The BEST Discord Reaction Roles - Discord Onboarding Setup Guide!

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if you use Discord at all you're probably familiar with the term reaction roles these are roles that are set up in the server that are selectable by the user so they can customize their experience inside the server you can use these for notification roles you can use them for color rolles really anything under the moon that you want the user to be able to customize you can set up for the longest time the typical way that you would do this is you would add in a utility bot and you would set up an ed message through the bot and attached to that message would be the different reaction emojis for each role a user simply reacts to the message with that emoji that corresponds with the roll and they would get the roll well last year Discord released a new feature called onboarding which lets users be able to select roles when they join the server and it's way more aesthetically pleasing and efficient than the traditional method with Bots I did a video covering this last year but when I did that video they didn't have the new server Banner feature that's a part of this setup process so I wanted to do an updated video going over the entire onboarding process that includes the server Banner as well so we're going to dive into this test server I made and we're going to go through the entire onboarding process and how to set it up okay so I've Got This Server set up already with a bunch of channels and already created roles that we're going to set up for the user to be able to select now to be able to set this up you're going to want to go into your server settings and then before you are able to set this up you want to make sure that you have your server set up as a community server if you don't you should see an enable Community button right here and once you do that that will unlock all the new community features which onboarding is a part of and you're also going to want to go ahead and create any roles that you want to set up as reaction roles so I set up a couple we're going to go through how to set up not I set up two notification roles for YouTube and twitch and then I set up a few game roles that people are going to be able to select to un if they're interested in those games they're going to be able to unlock those game sections so let's dive into how to do this we're going to go to the onboarding tab and we're going to click check it out first thing that it's going to do is it's going to let you walk through the safety setup features so this is where if you want to set up rule screening you can do that right here under DM and spam protection you can click setup and you can put in any of the rules that you want now what this rule screening does is it kind of acts like the traditional verification method if you've ever joined a server and you've had to click a click a button or an emoji to verify yourself and then you get access to the rest of the server that's essentially what this is but built directly into Discord the rule screening feature was out for a while before onboarding was out but now they've integrated it to be a part of the onboarding experience so after you user goes through and selects the roles that they want to select they're then going to have to verify that they've read the rules they're not going to be able to actually get in the server and chat or anything until they do that so this onboarding feature also replaces the traditional verification method that you would use with a utility bot so I went ahead and copied and pasted just a few of the rules that I use in my own server um just to just to be able to Showcase what it will look like when you actually go through the process um you can stop and go ahead and copy and paste all of your rules in here you can also come back to this section later later and be able to do that later on so we're going to save that we're going to turn it on you can preview it this is what it's going to look like you'll have to check the box and submit that they've read and agreed to the rules after we set that up we're going to back out and then you have the ability to set up any autom moderation features if you want I would highly recommend setting up the block commonly flagged words you can click uh set up right there and then if you want to turn on the insult and slays that's the best one to enable you can turn that on if you want the alerts to be able to be sent to a specific Channel you can do that right here I'm going to set that up as my moderator only Channel I know I went through that kind of quick I have a full in-depth guide on auto moderation that I'll link in the description if you want to go check out that and what all you can do with auto moderation so we're going to save those changes we're going to back out and now we're going to go to the next step which is default channels this lets you set up any channels that you want the user to have access to without a specific role so we're going to select all of the welcome category because we want the user to have access to all these channels and we're going to select all of the text channels because we also want the user to have access to all of those without any roles the three that we're not going to check are our three game categories that I mentioned Apex valerant and csgo we only want the user to see these channels if they select that corresponding role so we're going to leave those blank and we're going to go on to the next section now this is where you can set up the actual questions so this is the reaction roll part of the onboarding so we're going to set up two questions one is going to be what notifications would you like to receive and then the second is what games are you interested in so I'm going to go ahead and type those in and then I'll show you how to set up the answers okay so I've got both the questions typed out um now we're able to add answers to them so for would you like to receive any notifications I already set up the two roles so the first one is going to be YouTube notifications and then we're going to type that in if you want to type in a further description you can say this is