Intermediate Windows 10 Step by Step Guide

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when those 10 was released few years ago but it's constantly being updated with the new features to make sure users stay productive in this tutorial we'll start with the basics and then we'll look at some intermediate and advanced features of this operating system my goal is to make sure you learn fast and that's why I compress this tutorial as a series of how to's with the questions and then solutions where we'll start with the fundamentals I'll show you overview of this key components of Windows 10 and I'll show you tips and tricks on how to feel comfortable with this operating system and make yourself more productive one of the first things you need to do as the user in Windows 10 is to launch your applications the easiest way to launch Windows applications is using Start button you just click on the start button and then select the application you need to launch by navigating through the list of applications I will be using notepad to show different ways of launching applications in Windows but whatever I'll be showing you is applicable to any Windows application installed on your computer by default in Start menu notepad is located under windows accessories in you can launch it by navigating through the hierarchical structure of Windows Start menu but keep in mind that this is only one of many ways of launching windows applications let's look at another alternative you can just click on the start button and start typing for example I will be typing notepad and what happens windows automatically searches based on the keywords that I'm typing based on the first letters it will identify all the applications that match this criteria in this case it's only notepad that matches this but sometimes if it's a generic word might be more than one application so it finds it and you can click on the applications and launch it again for me using typing is the superior method of launching applications because this way I can find some applications that I don't know where they are located on the menu but through typing I can use Windows help to help me locate and find this applications over the years start button became not just the launching pad for occasions but also a comprehensive search tool in Windows 10 you can use Start menu to find applications locally and also Windows launches a web query to find everything that you're looking for based on the keywords you typed online as well in addition to launching applications from the Start menu you can also launch specific folder in Windows 10 specific URL in the particular browser and also launch specific section of settings and control panel now let's look at some options how Windows 10 can help you launch applications faster to do that let's click on Start button type notepad and use a right mouse click on your mouse in one of the options the last one is pin to taskbar taskbar in Windows groups most frequently used applications and I just click the pin to taskbar and notepad shows up by default as the most right application on the taskbar but what I'm going to do I'm going to assume that this is my most frequently used application and I'm going to drag it to the left using windows taskbar is one of the most effective ways of launching Windows applications it is always visible and only requires one mouse click to lunch because windows taskbar takes real estate on your screen one of the best strategies I found is only to put applications there that you use most frequently windows assign shortcuts to all applications that's in two tasks about for example notepad with bill number one each browser would be number two Chrome browser would be number three and etc to launch those applications for example to launch notepad you can use Windows one which launches notepad windows 2 which would launch edge browser and windows 3 would launch Chrome browser this way if you assign most frequently used application to your taskbar in the order how you use them you can use these shortcuts to launch them very quickly Windows 10 allows to fastest way of launching the application the first one is windows taskbar and the second one is keyboard shortcuts using windows taskbar you launch application just one miles click using keyboard shortcut it's just one keyboard click the best strategy of using these two tools is to put applications that you use the most frequently and configure them using this two methods for the fastest launch another shortcut to launch Windows applications quickly is pin to start to use it let's find notepad again by typing notepad in the Start menu and right mouse click on the found application and you see there is option pin to start when you select this nothing happens initially but when you click start menu again you see that there is a notepad application right here on tiles portion of the Start menu now you can launch notepad by just clicking the start button and click a notepad in the tile portion you can also move it and rearrange applications and for example if you use notepad more frequently you can put it as number one here on the tail structure you can also remove it from the tile portion by using unpin from start option and rearranging and putting things back as they used to be if you'd like the content please make sure to click the like button share with your friends and subscribe to my channel another cool way of quickly launching Windows applications is assigning custom shortcut for example which you can do you can assign a shortcut like alt shift m to notepad and when you hit this shortcut on your keyboard it will always launch note that this is the way to do it you can right mouse click on the application and open file location' and what happens it shows where the shortcut to notepad is located not the actual application but the shortcut you see this small this arrow sign in the icon and what you can do you can click on the properties for this shortcut and there's a shortcut key nothing