Easily Create PowerPoint Presentations with Copilot AI

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 Chris Menard here. Welcome to my YouTube  channel. Feel free to subscribe. In today's video,   we're going to use Microsoft Copilot,  one of my new favorite features. I love   Copilot. We're going to create a PowerPoint  presentation from scratch. We're gonna   let Copilot do all the heavy lifting for  us. Let's take a look at this right now. So I've already actually created  one PowerPoint presentation. I'll   do one live in just one second. I pulled up  Copilot and told Copilot, Home tab, Copilot,   in case you're wondering where Copilot is. I  already told Copilot to create a presentation on   how to run a successful conference. Copilot came  back in this box and told me, okay, here you go. If you notice, I have a total of six slides.  I'm not going to run through every one,   but here's plan ahead. Here is engage with  your audience. So after PowerPoint creates   a presentation, you're not done. You can keep  throwing in questions or asking for requests   in the prompt box. So if you notice  in this one I don't have an agenda. Usually slide two is your agenda, or your  overview. So let's see if PowerPoint will   create one, let's see if Copilot will  create one for us. Create an agenda.   That's it. I hope it puts it as slide  two. So this is kind of cool. I haven't,   I actually haven't even tested this. Let's see.  If it's smart enough, it'll put it to slide two. There it goes. This is really cool. It picked  up every heading. Plan ahead is slide 3. Engage   is slide 4. Slide 5 is operations and  then collect feedback. Excellent. The   last slide is the conclusion slide. So, there  you go, there's the prompt that I just used,   create an agenda. Perfect, let's go  make a presentation from scratch. So, new file, quick tip for you, if I just  clicked on a blank presentation and I'm going   to go select copilot, copilot's on the home tab,  if you have a PowerPoint template that you use,   it does work. Pull up your template first,  get rid of any template slides you don't need,   pull up Copilot, and then click on, just like  I'm doing right here, create a presentation. If you have a presentation not using your  template and you need to, two easy methods,   you could use design tab themes to do  that. Or, you could copy those slides,   make sure your template's open, paste  them into your template and tell it to   use the destination theme. That would work  also. Those are my two solutions for that. But here you go. Create a presentation.  You can create a presentation on anything   you want to. I could do the solar system.  I could do an application like Excel or   Word. I could do a company. I'm going to  end up doing a company in this example.   And you just saw where I did how to run a  successful event or a successful conference. I'm based in Atlanta, so I'm going to  pick on a company that I love that is,   uh, also based in Atlanta, and that is Delta  Airlines. Create a presentation on Delta Airlines. I'm expecting to see slides on where they're  headquartered. What aircraft they use. Let's see   what it gave us. It is done. It came back with  a total of six slides. Frequent flyer program,   onboard experience, safety first, global  alliance. So one of the slides, okay,   here we go again. One of the slides that  I was expecting to see, I didn't see,   and that is where their, where's their  headquarters and when, what is their history. Add a slide about their history. and include  the Atlanta hub. I could have actually turned   that one prompt into two. I probably could have  done their history. Perfect. It got it right.   Making Georgia's correct at Atlanta 1941. And  there you go. One more about the out of slide,   because this is cool. If you've flown  Delta before, and I actually don't care   what airline you fly, y'all know this,  they've got usually different seatings. Main, first class, Comfort Plus, possibly.  Delta has something called Comfort Plus.   Let's see if it's smart enough to know  that. Add a slide about Comfort Plus.   I'm expecting to say something about extra  leg room. And usually it's located towards   the front of the plane. There you go. Good  enough. I could, I could work with that. So there is Copilot. Uh, I already had one  presentation created on a conference. I came   back and did a company. You saw me add slides to  it. You saw me add an agenda to one of the slides,   which was a cool feature. One last item  to discuss, when you're in Copilot, if you   notice on the Home tab, Copilot sits right next to  Designer, which is a great feature in PowerPoint. If I click on Designer, And I don't  like the way this presentation looks.   I can come in here and start using  Designer to change this presentation,   in case you're wondering. I don't actually like  this, but I'll click it just to show you this. I   can click on something else. More designs.  So there is Designer inside of PowerPoint. I appreciate your time. Feel free to subscribe  and ring the bell. Have a wonderful day.
Channel: Chris Menard
Views: 4,354
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PowerPoint Presentation, Microsoft Copilot, Creating Presentations, Presentation Tips, Agenda Creation, Design Templates, Custom Presentations, Presentation Tools, Corporate Presentations, PowerPoint Design, Presentation Enhancement, create presentations with copilot, copilot tutorial, microsoft copilot, chris menard
Id: RrXGjYl_mqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 10sec (370 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 13 2024
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