for YouTube noties and then you can either assign specific channels to them or you can give them a specific role what we're going to be doing is giving them a specific role so we're going to give them the YouTube ping roll and you can also the third option add an emoji if you want to give it a little more flare we can do the red circle for YouTube and then we're going to do the same exact thing for for the other roll we're going to do twitch notifications and then we'll type this is for twitch noties and then um we're going to select the role that we want to give the user again it's going to be the twitch Ping's roll and then we will use the purple circle for that go ahead and save your changes to that question and that is really all there is to setting that part up you also have another option down here say if you're setting up something like a region roll if you want if you want them to be able to select where they're from like North America South America so on and so forth you might want to turn off allow multiple answers because obviously someone can't be from North America and Europe at the same time so you can turn off allow multiple answers for me I'm going to make it where they can select multiple if they want or they don't have to you also have the option to make it a required question that they have to select something for or something they can just skip over and they don't have to select so now I'm going to do the same exact thing for question two really quick you guys get the process so I'm going to cut through this part go ahead and set that up and then we're going to go on to the next part which is the server guide something to note too if you have any custom emojis added into your server you can actually use custom emojis for these um selectable r this is a test server that I just set up so I don't have any emojis set up inside the server but I just wanted to go ahead and mention if you do you'll see an extra tab here that'll be your server with your server's emojis that you can select Okay so we've got both of our questions set up um you can add up to four questions that users can answer right here before they join and then anything after that has to be set up as a post jooin question I'll show you guys what that looks like in a little bit so let's go ahead and go on to the next step and this is going to be the server guide guide so it's a little bit more of a custom experience to welcome a user in once they actually get inside your server so we're going to start at the top there's three different steps to this part you have a welcome sign a new members to-do list and then also resource pages so we're going to start this top with this with the welcome sign we're going to set that up what this is is it's basically going to be a message just like this that kind of greets them into the server so we're going to set up the welcome message we're going to choose the message author I'm going to set it to be for me and then we're just going to type in a little message to greet the user into the server notice how it says you can do the brackets and the at username that will actually mention the user so they see their own name in the message and not just a generic messenger name so mine's going to be pretty simple you can type as much as you want I think up to 300 characters here I'm just going to do hey username welcome to the server we're going to click save and it will show you this is what it will look like to a user it'll say hey it'll ping them and it'll say welcome to the server now we have a new member to-do list so these are three to five different tasks that you can set up for users to be able to do to kind of help Point them in the right direction when they join your server so the first thing we're going to set up is I set up an introductions Channel and I'm going to direct people to that one of the my to-do tasks is going to be to direct people there so they can introduce thems so I'm going to select the introductions Channel I'm going to say what what should the member do we're going to say introduce yourself to the community so it's going to be it's going to be introduce yourself to the community inside the introductions Channel we can upload a custom thumbnail or we can just choose an emoji I'm just going to choose an emoji we're going to use the wave emoji and the last part is going to ask you when do you want the task to be completed do you want the member to simply visit the channel and then it checks off the task for them or do you want them to have to actually send a message to the to the channel since this is an introduction Channel I want the user to actually go in the channel and send a message and introduce thems so I'm going to talk I'm going to check on the setting to where the member has to send a message in the channel we're going to click save and then we've got it this is what it'll look like and now we're going to set up two more of these okay so I went ahead and set up two more so now we have three Todo tasks the first one is to introduce yourself that's one where they have to actually go and send a message the second one is going to be just to check out my content schedule inside the schedule Channel we put a calendar emoji on there and this one is set up to where the member just has to visit the channel and then thirdly we have check out upcoming events inside the Event Channel they just have to visit the channel as well and then they'll complete it so you can set up to five of those if you want you have to have at least three and you can do a maximum of five next up we have resource Pages the only channels you can set up for this are read only channels so they have to be channels that a user cannot message in so say if you're something like a stock Trader and you just kind of want to have a bunch of um different informational guides or something inside a channel then you could set the these up as resources pages and on your server guide on your server banner up here it'll actually show them all of the resource pages and they can click it and when they click it as a resource page it t it starts them all the way at the top instead of them starting at the bottom and having to scroll up so you