is assigned by default but if I type old then holding all shift and then press M you see that it assigned alt shift and shortcut I click apply I click OK I close File Explorer and now I'll use the shortcut alt shift M and that launch is not to create the most productive environment in Windows it's always a good idea to differentiate between applications that you need access every day versus every week versus occasional use you can put the ones that you use most frequently on the taskbar or create Windows keyboard shortcuts for those so you can access that was just one click a lot of times instead of launching specific applications in Windows you may need to launch specific area that you're trying to manage for example documents the best way to do it is click the start button and an expand start portion which is different from the list of application you just navigate here and it shows all the different options here video recording that's the user ID I use documents that's the area we're trying to launch it also has areas for pictures settings and then power options if you don't expand it it shows just the icons but if you're doing it for the first time it might be worthwhile looking what those areas are because I wanted to launch documents I just click on the documents and it launches the documents area you see this is this PC Documents area in Windows sometimes you might realize that one of the most frequently used items in Windows for you is not the application but rather specific folder and file explorer or maybe settings or accessing particular URL let me show you how you can optimize and accelerate access to those items in Windows 10 Windows 10 allows you to customize what shows up in that menu to do that we just select documents or pictures or any other areas you can't select user ID it always should stay there and you can click personalize this list and it shows what the options are you might add or remove from that menu for example I would use File Explorer that's what I use very frequently settings documents I also look at downloads but I rarely use a look on music or pictures or videos I'm a dad Network and I do not use personal folder obviously your list might be different so make sure to choose options that you would use most frequently now let's look how changes we made those adjustments now you see there are more options here and if I click it expands and shows that we have documents downloads we have Network file explorer and if you click on any one of these options it will launch that area of the windows application that you are trying to find and now let's look at the one of the coolest recently introduced way of launching windows applications in Windows 10 if you're a power user and trying to manage the computer in addition to just using it you find this option useful to launch power options by clicking the start button and you do a right mouse-click and you see a lot of different options for example some options only available in settings or in control panel computer management is very useful option which launches computer management add an MMC plugin which allows you to look at different options in Windows and pretty much File Explorer settings task managers PowerShell and all of this other options used by power users and windows administrators very frequently so this is a neat way to launch and quickly access all of this command another way to launch Windows applications faster is to talk to Cortana first we need to configure Cortana which may not be configured on by default to do that let's click on the Start menu and type Cortana and by default its Cortana permissions and this is what we're looking for in one of the options there is talk to Cortana by default Cortana is not enabled so we can turn it on and it will respond to hate to Cortana if you also want to launch Cortana manually for example by using Windows C shortcut key you can enable this option which is what I'm going to do let's close it now let's launch notepad using Cortana hey Cortana launch notepad sure thing starting notepad and you see now notepad application is opened if you'd like the content please make sure to click the like button share with your friends and subscribe to my channel if you frequently visit the same URL you might consider pinning this URL right to the taskbar so you can access it quickly you can do it right your browser keep in mind though that different browsers have different capabilities allowing you to do that and you might accomplish the same goal differently for example in Chrome and then edge browsers Chrome browser allows you to put shortcut on a desktop that will open Chrome with particular URL to do that let's navigate to and once you on the page which you can do you can just drag and drop the URL and you see I'm doing it slowly when those allows you to drag and drop and drop it on the desktop now if I close Chrome browser and double click on this it will open the link in the browser as well from the desktop when those edge browser behaves a little bit differently to put the link right onto the taskbar you can do it in Microsoft edge you click on the menu and you choose the option pin this page to taskbar and you see the pages right here now you can close the browser and if you need to quickly navigate to you can just click on the icon and MSN that count will be opened up in edge browser now let's look at the Windows 10 settings which helps you to control system connected phone connected devices do personalization and a lot more a lot of times you may need additional applications to supplement your Windows 10 installation to find and install them you need to navigate to Microsoft Store which is available right from your Start menu to do that let's take Microsoft Store in the Start menu it launches Microsoft Store and typically what I'm looking for is productivity apps but your interests might be different for example if you click on the office 365 it offers you to download or sign up for a subscription pay either by annually