up a filter to automatically apply the label so you know if you want all of your bank statements to have a label which is what i do you know i can change it from you know my bank notifications email that i get apply the label bank statements and then they're all going to be labeled that way so i can look at them on the left hand side or easily identify them in my inbox we are of course going to continue with deleting any bed bath and beyond emails that come through you can also choose to have your filtered messages bypass your inbox and go immediately into like a labeled folder so for example for my work email i work in real estate and i'm signed up for this listserv that sends out properties that aren't yet on the market there are a ton of properties that are put up on this listserv so i would get them flooded in my inbox all the time and not all these properties are going to relate to what my clients or i am looking for so i have opted to i put the email address of the listserv here clicked continue and then i opted to skip my inbox and apply a specific label to it so that on the side here if i get the emails i still want to see them eventually i just don't want them all flooding my inbox i can go over to the left hand side here every once in a while click on that label and see all the emails that have come through without having them crowd my inbox it's also important to note that if you set up filters or labels it's not going to apply to previous emails it's going to apply to your emails from this point on from when you created it and saved it so if you go back in your inbox you know i might not see any bank statements from the past but now anytime you know my bank statements from chase or capital one or bank of america or wherever come through they're going to be labeled that way this can also be particularly helpful if you want to create labels for you know action items or to do's you can create a label called to do and we can just change the color to maybe you know red so we know that we need to do it maybe i want to leave a nordstrom review so i can click on it and label it as to do apply and now i can see that option in my inbox so this can be helpful if you want to mark tasks as completed outstanding to do things like that i also want to talk about archiving emails because this can be a really really good way to clean up your inbox if you don't want a specific email sitting in your inbox anymore that you've read that you've dealt with maybe your project is done you're done with that client but you don't want to delete it because if you delete an email as you can see if it's if you put it in the trash messages that have been in the trash for more than 30 days will automatically be deleted maybe you still want that information to reference a good way to get rid of it from your inbox is to archive it so let's go into this email right here i decide that i'm done with this but maybe i want to come back to it i can choose to archive it and now you will not find it in your inbox anymore so if you archive something on accident and you want to get it back if you go to more and go to all mail it should be in there this was the one that i archived you can also search for label archive and anything that has been archived will be in here and then you can click on it and then if you want to move it back to your inbox you can do that as well and lastly i want to show you how to snooze conversations or emails so that they will pop up back in your inbox at a later time so you can do this by right clicking right clicking is obviously gonna bring up all of these options which can be super helpful to just quickly move emails without having to click into the email move it and then go back to your inbox so i find this really helpful but you can click snooze and then it'll give you you know like standard options to snooze until works kind of the same way as an alarm clock once you snooze it at a specific time you pick it will pop back up in your inbox but you can also manually pick a date and time to snooze it until so if you want to snooze something for 30 minutes while you work on another project and then have it remind you again in 30 minutes snoozing is a really good way to do that so that is it for today those were some of my suggestions on keeping your gmail organized if you liked this video please give it a thumbs up and subscribe to my channel i really really appreciate the support and i will see you in my next video bye [Music]
Channel: How Do You Do?
Views: 5,691
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: claudia carlucci, claudia, carlucci, clauds carlucci
Id: ZWdgu7DQNxk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat May 22 2021
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