can quickly add a few but if you want to customize it more then you want to click add a resource down here and this is where you can really customize them to kind of look how they look up here if you simply just click add it's just going to look like that and that's it but if you go in to actually customize it you can give it a nice picture you can give it a title with a description and you can really set it up to look nice and professional and if you if you use the quick add option you can still go in and edit them so we'll set up the welcome Channel and we're going to give this resource name and we're going to say welcome to the server obviously if you were actually setting this up for your own server you would want to set up some channels that are actually more informational driven besides just a welcome Channel but I'm just want to showcase how to set this up for you guys so once you actually type it in and give it a description it'll look a little bit cleaner you can also upload a custom icon to it to like I said give it a really nice look and feel up here so for this again you have to have at least three resource pages and they can only be read only channels so you're going to have to make sure you have at least three three read only channels set up in the server to be able to utilize this at the very bottom you can set up a server guide Banner if you are a level two boosted server basically at the top right here it just displays your server Banner to give it even more of a nice aesthetic when a user's looking at it started jumping here like this I was editing this video and I figured I should add this in here if you get this seems to be a weird bug with Discord onboarding right now if you get this weird popup that I'm showing you right now on the screen um all you have to do is go back out to your server Banner where you're setting up the server guide section go back in and you go back to the review screen and you should no longer get that airor pop up and you should be able to set everything up just fine I don't know why this pops up even if you set everything up to the te sometimes you'll still get this pop up it seems like it's just a bug so if you get it just go back to your server guide go back in into your on review screen and you should be good and once you set all of this up you are finally done setting up all of your onboarding settings and now you go on to the last step which is review so we're going to click next and we're now able to review everything that we set up if there's anything wrong if if there's anything wrong like certain channels are't accessible through onboarding which is your questions and default channels it'll give you a warning and you'll have to go back and edit those but what we're going to do now is we're going to preview this to see what it looks like so we're going to click preview and it's going to let us go through the actual onboarding process so when a user joins this is what will happen they'll get this pop up and they'll they'll have to answer the questions so do you want to receive any notifications I do want to receive YouTube and twitch it'll tell them at the bottom they're going to receive the YouTube pings and the twitch pings roles they'll click next they have another question let them select what games they're interested in say they select one and two and then click next and La the last step is going to be to read and agree to the server rules rules so this is where that verification rule screening process comes into play Click finish and then they will be into your server and they'll be greeted with your server guide SLS server Banner so if you liked how that process went you go back to your onboarding settings and then you enable the onboarding if there's anything you want to change up you simply just go back and you can go back to you can edit your default channels you can come back you can edit any of your questions stay down the road you want to add in another question you can come in and add a third or fourth question if you want or you can edit your server guide if you don't really like the server guide I personally don't use it in my own server you can completely turn it off if you want and you can still have the actual de um selectable rol as part of the onboarding process so it's cool they give you the option if you don't prefer the server guide you can completely turn it off that's pretty much the process of setting up onboarding I prefer this way more than the traditional reaction rolls with utility Bots it's just such more aesthetically pleasing and such more of an efficient experience for the user it makes sure that every user when they first joined gets the option to select the roles they want and customize the experience the way they want it to be rather than having to C join your server and then find a rolles channel that they go to and then select the rolls through that channel now in the future if a user ever wants to change their roles there's a channels en rolls button that'll pop up at the top they click that and it'll give them the exact channel the exact questions that they had when they join they come in here they can toggle on or toggle off any of the rolls that they want or no longer want and that's pretty much all I got so hopefully this video hopefully I didn't go too fast for you guys I feel like I went through this a little bit fast but I didn't want the video to drag on too long even though I feel like it already did so hopefully you guys got some value from this in a couple weeks I will have my Fool's 2024 Discord setup guide out I wanted to go ahead and get this out because it's a lengthy process to set up and I don't want that server setup video to end up being an hour long because if I included this in there it would be an entire hour long so I went to go ahead and get this out and then once I do that video I can refer people back to this video so hope you guys enjoyed thank you for watching and I will see you in the next video peace
Channel: Gehsture
Views: 18,837
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 8sec (908 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 19 2024
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