or pay monthly and as part of this subscription you will get access to Word Excel PowerPoint onedrive outlook and publisher and access one of the best and coolest features of Microsoft Store is the ability to shop in one place and find what you're looking for for example if we go to home you can navigate through different categories like gaming entertainment productivity and search for deals it used to be that you have to go online and find applications for Windows platform from a lot of different publishers but now Microsoft store centralizes it another cool thing about store is Microsoft vetting a lot of applications before they publish them in the store which means that they protect you against potential vulnerabilities as a lot of hackers try to pose as the valid application providers making you download apps and then make your system vulnerable so they can access and steal information so getting it from Microsoft store a lot of times is a way of protecting yourself against that sometimes you may need to download many applications at once as a badge and you would like to do it from the trusted source one of the best ways to do it in Windows 10 is using the knight that count to do that let's launch the browser and you can navigate to and here on the site you see a list of free or open source applications and you can select which ones you would like to download once you select what you want that packages them and allows you to download and install them all at once and it also sets them up for automatic updates this is basically a way of packaging applications to quickly download them from the trusted source which is very important and also set them up so you can continuously get updates when updates come out I typically select browsers here because I like to use Chrome browser and Firefox select the free compression utility which is very helpful for Windows 7 zip I select VLC media player which has a lot more capabilities that built-in windows player and that typically select notepad plus plus your interest might be different to definitely explore those tools and see what's available but let's go through the step and download to proceed what you want to do is select everything that you need and then click get any night new night packages the applications and creates the executable which you can trust because this is a reputable source and a lot of people use this you click run on this executable windows prompts you do you really want to trust new night and you click yes here and after that it goes and installs all this applications that you have selected once installation is complete you can click close all applications are installed you see VLC media player notepad plus plus and both browsers now what you can do you can position them for effective launch you can launch them from here from Start menu or if you launch it once you can pin it by doing right mouse click and then selecting pin to taskbar option now even if you close Chrome browser the icon is still there and you can quickly relaunch it again Settings app is the simplified version of control panel that was available in Windows for a long time control panel is still available you can access it if you type the name of the applications in Cortana bar control panel and it shows up first in the list and you can see them compared in the Settings app and in control panel that are available I have them side-by-side which are pretty much similar but if you use two more control panel that it's probably going to be much easier for you to use especially knowing that it's still available let me show you the easy way to access settings through the Start button if you right click on the start button you see that a lot of features available and we see settings here we see File Explorer search and even run as well as shut down or sign out for the user and access to the desktop so same Settings app I just show to you you can just right click on the Start menu and select settings and it's available let me show you one setting I recommend you always change to reduce your blue light exposure reducing blue light exposure helps protect your eyes and allows you to stay more productive for longer periods of time when working in the computer systems to reduce blue light exposure on your computer consider switching Windows 10 into the dark mode and using nightlight feature of Windows 10 to do that let's navigate to settings and you can type dark mode and windows offers you turn on dark mode for apps and will choose this option here you can see that by default windows offers light colors and what you need to do you need to select dark color and you see how background for the apps has changed and now it's much easier on your eyes and you can work longer to turn on night lights which you need to do you need to type night lights and you can also find this option through settings but you can also navigate directly and you see that by default it's not turned on but you can turn it on and here you can select the strength of night light and you see how color is changing potentially because we already in the dark mode the change is not as substantial but if you would be in the light mode and your background will be light you will definitely notice the difference now let's look at the tiles section on Start menu so in tile section you see tiles and as you can see they're organized by groups and tiles are of the different size if you right-click on the tile you have different options that are available you can unpin from start which will remove it not the app itself but it will just unpin and it will not show up that's what the pinning means you can resize it and there are four different sizes available this is the medium size of the square you can do a small size you can also resize and make a wide size and you can make a large size those are four different sizes that are available I'm going to return it back to the medium size as it was and as you can see it fits nicely and if I drag and drop tiles especially