How to Use Discord - A Beginners Discord Guide!

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this video is going to be a complete in-depth guide of how to use Discord a lot of people have asked me to make something like this like really a beginner's guide on how to use Discord so those you guys that might be watching that are familiar really familiar with Discord you're more of an advanced user this might be a video that you want to skip but if you are new to Discord you've never really used it before or you are using it and you're having a really tough time trying to figure it out and what everything means this is going to be the perfect video that breaks down everything for you this video is going to be broken up into different sections I'll have everything time stamped at the bottom we're going to be talking about servers in general and what they are we're going to talk about the different types of channels we're going to talk all about roles and we're also going to talk a little bit about thoughts so if you're familiar with certain parts and you want to just skip to the part that you actually want to know more about you can do that at the bottom that's enough for yapping for me let's actually get into it so before we actually talk about how to use Discord we need to talk about how to join a Discord server or if you have your own server you need to know how to invite people to join your server so the way you're going to do this is with a Discord dot GG link that you can see I just sent at the bottom of the chat if you're trying to join if someone else is prom providing you this link and you want to join their server all you have to do is click on it and it's instantly going to take you into the server but since I'm already in the server I'm not going to get the pop-up but normally you'll get a tiny little pop-up that says uh do you is this the server you want to join and you click yes or you click no once you click yes it'll instantly add you into the server now say you have your own server and you want to generate one of these links to be able to send to someone what you're going to do is you're going to come up to your server at the top left you're going to see an invite people button you're going to copy your link and there's one thing to note that there's different types of Discord invite links you have ones that expire and then you have ones that don't expire I always recommend using links that never expire to change it you want to click this edit invite link button down here at the bottom and if yours says seven days or one day or anything you want to change it to never and then generate a new link and then copy your link then all you have to do is send it over to all the people that you want to be able to join and just like that they'll be able to join your server so now you've joined your first Discord server let's talk about what you're going to see when you actually join and how to actually use the server so over here on the left you're going to have the server channel list there's a lot of different types of channels that you have inside Discord so let's go over a few of them the most common one is going to be text channels these are indicated by a normal hashtag or pound sign next to the left side of the channel name and these are just basic chatting channels as you can see right here in this one people can just chat about what usually you're going to have different topics for the channel so this one in particular is a Discord help Channel that I have in my own server so anyone that has questions about Discord they can come here and they just type in brief text messages about whatever their question that they need help with is now when you're when you're inside a text Channel usually it's going to be pretty self-explanatory what that channel is about and the topic of it but if you ever need a bit more clarification up here when you click in a channel up here at the very top you're going to have a channel description as long as the server owner has set that up if you click on it you'll be given a brief description on what the topic of that channel is supposed to be next up we have voice channels these are going to be channels that you can jump in and be able to voice chat with anyone that anyone else that's inside that voice Channel these are going to be indicated by a speaker button to the left side of the channel to join it it's really easy you just left click on it it's going to put you inside the server or inside the voice channel right away and you can talk to people in that channel a couple small things to note when you're inside a voice Channel if you see a microphone with a slash through it that means that user has their microphone muted so as you can see nothing is coming through none of my voice is coming through into this voice Channel right now if you see a headphone symbol with a slash through it that means they are deafened which means that they're not you're not going to be able to hear anything so if you need a minute where you want to kind of focus on something and you don't want to hear everyone else talking inside the voice Channel you can come down here click this deafen button and that'll make it to where you can't hear anyone else in the server at that time next up we're going to have stage channels these are going to be indicated by almost like a podcast looking symbol you're gonna have a person with a few uh curved lines going over their head the best way to describe these channels is like they're like a big live conference call if you've ever been inside a Twitter space or you've heard of Twitter spaces this is exactly the same feature just built into Discord so people are going to utilize these for any type of Live Events or live meetings sometimes live q a events whatever you want to do they'll be able to host this big stage Channel where everyone can jump in and only people that are selected to be able to speak are going to be able to speak so exactly the same way a Twitter space Works you're gonna have all these different listeners and then only a certain amount of people that can actually speak next up we have Forum channels these are going to be indicated by two little ghosty looking symbols Forum channels are going to work just like they do on Reddit it's just a more organized way to post different topics inside a Discord server um so for example I have one I haven't really used it but it's a Discord help Forum Channel and you can even have tags just like you can on Reddit people can come in and create a new Forum post and then it'll be a nice organized message where um you can look through all these different posts and have more organized discussions inside that Forum next up you have announcement channels these are going to be indicated by a megaphone next to the channel these channels