if they match was the space available you can organize them very nicely on your desktop each style most of them also have additional settings like for weather app so you can go and go into the app settings you can some tiles or live tiles like for example weather might show you the live weather based on your region selection and you can configure it in settings and you have some other additional options that are available let's look at the taskbar and this is the bar at the bottom of the screen which has multiple things it has applications that could be opened based on your selection for example if you click on the edge browser you can open the edge browser here in the screen you can also see some other already open the applications and indication that some application is opened is in this line that at the bottom of the application you can also add additional applications to the taskbar and the reason you might want to do it is so you can quickly launch them when you need to for example I do have Excel here pinned the function of adding applications to taskbar is called pinning them because you're not actually adding application or deleting you're just pinning an existing application or and pinning an existing application you see right now I have Excel because I quickly can launch it I use it very frequently so I can just click on Excel and it launches Microsoft Excel but I don't have Microsoft Word available so let me walk you through the steps of how to add Microsoft Word to do that you can type word and there are multiple ways to do it you can launch it and it shows up here and this is excel that showed up after a while but I'm gonna switch to word so you see that word is running right now because the there is a line under the application which shows that application is active but if I closed word it disappears from the taskbar unlike Excel if I close Excel Excel will stay it's just the line underneath Excel will disappear so let me launch word again and now I would like to pane word to taskbar so it will be available even after I close Microsoft Word to do that I do right mouse click and there options here one of them is pin to taskbar and now when I close word word still is available and I can launch it when I need to as you can see a lot of functions in Windows are available through right mouse click so when you do right mouse click on the taskbar it shows a menu that's specific to taskbar and one feature that you might find very useful is the fact that you can move taskbar on the screen right now it's at the bottom but that does not mean that it has to stay in the bottom the only reason it it's fixed right now is because it's locked but if you select unlock taskbar then you can drag and drop it it could be on the right it could be on the top if you like it too and you just need to find the empty space which you can use to drag it from place to place and you can move it around the screen and all other windows are just based on your moves I'm gonna move it back and lock it again and we will look now at the desktop itself as you can see desktop area allows you to organize frequently used applications as well so you have icons for some of the applications that during installation loaded icons unto the desktop you can organize the menu like I just did here or you can also sort by for example name you can rearrange them by size item type date modified and you can look them at the medium icon large icons you can look at them as a small icons and there are some additional settings related to those desktop icons each icon on the desktop has its own set of settings and if you do select the icon and then do a right mouse-click you can access all the settings including properties for each app which shows which where app is located and how to execute it as well as a lot of different tabs that are available specifically for this application desktop itself also has settings and if you do a right mouse click on the desktop itself obviously you can reorganize the icons and I just showed you how to do it and you could click refresh you can also access display specific settings so when I click that on the display settings option it launches the Settings app and here it starts with the display options that are available to you as you can see I have three desktops and I can identify each one so this is desktop number three where I'm recording this video but I have two other desktops you can rearrange them based on how they are configured for example you can put one desktop on top of the other but this is not my configuration I have three desktops next to each other in one line and there are some other settings available you just need to scroll down for example one of the very useful settings is the size of the fund and how much text is available resolution you have different resolutions available and you choose the best one typically I choose the best one for recording so I have higher resolutions available which I'm not selecting here and I do it so people can see this and the mobile devices as well as in the desktops and then you can choose what to do with multiple desktops you can duplicate content on the desktops or you can extend desktops so each display in your configuration will show its own set of applications its own desktop kind of would be an extension so when you have three monitors you will have desktop that would be located on three monitors and you can drag it from one monitor to the other the new closed display settings app and let's look at the last part which is the personalized this part allows you to personalize your desktop and launches the Settings app with the personalization option so you can change the background and you can choose a different picture or solid color or slideshow can you have some options I have the left one but if I'd like I can choose a different option here and as you can see as soon as I selected the different option my desktop content has changed and now I have a different image on the desktop I'm gonna go back to personalize by right mouse clicking and I'll choose different options how you would fit this is helpful if your image is not exactly matching the size of your desktop so you can choose a different options of how you'd want to fit and obviously if you want to choose your own image you have to upload it onto the Windows computer and then click browse to find it and select it so it will show up on your desktop one of the very important applications available to Windows users is File Explorer so there are multiple ways to launch file explorer one of them is from the taskbar and this is how I'm going to demonstrate it it click on the file explorer and it has multiple different sections which we're gonna look at momentarily quick access onedrive this PC libraries and network libraries is something that was introduced in Windows 7 so you have to enable them I use them so I have them available you may not see libraries in your machine but let me close file explorer for now and I'll show you another alternative ways to launch it you do right mouse click on the start button and as you can see File Explorer is available which is the same applications and the third way might be through katana bar if you type File Explorer this is the first app that shows up let's look at the key features of File Explorer I'm going to launch it again and as I mentioned quick access is an area where you can pin quickly accessed folders that you need by default desktop downloads and documents and pictures are pinned here if you don't like something being here you can unpin it for example if you don't like maybe pictures be in this area you can right mouse click and then select unpin from quick access and then it removes pictures from there as we go down the list onedrive is Microsoft's technology that allows you to exchange information you have to sign up if there is a free account which has I believe 15 gigabytes of storage which is very nice if you connect it from multiple pcs you should be able to access onedrive which is a cloud storage from Microsoft and if you need more space I think there's a paid version of that so I clicked on this it prompts me to enter my email address assuming I already have an account for sign and if you don't have it you can sign up with onedrive I'm gonna close this dialog box and keep going this PC allows you to access to key folders of this workstation as well as access to drive C libraries I mentioned this is the feature that Microsoft is trying to retire so I use it because I used it since Windows 7 but you do not have to quick access is a much nicer equivalent of libraries and the network allows you to see which workstations are connected to your local network so you can connect to those workstations and exchange data let me show you a couple cool things you can do with File Explorer since as name implies it's very useful to work with the files so I clicked on the documents and do have some sample documents here and your view might be different and I'll explain you why it might be different and how to change the view so you see names of the files they'd modified type of the file in size sometimes you don't see file extensions I specifically enable them and I'll show you how to do that in case you're interested but if you move through the tabs and this is the ribbon interface which as you can see has multiple tabs in this case file Home share and view and you can move between the tabs and then the Home tab you have most frequently used functions for example you can have a new folder created by clicking a new folder button and you can has the name of the folder by default it's a new folder name but you can't just say it's documents you just type in the name in the view you select what type of view that you would like to have and you can switch between details which is what I currently have maybe to list view which is more simpler to understand view details has a lot of information or maybe content view or just the icons small extra large or large or medium types of icons what I mentioned to you is that I enabled extensions because I'd like to see what type of file it is before clicking on the file and to do that I showed you you need to click on the options again I'm gonna walk you through you click on the view and then click on the options button and it brings up the folder options dialog box and there are multiple tabs here one is general tab and the other one is View tab and this is where you select display file extensions here as well as display some other options so the specific option for file extensions is hide extensions for known file types but I'd like to see everything so I enable a lot of information even I like to see protected operating system files so I'm gonna click show you another tab here which is search specific tab before I click cancel so there are some settings of allows you to configure for example search options and then what to do when searching on indexed location this is helpful because if you search items in Cortana bar you can also search for local items and indexing allows you to speed up the search if you have many documents so you point where the index would be located and in which folders you will be indexing and then here in Cortana if you type the name of the document and its index it will allow you to find the document very quickly let me show you a couple ways to work with documents I'm gonna select for example simple word file here and as you can see on the right it's a quick preview of this file which is available for certain file types for example Microsoft Word Excel any office product will have a PDF we'll have it in a lot of other applications we'll have it so what you can do is the file is you can do a right mouse-click and you can copy the file and if you click on another place you can paste the file right it's a simple copy and paste and what Microsoft File Explorer did it created a duplicate of this file at the bottom and - copy and it a copy - the name of the file so what I'm gonna