are going to work kind of the same as text shows except the key difference here is users can do what's called follow the channel if a user clicks the follow button what it's going to let them do is any announcement that is sent to this channel um they can they can follow the channel and be able to get the messages that you send into this announcement Channel inside a channel in a different server this feature can be really helpful if you are a part of a big gaming server for our game that you like to play and anytime they post an announcement or an update for that game you can get all of that update message directly sent into a server of your own so those are all the different types of channels you have in Discord pretty simple not too hard to understand next up we have roles now we're going to be looking over to the right side of the screen over here you're going to have the server member list and it's going to be sectioned off into different roles this is also known as the row hierarchy on the back end of a server server owners and admins are going to be able to set up all these different roles and they're going to be able to organize them in a hierarchy type of way so usually you're going to have things like the server owner all the way at the top you're going to have the admins the moderators VIP members of the server people who are really active and established and then as you go down you'll get into like the regular members however that is set up on the back end of the server is going to be how they're displayed here so it's a really nice way to kind of organize all your different members and what roles they have another popular thing that you might see when it comes to roles inside a Discord server that you join is what's called reaction roles reaction rules are basically roles that you can claim yourself through the Discord server a lot of these are going to be more like customization things for your server um so a lot of people would do things like color roles where you can change the color of your name based on the role that you pick you can do things like I I have notification roles so people can click these different buttons to get signed up to get notifications for my live streams for my videos events and giveaways so if you ever join a server and you see a channel called roles or get roles or reaction roles and there's a bunch of different selections you can make on different types of roles you can get that's going to be what those are this brings us directly into the next topic that I briefly want to talk about and that's Bots now I have a lot of content on my channel going over if you're a server owner yourself and you want to learn how to set up different Bots and configure different Bots and what you can use them for I have a multitude of videos on my channel going over all of that but if you're just a user of Discord you don't own your own server you just want to know how to use Discord I'm just going to briefly touch on a few different functionalities of these Bots that you might see and the terms that you might hear when people talk about these Bots across Discord just so you're a little familiar with them so the most popular type of Bot that you're going to see across Discord is called a utility or a moderation bot these Bots are going to be able to do things like I just mentioned reaction roles these Bots are going to be able to do things like Auto moderation you can set up ticket systems with these bots so if you ever join a server and you see it like I have in mind a ticket system where you can click the button and it creates a private Channel there's utility Bots are going to be able to do that another popular type of Bot that you're going to see across Discord is a leveling bot what these are is there are Bots that track how active you are inside a server and the more you chat you gain XP and as you gain a certain amount of XP you'll eventually level up and the bot can be configured to where when you reach a certain level for example when you send enough messages to hit level five the bot will automatically give you a new role for hitting level five it's a way that server owners use to kind of incentivize being active in the chat a lot of a lot of server owners will set their server up to where as you get these higher level roles you'll get certain perks exclusive perks and more access inside the Discord server this could be be the ability to have extra permissions in the Discord server this can maybe be if the server owner does giveaways you could get Priority Access or extra entries into those giveaways certain things like that another popular type of Bot that you might see is a music bot a lot of these Bots are set up to be 24 7 hanging out inside a voice channel so if you ever see a random bot inside of waste Channel usually that bot will be deafened and it you can join that channel and they're basically just Bots that can kind of play whatever music you want a lot of people will set up like radio stations where the bodice just set on a loop to play a certain playlist of songs it's really popular in studying servers for example music Bots and those servers can be set up in different study room voice channels to be playing Lo-Fi music that's really helpful for studying and relaxing and users can just join that channel and hang out listen to the Lo-Fi music while they're working on their work just a nice way to have some background music now with all that being said I think that's a pretty brief overview on the main main functionalities of Discord the main terminology that you'll hear across Discord and just a general idea of how to use Discord now like I mentioned at the beginning this video is definitely aimed at a new user to Discord so if you're considering increasing your knowledge more about Discord and maybe you're considering starting your own server for yourself definitely check out the rest of the content on my channel I have a lot of topic on how to set up the best Discord server all these different features and functionalities that you can utilize inside your own server if you do have any questions please don't hesitate drop them in the comments below I'm always looking through and replying to people if you want to join my Discord server I'll have the link in the pin comment and the description you can jump in there go into the Discord help Channel that I mentioned earlier in the video drop a question in there I'd love to help you guys out with anything that you need thank you so much for watching and I will see you in the next video
Channel: Gehsture
Views: 1,960
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 5pTitXT0SCc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 50sec (650 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 26 2023
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