do you can copy file in one folder navigate to another folder and then paste file in another folder so I did copy and paste on the same folder just to simplify and it's good for you to understand what I would just happen but if I for example would like to create a duplicate of this file in another folder I need to click copy maybe to the folder documents and then do a paste here and this will copy and paste file here to go back you click the back button back to the documents right and we see two files because they sorted in alphabetical order so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna show another way to copy documents I'm gonna click on the file and drag and drop it and I'm gonna drop it and it's gonna move the copy file into the documents I'm gonna release the file and that went right into the Documents folder a lot of times you need to take a screenshot in Windows 10 let's look at the different options available so you can pick one that works best for you one of the easiest way to take screenshot in Windows 10 is to press Print Screen button on the keyboard windows takes a screenshot into the clipboard and then you can access it by pasting it into a different application for example if you launch paint in Windows 10 already press the Print Screen button you can just paste it and you see the screen print right in the paint application same way you can paste it into Microsoft Word or any other application that can bring in pictures from the clipboard alternative way to take screenshots in Windows 10 is by using snipping tool you launch snipping tool by type snipping you type snipping tool by using a start button in Windows 10 you launch it here you can create new Snipe by clicking the new button and snipping tool allows you to select specific area in Windows 10 which you would like to screenshot the difference between snipping tool and the Print Screen button is that Print Screen always takes our fullscreen and snipping tool allows you to make a selection once you take screenshot you can copy it by clicking edit copy or using a keyboard shortcut and you can paste it into a different application are you I will be using WordPad to paste it so to launch WordPad you type WordPad in Windows 10 Start menu it launches WordPad and then here you just use paste button and it pastes that Snipe that we just took using snipping tool one of the new ways to take screenshots in Windows 10 which was recently introduced you - called snipped and sketch you can launch it by using keyboard or just launch it in Windows Start menu to launch it in Windows Start menu you type the name of it snip and sketch and it shows up as one of the application and here you can just use a new snip you select the area paste it into the editing application where you can highlight it from here you can copy it by using the copy button and then you paste it into another application for example word bad once copied into clipboard it could be pasted into any application that has access to clipboard which is pretty much any Windows application if you'd like the content please make sure to click the like button share with your friends and subscribe to my channel sometimes you may need to take a screenshot and have it saved into the file system windows provides a shortcut to accomplish this in one step using Windows key and Print Screen button to take screenshot and save it directly into the file system you click Windows button and the holding Windows button push print screen you see the screen flashes for a second and then you navigate to the folder and you go to pictures and here windows created screenshot subfolder and here you see a screenshot one of the coolest productivity features of Windows 10 is its ability to focus on one application at a time and clean up screen quickly so you can stay focused one of the coolest capabilities to focus on one application and clean up the screen is to just shake the application which allows you to clear the screen and focus on only single application to bring them all back you can shake again and it restores the screen as it used to be another cool feature Windows provides is the button in the lower right corner it's barely visible but I'm moving my cursor here to show where this button is if you click on this it minimizes all the applications and shows the desktop you can click on it again and it restores the desktop what are the other features of Windows 10 you use on a daily basis can you please post them in the comments of this video so we all can learn thank you very much if the CDO was helpful make sure to click the like button in your browser also please help your friends to learn this topic faster by sharing this video with them and if you would like to be the first one to know about new videos to help you reach your goals faster make sure to subscribe to my channel make sure to check out my other relevant videos and subscribe to my youtube channel we have a lot of great stuff planned in the pipeline and I don't want you to miss any of it and if you'd like to get notified about all the new stuff that are coming out make sure to subscribe to my email list as well all links are here in the screen make sure to click to stay in touch thanks again for watching
Channel: Online Training for Everyone
Views: 16,125
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Keywords: windows 10 tutorial, windows 10, windows 10 beginners guide, tutorial windows 10, windows 10 for beginners, microsoft windows 10 tutorial, windows 10 tutorials, window 10 tutorial, windows 10 guide, windows10 tutorial, windows 10 install tutorial, start menu, tutorial, beginners guide, windows 10 beginners guide tutorial, windows 10 user guide, windows 10 intermediate tutorial, windows 10 intermediate, advanced windows 10 tricks, advanced windows 10 troubleshooting
Id: nOtvsNL2gCM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 3sec (2283 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 14 2020
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